Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 289 Killing under Misunderstanding

Chapter 289 Killing under Misunderstanding

"Oh, I didn't expect that I, Yang Jiale, would really want to live here now." After Yang Jiale crashed the car, he drove his car towards Jing'an.

Because the house that Kong Xueer rented was in Jing'an.

As a result, the McLaren P1 broke down halfway after only running more than ten kilometers.

Yang Jiale ignored the McLaren P1, opened the car door and ran away.

After running for a while, he took off his coat and took a taxi to Kong Xueer's rented house.

Although he has not been trained, he still knows a little about basic anti-reconnaissance.

After Yang Jiale got into the taxi, he relaxed and his hands trembled violently.

The taxi driver thought there was something wrong with him, and ran away after sending him to the place.

Yang Jiale came to live with Kong Xueer because it was secluded enough.

At that moment, Yang Jiale knew that he definitely didn't kill Su Wei.

It was supposed to make up for the second time, but was stopped by Su Wei's bodyguards.

Now that Su Wei is not dead, he will definitely be retaliated by Su Wei.

If he continued to live at home, Su Wei would definitely find him.

So he could only go back to Kong Xueer, the place he still hated in the morning.

"Jingle Bell"

"Who is it?" Yang Jiale was sleeping on the sofa in a daze when he heard the phone ring.

His number is his very personal number.

It is impossible to fight someone who is not particularly familiar with it.

I took a look at the phone, and it turned out to be an unfamiliar number.

Originally, he wanted to hang up directly, but he had just finished crashing the car.

Right now, he desperately needs a vent.

"Jiale, it's me, I'm Yangyang, thank God, you're fine now, I was really worried to death just now." After Yang Jiale's call was blocked by Yang Jiale, Yangyang originally planned to contact him in a few days.

Because before she was blocked by Yang Jiale's phone and WeChat, it took a while before she was released.

Originally, she thought it would be the same this time, so she wasn't worried at all.

But tonight, her best friend told her something.

After she confirmed that the incident was true, she quickly used a new number to call Yang Jiale.

Over the past few years, Yang Jiale has basically blocked all the cell phone numbers around her.

"Are you still worried about me? I thought you called me because I ran into him with a car today, and your heart hurts?" Yang Jiale, who was about to hang up the phone, heard Yang Yang on the other side of the phone say so.

He wanted to hang up the phone, but he couldn't press the hang up button.

After all, the woman you really loved, even if you know she hurt you.

But I still want to hear what she wants to say.

"Why do I feel sorry for him? I don't know him well, and I even wish he would die." Hearing Yang Jiale's words, Yang Yang felt inexplicable.

As for Su Wei being hit today, if it weren't for the fact that the perpetrator was Yang Jiale.

She really wants to beat the gongs and drums, after all, this is indeed a happy thing.

She can still vividly remember what happened in the bar box that day.

"You don't know him well? I've seen what you did at the M2 bar that night, and you're still pretending not to know him in front of me?
Don't you think that if a man and a woman both met naked, they would be strangers?
Yangyang, why didn't I know that you are so open?" Speaking of this, Yang Jiale became furious.

I don't know why he was deceived by this woman, Yangyang, and believed that she was sincere to him.

It's really badass for me to believe this lustful woman.

He remembered the scene of seeing Su Wei holding the sheep, and he still couldn't let go of it for a long time.

After all, the woman Yangyang really captured his heart at that time.

He was broken up by Kong Xueer this morning. Compared with the scene in the bar, he really pales in comparison.

No, you can't say that, because he was broken up in the morning, apart from feeling abandoned, he was actually not sad at all.

"Ah? Did you see what happened that day? That's why you blocked me?

I don't know how to tell you about this for a while, but you believe me, what happened that time was an accident, and you can listen to me and you explain slowly when you have time.

Now you have to wait for what I'm going to say later, because it's very important.

The first one is that you need to change your mobile phone number, because your mobile phone number is no longer safe.

Second, from now on, you don't tell anyone where you live.

You'd better not believe what they say.

If you believe me, I want you to turn yourself in right now?Otherwise, you will be very dangerous." Yangyang's suggestions are all carefully considered by her.

The first point is the mobile phone number, because it is too easy to locate a person now.

