Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 290 It's useless for anyone to come

Chapter 290 It's useless for anyone to come

"Taxi, take a trip to Spring City, do you want to go?" After Yang Jiale killed someone, he knew that he couldn't stay in the country now.

There is only one way left before him, and that is to go abroad.

Because he has killed people now, and he has killed more than one.

If he continues to stay in the country, there is only a dead end waiting for him.

Only by going abroad can he survive.

Moreover, his family is in the Lighthouse Country, but he still has a lot of assets.

Although he doesn't know how much his father's savings are, their family owns real estate in the Lighthouse State.

Every year before, he would go there to play for a few months.

It's just that he can't fly with his current status, so he can only find a way to escape from the country first.

Then take a plane and go to the Lighthouse Country. At that time, he won't have to be afraid.

Because there is no extradition treaty between the lighthouse country and the country.

And the easiest place to go abroad is, of course, Caiyunzhinan.

After all, it is connected to the Waist Cutting Country, so it shouldn't be too easy to run there.

After deciding where to go, Yang Jiale took the travel bag, packed a few clothes and went out.

He also knew that this was an escape, not a vacation.

After Yang Jiale went out, she found out all her bank cards.

It was found that there were still money in it. There were four cards in total, and these four cards can still be used now.

Because although Yang Jiale's father was arrested, it is still in the investigation stage.

After Yang Jiale went out with her bag on her back, she directly took out 8 yuan from the ATM downstairs.

Because he knew that after today, he would be a fugitive.

If he used these cards, the police would know immediately.

Seeing a taxi on the side of the road, I got in directly.

After all, planes and high-speed rails cannot be used now, nor can I drive by myself.

Then the only way is to take a taxi.

"Going to Caiyunzhinan? Of course I went. After all, there is a business, how can I not do it, but the distance is so far, this is not a small amount." Xiao Huang is a taxi driver, and his favorite thing is to run the night shift.

Because there are many drunk girls in the car at night, he can often get stuck in gas by helping them.

And the girls at night are more open, he added a lot of girls' WeChat.

Most of his monthly rental money went into their pockets.

"It doesn't matter, just tell me how much it will cost, I want to leave now." Of course Yang Jiale knows that taxis are expensive, but if he can take a plane and a high-speed rail, why bother to take a taxi.

If he took the plane and the high-speed rail, he probably hasn't arrived there yet.

The police have already arranged for people to wait at the stop.

"You really want to go. Are you in a hurry? If you're in a hurry, I'll ask my friend to drive you there. My friend and I can take turns driving." Seeing that he was going so far, Xiao Huang felt flustered.

So he thought, ask his friend to drive with him.

Even if there were any accidents along the way, the two of them would have someone to take care of them.

"You don't need to call your friend. I am also an old driver. When you are tired, I can help you drive. Anyway, you are on the highway, so you don't have to worry about the traffic police checking the car." How could Yang Jiale ask the driver to find a friend? What if someone tied him up halfway.

After all, even if they don't kill him, they still have 500 million yuan to catch him.

"Handsome guy, it's 2600 kilometers to go to Spring City in the south of Caiyun. According to our market price, after 10 kilometers, the price is 4.7 yuan per kilometer, and the 2600 kilometers is 12200 yuan. The highway fee is 0.55 yuan per kilometer, which is 1430 yuan. And that's just the price to go.

I went to Spring City with this car, so I can only go back empty, and maybe I have to add a lot of money." Xiao Huang's price is really high.

If this person really agrees to the price, then Xiao Huang will make a lot of money.

His car costs less than 4 cents per kilometer, and the gas money for a trip may not cost 1000 yuan.

And he will definitely not ask for less money for his car.

After all, if the money was too little, he would rather not go.

His car belongs to his own family, but it is only affiliated with the taxi company, not the car he rented from the taxi company.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to take care of the young lady's business every month.

"Well, I'll give you [-] yuan, and you can send it to Chuncheng, okay?" Yang Jiale felt a headache when he heard Xiao Huang's settlement.

If he wasn't about to become a wanted criminal soon, he would have driven off by himself.

I didn't expect that I would fall into this situation now, and it was all because of that Su Wei.

I don't know if I knocked Su Wei into a disability during the day.

