Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 292 I will be a bounty hunter in my next life

Chapter 292 I will be a bounty hunter in my next life
"Old Qian, I've been driving for so long, how are you doing? Are you okay? Do you want to take a break and let us drive?" Xiao Zhao and the others knew that Yang Jiale was sitting in Xiao Huang's car.

Immediately, the three of them drove a car and chased after them.

After all, they must not be preempted by others for this huge opportunity to make a fortune.

Now after Laoqian has been driving alone for a few hours, Xiao Zhao is also thinking about whether to use another person to drive.

After all, they are all veteran drivers, and they all know not to drive tired.

This has nothing to do with obeying the traffic, but with your own safety.

"I'm fine now, and I'll be at the next service area in another [-] kilometers, and I'll switch to driving with you at that time.

Hey, you guys help me see now, how far are we from Xiao Huang? "Although Laoqian has been driving for several hours, I really don't feel tired at all.

After all, he has been overwhelmed by life before, and now he has a huge wealth in front of him.

Now he has endless energy all over his body, driving for so many hours is nothing.

But he also knew that Xiao Zhao and the others were afraid that he would not be able to handle it, so he planned to change with them in the next service area.

"Let me see, Xiao Huang is already in Shonan now, and we are not very far away from him, only about 400 kilometers away." Lao Zhang looked at the shared location, and the distance between the two sides is only 400 kilometers.

The reason why they were able to chase so fast was entirely because they covered up their license plates before running.

There is no way, Xiao Huang and the others are also driving alternately.

Even if Xiao Huang has tried his best to delay, he still has to run 70-80 yards at least.

But when Yang Jiale drove, he basically ran 120 yards, and often ran to 130-140.

"You guys said, it's not good for Yang Jiale to offend anyone. Why did he want to offend Su Wei? Now I have only one way to escape." Not everyone knows the Yang Group, let alone Yang Jiale.

After all, he is only a celebrity in the rich second generation circle, and he is really not well-known in the next circle.

In fact, when Su Wei's reward came out this time, many people knew the names of Su Wei and Yang Jiale.

"You don't know this. Yang Jiale's father is Yang Ye. Yang Ye is the chairman of the Yang Group, and his brother is the general manager. Now both the chairman and the general manager of the Yang Group are in prison. I heard that This matter has a lot to do with Su Wei.

If you were Yang Jiale, would you run into Su Wei?" Old Qian is the one who knows the most inside information.

After all, if he didn't know the source, how could he get Yang Jiale's photo.

Although there are many photos of Yang Jiale, high-resolution photos are not available to ordinary people.

"So there's this inside story, no wonder Yang Jiale would bump into Su Wei in the street, if it was me," Lao Zhang imagined, if he was Yang Jiale.

Then he will definitely not do this, at least he will act secretly.

At least wait until everything is arranged before taking any action.

"If this is yours, then it must be forgotten." Xiao Zhao ruthlessly exposed Lao Zhang's words, after all, they don't know each other.

Lao Zhang's character can be said to be more timid than Xiao Huang.

Xiao Huang met someone who was better than him, so he would choose to admit it.

Lao Zhang didn't dare to resist directly, and would choose to surrender immediately.


. . . . . .

"President Fan, we have found out Yang Jiale's whereabouts through the eyes of the sky." Yang Jiale looked thoughtful, but was actually full of loopholes.

After all, he is a layman, so he doesn't know how powerful the Sky Eye is in China.

I thought I was wearing a mask and not using a cell phone.

If you don't take high-speed trains and planes, no one will be able to find him.

In fact, how did he know, after the police found out that he had killed someone.

Immediately called out the nearby surveillance, and soon found out which car he was in.

Where is the car now, and where do you want to go.

"Where is Yang Jiale now?" Fan Wenfang was not surprised that Yang Jiale was located so quickly.

After all, there are so many Sky Eyes in China, as long as I really want to find you.

For Tianyan, it is really too simple.

In many cases, it's not that they can't find people, but that they don't want to spend too much to find them.

"Yang Jiale is currently taking a taxi from Shanghai, and he has already gone to the south of Shonan. Looking at his driving route, his destination should be to go to the south of Caiyun, after all, it is far from the Waist Cutting Country. It’s very close, and it’s the easiest for him to go abroad.” Yang Jiale ran so far, Zhou Xiaoyu was actually not happy at all.

Because what she thought at first was, if Yang Jiale was in Shanghai.

After they found someone else, they flew him directly to the Lighthouse Country.

Now that he's on the highway, it's not easy to find him.

