Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 288 5 Alive, 1 Dead

Chapter 288 500 Alive, 1000 Dead
"Brothers, don't talk nonsense about the fact that Brother He and I are going to Qiantang tonight. You can't even mention it, especially in front of their girls." Friend, my favorite thing to do.

It is in front of women, talking crazy and bad things about his anchor.

Especially now that Duoduo and Li Ziwei are together, they like to talk about Li Ziwei and other girls.

What they meant by this was that they wanted to see the anchor jumping in anger.

But if the anchor really broke up because of this matter, then the people in the studio will sincerely apologize.

They just can't see the anchor being good, and they can't see the anchor being wronged.

"My brother, we understand you"

"Don't worry, we are not that kind of people in the studio"

"Is there any brother from Qiantang? Let's go to OT to snipe Brother He and Young Master together at night."

The people in the live broadcast room are now patted on their chests as guarantees.

But don't believe them, because they're speaking more firmly now.

When they betray the anchor later, everyone will treat the current guarantee as fart.

"Don't tell me right now, when the live broadcast room is in the hands of their women, you will all backstab me and Brother He, do you hear me?

Sigh, if I knew that when I was chatting with Brother He, I should have turned off the mic." Li Ziwei also convinced the gang in their live broadcast room, and each of them liked to watch his jokes more than the other.

But these water friends sometimes moved him very much, when he didn't have 001.

They would always drive their cars and send them all the way to him.

Originally, he didn't plan to have further development with his sister, but he gave away all 001, so he had to use up all of them.

After all, the water friends in the live broadcast room should not be chilled.

"Of course not, don't worry."

"Master, is that McLaren P1 in front of you your friend?"

"The big devils are different, there are really many magic cars"

The people in the live broadcast room saw at this time that there was a McLaren P1 in front.

They thought this car belonged to Li Ziwei and the others. After all, the circle of the rich second generation in Shanghai is that big. ,

It is normal for Li Ziwei to know each other.

And in the car in front, there was a big guy named Su Wei.

"Does this P1 look familiar? I seem to recognize this license plate, but I forgot who it is?" Li Ziwei saw that the P1's tail number was 777, and he felt that he must have seen it before.

But who owns the car, he is not quite sure.

In the past, he might have thought of it all at once, but now his memory is not good after the live broadcast.

"This P1 is so close, it should be someone I know."

"Isn't this Yang Jiale's car? What is he doing here?"

"Fuck, it crashed, this McLaren P1 collided with Brother He's Bugatti"

The people who were watching in the live broadcast room were all dumbfounded.

Because the two cars that collided were both divine cars.

Although the McLaren P1 is cheaper, it is also a magic car with over ten million yuan.

Most of the people in the live broadcast room didn't know anything about Su Wei and the Yang Group.

After all, the matter of the Yang Group has nothing to do with ordinary people.

"Damn it, something went wrong"

"Is this revenge? It feels like it was intentional"

"This P1 is going to be hit? Oh, it was knocked away by the Q7, this P1 is going to run away"

. . . . . .

Yang Jiale had been waiting for several hours for this moment.

After he knew that Su Wei would pick up the car live today, he got off Huya to watch Li Ziwei's live broadcast.

When Su Wei arrived at the convention and exhibition center at four o'clock, he actually drove to the convention and exhibition center as well.

But he knew that Su Wei was surrounded by bodyguards, so he had no chance.

But it doesn't matter, he has plenty of time now.

Finally, after 7 o'clock, he waited for that opportunity.

Su Wei and the others said in the live broadcast that they were going to eat hot pot at Xintiandi.

Yang Jiale deliberately drove the car to the vicinity of Xintiandi ahead of time.

When Bugatti arrived, he bumped into it without hesitation.

The McLaren P1 directly hit the main driver of Bugatti, and Bugatti was directly hit by this force to the green belt on the side of the road.

At this time, Yang Jiale was going to hit the Bugatti again, but Su Wei's bodyguard drove the Q7 and hit him directly.

Yang Jiale saw that there was nothing he could do, so he ran away in this crappy P1.

"Don't chase, you can't catch up.

Hurry up and help me rescue Wu Xiaoxuan, I already know who the person who hit my car is." Su Wei was chatting with Wu Xiaoxuan just now, when he was hit suddenly, he was completely dazed.

Because the McLaren P1 hit the car door, there was nothing serious about Su Wei.

One thing that is better about a sports car is its safety configuration.

Many times I see that kind of sports car in an accident, hitting at a speed of more than 200 yards.

The driver of the sports car can even get down and call for help.

If there is an accident within 200 yards of the family car, basically everyone will be gone.