"Twenty thousand? Okay, what else do you not bring with you? If you have all of them, I'll go buy something and then we can go." Xiao Huang heard that Yang Jiale gave him twenty thousand, so why would he be dissatisfied? .

After this trip, it is not a problem to earn more than [-] yuan. ,

At that time, he must have a taste of those Tiancai girls.

"Then let's go together, I just want to buy some water, and I'll treat all the food we ate along the way." Yang Jiale's generosity is actually because he is afraid of Xiao Huang's tricks.

So it's better for him to follow the past, after all, being careful makes ten thousand years.

And now he has a total of 8 yuan on him, [-] to the driver, and [-] to himself.

The remaining 6 yuan, as long as it allows him to run out of the border.

Because he is in Citibank, but he still has $200 million in deposits.

"Okay, then I'm welcome."

. . .

"Handsome guy, are you in a hurry to go to Spring City so late?" Xiao Huang felt that the identity of this guest should be a bit tricky.

After all, he did not choose to take the cheap and fast high-speed rail, but chose to take an expensive and slow taxi.

This in itself was abnormal, so he wanted to hear what this person had to say.

He accepted this order because Yang Jiale looked thinner.

"In my bag, there is a baby lizard ordered by others. The person I traded with lives in Chuncheng. It is still too young for such a long journey. If it dies in the consignment, then my more than [-] yuan will be ruined. .

That's why I chose to take a taxi, otherwise it would be much faster to take a plane or a high-speed rail." Yang Jiale actually thought of this reason long ago, after all, there is no reason why everyone would think he is a ghost.

Anyway, he said there was a lizard in his bag, as long as he didn't open the bag, no one could force it open.

"So that's the case, no wonder you chose to take a taxi.

Hey handsome guy, do you know that a super hot news happened in Xintiandi today? Xiao Huang was relieved after hearing this explanation.

It turned out to be like this, then it can be explained why he had to choose to take a taxi.

It's true that these rich people spend more than [-] yuan to buy a lizard.

But look at his clothes, if they are genuine.

That outfit is really worth a lot.

"What news? Let's hear it." Yang Jiale felt tense when he heard the driver's words.

Because the news near Xintiandi must be talking about his incident.

"It's Su Wei, the owner of the Twin Stars Building in Pudong. You know, he just bought a newest Bugatti in China today. You know that Bugatti is super expensive. I heard it costs half a million.

He was in Xintiandi, Yang Jiale, the youngest son of Yang Ye of the Yang Group, drove a sports car into his Bugatti, and it was said that the person who was driving was Su Wei's girlfriend, and was sent to the hospital It's gone," Xiao Huang said while gesticulating there.

People who didn't know thought he was there at the time.

"Su Wei, I've heard of it, but his girlfriend drove that car? How did you know?" Yang Jiale's eyes widened when he heard that it was Su Wei's girlfriend who was driving.

And with a face full of disbelief, he actually bumped into the wrong person.

At that time, when he was watching Li Ziwei's live broadcast, he heard that they were coming to the bungalow hot pot for dinner, and then he didn't watch it.

He also never thought that Su Wei would give such an expensive car to his girlfriend to drive directly.

"How could I not know this, my wife works as a nurse in a traditional Chinese medicine hospital, I just heard her say it.

Su Wei's girlfriend had her left hand and foot fractured, and there was a big gash on her head. She was miserable.

I heard from my wife that that woman has such a beautiful face, she is not worse than those female stars, and she has a good temperament. Fortunately, there is no scar on her face this time." At that time, Su Wei and the others were sent to the hospital When Xiao Huang and his girlfriend sent him a video.

In the video is the scene of Su Wei and the others going to the hospital, when they went in.

The people in the traditional Chinese medicine hospital thought that blackness would come to make trouble.

After communicating, I realized that these people were actually bodyguards.

At that time, in this video, there was a scene where Su Wei carried his girlfriend into the hospital.

Xiao Huang's girlfriend made this video because she thought Su Wei was so handsome, like a domineering president on TV.

"What about Su Wei? Isn't he in that car?" Yang Jiale felt a sense of powerlessness all over his body when he spoke at this time.

Because if Su Wei wasn't injured, his actions this time would be too ridiculous.

And because of this incident, he killed two people.

