Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 291 Stop in front of the master

Chapter 291

President Fan, what did Su Wei say? "Zhou Xiaoyu frowned when she saw Fan Wenfang who finished the phone call.

It can be seen from the conversation with Su Wei just now.

It must have been very difficult, otherwise Fan Wenfang wouldn't have this expression.

"How to say, he disagrees." Fan Wenfang thought of what Su Wei said, and her head hurt.

Yes, Su Wei has hundreds of billions in his card, and he is indeed not short of these billions.

But she, Fan Wenfang, is short of this money. After all, it is difficult for her to spend tens of millions now.

If she had these billions, she would have developed on her own without the influence of the family.

"Isn't it? He doesn't agree? Why doesn't he agree? He only needs to nod, Mr. Fan, you and him can earn billions more.

The Bugatti he bought this time cost less than half a billion.

These billions are enough for him to buy hundreds of Bugattis, and he himself was not injured too much." Zhou Xiaoyu really couldn't understand, this is billions.

Although she knew that Su Wei was rich, she didn't know exactly how rich Su Wei was.

Fan Wenfang is not a fool, how could she tell about how much money Su Wei has.

After all, her uncle told her about Su Wei, which was a violation of the regulations.

Of course, the fewer people who know about such things, the better.

"Hey, let's not talk about it, I actually understand why he didn't agree." Before Fan Wenfang asked, she knew that Su Wei might not agree.

After all, if he agrees to Yang Jiale's matter this time, other people will know that Su Wei is a person who is easy to compromise.

But this time the profit was too big, she called Su Wei because she was a little bit unwilling.

After all, if it is really a hostile takeover, Su Wei's 100 billion loan may all be invested.

"Then what are you going to do, Mr. Fan? Let's leave this matter alone?" Zhou Xiaoyu was a little unwilling, since she followed Fan Wenfang after all.

Only when Fan Wenfang's life is well, can these subordinates make money.

Moreover, the relationship between her and Fan Wenfang was a little ambiguous.

Of course she would sympathize with Fan Wenfang about this matter, as for what happened to Su Wei, it had nothing to do with her.

"Whoever says it doesn't matter, as long as we find someone one step ahead, protect him, and then send him abroad." Fan Wenfang was well prepared at the very beginning.

If Su Wei agrees, that would of course be the best.

But if Su Wei disagrees, she will send someone to find Yang Jiale.

Then secretly send him abroad, then she will complete the cooperation with Yang Ye.

When the time came to distribute the profits, she would of course have to share more.

"Then what if Su Wei finds out? After all, we are still partners." Zhou Xiaoyu also felt that this plan was feasible, but she was afraid that Su Wei would find out.

After all, it can be seen from this reward that Su Wei is not a nice man.

Now Su Wei and Fan Wenfang's cooperation, he is in a dominant position.

After all, the funds mobilized this time, although Fan Wenfang was looking for the relationship.

But the fact that so much money can be loaned from the bank is all because the money was loaned to Su Wei.

"So we have to find Yang Jiale first, and then cook the raw rice. Su Wei will find no one and earn so much money. He will figure it out." Fan Wenfang's idea is to keep Su Wei from knowing.

As for finding someone before Su Wei, that's for sure.

After all, the domestic Tianyan series is really too powerful in finding people.

"Mr. Fan, then I'll arrange someone now."

. . . . . .

"Xiao Huang, I heard that you received a big business. It's been all night. Why haven't you seen you come back?" When Lao Qian called, he deliberately pretended not to know that Xiao Huang had received a big order. .

But in fact, he was very clear about Xiao Huang's order.

After all, Xiao Huang and him, Xiao Zhao and Lao Zhang have a small group,
Before Xiao Huang set off yesterday, he told several people in the group about it.

"Where are we going now? I'm going to go to Chuncheng on this train, and I'll have to wait at least a few days before I can get back." When Xiao Huang heard what Lao Qian meant, he knew that he was giving him a secret signal.

After all, the four of them have such a good relationship, and they would tell each other when they travel long distances.