With Su Wei's strength, she did not believe that she would not be able to locate Yang Jiale.

The second is the reward for Su Wei. With so much money, Yang Yang doesn't believe that no one will be tempted.

In the end, he persuaded Yang Jiale to surrender, because compared to losing his life in the hands of Su Wei.

If you go to prison, you just lose your freedom for a few years.

"Are you okay? You asked me to surrender? You said it was for my own good, maybe to please your sweetheart?" Yang Jiale felt a burst of sadness when he heard Yang Yang's words.

When I just answered the phone, I thought she really had some difficulties.

But in the end, he actually told himself to surrender himself.

Sure enough, after a woman has a change of heart, she is much more ruthless and poisonous than a man.

She said this because of Su Wei.

"What I said was really for your own good.

Because Su Wei has launched a reward for you, many people already know about this news, and they will not let you go for money." When Yangyang heard about it from her best friend, she couldn't imagine it at all.

In modern society, there is even a reward.

And it's not a small-scale spread, and now the news has really gone crazy.

"A reward? How much money did Su Wei offer me?" Yang Jiale didn't expect that Su Wei would offer him a reward.

At this time, he didn't know how serious the matter was.

Just want to see how much I am worth now.

"Su Wei's price for you is, if he catches you, he will give you 500 million." In today's society, 500 million ordinary people can't earn it in their lifetime.

The fugitives on the most wanted warrant are at most 100 million.

And that kind of person is a vicious gangster, completely different from Yang Jiale.

Yang Jiale is a rich second generation who doesn't work hard. He is involved in everything from eating, drinking, whoring and gambling.

One-on-one with ordinary people may not be able to fight.

"500 million, I didn't expect that I, Yang Jiale, are only worth 500 million now, is there more?" Yang Jiale felt too insulted when he heard that Su Wei marked him 500 million.

Because the few sports cars under his name are basically in this price range.

Doesn't Su Wei think that he is worth the price of a car?

Until now, Yang Jiale still didn't regard this matter as a big one.

Mainly because of him in the past, because he was surrounded by Yang Ye and Yang Jiayu.

Therefore, it can be said that he basically has no ability to handle things by himself.

"Also, if your body is found, he will give you 1000 million.

That's why I asked you to surrender, I'm really doing this for your own good." When Yangyang heard it just now, she really felt that Su Wei was too arrogant.

To even release this kind of reward, isn't it encouraging those who find Yang Jiale to do evil things.

After calming down, she had to say that Su Wei's move was really good.

Because he only pays for this matter, there are many people who are willing to do it.

"1000 million to find my body? I know, I will hide it." Yang Jiale really felt bad when he heard that 1000 million bought his body.

After all, for the previous 500 million, just catch him.

But now this 1000 million is killing him.

"You really have to surrender quickly. Only in this way, Su Wei can't do anything about you. He is unscrupulous." Yangyang really knows Su Wei's methods very well.

After all, she was in the bar at the time, and she was drunk by him.

Moreover, Su Wei took several videos on his mobile phone at that time.

"I'll think about it first, so don't contact me, I'll contact you after I think it over."

. . . . . .

"Jia Le, open the door, I've brought you something.

Wife, don’t make a mistake about the package of food you just added.” Xiao Fang was a poor college student sponsored by the Yang family 10 years ago.

Because he has always been very grateful to Yang Ye, he has been working in the Yang Group after graduation.

Moreover, he would go to Yang's house to pay homage to the festival every year.

After Yang Jiale bumped into Su Wei this time, no one dared to contact him, only Xiao Fang.

"Don't worry, I'm not a fool, don't you remember what I took?" It was Xiao Fang's wife who spoke.

She was also a poor student who was successfully admitted to university with the support of the Yang Group.

She and Xiao Fang met in the group, and because of the same experience, the two came together. ,

The added food that Xiao Fang just mentioned is the KFC family bucket with chili added.

Their company has recently had personnel transfers, and they have been busy until now.

After receiving Yang Jiale's call, they bought two KFC.

One with chilli and one without chilli.

The ones with chili are for themselves, while the ones without chili are for Yang Jiale.

"Yangyang really didn't lie to me, it turns out that people outside really want to kill me, but I'm not that easy to kill.

