Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 294 Becoming an Abandoned Son Again

Chapter 294 Becoming an Abandoned Son Again
"Xiao Zhao, if you want to call the police and go back, then you go back alone. I won't leave, and I will avenge Xiao Huang." Lao Zhang and Xiao Huang have a good relationship, which is indeed true.

But he is usually such a timid person, the main reason why he will stay this time is because of money.

Because he really owed a lot of money, only the reward money this time can save him.

If there is no money to ask him to take revenge, then Lao Zhang absolutely cannot do it.

"Old Zhang? You're not leaving? Aren't you afraid?" Xiao Zhao really didn't expect that Old Zhang would not leave.

On the way here, Lao Zhang was still saying that he was only in charge of arresting people, not doing anything.

Seeing Xiao Huang being killed now, shouldn't he be more afraid than himself.

Xiao Zhao really couldn't believe it at this time, and Lao Zhang, who is usually timid, would choose to stay.

"How can I not be afraid, but the relationship between me and Xiao Huang is the best here, even if I am afraid, I will not leave, even if you both leave, I will chase after you alone.

Moreover, since Xiao Huang passed away this time, I want to earn him some money." Although Xiao Huang's family belongs to Shanghai, he is from the suburbs of Shanghai.

It is impossible for them to demolish the houses there, but it is true that they do not need to buy a house.

Although Lao Zhang chased Yang Jiale for money, he also meant to make some money for Xiao Huang's family.

"Old Zhang, if you don't leave, I'm sure I can't leave either. If I killed my brother, how could I let Yang Jiale run away? Xiao Zhao, you can go, it may be dangerous later." Old Qian has had enough of renting a house No, he wants to settle down in Shanghai.

His child is already 3 years old and will start kindergarten in the second half of the year.

Although Lao Qian felt that he was desperately trying to make money, he still felt that it was impossible to stay in Shanghai.

"I, I, I won't leave either. Human beings are dead, and they will not die for thousands of years. We are all human, and we are still three people. I am afraid of his fart." When Xiao Zhao saw that Lao Zhang and Lao Qian refused to leave, he Even if I get excited, I don't want to leave.

After all, everyone is a good brother, if he runs away alone.

Then he may look down on himself for the rest of his life.

"Okay, if you don't leave, then we'll find Yang Jiale together." Lao Qian was a little panicked at first, after all, Yang Jiale now has three lives in his hands.

Although Lao Zhang has stayed, he is not sure whether Lao Zhang will lose the chain at a critical moment.

After all, when they go to have supper, the boss, Lao Zhang, will stay away.

Now that Xiao Zhao is willing to stay, he does feel a lot more at ease.

"Come here quickly, I found something here, you see, the ash on the railing here has been wiped off, and there are still footprints outside the railing." Although the sky has darkened now, you can still check the surrounding situation with the light of your mobile phone.

After Lao Zhang decided to stay, he immediately went to see if there were any clues nearby.

In the end, he really found a useful clue, which was the guardrail on the highway.

Because this guardrail is on both sides of the high speed, there is a lot of dust.

But Lao Zhang saw an area where a large part of the dust had been wiped off.

They wiped out the original color of the gray guardrail.

"This must be the place where Yang Jiale turned over. There is a big mountain behind the highway. It is impossible to walk here without footprints. Let's follow directly. We will definitely find Yang Jiale along the footprints." Hearing what Lao Zhang said, Old Qian came over to look at the guardrail.

Sure enough, there are obvious traces of rubbing from bottom to top on the guardrail.

After looking outside the guardrail, there are obvious footprints.

"Then what are you waiting for, let's catch up quickly, or we won't be able to find Yang Jiale later." Xiao Zhao was very excited when he saw a clue.

Because if there is no clue, it will be difficult to find Yang Jiale in such a big mountain.

"What about Xiao Huang? It's impossible for his body to be placed here, right?" Lao Zhang also had a headache at this time, because he didn't know what to do with Xiao Huang's body.

They called the police at this time, and Yang Jiale would probably run away by then.

But no matter what he said, he felt sorry for it.

"Ignore him for now, it's more important to chase after Yang Jiale, Xiao Huang won't blame us." Old Qian knew that it was time to race against time.

After all, Xiao Huang's car has been parked here for two hours, which means that Yang Jiale has left for two hours.

