Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 293 I won't leave, I want to avenge Xiao Huang

Chapter 293 I won't leave, I want to avenge Xiao Huang

"Just like this, you still want to kill me? Do you think my 1000 million is so easy to get? Don't you want to get 1000 million, then I will give you 10 knives, a knives of 100 million, and you will be a bounty hunter in your next life." At this time, Yang Jiale was already a little crazy.

He really loves the feeling of a knife digging into flesh and puncturing an artery.

After pulling out the knife, blood was sprayed everywhere.

"Ah, Cao Nima, ah." Because of Xiao Huang's desperate struggle, the knife only pierced his shoulder.

His feet kept kicking indiscriminately forward, and one of his kicks knocked off the rearview mirror.

And this rearview mirror happened to be on his right hand side.

Holding back the severe pain, he took the rearview mirror and looked at the back.

Because the other person's head was covered by a plastic bag, he slapped it all by feeling.

"Are you still resisting? Ah, my eyes." Yang Jiale's first stab was missed, and he was about to make a second stab.

As a result, Xiao Huang took the reflector and pointed it at his right eye.

Under the stinging pain, Yang Jiale took the knife and stabbed it in front of him.

Before Xiao Huang arrived and had time to open the door and run away, Yang Jiale stabbed him to death on the seat several times.

Seeing that Xiao Huang stopped struggling, Yang Jiale was afraid that he was not dead, so he stabbed Xiao Huang a few more times.

After finishing his work, he lay in the backseat and rested for more than an hour before getting up.

There's no way, the hit on the glasses just now was too painful.

After resting enough, he checked the car first.

It was found that the car could not be driven at all, because Xiao Huang was struggling just now.

He kicked off the steering wheel and rearview mirror of the car, and he kicked the front windshield into a spider web.

Yang Jiale had no choice but to pack up the things that could be used, and then turned out of the highway.

But because his right eye was injured, he could only walk with his right eye closed.

. . . . . .

"Boom, boom, boom"

"Yangyang, why are you here?" Not long after Lin Ning got up, he heard someone knocking on the door outside the house.

The neighborhood she lives in is not accessible to ordinary people.

When I came to the porch and looked at the monitor, the person who came was indeed her best friend.

"I was just shopping nearby, and I walked over to your house without knowing it." Yang Yang didn't come here for shopping, she actually came here specifically to find Lin Ning.

Ever since she had a phone call with Yang Jiale yesterday, she has been restless.

I wanted to know the latest news about Yang Jiale, but Yang Jiale's phone was always turned off.

Ask other people, and they refuse to tell her the news.

Because those people knew that she liked Yang Jiale, and they were afraid that telling her about Yang Jiale would irritate her.

"What do you want to drink? How about coconut milk?" After Lin Ning opened the door, he didn't care about the sheep.

Anyway, I don’t know how many times Yangyang has been here, she is very familiar with it.

Lin Ning knew that Yang Yang came to her house this time.

There must be something looking for her, so she went to get some drinks and the two chatted slowly.

"Yes." Yangyang found her exclusive slippers from the shoe cabinet next to her.

She comes here often and occasionally lives here.

So there will be her slippers here, which is perfectly normal.

"Tell me, what are you looking for?" Lin Ning put the coconut milk in front of the sheep, and then sat cross-legged on the sofa next to her.

In fact, she probably already knew that Yang Yang wanted something from her.

After all, apart from the matter of Yang Jiale, there is nothing that can affect the sheep and sheep so much.

"I haven't been able to contact Jiale for a day. I thought you would come here to see if there is any latest news." Yangyang knew that she couldn't hide it from Lin Ning, after all, she was his best friend.

She knew that others would not tell her about Yang Jiale.

But here, Lin Ning will definitely tell her.

"Hey, I really shouldn't have told you about Yang Jiale yesterday. Why are you so stupid? People like Yang Jiale are not worth it." Lin Ning really regretted that he shouldn't have told his best friend about Yang Jiale yesterday.

What she thought at the time was that Yang Jiale was like this.

Sheep Yang should stop being a licking dog, because he has offended someone he can't afford to offend, and he will definitely go to jail.

She told her many times that her best friend was Yang Jiale licking the dog.

But Yangyang is willing, no matter how distressed she is, she can't help it.

"It's not worth it, do you have any latest news about him?" Yang Yang knew that many people didn't like Yang Jiale.

But she just likes him, and she has liked him for more than 10 years, it's not like she can give up just by giving up.

Many people have also come to persuade her, saying that she is not worth it.

But she felt that it was her own business that she liked Yang Jiale.

Friends, girlfriends, and parents have no right to make decisions for her.

"I really can't help you, just sit down for a while, I'll ask my brother to see if there is any latest news." Lin Ning didn't really persuade him, after all, it wasn't the first day that Yang Yang liked Yang Jiale.

If she could be persuaded to move her, then she would not be like this.

She took out her mobile phone and planned to call her brother.

Lin Ning's brother was a rich second generation, so he went to become a policeman.

This time Lin Ning told Yangyang that her brother had told her.

She didn't dare to call in front of Yangyang, because she was afraid that she would be too excited.