Brother Xiao Fang, you came with your sister-in-law, oh, thank you so much, I don’t know how to thank you for bringing me so many things.” Yang Jiale really didn’t expect that even Xiao Fang Everyone would betray him for money.

If he hadn't heard it from the surveillance, he would have thought that Xiao Fang was a pretty good person.

But Yang Jiale still opened the door and let them in.

After all, this place is his last hiding place and cannot be exposed.

"This is what we should do. After all, without Uncle Yang, we would not be able to get out of the mountains.

But this time you are really too impulsive, why can't you figure it out, you want to drive into Su Wei, now things are getting serious, you can only hide for a while." Although Xiao Fang knew that Yang Jiale had done something wrong, he I never thought of reporting him.

Because if it weren't for Yang Ye's bursary back then, he would never have been able to study in high school carefree in his life.

It is even more impossible to be admitted to university and enter the Yang Group to get to know the current wife.

"Okay, okay, don't say a few words, Jiale is an adult, he has his own considerations.

Jiale, we prepared these things for you, see if there is anything missing, if it is missing, we will buy some for you." Xiaowen stopped her husband from continuing to preach, because she knew that Yang Jiale would not be willing to listen.

Although she worked in the company before, she would not go to Yang's house to pay a festival.

After being with Xiao Fang, she started to accompany Xiao Fang to Yang's house.

She actually has a bad impression of Yang Jiale, because Yang Jiale's character is too bad to put it bluntly.

"These things are enough. I'll get you some water to drink. It's really hard for you to bring so many things here." After Yang Jiale finished speaking, he turned and went into the kitchen.

He took out the sleeping pills that the doctor prescribed for Kong Xueer when she suffered from insomnia, which he found in the cabinet.

The medicine was placed in the cabinet, and Kong Xueer didn't take it away when she packed it up.

It may be because this medicine has already been taken partly, so it was not taken away.

"I didn't expect that after this incident, Jiale would seem to have grown up. Unfortunately, he changed too late." In the Yang family, Yang Jiale was not like this.

At that time, he didn't take anything seriously, and he didn't even say hello to those who came to pay their respects.

"Hey, now that Uncle Yang is still in prison, it won't be good if we just do this." Xiaowen was found out last month, and she was already pregnant.

She originally planned to insist on going to work, but now the company is working overtime every day.

This made her pregnant miserable, so she came up with the idea of ​​rest.

But now the company needs her badly, if she takes a break.

It is really difficult for the company to find someone who can take over.

"It's not too late. I am me. I choose the change. I added ice cubes to this water. Drink it quickly, or the ice cubes in the glass will melt." Yang Jiale squeezed the two sleeping pills Crushed and put into two cups respectively.

Because he was afraid of the taste of sleeping pills being eaten, he also put ice cubes in the water.

"Wow, Jiale, you put too many ice cubes, it's really ice.

Don't drink Xiao Wen, if you drink such ice water, your body will not be able to bear it." Xiao Fang took a sip and felt that the water was too cold.

Seeing that Xiaowen wanted to drink, he quickly stopped her.

After all, Xiaowen is just pregnant, so it's better not to drink such ice.

"Then I'd better not drink it, I can't drink ice water now." Xiaowen is now 27 years old, and she is very fond of the child in her stomach.

Because her body is the kind of physique that is difficult to conceive.

So after she was pregnant with this child, she paid more attention to all aspects.

It is for this reason that I want to rest this time.

"Yeah, now your Miss Wen can't drink something so cold." Xiao Fang was very surprised, why did Yang Jiale insist that they drink this water?

But he didn't doubt that there was some drug in the water, after all, they had known Yang Jiale for so many years.

And now they are still here to help him, it is impossible for him to do such a stupid thing.

"Can't drink? If you can't drink, then you can go to hell." At this time, Yang Jiale was already a little crazy.

Because he was really scared by Su Wei's 1000 million.

Seeing that Xiaowen refused to drink water, he took out a knife from behind and stabbed Xiaowen in the neck.

"Yang Jiale, you're crazy, you actually killed someone, ah, what did you put in the water, I'm so dizzy." Xiao Fang was dumbfounded when he saw his wife being stabbed by Yang Jiale.

He didn't know what happened, why Xiaowen was stabbed for not drinking water.