If they don't hurry up, they will suffer a lot if Yang Jiale runs away.

"That's the only way.

I went to the car to get a power bank, I have several in my bag, do you want to use a mobile phone for lighting at night.

Otherwise, who knows what dangers will be encountered in this mountain.

"I have it in the co-pilot. When you get it, bring it with me." This car is old money, so how could he not have a power bank.

After all, they drive taxis now, and sometimes they have to use spare mobile phones to take orders.

"Old Zhang, hurry up, wait for the servant to run away." Xiao Zhao's blood is boiling now, and he just wants to find Yang Jiale quickly.

Seeing Lao Zhang moaning now, he couldn't help but urge him up.

"Here we come." Lao Zhang saw Lao Qian's co-pilot's knife, thought about it, and took it.

After all, all three of them are baseball bats, and carrying a knife might help.

"Hurry up, let's go"

. . . . . .

"Boss Fan is not well, something serious happened." Zhou Xiaoyu was following Yang Jiale's development today because she wanted to monitor Yang Jiale's actions.

But at night, she received a message that made her heart beat faster.

The appearance of this information completely disrupted their plans.

"Don't worry, what's going on, just wait and talk slowly.

Xiao Wang, you go out to do things first, put your plan here, and I will give you an answer after reading it." Fan Wenfang has been working overtime for a long time because of the acquisition of the Yang Group.

And it's not just her working overtime, but the whole company is working overtime.

When she was discussing the plan with her subordinates, Zhou Xiaoyu broke out.

She knew that Zhou Xiaoyu must have something urgent to barge in so recklessly.

So regarding the plan of her subordinate Xiao Wang, she planned to wait until later.

After all, the most important thing right now is Yang Jiale.

If it is done well, it can earn billions more.

"Aren't we at the place where Caiyun Zhinan exits the highway, lying in wait for Yang Jiale to come to the door by himself.

As a result, news came from the Qiangui police just now that the driver of the taxi Yang Jiale was riding in was stabbed to death on the highway with a knife.

Judging from the traces at the scene, Yang Jiale should have killed him.

There was another taxi at the scene, and the police called the surveillance, and they were basically sure that the person in this car was the partner of the driver who was killed." Zhou Xiaoyu was really a little angry now, how did this Yang Jiale become a murderer.

It was just a simple car crash, but now he actually killed three people.

If she had a choice, she really wanted to choose to kill Yang Jiale.

After all, this person's psychology must be at the abnormal level now.

"Killed another person? This Yang Jiale's murderous intent is really serious.

Those drivers, have you found Yang Jiale now? "Although Fan Wenfang wants to make this money, she also has principles.

Now that Yang Jiale has killed all the way, she doesn't want to help anymore.

Originally, her plan was to send Yang Jiale abroad first.

After she signed the contract with Yang Ye, she killed Yang Jiale.

But she didn't expect that Yang Jiale's murderous intent was so serious.

"Not yet, but we have located the backup driver of the deceased driver. We found that the mobile phone has been moving, and now it has entered the depths of the mountain. I suspect that this mobile phone was taken away by Yang Jiale.

Mr. Fan, I suggest that we send someone to find Yang Jiale quickly, before it will be too late.

Because I don’t know who on the Internet has been sending out Yang Jiale’s signal, and a large number of people are rushing in Yang Jiale’s direction.” Now that so many people are looking for Yang Jiale, most of them don’t want to catch him.

Most of them wanted to kill Yang Jiale.

After all, if the murder is not responsible, the price is 10 times worse.

Zhou Xiaoyu was in a hurry, afraid of being preempted by these people.

"You go out first, I'll discuss it with Su Wei." Fan Wenfang actually regretted it now, but she mobilized so many manpower and material resources this time.

If she just returns without success, her relatives don't know what to think of her.

"Alright Mr. Fan, I'll wait for you at the door"

. . .

"Hey, what's the matter?" Su Wei received the news that Yang Jiale had left Shanghai this afternoon.

Seeing that the danger was over, he went back to Gubei No. [-] directly.

He was taking a bath right now when he heard a call from Fan Wenfang.

Although he sprayed Fan Wenfang at noon, it didn't mean his anger disappeared.

So when speaking, the tone is still stiff.

"President Su, you're still angry.