"How is it?" Yangyang waited in the living room for more than ten minutes before seeing Lin Ning come out.

She hurried up to meet him, wanting to know how Yang Jiale was doing now.

"Yangyang, you sit down first, I am indeed at my brother's place and got some news, but when I tell you the news, don't get excited, or I won't tell you." Lin Ning just told her Brother, I was dumbfounded when I heard the news.

She really didn't expect Yang Jiale to become such a dangerous person.

If she didn't know that he was no longer in Shanghai, she wouldn't dare to go out tonight.

"Tell me, I promise I won't be excited." Yang Yang said that she was not excited, but her trembling hands still revealed her nervousness.

Now she was afraid that her best friend would tell her that Yang Jiale had been killed.

"Last night, Yang Jiale killed a couple, and now he has become a murderer." Lin Ning thought about it, and told Yang Yang that Yang Jiale had become a murderer.

She planned to use this news to see Yang Yang's reaction.

If the reaction is too intense, she will not tell her the news later.

"Impossible, impossible, Jiale, he is not that kind of person." Yang Yang couldn't accept what her best friend said.

In her impression of Yang Jiale, although he has a grumpy temper.

But when he goes out to play, he will feel unnatural when he sees killing chickens.

How could Yang Jiale become a murderer, and he still killed two people.

"Yangyang, didn't you promise me not to get excited? If you are like this, I won't say anything next, because I'm afraid that after I say it, you will be more emotional." Lin Ning knew it, she said The news will be very exciting for Aries.

After all, when she heard the news, she couldn't believe it at all.

But the source of these news is her own brother, she has to believe it.

"I'm not excited, I'm not excited, I promise to be quiet and quiet." Hearing what his best friend said, Yangyang could only sit down obediently.

After all, the only person who can tell her the news is her best friend.

Her parents also have sources, but they will never tell her.

After all, her parents were very disappointed with her as a licking dog.

"The two people who were killed were a couple who were going to deliver daily necessities to Yang Jiale, and the woman was pregnant.

Another thing is that this morning, Su Wei lowered the 500 million yuan for arresting Yang Jiale to 100 million yuan." In fact, if it weren't for the sheep on the other side, Lin Ning might have started to scold him.

Because this Yang Jiale is really not a human being, and he actually killed the people who helped him.

She hated Su Wei very much before, thinking that he played too much in the country by offering rewards.

But now she felt that Su Wei did the right thing, that's what he should do to people like Yang Jiale.


She thought it was because calling Su Wei one day worked.

"The reward for finding the body is still 1000 million." When Lin Ning first heard it, he wondered why Su Wei lowered the money.

Only after hearing her brother's last words did she know Su Wei's sinister intentions.

"Is it still 1000 million? Then what he means is that he wants Jiale's life, no, I'm going to find Su Wei's theory." Before 500 million was only for arresting people, but 1000 million was for killing people.

Most people will definitely choose 500 million.

But now this man has become a murderer, killing him is not responsible.

And the money for catching him is 100 million, but killing him is 1000 million.

At this time, few people will choose to arrest people and send them to the police station.

"Yangyang, it's useless for you to go to Su Wei, he won't talk to you." Lin Ning didn't know what the use of Yangyang to go to Su Wei, it's not that they haven't seen Su Wei in Gubei No. [-] last time.

At that time, Su Wei didn't pay attention to them at all.

And he was merciless and humiliated them.

The first to be humiliated is the sheep.

"If he ignores me, then I'll go find Wang Xiaoyuan." Yangyang didn't plan to have a good chat with Su Wei when he went this time.

After all, Su Wei wouldn't listen to her, she was going to threaten Su Wei.

"What's the use of looking for Wang Xiaoyuan? Don't you understand her attitude in Gubei No. [-] last time? She can't possibly stand on the same line with you." Su Wei humiliated them last time and was kicked out by Wang Xiaoyuan.

Lin Ning really couldn't figure out how Yangyang would naively think that Wang Xiaoyuan would help her.

After all, one side is his boyfriend, and the other side is just a friend.

"Su Wei put me to bed a few days ago. If he doesn't cancel the reward, then I will tell Wang Xiaoyuan about it." Yangyang didn't believe it, and Su Wei was not afraid that Wang Xiaoyuan would know about it.

Although it's not nice to say it, she really had no choice but to save Yang Jiale.

"Are you crazy? How did you sleep with Su Wei? Apart from being with me these days, you are only with Yang Jiale. When did you sleep with Su Wei? Was it two days before Yang Jiale bumped into Su Wei? And Yang Jiale knew about you?" Lin Ning woke up at this moment, guessing why Yang Jiale bumped into Su Wei.

A woman who liked him was slept by Su Wei, and his father and brother were sent to the police station by Su Wei.

If it were him, he would probably drive into Su Wei too.

"You mean, Jiale bumped into Su Wei because of me? Then all of this, isn't it all caused by me?" Yangyang heard Lin Ning say this, and remembered the relationship with Yang Jiale yesterday. dialogue.

It turned out that I was not dispensable to him.

When Yangyang thought of this, tears began to flow down.