After Su Wei was hit, he clearly saw the driver of the McLaren P1, which was Yang Jiale.

When Yang Jiale wanted to run into him again, he was driven away by the bodyguard.

At this time, Su Wei dared to get out of the car.

But when he saw the bodyguards trying to give chase, he stopped them all.

Of course he didn't want to just let it go, after all, Yang Jiale was going to put him to death.

Su Wei was not a kind person, and Yang Jiale would definitely not let him go.

But at this time, of course, the priority was to save others, because Wu Xiaoxuan was seriously injured.

Because the driver's seat of the McLaren P1 hit first, Wu Xiaoxuan suffered the most injuries.

"Don't chase, let's save people first.

Mr. Su, your head is bleeding, take my coat to stop the bleeding first." Zhang Ruoyu hurriedly ordered the bodyguards to stop chasing, after all, their Q7 could not catch up with the McLaren P1.

Although the front of the car was completely ruined, the car was still able to drive without the engine at the front.

With this time, it is better to take care of the boss first.

After all, the boss's head was bleeding when it hit the glass.

"Brother Wei, I already know who hit your car, it's Yang Jiale." When Li Ziwei ran over, he didn't even care about the live broadcast room.

After all, if the live broadcast is gone, it will be gone, but Su Wei can't be bothered.

He didn't recognize who the car crashed at first, but he remembered it after being reminded by the people in the live broadcast room.

That McLaren P1 belongs to Yang Jiale.

"I'm fine, but Wu Xiaoxuan is seriously injured, so let's go to the hospital first.

Yang Jiale, wait until I go to the hospital." This time Su Wei was really pissed off because he was murdered in the street.

If Wang Xiaoyuan hadn't told him today, she would have been restless today.

Then Su Wei wouldn't change his seat today, and he might be the one who was seriously injured now.

"Okay, let's go to the hospital first. The University of Traditional Chinese Medicine is next to it. Let's go there." One of Li Ziwei's ex-girlfriends used to go to school here.

So he is quite familiar with this area.

"Okay, then we'll go there and wait for you to lead the way.

Slow down, let me hug you, I’m fine, I just bumped my head, it’s fine, leave it to me.” Seeing the bodyguards and the others, Su Wei opened the Bugatti’s door.

At this time, Su Wei saw Wu Xiaoxuan, but she looked a little miserable at this moment.

Because her head should have hit the left windshield first, and then she was knocked out by the airbag.

And besides her head, her left foot and left hand were also bleeding.

Su Wei pushed aside the protection of the bodyguards, carried Wu Xiaoxuan out, and got into the Q7 car.

"Viagra, what about your car?" Li Ziwei asked, pointing to the terribly bumped Bugatti beside the green belt.

After all, if they went to the hospital, what would happen to the car.

There are at least dozens or even hundreds of people watching now.

"I'll leave a bodyguard here, don't drive that car of yours, just drive this Q7 to the hospital." The Bugatti was hit like this, and it basically needs to be overhauled if it is not scrapped.

It was a door hit by a McLaren P1 and the car lost control.

After a few turns, it hit a green belt.

Su Wei's head hit the glass when the car hit the green belt.

"Okay, then I'll drive this Q7"

. . . . . .

"What did the police say?" After Su Wei was sent to the hospital, he had a full-body examination first.

The doctor examined it carefully, and found that his head was just a small opening.

If you press it forcibly, there will be a slight concussion.

As for the body, that's fine.

However, just in case, the hospital arranged for him to be hospitalized.

Su Wei also agreed to be hospitalized. After all, if something happens, it can be treated on the spot.

During this period, the police also came to the ward for questioning. After all, the fact that he was murdered in the street is causing a lot of trouble now.

At that time, in addition to the audience at the scene, tens of thousands of people in Li Ziwei's live broadcast room also saw it.

Although Huya has already kicked Li Ziwei off the broadcast.

But Li Ziwei was kicked off the broadcast, and that was already after the incident happened. ,

There were at least tens of thousands of people who saw the scene of the crash.

After the car crash, the Xintiandi police station's phone was immediately rang by the audience.

"The police have applied for an arrest warrant, and as long as he is still in the country, he cannot escape.

Mr. Su, I cannot escape the blame for such a big incident this time." Liu Qiang also felt very wronged, because this matter had nothing to do with him.

When Su Wei was hit, no one else was there.

But because he is the captain of the bodyguard team, if this happened, it must be his responsibility.

"What does this have to do with you, after all, no one would have imagined that Yang Jiale would go crazy and act like this on the street.

By the way, I plan to give him a reward for the bodyguard who bumped into Yang Jiale's car this time, what reward do you think I should give? "Su Wei felt that the bodyguard behind him was really good.