"He was also in the car at the time, but he was the co-pilot. I heard that his head was also bleeding, but according to my wife, the wound didn't even need stitches." Xiao Huang actually felt a little strange at this time.

Because of this passenger, he cared too much about Su Wei.

But he didn't think much about it, he thought he knew Su Wei.

"Then he is really lucky, he escaped by relying on a woman." Yang Jiale's tone was sour when he spoke, because he thought of sheep and sheep at this moment.

This Su Wei is not only richer than him, but also more attractive to girls than him.

"You can't envy this kind of good fortune. After all, they are so rich, but these are all news that everyone knows, and it's not really breaking news." After Xiao Huang drove on the expressway, his words began to change. .

As soon as he talked a lot, he wanted to show off some secrets.

After all, telling the news that others don't know will really give the person who said it a kind of pleasure.

This is also the reason why many people can't hide their secrets in their hearts.

"Do you have any inside information here?" Yang Jiale didn't expect that these taxi drivers were so well-informed.

He also wanted to hear if the driver knew more secrets.

"I see that you and I are destined to be together today, so I will tell you.

This time Su Wei's girlfriend was hit and injured, and his tens of millions of cars were hit and scrapped, how could he not take revenge.

So he released a reward this time. The content of the reward is that as long as whoever catches Yang Jiale, he will give 500 million, and whoever finds Yang Jiale's body, he will give 1000 million. This is Su Wei's little thought. I know, I just want Yang Jiale to die." Xiao Huang saw it among their drivers at the time, and he also dreamed of finding Yang Jiale.

After all, it's worth 500 million to catch someone, so he's still a taxi.

Although Xiao Huang's family has some money, they really don't have much cash.

If he had the 500 million, he would definitely buy a 911 directly to pick up girls.

"How did you know this news? Your wife also told you?" Yang Jiale knew about Su Wei's reward, but he didn't expect that the taxi driver knew about it too.

The taxi driver knew about it, and he couldn't think of anyone else who didn't know about it.

"Of course not. I have already discussed this matter in a few small groups. As for whether this matter is true or not, I don't know." Su Wei said it himself.

He actually suspected that it was Lao Ma's daughter's birthday, and he forwarded it to 500QB.

"If it's true, would you want the 500 million or the 1000 million?" Of course Yang Jiale knew that the bounty was true.

After all, compared to Su Wei, this amount of money is indeed a drop in the bucket.

If he hadn't fled now, he would have given out 1000 million.

"If it were me? Then I would definitely choose 500 million. After all, choosing 1000 million is to kill people. I am not stupid, so I will not be someone else's gun for nothing."

. . . . . .

The next day.

"President Su, something serious happened." As Su Wei's personal butler, Chen Lihua would report to him as soon as there was any news about Su Wei.

He just went to work today when he got amazing news.

He didn't care about other things, so he called Su Wei immediately.

"What's the big deal? Could it be that Yang Jiale died?" When Su Wei received the call, he was still in a daze.

After all, at this point, it's not even nine o'clock in the morning.

Seeing that it was Chen Lihua calling, he knew it should be about Yang Jiale.

After asking Zhang Ruoyu to make breakfast to dismiss her, he answered the call.

"No, it was Yang Jiale who killed two people last night." Chen Lihua never thought that Yang Jiale would dare to kill someone.

But thinking about how he drove into Su Wei's Bugatti in the downtown area yesterday, he felt that he was really capable of doing this.

"What? Yang Jiale killed two people last night? Could it be that those two people planned to kill him, but he killed him instead? Has he been caught now?" Su Wei was dumbfounded when he heard that Yang Jiale had killed someone. .

This is the Yang Jiale he knew, is he already so brave now?

But at this time, he also complained that the two people who were killed were actually killed by a son like Yang Jiale.

Su Wei didn't know that those two people were actually killed unjustly.

"Those two people didn't intend to kill Yang Jiale. They were employees of the Yang Group. The two were husband and wife. They were both impoverished college students donated by Yang Ye. This time, they went to Yang Jiale to bring him living materials. And that The woman is still pregnant with a child, I really don't know how Yang Jiale did it." When Chen Lihua saw this, he felt for the first time that Su Wei's reward was right.

Before, he thought that Su Wei was a bit too aggressive.

But now, he just wants someone to quickly kill Yang Jiale for the people.