At this time, seeing that Yang Jiale was about to attack, he hurried to grab the knife in Yang Jiale's hand.

While the two were robbing, he felt that his drowsiness had come.

Later, he became more and more confused, the last picture.

It was Yang Jiale who stabbed him several times in the chest.

"You guys forced me to do this, you guys forced me, who asked you to poison me, pretend I didn't hear it, there is surveillance outside, I can hear everything you said clearly.

Your studies are provided by my family, and your work is provided by my family. You can eat my family and drink from my family. Now that my family is in ruins, you actually want to exchange my body for 1000 million. It depends on whether you have this life. "Yang Jiale saw Xiao Fang's medicine taking effect, and was unable to compete with him for the knife.

He pointed the knife at Xiao Fang's chest and stabbed him several times.

He didn't pull out the knife until Xiao Fang stopped struggling.

At this time, he turned his head and saw Xiaowen crawling on the ground.

Although she was stabbed, she was still struggling.

He got up and blocked Xiaowen, preventing her from continuing to crawl towards the door.

"Ah, ah, ah"

. . . . . .

"What do you want from me?" Su Wei has already received more than ten batches of visiting people in the hospital bed tonight.

As long as it is a well-informed person, everyone has got the news.

And this time it's not just from Shanghai, people from other places are also on their way.

Even Wang Xiaoyuan called, if he hadn't assured Wang Xiaoyuan, it would have been a small wound.

And if she can go home tomorrow, Wang Xiaoyuan will come over.

Just sent away a group of guests to rest on the bed, and received a call from Yangyang.

"Su Wei, have you issued a reward for Yang Jiale's life at a price of 1000 million? Let me tell you, stop the reward immediately, or I will sue you!" Like a machine gun.

There's no way, Su Wei likes to hang up the phone too much.

And she had called Su Wei several times before, but he didn't answer her.

"What's the reward? I don't know." Su Wei definitely couldn't admit it, after all, who knows if Yangyang is recording his words.

It seems that Chen Lihua's efficiency is very good, it has only been more than two hours now.

Even people like Yang Yang knew the content of the reward.

It is conceivable how terrible the transmission efficiency is this time.

Sure enough, money is still touching. After all, if you get the 1000 million, you can buy a house in Shanghai with all the money.

"Su Wei, didn't you tell me last time that you want to reconcile with Yang Jiale? Why don't you keep talking? You slept with me, do you want to deny it?" Yangyang heard Su Wei's meaning, I knew he was really angry this time.

And when he heard his denial, he knew it wasn't over if he didn't kill Yang Jiale.

Yangyang has no choice but to bring up the incident at the bar last time.

I hope Su Wei can spare Yang Jiale this time because he slept with him.

"Are you a villain? Yang Jiale hit my car on the street. If my bodyguard hadn't knocked him away, my girlfriend might have died there on the spot, and he was going for me, but he didn't know what I was doing. It's just the co-driver for the first time.

Let me tell you, don't call me again because of Yang Jiale's matter, I can't bypass him this time.

Don't say that you are here to intercede, even if the Heavenly King Laozi is here, I won't be able to eat it here." After Su Wei finished speaking, he hung up the phone directly.

Yangyang wanted to interrupt Su Wei several times in the middle, but Su Wei didn't give her a chance.

After all, he couldn't let Yang Jiale go, so what's the use of talking so much.

"Boss Su, is the reward real? We really offered 1000 million for Yang Jiale's body?" Zhang Ruoyu slept on the escort bed next to Su Wei, and could clearly hear the boss's phone call.

This time about the reward, her best friend had already come to ask her if it was true.

This best friend is the one who introduced her to Gemini for an interview last time.

What Zhang Ruoyu told her best friend was that this matter was false.

Because she has been by the boss's side all the time, she didn't see him posting the reward.

"There is no such thing, how could I offer a reward for this kind of thing, forget it, I will issue a clarification announcement after I am discharged from the hospital, otherwise everyone will think that I posted it, and the impact will be bad." Su Wei really planned An announcement was made, but that was after Yang Jiale died.

After all, as long as he has no results for a day, it is impossible for Su Wei to leave the hospital for a day.

"Let me just say, boss, you are not this kind of person"

(End of this chapter)

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