Before the others could react, they immediately knocked Yang Jiale's car away.

Without his reaction, Su Wei might be fine.

But Wu Xiaoxuan's words are likely to be hurt even more.

"Boss, in the army before, Xiao Guo was my soldier, so I know him quite well.

He was actually able to stay in the army at that time, but because his family conditions were not good, he later went to work as a bodyguard in all over the world.

Boss, if you want to give a reward, I suggest you give the money directly." Liu Qiang has been with the boss for so long, and knows that his boss is very generous.

What Xiao Guo needs most now is actually money.

There is no direct money to give other needs.

"Xiao Zhang, then remember to remind me tomorrow, I will go to the bank to withdraw money for him tomorrow." Why did Su Wei give the money to Xiao Guo instead of calling him directly into his card.

Because it hits Kali, what does it feel like?

Only when money is placed directly in front of people can it have a visual impact.

He hit it well this time, so Su Wei planned to give him 50.

In fact, this time, if Xiao Guo could directly kill Yang Jiale on the spot.

Then Su Wei might add another zero after the 50.

"Good Mr. Su"

. . . . . .

"Xuanxuan, don't get up, how are you, are you uncomfortable?" Su Wei lived in the room next to Wu Xiaoxuan.

He heard the movement next door and knew that Wu Xiaoxuan had come out of the operating room.

If Wu Xiaoxuan hadn't been there this time, he might be the one lying down.

When he came out, he saw Wu Xiaoxuan's best friend Duoduo and Li Ziwei at the door of the ward.

And Liuliu, who hadn't contacted Wu Xiaoxuan for a long time, also came over this time.

But when he saw him, he turned his head indifferently.

Su Wei didn't care, after all, he wasn't familiar with Liuliu.

Chatted with Li Ziwei and the others, and then let them go back first.

But Duoduo refused to leave, saying that he planned to accompany her tonight.

Seeing Duoduo saying that, Su Wei just let her go.

When they entered the door, they saw the doctor was telling Wu Xiaoxuan something, and then they saw Su Wei coming.

They were very conscious, so they all said goodbye and went out.

"Woooooh, husband, I was scared to death just now. I almost thought I was going to die, and I thought I would never see you again." Wu Xiaoxuan was actually awake when she was sent to the hospital.

At that time, she was really terrified, afraid that she would be so disfigured.

I also asked the nurse next to me if there was nothing wrong with my face.

He didn't feel relieved until he got a definite answer and knew that his face was fine.

At that time, she was hit by a car, and then the car lost control and crashed into the green belt.

Her first reaction was whether she was going to die.

When he woke up again, he was already in the hospital.

"It's okay, I'm here, is your head still hurting?" Su Wei sat on the side of the bed, and carefully hugged Wu Xiaoxuan in his arms.

The reason why he didn't dare to be too heavy was because Wu Xiaoxuan had 13 stitches on her head. ,

I was afraid that when I patted her on the back, it would touch her scalp.

"Now I have anesthesia, and the doctor said that the pain will only be when the anesthesia is over.

How is the car, my husband?This Bugatti hasn't bought insurance yet." Wu Xiaoxuan and Su Wei seemed relaxed, but in fact she was crying all the time during the stitches.

Now seeing Su Wei coming, he thought of the bumped Bugatti.

After all, this car was bought for 4500 million, and it was only picked up today.

"It doesn't matter. The most important thing is that you are fine. It's not that you can't buy a new car. If this car is crashed and scrapped, then we will buy another one.

It just so happens that I don’t like this blue and black, I like pure black Bugatti, and this car is a regular model, we will buy a carbon fiber sports version at that time, and when the car arrives, I will let you drive it around shopping.” Su Wei is so rich , I really didn't think it was a big deal that the car was hit.

As for the car being scrapped, I also feel that it is a big deal to buy another one. ,

As long as no one is hurt, everything is fine.

"Has the person who hit me been caught? I suspect he hit me on purpose, because I was driving in my own lane at the time. I was driving very carefully. It was he who suddenly came to hit me." The airbag knocked her unconscious, and she didn't know that the man was actually here to seek revenge.

She thought it was just a normal traffic accident, and recalled that she should have done nothing wrong while driving.

"That person actually hit us on purpose, he is Yang Jiale from the Yang Group, this time he was supposed to hit me mainly, but he didn't know you were driving, so he hit you.

As for the person, he hasn't been caught yet, but I believe there will be a result soon." Regarding the arrest of Yang Jiale, Su Wei didn't plan to rely entirely on the police.

He has his own plans, and it would be too cheap for the police to catch him.

