Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 296 Li Ziwei Wants to Sell Cars for Events

Chapter 296 Li Ziwei Wants to Sell Cars for Events

"Honey, where are we going to look at the house now?" Wu Xiaoxuan actually had some thoughts about Su Wei taking her to look at the house.

Otherwise, she is a person who can only get around in a wheelchair.

It wasn't necessary for Su Wei to go to see the house, so he took her with him.

It's just that she is more curious about whether Su Wei plans to buy her a house or rent a house this time.

"You'll know when you get there.

Xiao Zhang, I will trouble you to drive today." Su Wei didn't want to tell Wu Xiaoxuan where the house was right now.

After all, a surprise has to look like a surprise, and if you know it in advance, it is not a surprise.

Wu Xiaoxuan's foot is injured now, so Su Wei came today in a Rolls-Royce Phantom.

"As long as Mr. Su doesn't dislike my poor skills." Before today, Zhang Ruoyu still felt that Wu Xiaoxuan was miserable.

Because she was bumped into the hospital because of driving.

In addition, the bones in his hands and feet were broken, and there was a big gash on his head.

Fortunately, the wound was not on the face, otherwise her life would be ruined.

As a result, at noon today, her boss took her to see the house.

When she knew that the house was going to be given to Wu Xiaoxuan, she was in a bad mood.

Now that she is driving Su Wei, she just thinks that it would be great if someone hit her too.

There's no way, Wu Xiaoxuan's house is too sweet for her.

"Slow down, nothing will happen.

Come and help me, I want to carry Xuanxuan into the car." Now Su Wei, the security area is already full.

Especially when Yang Jiale's incident happened just now, Liu Qiang is like an enemy.

Originally, by Su Wei's side, Liu Qiang was arranged by two teams to protect him.

A team is three people, three people and one car.

That is to say, behind Su Wei, there are always two cars.
But now that Yang Jiale's incident happened, Liu Qiang recruited another group of people.

Now by Su Wei's side, there are 4 batches of bodyguards at the beginning.

They were divided into four cars, with three people in each car.

"Brother Su, where do you put this wheelchair?" Duoduo held the wheelchair, wondering if he should put it in the trunk of the Rolls-Royce.

After all, this wheelchair only costs a few hundred yuan, and it would be terrible if it was scratched in the trunk of a Rolls-Royce.

And Su Wei's bodyguard car was behind, and they happened to be driving an off-road vehicle.

"Just put a Rolls-Royce in the trunk, it's just a car, not so expensive." A car is a means of transportation, and Rolls-Royce sells for more than 1000 million. It is still a means of transportation.

Knocked, scratched, that is normal.

Su Wei would not treat a car like an ancestor.

"Honey, am I heavy?" Wu Xiaoxuan was hugged by Su Wei for the princess, which made her feel very happy.

Because yesterday, she was really worried about gains and losses.

She was afraid that Su Wei would abandon her because of her crash.

Although she saved Su Wei from disaster, that car was worth half a billion.

If Su Wei felt that he would not be hit by driving by himself, then Wu Xiaoxuan could only bear it silently.

Fortunately, Su Wei didn't think so, and it was only because something happened yesterday.

"It's not heavy at all, I think you're still too thin, you'd better get a little fatter.

How is it, didn't it press your wound? "Su Wei really doesn't think Wu Xiaoxuan is fat. After all, she weighs over 90 kilograms and has a height of 171.

But Su Wei has to admit that he doesn't like women who are too fat.

Even if it's that kind of moist girl, if she's too young, he doesn't like it.

"After I put plaster on my hands and feet, it doesn't hurt at all, but it's itchy from time to time." Wu Xiaoxuan's feet started to itch from yesterday.

But this plaster cast is all over, and she can't catch it even if she wants to.

"You must hold back the itchy feet, and don't buckle them. After a few days, ask the doctor to remove the plaster, wash your feet, put on another plaster, and then we can go home." Su Wei had already talked with the doctor After chatting, I know that this is the bone growing by itself.

If you want to get better quickly, there will be fewer sequelae in the future.

So now you have to be more patient, and you must not go to the itchy place.

"Ah, I still have to stay in the hospital for so long? But I want to go home. It's not convenient to take a shower in the hospital." Wu Xiaoxuan has consulted with patients with fractured bones like her.

Many people went home the same day after the plaster was applied.

Even if it is a little more serious, it is basically enough to stay in the hospital for two days.

After all, for injuries like bone fractures, the most important thing is to rest more.

"Xuanxuan, you should listen to Brother Su on this point. He must have talked to the doctor. It is for your own good to send you to the hospital, and the thread on your head will also be removed at that time." Living in the hospital is living in the hospital.

After all, there are doctors everywhere in the hospital, and if there is something uncomfortable, you can find the right doctor immediately.

And in this hospital, Su Wei should have greeted him.

The attitude of the doctors and nurses, that is really quite good.

"Oh, yeah, and stitches, oops I forgot.

Husband, the house you want to show me is not the house in Cuihu, is it? "Wu Xiaoxuan's favorite community is Cuihu Tiandi.