That's right, Yang Jiale killed another person on the highway, you know? "As soon as Fan Wenfang heard Su Wei's tone of voice, he knew that he was still angry.

If it was an ordinary person, she would have stopped serving her long ago.

But Su Wei is her partner now, and she can only rely on him to break away from the family's control.

So no matter how bad Su Wei's temper was, she could only coax her.

"I know, I also know that he ran into the mountain." Although Su Wei returned home, he still kept an eye on Yang Jiale's whereabouts.

After all, now that Yang Jiale has become like this, it is impossible for him not to hate himself.

"Boss Su, can you keep Yang Jiale alive? I'm not saying just let him go. I mean, you can wait until we succeed in acquiring the Yang Group. At that time, Yang Jiale will be killed or cut to pieces. Please listen to me." Fan Wenfang's original plan was to protect Yang Jiale until the acquisition was over.

Wait until the acquisition is over before killing him.

She is talking to Su Wei now, and she still has the same idea.

After all, the extra billions could buy Yang Jiale dozens of lives.

"It doesn't need to be so complicated, Yang Ye just wants to have a bloodline, it's simple, because Yang Jiayu has an illegitimate child, you can use this information to exchange Yang Ye's shares.

I think, between an abandoned son and his eldest grandson, I believe Yang Ye will make a choice, after all, hasn't he already done this once before?" To the extent that Yang Ye likes Yang Jiayu, knowing that Yang Jiayu has a son.

Then he will definitely take care of his grandson first, not Yang Jiale's son.

After all, he had chosen to take his eldest son to the Lighthouse Country before.

"What you said is true? But why didn't Yang Ye know about it?" Fan Wenfang was very surprised, after all, Yang Jiayu was not married.

If you have a baby, you can take him home.

Presumably, Yang Ye would be very happy if he knew about it.

"Because the identity of this child's mother is very special, she used to be Yang Ye's girlfriend.

After breaking up with Yang Ye, he only got together with Yang Jiayu, do you think Yang Jiayu dares to tell his father?" Su Wei got this information when he was investigating Xiao Fang.

Many times, Yang Jiayu didn't have time to visit his son, so he asked Xiaofang and his wife.

They are invited to attend the annual meeting of the Yang family every year because they are considered members of the Yang family.

Died at the hands of Yang Jiale this time, it can only be said that God's will tricks people.

"President Su, can you give me a copy of these materials.

I have another mobile phone of the murdered driver here, and now Yang Jiale should be holding this mobile phone." After Fan Wenfang got the news, she had completely given up on Yang Jiale.

After all, Fan Wenfang didn't like a devil like Yang Jiale at all.

"Okay, I will pass on the information to you later"

. . . . . .

"Damn it, what the hell is this place? I haven't seen anyone after walking so far." Yang Jiale walked in the woods with Xiao Huang's phone in his hand and turned on the light.

He searched Xiao Huang's body at that time and saw that he had two mobile phones.

Knowing through fingerprint unlocking, this mobile phone is a backup machine.

He restored the phone to factory settings, and then threw the phone card away.

Yang Jiale does so many things because he wants to use this phone as a flashlight.

"Su Wei, don't give me a chance. As long as I go abroad, I will keep an eye on you for the rest of my life." It has been raining a lot here for the past few days, so Yang Jiale often slips and falls when walking.

Because of pain in his right eye, he can only see with his left eye now.

This caused him to be unable to see the pit on the right many times.

Now his clothes are full of mud from the chest down.

. . . . . .

"Look at these groups, why are locations being posted all of a sudden? And it's just an address." At this time, Lao Qian discovered that there were people in several groups who had been posting unknown locations.

These groups are the groups with the most intense discussions about rewards.

"Let me take a look, eh? This address seems to be a few hundred meters in front of us." Xiao Zhao took a look and found that the location was near them.

At first he thought he was locating them, but later he realized that they were hundreds of meters away.

"You said, this position, could it be Yang Jiale's position?" Lao Zhang was also confused by this position at first, because this position was too close to them.

After thinking about it for a while, these groups have been discussing about rewards.

And in this forest, apart from them, Yang Jiale was the only one.

Therefore, Lao Zhang has reason to suspect that this positioning belongs to Yang Jiale.