In the early hours of yesterday, he still chatted with Lao Qian.

At that time, Lao Qian still told him to stay in Caiyunzhinan for a few more days.

Because the girl over there is really gentle as water.

"Ah, you are going to Spring City, so you have to stay for a few more days.

In this way, when did you arrive at the service area, you call me back, I have something here, if you go to the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, you can help me take it." Lao Qian didn't know that when Xiao Huang called, it was It's not open.

So when he spoke, he was careful and careful.

I'm afraid that if I say a little bit, people will misunderstand me.

After all, Xiao Huang is his good brother, so he can't let him have trouble.

"Then don't hang up, I just arrived at the service area, and I just went down to the toilet to relax." Xiao Huang heard Lao Qian talking about the service area, and knew that he wanted to whisper something to him.

He has known Lao Qian for so many years, and it is rare for him to be so serious.

After all, he doesn't speak so seriously in normal times.

Barely able to say a few words, Lao Qian began to play pornographic accents.

He looked at the sign of the service area in front, and then at Xiao Zhou who was sleeping soundly in the back seat.

Seeing that he was still awake, he drove the car directly into the service area.

"Damn it, you took us with you when you went to the toilet, you're such a dog." Lao Qian was both nervous and scared at the same time.

He was also afraid that the person brought by Xiao Huang was Yang Jiale, and he was also afraid that it was not Yang Jiale who was brought by him.

"What's the matter, none of us have seen anyone naked?" Xiao Huang heard what Lao Qian meant, they were coming here.

He stopped the car at the door of the toilet and looked back at Xiao Zhou in the back seat.

Finding that he was still asleep, he didn't wake him up.

Instead, after turning off the car, he took the key and went to the toilet.

What he didn't know was that Xiao Zhou, who he thought was sleeping soundly, had actually woken up long ago.

After Yang Jiale waited for Xiao Huang to leave, he opened his eyes.

He got up and looked at Xiao Huang and went into the toilet. He also opened the door and got out of the car and walked into the toilet.

The toilets in this service area are quite large, and there are 6 rows of squatting pits.

Yang Jiale searched slowly, and soon identified Xiao Huang's location.

Xiao Huang hid in the innermost row of the toilet, after Yang Jiale confirmed the location.

He didn't go to Xiao Huang's side, because feet could be seen under the two sides of the partition.

So Yang Jiale chose the toilet behind Xiao Huang.

"Okay, I found a seat where no one is around. Tell me, what do you want to tell me?" Xiao Huang is very satisfied with the position he chose, because he can know as long as there are people nearby.

And the average person would not come here to go to the toilet.

"I'll send you a photo on wechat now, do you know the person in this photo?" Lao Qian entrusted his relationship today, and then spent another 200 yuan to get Yang Jiale's high-definition photo.

He sent an original picture to Xiao Huang, asking him to see if he knew this person.

Although what Yang Jiale did this time has been announced, his photo has not yet been exposed.

After all, everyone knows everything about efficiency.

"This person? This person looks familiar. Wait a minute, isn't this person the Xiao Zhou I recruited? Why do you have his photo? Who is he?" Xiao Huang looked at the photo sent by Lao Qian and found that This person looks familiar.

Xiao Huang covered the parts below the eyes of the person in the photo with his hands.

At this moment, he suddenly realized that this person was the person he pulled who claimed to be Xiao Zhou.

"It's really him? Do you know that the person you are pulling is Yang Jiale, the youngest son of Yang Ye, the boss of the Yang Group?" Old Qian heard Xiao Huang say that he was pulling Yang Jiale.

Lao Qian felt that he was going crazy with joy, as excited as winning the lottery.

Because in the reward released by Su Wei, as long as there is information about Yang Jiale, he will give 5 yuan.

And to catch Yang Jiale, there is even 100 million yuan.

If Yang Jiale's body is found, it will cost as much as 1000 million yuan.

Lao Qian urgently needs this money now to improve his not-so-rich family.

"What? He is Yang Jiale? Then if I catch him, will I have 500 million?" Xiao Huang heard that the person he pulled was actually Yang Jiale.