I remember that when she just came to Shanghai, she was ridiculed by someone.

Although she had already forgotten that person's appearance, she still remembered the sentence "You will never live here in your life".

This made her swear that she must live in Cuihu Tiandi.

Now that the car is going into the parking lot of Cuihu Tiandi, she doesn't know that the house she wants to see is in Cuihu.

"Yes, it is the fourth phase of Green Lake World, the house of Green Lake Junhui"

. . .

"Husband, the elevator rooms here are all private, which is great, so that all the shoes that go out can be put outside." Wu Xiaoxuan's current house is an apartment.

After the 4 elevators went up, dozens of families lived on the first floor.

Because the aisle is a public area, you can't even take off your shoes outside.

"Satisfy, I believe you will be more satisfied after seeing the inside." Su Wei's perception of Cuihu's house is actually very ordinary.

Because of this kind of private elevator room, as long as it is a slightly higher-end community, it is like this.

But I have to say that the quality of the community in Cuihu is very good.

"Brother Su, did you rent this house for Xuanxuan?" After Zhang Ruoyu opened the door, Duoduo was the first to run in.

Now that Su Wei is here, her best friend doesn't need her to push her.

She checked the house of Junhui in Cuihu Tiandi just now, but she didn't find any for sale.

So she took it for granted that Su Wei planned to rent this house.

"Take a look at the house first, and then we'll talk about the house if you like it." Su Wei didn't say clearly whether the house was to be bought or rented.

After all, the most important thing is whether Wu Xiaoxuan likes this house or not.

If you tell her now, this house is bought for her.

Su Wei was afraid that it would put pressure on her and make it difficult for her to express her true thoughts.

After all, with tens of millions of houses in front of you, it is easy for people to make mistakes in judgment.

"Husband, why is there no furniture in this house? Is it furnished by the landlord later, or should we buy it ourselves?" Nowadays, many luxury houses are rented out, and many tenants do not want the landlord to provide furniture.

Because they feel that the furniture provided by the landlord is average, and they still can't let go.

So they will choose to buy the furniture themselves, sell the furniture to the landlord when the contract expires, or drag the furniture away.

Wu Xiaoxuan was not surprised to see the empty house.

"If the house is fancy, of course we have to buy the furniture ourselves.

Now that the house is finished, what do you think of this house? "Su Wei pushed Wu Xiaoxuan, starting from the door, and turned the whole house twice.

He mainly accompanied Wu Xiaoxuan around, after all, he had already visited with Zhang Ruoyu at noon.

At that time, he was basically watching and complaining.

"I think it's very good. The area of ​​this house should be 200 square meters, right? After all, there are two big suites." Of course Wu Xiaoxuan has seen a mansion, but she has never lived in a mansion.

So she and Duoduo don't really have much idea about luxury houses.

"This house must be 250 square meters, maybe more than [-] square meters, because I heard people say that the house in Cuihu has a low occupancy rate.

Brother Su, how square is this house? "Duo Duo feels that this house should be 250 square meters.

After all, this is a house in Cuihu, so it is normal for the shared area to be larger.

"What are you two thinking? This house has an area of ​​391 square meters. How much do you look down on Cuihu's occupancy rate?" In fact, if Su Wei hadn't known the area of ​​this house, he might have thought it was about 300 square meters. house type.

In fact, the shared area of ​​this house is a bit too much.

"No way? This house is nearly 400 square meters? But why are there only three rooms?" Duoduo heard Su Wei say that the house was nearly 400 square meters, which really made her dare not imagine.

Because there are a total of three rooms in this house, only two of which are suites.

"The original layout of this house had five rooms, but the original landlord did not choose five rooms, but chose the current three-room house.

I’ve seen five-room houses, and that house is even worse. There are five rooms with three bathrooms, but only the master bedroom is a suite, and the other rooms don’t have toilets.” Cuihu houses are optional when you buy them.

You can choose to have more rooms or just suites.

For example, another apartment type in this community, 297 square meters, has been made into two suites.

Su Wei took a look at this house type and the 297 house type, and finally chose the 391-square-meter house.

"Five rooms? If we change it like this now, it will be much better." Compared to five rooms, Wu Xiaoxuan still prefers the current three rooms.

At least every room is that big now, and there is no need to have so many rooms.

"Xuanxuan, do you like it? If you like it, then I will settle it. Although this house is not a good size, it is indeed quite popular." This house is not very popular, it should be super popular.

Because this house is now regarded as an auction house of CCB, you can buy it without qualifications.

And because it is an auction, the price is also very low.

As long as you buy it in your hand, you can make a fortune by changing hands.

"Well, I quite like it." Wu Xiaoxuan's dream is to live in Green Lake World.

As for the apartment type here, as long as it is not too bad, she can accept it.

And the transportation here is really convenient.

Her previous house cost [-] a month.

And the location is in Changning, so it can only be said to be average wherever you go.

"It's fine if you like it, then I'll make a call." Su Wei saw that Wu Xiaoxuan liked it, so that's fine.

