Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 295 I Want You to Accompany Me to See a House

Chapter 295 I Want You to Accompany Me to See a House

"Jingle Bell"

"Boss Su, good news, good news." Although Chen Lihua is resting today, he has been working overtime for free in the study.

Because after Yang Jiale's position was announced at that time, he was always the one who revealed the position in the contact person.

He is so active because he knows that Su Wei is very concerned about this matter.

As long as this matter is done well, he will definitely benefit greatly.

After all, Su Wei is famously generous.

"What good news?" Seeing that it was Yang Jiale's call, Su Wei told Wang Xiaoyuan.

Then a person came to the balcony.

He didn't want Wang Xiaoyuan and the others to know about Yang Jiale.

"The news just came from Qiangui that Yang Jiale is dead." Chen Lihua was also very nervous these days.

Because if something happens to Su Wei, he will suffer a lot.

After all, he can go to work so easily now because he is Su Wei's personal butler.

"Really? How did he die?" Su Wei knew it was good news, but he didn't expect it to be such a good news.

Yang Jiale had been haunted before, but now he is finally dead.

But Su Wei was also very curious about how this Yang Jiale died.

"I heard that it was a friend of the driver who was killed. While they were chasing Yang Jiale, Yang Jiale accidentally hit a branch and died because he couldn't see clearly at night." When Chen Lihua heard the news, he couldn't believe it at all.

After all, this news is too ridiculous.

But the news came like this, he could only tell Su Wei according to the news sent.

"That's it, then you can transfer 1000 million to me to the first person who finds Yang Jiale's body. Also, isn't there information from the police station? You can donate another 200 cars to the police station. Donate [-] units, and Qian Gui also donates [-] units.

By the way, give me a statement tonight, the reward event has nothing to do with me." Of course Su Wei knows the truth is definitely not the case, but it doesn't matter to him anymore.

Anyway, as long as Yang Jiale died, he didn't care about other things.

Su Wei gave the pursuers 1000 million this time because it was agreed to be given to them.

As for the 200 cars donated to the police station, it was because the police station knew how to behave.

After all, Yang Jiale was offered a reward to kill, and was impaled to death by a tree branch.

The impact caused is completely different.

"Alright President Su, I will contact the pursuer and the police station tonight, and try to get everything settled tonight.

By the way, Mr. Su, you asked me to pay attention to the house. There is a house at CCB. I will send you the information later. You can go and see it yourself when you have time." There is one important reason why Chen Lihua wants to finish the work today I don't want to work overtime tomorrow.

After all, today is Saturday, and I have already worked overtime for a day.

If he was busy with Su Wei's affairs tomorrow, he would be on shift for [-] consecutive days.

"That's troublesome." After Su Wei hung up the phone, he didn't go into the living room immediately.

He was standing on the balcony, feeling the coolness of the summer evening.

It's a pity that the balcony of this house is too small to fit deck chairs.

Otherwise, it would be better to put a recliner here.

"What's the matter?" Wang Xiaoyuan saw that Su Wei finished calling, wondering why he didn't come in yet.

Of course, it is impossible for her to be completely ignorant of Yang Jiale's affairs.

After all, she is Su Wei's girlfriend, and the matter between Su Wei and Yang Jiale is making a fuss.

But for this matter, she acted as Su Wei's girlfriend and the child's mother.

Of course she supports Su Wei unconditionally, even if he is wrong.

"I was just thinking, should we buy a villa to live in?" Su Wei was hugged from behind by Wang Xiaoyuan, her chin resting on Su Wei's shoulder.

Su Wei's idea of ​​buying a villa has actually been around for a long time.

The fact that deck chairs cannot be placed on the balcony today strengthened his determination to buy a villa.

"Why do you suddenly want to buy a villa? Don't you want to live in the flat?" Wang Xiaoyuan didn't know what happened to Su Wei, why he suddenly wanted to buy a villa.

Isn't it good to live in this flat floor now, and he also has a villa in Tan Palace.