"He went to Shonan, planning to go to Caiyunzhinan? We don't know anyone there, so, you feel like you arrange someone to fly to Caiyunzhinan, and then wait for him at the place where Caiyunzhinan gets off the highway.

As soon as their car comes off the highway, they will immediately control Yang Jiale." Fan Wenfang didn't expect that this Yang Jiale would run so far.

What used to be a very simple matter is now very troublesome.

But this is not a bad thing, because it is troublesome for her.

So for Su Wei, this must be a troublesome matter.

"Then we will find Yang Jiale, but he doesn't believe us, what should we do if he doesn't cooperate?" If a person is fleeing, a group of people will appear at this time and say they are here to help you.

As long as the spirit is healthy, it is impossible to believe it.

And now Yang Jiale's spirit must be extremely tense.

After all, if he wasn't nervous, he wouldn't have killed the person who gave him something.

"We only rescued Yang Ye because he ceded so many benefits. For a murderer like him, if he is disobedient, then he will be taught a lesson. I just need to send him out of the country, but I didn't say that he was unharmed." Send it out." Fan Wenfang actually hated Yang Jiale very much in his heart, after all, he killed the people who helped him without asking indiscriminately.

If it weren't for the huge benefits this time, she would have announced Yang Jiale's location a long time ago.

Now she is pinching her nose to save people for the sake of profit, and she still wants her to treat Yang Jiale with delicious food, that's farting.

"Then I know, but what about the driver? If we let him go like this, will it expose Yang Jiale's whereabouts and affect our actions?" Zhou Xiaoyu heard the boss's displeasure with Yang Jiale, and to be honest, she also felt sorry for him. He is very upset.

It was originally a car crash, and he didn't know what nerves he was going to kill.

"That driver is not easy, just find any reason, lock him up at the police station for a few days, and release him after Yang Jiale goes abroad." Fan Wenfang put a mask on her face and said with her eyes closed.

She can't do anything to Su Wei, a driver can do whatever he wants.

"Wouldn't this be too good? What if he gets into a fight?" Although Fan Wenfang's family is indeed powerful, they are trying to get involved because of such a trivial matter.

No matter how you think about it, it's not worth it.

"That's even simpler. After releasing him, pay him a sum of money, saying that he was caught wrong. He earns hundreds of dollars a day as a driver. I give him 1000 yuan a day here. Do you think he will I will agree." Of course, Fan Wenfang couldn't get involved with this matter, that would be too bad.

As long as she sends people out this time, she will have no problem earning billions.

Giving tens of thousands of dollars to that innocent driver is not a matter of sprinkling water.

"Then I understand." After hearing Fan Wenfang's plan, Zhou Xiaoyu turned around and planned to go out to execute it.

After all, time is running out now, if Yang Jiale is caught up by Su Wei, it will be over.

"Xiao Yu, after we finish working with Yang Ye, kill Yang Jiale immediately"

. . . . . .

"I'm really fine. Look, I just have this little head injury, and I don't even need stitches." Su Wei had originally agreed to go back today, but because of Yang Jiale's incident, he didn't go back.

At noon, Wang Xiaoyuan didn't see him come back.

I called him and found out that he still planned to stay in the hospital for two days.

Wang Xiaoyuan thought that something was wrong with Su Wei, so she rushed to the hospital immediately.

"Really? There is no internal injury, right?" Wang Xiaoyuan looked at her whole body carefully, and indeed did not see any other wounds.

Although the wound on the head was covered by a cloth, the cloth was only a little bigger than a Band-Aid.

"It's really all right, if you don't believe me, you can ask Xiaozhang." Su Wei was actually very troubled by Wang Xiaoyuan's arrival.

Because Wu Xiaoxuan lived next door to him, he was really afraid that Wu Xiaoxuan would come over.

When the two of them meet, he is not afraid, but mainly because of embarrassment.

"Boss Su is really fine. He was hospitalized because he was afraid of other accidents." Of course Zhang Ruoyu knew that her boss was hiding from Yang Jiale.

After all, Yang Jiale killed two people yesterday.

"Xiao Zhang, you didn't go back last night? You took care of Ah Wei?" Wang Xiaoyuan looked at Zhang Ruoyu and found that she hadn't changed her clothes.

Guess that besides the woman who crashed with Su Wei yesterday, Zhang Ruoyu was also here.

She had actually seen that woman before.

Just before coming to Su Wei's ward, she looked at the door next door for a long time.

But although that woman was very beautiful, Wang Xiaoyuan didn't take her seriously.