After all, he originally bought this house for Wu Xiaoxuan, so of course it was based on her opinion.

"Ah, ah, Xuanxuan, if Brother Su is not at home, I'll come and live with you." Seeing Su Wei call, Duoduo thought he was going to rent the house.

If her best friend lives here in the future, then she can also live in the mansion here.

"It's ok. When I'm alone in this house, I'm really a little scared." Where Wu Xiaoxuan lives now, Duoduo often comes to her place.

And she also likes that Duoduo often comes to live with her, after all, her best girlfriend in Shanghai is Duoduo.

"Okay, the negotiation is over." Su Wei called quickly, mainly to tell Chen Lihua that he wanted the house.

But because today is the weekend, the real estate bureau is on holiday and can't transfer the account.

"Husband, how much do you rent this house for a month?" In Wu Xiaoxuan's heart, this house is at least more than 5 a month.

After all, this location is in Xintiandi.

"Rent? Who told you that I plan to rent. I have already bought this house. You and I will go to transfer the title tomorrow." I didn't tell Wu Xiaoxuan before, because I was afraid that she would have psychological pressure.

Now that she has made up her mind, of course Su Wei can tell her.

This house is her compensation for causing her such a serious injury this time.

"Brother Su, is this the house you want to buy? You will transfer the ownership tomorrow? But I haven't seen the house in Cuihu Junhui that can be traded online?" Just now, Duoduo thought it was a rented house because she checked that there was no Junhui on the Internet. house for sale.

Now Su Wei actually wants to buy it, and he will transfer the ownership tomorrow.

"The house here was handed over in April last year, of course it can be traded, but if you want to sell it now, you have to pay a 4% value-added tax. Now the house price here is about 5.6 per square meter, and 16% is 5.6 million. Tax" Su Wei has bought so many houses, so he is very clear about this aspect.

Many real estate sales may not be known to him.

"It costs so much more? Then why do you still buy it? That's not how much money is spent." Only then did Wu Xiaoxuan know that it was Su Wei who wanted to buy it, but knowing that it would cost several million more, she was a little unhappy.

After all, there are so many houses, there is no need to buy a house here.

"This house is mortgaged by the bank. The bank needs to sell the house as soon as possible, and I am a super VIP of the bank, so they gave me this house in advance. I don't like them so I can put it on the market.

And for this house, they gave me a [-]% discount on the price. Do you think I will lose money buying this house? "There are too many good things in the bank, and the house is not the most profitable.

After all, it's just a [-]% discount on the price, not a broken price.

"So that's the case, but you can go by yourself tomorrow, so I won't go." Wu Xiaoxuan had expectations in her heart, but she was afraid that she would guess wrong.

After all, the price of this house is more than half a billion.

No matter how generous Su Wei was, she still couldn't believe it.

"This house was bought for you. If you don't go, how will you complete the transfer?" If Wu Xiaoxuan didn't like this house, Su Wei would definitely not buy it.

After all, Cuihu's apartment type is poor, and the floor height is relatively short.

Nowadays, luxury houses with the same price all have a floor height of [-] meters.

Only Cuihu has a floor height of 20 meters, and the other houses are [-] centimeters shorter.

"Did you really buy it for me? But I don't have enough time for social security?" Wu Xiaoxuan has paid social security for more than two years, but it will take another two years to buy a house.

Because of the regulations for buying a house here in Shanghai, you have to pay social security for five years, and you can't pay it back.

"Fool, since I told you to go, how could it be impossible for you to pass the household registration? You forgot, this house is an auction house, and there is no restriction on the purchase of auction houses in Shanghai." You can buy a house.

Because at that time there was no limit to the purchase of auction houses, you could buy as many as you wanted.

"Really? Husband, I love you"

. . .

"Jingle Bell"

"Li Rui? You haven't called me for a long time, what's the matter?" On the way back to the hospital, Li Rui called Su Wei suddenly.

In the past, Li Rui often looked for Su Wei.

But Su Wei seldom responded to her messages, because he felt that it was not good for her to be Li Ziwei's sister.

Later, I don't know if I knew Su Wei's intentions, and Li Rui didn't contact him anymore.

So Su Wei was quite surprised when he saw that it was Li Rui's call.

"Ah Wei, are you with Ziwei?" Since Li Rui found out that Wang Xiaoyuan was pregnant, she stopped contacting Su Wei.

After all, Su Wei doesn't like her, he just wants to sleep with her.

If it wasn't for Li Ziwei's matter this time, she would definitely not have contacted Su Wei.

After all, Su Wei always doesn't reply to her WeChat, which hurts his self-esteem too much.

"No, I've been busy these two days, what's wrong with Ziwei?" Su Wei has been busy these days, and it seems that he hasn't seen Li Ziwei.

Normally, he would talk to Su Wei every day.

But in the past few days, he didn't even send WeChat.

"Ziwei sold his car these days and said he wanted to play some kind of event. I want you to persuade him"

 The group is open, everyone can join the group
(End of this chapter)

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