"It's not that you are pregnant. I think after the baby is born, he will have a place to play." Of course, Su Wei couldn't tell Wang Xiaoyuan that he bought the villa because the balcony of Gubei No. [-] can't put reclining chairs.

And for children, they really need a place to play and play.

When Wang Xiaoyuan moved to live in the villa, Gubei No. [-] would be able to return to its previous appearance.

"Didn't Tan Palace be renovated in the next year or so, then we can just move there?" Wang Xiaoyuan likes Tan Palace very much, because it is the number one mansion in the minds of old Modu people.

She always thought that the Sandalwood Palace was decorated by Su Wei for him.

"Tangong, I plan to live in Tangong for my parents, but the Mingyuan villa they live in now is a bit low-grade." Mingyuan villa is actually quite good, but the entry price is still a bit low.

Su Xiaoming and the others have kept a low profile, but they still stand out from the crowd.

And when Su Wei started, he had already told his parents.

The house in Tangong is for them to live in.

Therefore, the decoration of the Sandalwood Palace was all watched by Su Xiaoming.

Su Wei never visited it once because he didn't plan to live there.

"Then where do you want to buy the villa? The villa below Gubei No. [-]? If I live here, I might as well live here now." Only then did Wang Xiaoyuan know that Tan Palace was for Su Wei's parents.

Seeing Su Wei looking down, she thought he was going to buy a villa in Gubei No. [-].

For the villa here, she definitely doesn't want it.

After all, during this period of time, she lived in Gubei No. [-] every day, and felt that the villa below was not good at all.

If Su Wei wanted to buy the villa below, she might as well live in the current Daping floor.

"Ah, you don't like this place? Why?" Su Wei actually had some ideas, and just bought the villa here.

But he didn't expect that Wang Xiaoyuan didn't like it. He wanted to hear why Wang Xiaoyuan said that.

"I live here every day during this period, and I can see the scope of activities of the villa owners below. The privacy is really poor." If you buy a telescope upstairs, it will be different from being watched.

And the garden below is not big enough for Wang Xiaoyuan.

If she was pregnant before, Wang Xiaoyuan might save money for Su Wei.

But now that she is pregnant, she is not afraid of spending money at all.

Because Su Wei will definitely have more than one child in the future, she will take more.

Then other women's children must be less.

"Since you don't like the villas here, then you can find this villa by yourself, and buy it after you find it." Su Wei thought for a while, and the privacy below is indeed a bit lacking.

Since it was bought for Wang Xiaoyuan, if she is not satisfied, of course she will not buy it.

He happened to leave this matter to Wang Xiaoyuan herself.


. . . . . .

"Yangyang, why did you sleep with Su Wei last time?" Lin Ning has always been curious about Yangyang sleeping with Su Wei.

After all, Yang Yang liked Yang Jiale so much that she would sleep with Su Wei when she was with Yang Jiale.

Lin Ning found it unbelievable when he thought about it, because if Yang Yang was the queen of the sea.

How could she have been Yang Jiale's licking dog for so long.

"I was drunk that time, and I forgot the specific situation." Does Yang Yang know, of course she knows.

Because she was really drunk at first, but she woke up halfway through Su Wei's sprint.

She remembered clearly what happened afterwards.

"You're drunk, what about Su Wei? Is he drunk?" Lin Ning wondered if Su Wei got drunk and picked up the corpse.

Otherwise, how could her best friend run to sleep with him.

After all, when Su Wei was at Gubei No. [-], he had humiliated them.

"I don't know, don't ask me." Yangyang didn't want to answer, about what happened that night.

Because when she woke up, it was because of the instinct of her body.

I have been catering to Su Wei, and took many photos and videos with him.

She was angry and said that she wanted to find Wang Xiaoyuan to expose Su Wei's behavior.

But now she was asked to go to Wang Xiaoyuan, even if she was given a hundred courage, she would not dare to go.