That was really overjoyed, no wonder he behaved so abnormally.

At this time, Xiao Huang began to fantasize about how he would spend the 500 million yuan.

"What 500 million? Haven't you read the group news for a long time? The previous reward has already been changed." Lao Qian was really amused by Xiao Huang, thinking about 500 million.

Now he was afraid that after Xiao Huang heard what Yang Jiale did, it would be nice if he didn't get scared enough to pee his pants.

After all, they have known each other for several years, and they know Xiao Huang's courage very well.

Every time, I yell loudly, but when I really act, I get scared.

"What's the news? I've been driving just now, so tell me directly." Xiao Huang started driving at 11 o'clock on the highway, and then changed to Yang Jiale to drive at 5 o'clock.

He then changed back after 8:11 and drove until [-]:[-] noon.

At that time, he remembered that when he was past 8 o'clock, there was no new news in the group?
Could it be that while he was driving later, there was new news in the group?
"Now Su Wei's reward has been changed. It has been changed to 100 million for catching Yang Jiale, 5 for providing information about Yang Jiale, and 1000 million for finding Yang Jiale's body." Tell Xiao Huang again.

The idea of ​​making Xiao Huang earn 500 million has completely come to nothing.

"Only pay 100 million for catching people? Why? Wasn't it still 500 million before?" Xiao Huang was dumbfounded, and just passed the night.

He suddenly felt super upset that the bounty was 400 million less.

After all, Yang Jiale was in his car, so he could exchange money as long as he rushed to catch him.

"Why? Of course it's because of Su Wei, I wish Yang Jia could die happily.

Last night, Yang Jiale killed a couple who gave him something at home.

His current identity is a fugitive, killing him is innocent, so that's why the reward for arresting people has decreased, but the price for finding the body has not changed." Old Qian knows Xiao Huang too well, so he doesn't believe him after listening Next, he dared to arrest people alone.

If Yang Jiale had never killed anyone, Xiao Huang would have dared to arrest him.

But now Yang Jiale is carrying two lives on his back.

He didn't believe that Xiao Huang dared to act rashly by himself now.

"What? The couple that Yang Jiale gave him were killed? Why?" Xiao Huang looked at Yang Jiale before and felt that he was quite thin.

But now he felt different, he felt that Yang Jiale was gloomy.

"Actually, it's funny to talk about this, but because the couple said something about food with extra ingredients, this Yang Jiale thought that the couple was trying to harm him, so he killed the couple, and there was still food in the woman's stomach." Pregnant, you don't know, those photos that come out are old and miserable.

Now many people here in Shanghai are planning to catch Yang Jiale, because he has provoked the anger of the public." Although Lao Qian is not a gentleman, he usually likes to go to the bathing center.

He charged more for drunk men.

When he met a drunk woman, he would take advantage of it if he looked good.

But for Yang Jiale's inhumanity, he hated it too much.

"He is so cruel? Even pregnant women are not spared, is there any additive in the food?" Xiao Huang is a little panicked now, and dare not go back to the car.

After all, Yang Jiale was the devil who killed two people.

Although he was stronger than him, he couldn't be cruel.

"Add it, the chili powder added in it, do you think this Yang Jiale has a mental problem?" When Lao Qian just saw the news, he felt that it was too outrageous.

If the news hadn't come from the police station, no one would really want to believe it.

At this time, Yang Jiale, who was squatting on the other side of Xiao Huang, was completely dumbfounded.

He really didn't know, that's what Xiaofang and the others meant by adding ingredients.

If he knew this was the case, how could he kill them, after all, he is not stupid.

It's all right now, I killed two people myself, so I can only flee to the end of the world.

He hates Su Wei even more now, if it weren't for the reward he offered, how could he become like this.

. . .

"Xiao Zhou, you're awake, do you want to go to the toilet? We'll have a meal in this service area later." Xiao Huang came out of the toilet and returned to the car, only to see that Yang Jiale had already woken up.

Of course he knew that this person's real name was Yang Jiale, but he didn't dare to expose him.