"Yang Jiale must be out of his mind, so why did he kill these two people?" Su Wei was very angry when he heard that the woman who was killed was a pregnant woman.

This person is too rubbish, even pregnant women can do it.

"He seemed to have misunderstood the couple and took their food with chili powder as poison, so he did it." The couple were killed for this reason, and Chen Lihua was really speechless.

And this Yang Jiale, how did he become a murderous demon king without blinking an eye.

"Fuck, this man is really crazy. Since the police already knew that Yang Jiale had killed someone, why didn't they catch him?" Su Wei originally planned to leave the hospital today, but now it looks like he won't be able to get out for a while. up.

Because Yang Jiale seemed to have given up on himself.

Who knows if Su Wei will be exchanged for another life by this Yang Jiale when he goes out.

"When the police found him by location, he had already run away, and his mobile phone was not taken away from the scene.

Mr. Su, you must be careful during this time, because Yang Jiale is crazy now, he is a murderer now, and no one knows where he is now." After the police determined Yang Jiale's location, they found it through surveillance his whereabouts.

After finding the address where he lived, a spare key to the house was found at the property.

When the policeman opened the door, his expression was relatively relaxed.

After all, this is a car crash, but the people and vehicles involved are a little different.

But they were dumbfounded when they opened the door, because blood was everywhere in the house.

Not far from the door, lay the body of a woman.

After examination, it was found that the fatal injury of the deceased was a deep cut on the neck.

Moreover, she was stabbed several times in a row on the back.

What is even more annoying is that the forensic doctor also found out that she was still pregnant.

And beside the sofa, there was a man's body.

After examination, it was found that the man had been stabbed several times in the chest to death.

The forensic doctor also checked out the ingredients of sleeping pills in the stomach of the deceased.

This can also understand why such a tall man was killed by Yang Jiale.

"We can't just sit around like this. In this way, you give me another reward. Anyone who finds Yang Jiale's real whereabouts will be given 5 yuan. If he is caught, he will be given 100 million yuan. If Yang Jiale's body is found, he will be given 1000 yuan." Ten thousand" If there is still room for Su Wei before.

So the current Su Wei really didn't dare to show mercy.

"Ah? The money for the arrest has been lowered? Okay, I know what you mean, Mr. Su." Now Su Wei changed the 500 million yuan for the arrest to only 100 million for the arrest.

The 1000 million who found the remains did not change.

Isn't this just forcing the person who found Yang Jiale to kill him?

After all, it is only 100 million to catch him, but 1000 million to kill him.

Moreover, Yang Jiale is now a fugitive murderer, so killing him can be regarded as killing harm for the people.

"By the way, after the matter is over, you can give me a clarification."

. . . . . .

"Hello, what's the matter?" Su Wei's hospital bed at noon was already full of people.

At this time, he received a call from Fan Wenqi, and he just took advantage of this call to escape.

"Boss Su, yesterday I heard that you were hunted for revenge in the street and even sent to the hospital, I was worried for a while.

Now I hear that you are very angry, so I feel relieved." After Fan Wenfang found out about Su Wei's accident yesterday, he immediately sent someone to inquire about Su Wei's situation, wanting to know if there was anything wrong with him.

After all, Su Wei is her partner, so she can't make a mistake now.

"Come on, why are you calling me now?" Su Weicai couldn't believe it, Fan Wenfang was calling to care about him.

After all, with her ability, she should have known that something happened to him long ago.

Hui only called now, so he must be looking for something.

"It's like this. The old man Yang Ye found me through my informant yesterday, and said that as long as you can release Yang Jiale, he will transfer all his shares in the Yang Group to us." Why didn't Fan Wenfang give it to Su yesterday? Wei called because she was negotiating terms with Yang Ye.

After all, now that Yang Ye has entered the cell, it is impossible for him to get out in this life.

And those things committed by Yangjiayu are basically indefinite at least.

Now his only heir is the prodigal son Yang Jiale.

So after he knew that Yang Jiale had hit Su Wei with his car, and Su Wei offered a reward.

He found Fan Wenfang immediately, and wanted Fan Wenfang to keep Yang Jiale alive.

"Fan Wenfang, do you think I would care if I earn billions more or lose billions? Let me tell you, this time I want Yang Jia to die happily, no one will come."

(End of this chapter)

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