"Don't cry, Yang Jiale can kill people, that's because of his bad nature, what does it have to do with you?" Lin Ning really wanted to ask Yang Jiale what he cared about sheep and sheep at this moment.

How can such a thing happen now, it can only be his responsibility to become like this now.

"I have to find Su Wei, I want to stop the situation from getting worse"

. . . . . .

"This is so strange?" Old Qian looked at the status on the phone, and saw that Xiao Huang hadn't moved for a long time.

You must know that this is a highway, and their car is not located in the service area.

"What's wrong? Is there anything strange?" Old Zhang saw that Lao Qian's expression was not right, so he hurriedly asked Lao Qian what happened.

After all, they didn't have work today, so they drove here to arrest Yang Jiale.

That is risky, not only will there be no income today, but the license of this car may be revoked.

"We are only tens of kilometers away from Xiao Huang, but his position has not moved. He has been parked in this position for almost two hours." Old Qian has checked several times, and Xiao Huang's position is still there .

What he is most afraid of at this time is that something unexpected will happen to Xiao Huang.

The second fear is that Xiao Huang swallowed all the money by himself.

After all, this money is 1000 million, and if it is divided among four people, it will be 250 million.

250 million here in Shanghai, you can’t even buy a house.

But if it is 1000 million, it will be different. The house price of Xuhui Binjiang is only about 10.

"Needless to say, this must be Xiao Huang playing tricks, Xiao Zhao, please drive faster, our license plate has been sealed anyway, hurry up" Seeing that Xiao Huang's position has not changed, Lao Zhang thinks it may be Xiao Huang Engage in delaying tactics.

Among the few people here, Lao Zhang and Xiao Huang are the best.

Lao Zhang didn't believe that Xiao Huang would take the money alone, because he knew that Xiao Huang was not such a person.

"I've already run 170 yards, we are driving a taxi, not a sports car.

Hey, one more thing, when we find Yang Jiale, how do we kill him? "Xiao Zhao drove the car to 170 yards, but refused to speed up no matter what.

Because of this speed, when there is a strong wind, there is always a feeling of being blown over.

Although he knew it was a psychological effect, Xiao Zhao was still a little flustered.

He saw the tense faces of the two people behind him, and distracted them with a question he had been wanting to ask.

"Let me first say yes, I can arrest people, but I dare not kill people." Lao Zhang usually dare not kill chickens, and his wife kills the chickens in the house.

So even if he has 1000 million now, he still can't make that move.

Besides, with so many people here, he didn't have to make a move.

"Don't worry, you don't want to do it. We will kill people. We don't know how brave you and Xiao Huang are." When Lao Qian started, he never thought that Lao Zhang and Xiao Huang would do it.

This person must be killed by him and Xiao Zhao.

"That's right, with me and Lao Qian here, you don't need to do anything"

. . .

"It's almost there, it's less than two kilometers ahead." Old Qian kept looking at the location, getting closer and closer to the destination.

He was already imagining what he would do when he saw Yang Jiale.

"Look at the side of the road and remind me if you see a car." Because Xiao Zhao was driving, he was afraid that he would miss Xiao Huang's car.

If you don't pay attention on this high speed, you will run a long way.

"Hey, there is an emergency turn ahead, I think it should be here." Lao Zhang saw the emergency turn and compared the positioning.

He is now 80% sure that the car should be here.

"It's really there, I saw the car." Lao Qian's company's car belongs to Johnson & Johnson.

The taxis of this company are all yellow, very conspicuous.

"Xiao Huang? What's wrong with you, Xiao Huang?" As soon as the car stopped, Lao Zhang ran over.

At this time, he couldn't believe his eyes, because Xiao Huang was lying on the driver's seat covered in blood.

"I feel like open the door and have a look." Old Qian opened the car door, and Xiao Huang poured out directly.

Only then did they see that there were at least a dozen knife wounds on Xiao Huang's body.

"What? Xiao Huang died?" Lao Zhang stood kneeling beside Xiao Huang, not daring to touch Xiao Huang.

The Guizhou-Guizhou expressway has been open for a few years, so there are relatively few cars here.

Yang Jiale wouldn't dare to do such a thing in broad daylight if it was in a place where cars came and went.

"Then what should we do? Why don't we call the police and go back later, so we can get at least 5 yuan?" Xiao Zhao was a little scared when he saw Xiao Huang died.

Although usually he is very courageous, but now when he is really dead, he is still cowardly.

"I want to go, but if Lao Zhang wants to go back, then I will go back." In the case of a person, Lao Qian is not at all afraid.

The main reason was Yang Jiale, who was beyond his expectation.

Xiao Huang was stabbed more than 10 times by him, which is unbelievable for ordinary people.

"Old Zhang is so timid, he must not dare to go, pack up his things, let's call the police." Lao Zhang's usual character is weak and weak.

Xiao Zhao really didn't believe that Lao Zhang dared to go up at this time.

After all, he is usually a "bold" person, but now he is scared.

"Xiao Zhao, if you want to call the police and go back, then you go back alone. If I don't leave, I want to avenge Xiao Huang."

(End of this chapter)

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