"Okay, okay, I won't ask you anymore." Seeing that Yangyang didn't want to answer, Lin Ning had to give up.

But she will definitely understand this matter.

If she knew that Yang Yang was really picked up by Su Wei that night.

Then, as Yang Yang's best friend, she will definitely not let Su Wei go.

"Jingle Bell"

"Who called? See if you haven't answered?" Although Yang Yang was driving, his attention was on Lin Ning's cell phone.

Because she really wanted to know if it was Lin Ning's brother Lin Xinyang who called.

"It's my brother calling." Lin Ning actually didn't want to answer it on purpose, because her brother is calling now.

Most likely, it was about Yang Jiale.

"Then you pick it up quickly, let me listen to it when you drive the outside." The sheep's McLaren turned right and stopped directly on the side of the road.

She had a hunch that Lin Xinyang's call must have something to do with Yang Jiale.

"Hey, brother, what's the matter?" Seeing Yangyang's expression, Lin Ning could only answer the phone.

She now only hopes that it will be good news.

Otherwise, this best friend of hers might really be depressed.

"Didn't Yang Yang care about Yang Jiale's news all the time? I can't call her, so I can only let you convey it." If there is good news, Lin Xinyang will definitely call Yang Yang directly.

But this news, he definitely can't fight.

"What's wrong? Did you catch him? Where did you catch him?" Hearing her brother say that, Lin Ning thought Yang Jiale was caught.

Because her brother liked Yang Yang, the unspoken news must be this.

In fact, Lin Ning has never thought that Yang Jiale will really die until now.

After all, Yang Jiale's family is the Yang Group.

"Yang Jiale, he is already dead, he died in the mountains of Qiangui an hour ago." Lin Xinyang said this with emotion.

Because he knew Yang Jiale, after all, his sister and Yang Yang were best friends.

He still remembers the first time he and Yang Jiale met at Yang Yang's birthday party.

At that time, Yang Jiale really beat him up in every way.

Unexpectedly, Yang Jiale actually died in the mountains of Qiangui now.

"Jiale is dead? How did he die?" Yangyang felt that the sky had collapsed when he heard that Yang Jiale had died.

Yang Jiale, she has liked the boy for more than ten years.

Just when she knew he had her in his heart, he died like this?

"Yangyang? So you and Ningning are together?" Lin Xinyang didn't expect that Yangyang was also there.

But his original intention of telling his sister was to tell Yangyang about it through her.

After all, he knew the relationship between Yang Yang and Yang Jiale, so it wasn't very good for him.

But now that she heard it herself, it's none of his business.

"You haven't told me how Jia Le died, Lin Xinyang, I beg you to tell me." At this moment, Yang Yang burst into tears.

In the past two days, she did not know how many times she shed tears because of Yang Jiale's news.

"Yang Jiale died when he hit a branch while being chased in the mountains of Guizhou.

If you have anything else you want to ask, if I can tell you, I will try my best to tell you." Of course Lin Xinyang knew the real cause of Yang Jiale's death.

An hour ago, he might have secretly told them the real cause of Yang Jiale's death.

But when Su Wei wanted to donate 100 cars to the Modu Police Station.

The real cause of Yang Jiale's death is that he was stabbed to death by a tree branch.

After all, these 100 cars are worth 2000-3000 million.

"I want to know if Jiale's death has anything to do with Su Wei? Isn't it illegal for Su Wei to offer rewards?" Su Wei has to bear a lot of responsibility for Yang Jiale's death.

Because without his reward, so many things would not happen later.

"As far as I know, Yang Jiale's death has nothing to do with Su Wei, because the person chasing him was the partner of the dead driver.

As for the reward, it's all rumors and has nothing to do with Su Wei." Lin Xinyang is a policeman, so he can't talk nonsense.

Even if he knows that Su Wei did this, he can't talk nonsense without evidence.

Moreover, Su Wei's ability is not something he and his family can compete with.