"I hope that Xiao Huang's spirit in the sky can bless us to find Yang Jiale." While talking, Lao Qian also bowed around.

They have been in the woods for more than an hour.

"Of course we will. As long as we find Yang Jiale this time, we plan to distribute 250 million to Xiao Huang's family. He will definitely protect us." Although Xiao Huang died, they still agreed to give Xiao Huang the money.

There are mainly three people, and none of them are embarrassed to say that they don't share money.

After all, Xiao Huang did not feel sorry for them, on the contrary, they told Xiao Huang the news and hurt him.

"Hurry up, don't let Yang Jiale run away later"

. . . . . .

"What the hell? How could someone still be here at this point? They couldn't be looking for me, right?" Yang Jiale felt his back dazzle at this moment, and when he turned around, it turned out to be a flashlight.

He didn't care if he was looking for him or not, he just ran away.

After all, he can't trust anyone now, only himself.

"There is someone running ahead, it should be Yang Jiale, hurry up and chase him." Old Qian walked in the front, and he didn't see the figure in front of him at first.

It wasn't until the figure started to run that he realized that there was someone in front of him.

At this time in this forest, I ran away when I saw them.

Except for Yang Jiale who was offered a reward, there would be no one else.

"Yang Jiale? Damn it, it's really him." When Xiao Zhao heard this, his adrenaline started to soar.

After all, a reward of 1000 million is in front of him now, so he can't be allowed to escape.

. . .

"You don't need to chase me so hard, how about we make a deal? After all, I'm one against two now, if you can kill me, I can kill one too." After being chased for two miles, Yang Jiale said, Still being chased.

The main reason is that his right eye is too painful, which affects his running.

But Yang Jiale definitely didn't want to accept his fate, after all, the consequence of accepting his fate might be death.

So he wanted to negotiate terms, to see if these two people could let him go.

After all, they would come after him, and it must be for money.

"What kind of deal do you want?" Lao Qian definitely wanted to kill Yang Jiale directly, after all, killing him would get the money directly.

But what Yang Jiale said was right, he had a knife in his hand, and one-on-two might be a backstop.

So Lao Qian is waiting for Lao Zhang now, and the three of them are more confident.

"You are working so hard for nothing but money. In this way, you send me out of the border. I have 8 yuan in cash with me now. I have 2000 million dollars in deposits in Citibank. At that time, I can give you one 200 million US dollars, this money can be divided by several people than you 1000 million.

And you also know that the Yang Group belongs to my family, I really don't need money, as long as you can help me, I will not treat you badly." Yang Jiale is currently in Citibank, with only 200 million dollars.

He is a playboy, and he has not yet taken over the family business.

Yang Ye is almost crazy, otherwise how could he give him so much money.

But now Yang Jiale only intends to cheat this level first, otherwise he might die here.

"Old Qian, what do you think, Old Zhang? Old Qian?" Although Xiao Zhao had a baseball bat in his hand, he met Yang Jiale's knife.

He was still a little panicked, because this knife had killed several people.

Now Lao Qian looks like he can talk about it, so of course he has no objection.

After all, who can not work hard, who is willing to work hard.

It's just that Lao Zhang suddenly appeared behind Yang Jiale.

He stabbed at Yang Jiale, and the old money beside him.

He also swung his baseball bat at Yang Jiale's head.

Only he was still watching stupidly, not knowing what was going on.

"You, you, you..." Yang Jiale looked at the two people in front of him, feeling a little moved.

Knowing that his money offensive is likely to succeed.

But he did all the calculations, and he didn't count that there were three people on the opposite side.

He was sneaked behind him by Lao Zhang and stabbed him from behind.

Moreover, one of the two people on the opposite side hit him in the head with a baseball bat.

"Xiao Zhao, you did a good job. If you hadn't cheated Yang Jiale's attention this time, we wouldn't have succeeded so easily." Old Qian knew that Xiao Zhao had been tempted just now, so he might even plan to cooperate with him.

But now that Yang Jiale is dead, there's no need to worry about it.

"It's good if you can fool him, it's good if you can fool him." When Xiao Zhao saw Lao Zhang and Lao Qian, he didn't expose his little thought just now.

He sat down on the ground with his whole body limp, regardless of whether there was mud on the ground.

"Then I'll call the police."

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(End of this chapter)

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