In fact, the person she has been worried about is Zhang Ruoyu.

Because she and Su Wei are so inseparable.

"Jingle Bell"

"Wait a minute, I'll take a call.

Hello, what's the matter?Yang Jiale was arrested? "Su Wei checked, it was Chen Lihua's call.

Chen Lihua is calling him now, it must be about Yang Jiale.

He talked to Wang Xiaoyuan and the others, and then walked to the corridor.

After all, he didn't want the content of his chat to be known by the two women.

Su Wei is not afraid that other people in the hospital will know, because the area he is in has been taken over by bodyguards.

Don't say that people can't get through, even mosquitoes and flies can't get through.

"Although not, but it's coming soon." Chen Lihua called, and indeed he had the latest information.

Fan Wenfang always thought that as long as ICBC blocks the news for a few hours.

So for Su Wei, the news will be delayed for a few hours.

After all, Chen Lihua is Su Wei's personal butler, but he is from ICBC.

But she forgot one thing, that is, Chen Lihua's source of news is the Big Four.

"What do you mean?" Su Wei didn't understand what Chen Lihua meant, what was meant by not being caught but coming soon.

But he knew one thing, that it must be good news.

"After Yang Jiale killed someone, he took a taxi and ran to the south of Caiyun. Now he is almost out of Shonan. He probably wants to go abroad. We have located the taxi driver. Do you want to send someone to find him?" Chen Lihua is an ordinary person, and he still resists killing people.

But if the object is Yang Jiale, it will be different.

After all, the family of three who died at the hands of Yang Jiale this time, he felt that blood must be paid in blood.

"No, just broadcast Yang Jiale's current location in real time." Su Wei didn't plan to find Yang Jiale by himself, not because he didn't want to get blood.

It was because Yang Jiale's escape was originally part of Su Wei's plan.

If Yang Jiale hadn't run, how could he have died on the way.

Normal people would choose the reward of 500 million that Su Wei released at that time.

No one would choose 1000 million and kill Yang Jiale.

After all, for murderers who violate the law, 500 million is not bad.

But now that Yang Jiale has killed someone, Su Wei also lowered the arrest price from 500 million to 100 million.

At this time, few people will choose 100 million.

"President Su? Just rely on private forces to find Yang Jiale. Aren't you afraid that Yang Jiale will go abroad? The law will have no effect on him then." Of course, Chen Lihua knows that private forces are not so magical.

Normally, it is so easy to catch fugitives in the country and be caught by civil forces.

The big reason is that there are enough police officers sent out by the police.

The prisoner really had no escape, and was caught by fellow villagers.

"Hahaha, if he really escapes abroad, then I just wish for it." Su Wei was in the country, and he was sneaky when offering rewards.

If Yang Jiale really went abroad, he could just post his photo and offer a reward.

Then Yang Jiale's end must be much worse than now.

"That's right, I made things complicated, so I'll release the news now"

. . . . . .

"Master Huang, this is troublesome. We didn't stop when we passed the service area just now. My stomach hurts now. It may be that the lunch box I ate in the service area was not clean.

There is an emergency parking belt in front, you pull over for a while, I have to go down for convenience." Yang Jiale checked the time, it was already past 5 pm.

Calculating the time, the person chasing after him has been chasing him for 6 hours.

He can't let this driver drive so slowly anymore.

"Okay, okay, I'll pull over right away, you mustn't pull into the car." Hearing Yang Jiale say this, Xiao Huang was really afraid that he would shit on the car.

Just in front of it is a parking belt, you can park your car in it for emergency.

Along the way, although he has been delaying time.

But from noon to now, I have run 500 kilometers.

"Hurry up, I can't take it anymore." Yang Jiale covered his stomach with a distressed expression.

And at this time, he even farted.

"Xiao Zhou, you have a weak stomach, you are like me, you have nothing to do, ah, help, help" Xiao Huang just parked the car and put on the handbrake.

At this moment, he felt his eyes go dark, and his head was covered by a plastic bag.

When he was about to struggle, someone stabbed him several times in the chest.

At this time, Xiao Huang saw the words "Welcome to the colleagues service area" on the plastic bag.

He remembered this bag. When Yang Jiale was buying drinks, he specially asked the proprietress to bring a thick bag.

The proprietress told them at the time that it would be fine to hold thirty catties of stuff in this bag.

"Just like that, you still want to kill me? Do you think this 1000 million is so easy to get? Don't you want to get 1000 million, then I will give you 10 knives, a knives of 100 million, and you will be a bounty hunter in your next life."

(End of this chapter)

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