"Impossible, I don't believe it, woo woo, how could Yang Jiale's death have nothing to do with Su Wei, you lied to me, you lied to me" If Lin Xinyang said so, Su Wei would have stayed out of the matter completely.

How can Yang Yang accept this, after all Yang Jiale is dead.

"Lin Ning, Yangyang's mood is a bit unstable, I'll hang up first." Lin Xinyang saw that Yangyang's mood was unstable, so he didn't dare to continue talking.

After all, he was afraid of Yang Yang, and he was too stimulated.

Now Su Wei's money has opened the way, and he has successfully cleared himself.

"Okay, brother, we'll talk after you come back." Hearing what her brother said, Lin Ning quickly hung up the phone.

After all, Yangyang's expression is completely wrong now.

"Ning Ning, Jia Le's death must have something to do with Su Wei." Yang Yang said this to Lin Ning.

She also said this to herself.

"Actually, after Yang Jiale killed three people, his fate was already doomed." For a murderer like Yang Jiale, Lin Ning wished that he would die.

Now that people are really dead, Lin Ning only thinks that death is good.

"But, but..." Yangyang wanted to defend Yang Jiale, but she didn't know where to start.

After all, it was a fact that Yang Jiale killed someone. No matter what the reason was, it was wrong for him to kill someone.

"Are you still going to find Su Wei?" Lin Ning waited until the sheep had cried enough and his mood stabilized.

Only then did she ask her if she still wanted to go to Su Wei, after all, it was useless to go to Su Wei now.

"No, I want to go home and sleep now"

"Alright then, I'll drive"

. . . . . .

The next day.

"Boom, boom, boom"

"Husband? Why are you here?" Wu Xiaoxuan's left hand and left foot are now covered with plaster.

While she was chatting with Duoduo, she heard a knock on the door.

At first she thought it was a nurse, and wondered why it wasn't time to change the dressing.

Only after the door opened did I realize that it was Su Wei who had arrived.

"You're still in the hospital, shouldn't I come? Don't get up, just lie down." Seeing Wu Xiaoxuan, Su Wei really felt sorry for her.

When Su Wei and Wang Xiaoyuan went back yesterday, he didn't tell Wu Xiaoxuan face to face.

He just talked to her on WeChat and left.

If he hadn't prepared something this time, he would have been embarrassed to come.

"Brother Su, you came here today, I thought you had forgotten about us Xuanxuan" Duoduo must be angry with Su Wei.

Because she, a best friend, can always be here with Xuanxuan.

As a result, his boyfriend went home after saying something on WeChat.

"How could I forget, after all, Xuanxuan got bumped for me this time?" Su Wei could understand Duoduo's complaints.

After all, Wu Xiaoxuan has casts on her hands and feet, so she can only push them wherever she goes.

His boyfriend is indeed incompetent at all.

"Husband, Duoduo has no other meaning. She may have been here to take care of me for the past two days, and she couldn't get out." Of course, Wu Xiaoxuan felt uncomfortable.

After all, my boyfriend told me in the morning that he would stay with me in the hospital for a few more days.

In the afternoon, he told himself on WeChat that he had gone back.

But Su Wei was chosen by herself, even if she was angry, she couldn't show it to Duoduo.

"Suffocated? Then let's go out for a walk together." Su Wei found a house this time and planned to make up for Wu Xiaoxuan.

After all, all his girlfriends have houses, and only she is still renting a house outside.

In addition, she saved Su Wei this time, Su Wei also felt sorry for her.

"I won't go, Brother Su, you can push Xuanxuan out for a walk." Duoduo thought Su Wei meant to push Xuanxuan around.

Then of course she doesn't want to go, she doesn't want to be the light bulb.

"Husband, why don't we just go for a walk together?" Wu Xiaoxuan and her best friend thought of going together, after all, she can only be moved by being pushed by a wheelchair.

She didn't think that Su Wei would take her far away.

"It's not a walk in the hospital, I want you to accompany me to see a house"

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(End of this chapter)

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