After all, the lives of Yang Jiale are worth millions to tens of millions.

He has already agreed with Lao Qian and the others that he will share the location with WeChat on.

Now the old money and the others should already be on their way to catch up.

Xiao Huang planned to procrastinate for a little longer, and wait until the three of Lao Qian and the others arrived before getting this Yang Jiale.

"No need, let's go quickly, or I'm afraid my lizard cub will die later." Of course Yang Jiale knew what the driver was up to, after all, he had already heard it.

Seeing that the driver was planning to delay the time now, of course he directly objected.

Although the driver's friend will not be able to catch up for a while.

But he didn't dare to relax his vigilance, after all, capsized in the gutter would be bad.

"Okay, let me drive it, and you will drive it later." Seeing that Yang Jiale disagreed, Xiao Huang didn't insist on eating.

He already knew that this was Yang Jiale, so he didn't dare to offend him.

Xiao Huang just made an agreement with Lao Qian, and they will do it when the time comes.


. . . . . .

"Old Qian, how is it? Is that Yang Jiale in Xiao Huang's car?" Xiao Zhao and Xiao Huang were waiting for the car together yesterday, when he saw Yang Jiale.

But at that time, he didn't realize that this person was Yang Jiale.

When the police announced the case today, he thought that he was near the crime scene yesterday.

The suspicious person is the one who got into Xiao Huang's car yesterday.

After all, it's almost summer now, who would wear a mask at night.

When Lao Qian got Yang Jiale's photo, the more he looked, the more he looked like the masked man.

Then he told Lao Qian and Lao Zhang what he found.

"The one in the old yellow car is that kid Yang Jiale." This time Xiao Zhao told Lao Qian and Lao Zhang about his discovery.

When Lao Qian heard the news, he immediately called Xiao Huang.

In order not to be exposed, Xiao Huang was specifically asked to go to the toilet to answer the phone.

After all, Yang Jiale is crazy now, who knows what he will do.

"Really?" Xiao Zhao clenched his fists excitedly after hearing the confirmation.

Because he is already in his thirties now, but he is not married yet.

It is because there is no money to hurt, this time it is really a windfall.

"Then if we catch up, after we catch Yang Jiale, the three of us plus Xiao Huang, each of us can get at least 25 yuan." At this moment, Lao Zhang only wanted to catch Yang Jiale.

After all, in his normal life, he is not a person who yells and kills at every turn.

"Old Zhang, are you stupid? You only need this little money for arresting people? Lao Huang's family is from Shanghai. Although he lives in the suburbs, he doesn't need to buy a house. We are different. If we have this 250 million, it will be very important to our life." But a big change.

Xiao Zhao, your girlfriend has been with you for five years. Have you earned the wedding gift and the down payment for the house? Can 25 pay the down payment on the house?
Needless to say, Lao Zhang, those debts behind your ass, even if you work hard every day, you don't know when you will be able to pay back the money? "Old Qian doesn't want to get only 25 yuan alone. After all, 25 million yuan is attractive for 250 yuan.

And this Yang Jiale is now a fugitive.

Although they haven't killed anyone, but for so much money, he doesn't mind coming once.

"Old Qian, don't talk about it, do it, anyway, Yang Jiale is a wanted criminal, we are killing harm for the people." Xiao Zhao was so excited by Lao Qian, thinking about it.

My girlfriend has been dating for five years, but I can't get married because I have no money.

Now the opportunity to change myself is in front of me, if I let it go, I don't know if God will give me the opportunity.

"Then, then we want the 1000 million?" Lao Zhang borrowed a lot of money online because he used to be fond of gambling.

Now he is already blacklisted by the bank, and now he drives a taxi to pay back the money.

"I have to take 1000 million, let's go, the three of us drive my car, and catch up with Xiao Huang."

. . . . . .

"Master Huang is in trouble. We just passed the service area and didn't stop. I am in a hurry to take a shit. Hey, there is an emergency parking belt in front. Pull over and let me go down to make it easier."

(End of this chapter)

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