"So that's the case, my husband, do I count as a disaster for you?" Wu Xiaoxuan didn't expect this to be the case, and she accidentally acted as a substitute for the dead ghost.

Fortunately, I was lucky enough to be safe, otherwise I might have died on the spot.

"Forget it, if you have any wish, I can make it come true for you." Su Wei felt sorry for Wu Xiaoxuan for causing her to be bumped.

But fortunately, with her, he was only slightly injured.

"I don't have any wishes to fulfill right now. I think finding you is already the greatest gift from God to me." Wu Xiaoxuan now has a car, and only needs a house.

But it's hard for her to say that, because Su Wei just bought her a Lamborghini yesterday.

What's more, she just ran into a Bugatti.

"Hello, Mr. Su, the patient has a concussion, so she needs to rest more." The nurse knocked on the door and walked in.

Seeing Su Wei and Wu Xiaoxuan hugging each other, she knew it was not worth disturbing.

But Wu Xiaoxuan's concussion really needs more rest.

"Okay, I know.

Xuanxuan, take a rest, I will come to see you tomorrow, I live next door." Su Wei will definitely not go back today, who knows if Yang Jiale is driving a car and ambushing nearby.

And in the hospital, if he has any headaches, he can go to the doctor directly.

"Okay, husband, you should also rest more"

. . . . . .

"Boom, boom, boom"

"Xiao Zhang, go and see who it is." Su Wei was lying on the bed chatting with his sister on WeChat when he heard someone knock on the door.

He didn't care who it was, so he asked Zhang Ruoyu to open the door, after all, he could knock on the door.

They were all confirmed by Liu Qiang and the others as having no problems.

"President Su, are you alright?" Chen Lihua got the news as soon as something happened on Su Wei's side.

Because he is the one who specializes in serving Su Wei in ICBC, so he came here the fastest this time.

"Why are you here? You are here, so it seems that my hospitalization is no longer a secret." Su Wei saw that Chen Lihua was here, so the basic banking system must know that he was hospitalized.

According to the pissing nature of their group of people, a large group of people must come over later.

"Almost, Mr. Su, this is the bird's nest cooked by my wife. If you're hungry, you can drink some. I'll make you a bowl first." Chen Lihua knew that Su Wei didn't need anything, so he asked his wife to boil it for a while. Big bowl of bird's nest.

He should have arrived earlier, after all, he was the first to know about it.

He didn't come here until now because he was waiting for the bird's nest to be ready.

"Xiao Zhang, I'll just keep a bowl here, and you can send the rest to Wu Xiaoxuan." Su Wei planned to give Wu Xiaoxuan a drink, after all, her girlfriends definitely wouldn't do this.

The second is that he has something to explain to Chen Lihua alone.

"Okay President Su" Zhang Ruoyu didn't expect this to happen today. She already told her parents that she would not go back today.

Without Su Wei's knowledge, she had already called for an escort bed.

When the time comes, the bodyguard will accompany her outside, and she will accompany her in the room.

"Xiao Chen, help me find a house in the fourth phase of Cuihu Lake, and the ownership can be transferred soon." Su Wei has just asked Zuo Qing, and she doesn't have this house.

Because the houses in this community have only been handed over for a short time now, and there are not many houses listed for sale.

The reason for not showing it up is very simple. Now it is 5.5% more sales tax to sell it out.

"Okay, is there anything else Mr. Su wants to do?" Seeing Su Wei calling his assistant out, Chen Lihua knew that he must have something to explain to him.

But I didn't expect it to be such a trivial matter as buying a house.

But since this is what Su Wei explained, even if it is a small matter, it must be handled as a major event.

"By the way, you can release a message for me here." Of course, Su Wei would not dismiss Zhang Ruoyu just because of such a trivial matter.

What he had to say next was what really mattered.

"President Su, what news do you want to say?" Chen Lihua knew that what Su Wei was going to say next was what he really wanted to do.

As for buying a house, it should be a coincidence.

"You should have heard about the matter between me and Yang Jiale. After he bumped into me, he didn't know where he went now. I plan to mobilize ordinary people to join in and find someone." Su Wei's main purpose this time is to The water is muddy.

He didn't plan to show mercy this time, and planned to get rid of Yang Jiale completely.

After all, there is only one who can be a thief for a thousand days, and there is no one who can guard against a thief for a thousand days.

"Boss Su, do you mean that you want to offer a reward?" At this moment, Chen Lihua just thought that Su Wei wanted to help the police.

After all, Su Wei's safety can be guaranteed only if the person is arrested and brought to justice as soon as possible.

"Yes, it's a reward. Whoever catches him, I'll give him 500 million. If anyone finds Yang Jiale's body, I'll give him 1000 million."

(End of this chapter)

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