Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 297 The Battle Begins

Chapter 297 The Battle Begins

"Ziwei sold his car in the past few days. He said he wanted to play some kind of event. I want you to persuade him." The car Li Ziwei sold this time was his Ferrari 488.

It was less than a year since the family bought this car for him.

Now he actually sold the car because of an event on the Internet.

She didn't know about this at first, and it was when she was looking for her little sister for afternoon tea today.

One of Li Rui's sisters was brought here by her boyfriend driving a Ferrari 488.

She didn't care at first, after all, there are quite a few Ferrari 488s in Shanghai.

But she was behind the rear of the car and saw a small imprint on the logo of the Prancing Horse.

She remembered that mark very clearly, it was hit when she reversed Li Ziwei's car.

After she recognized Li Ziwei's car, she quickly called her brother.

Then she heard him say, what kind of event is he going to do this time.

Li Ziwei saw that she wanted to continue, so he hung up the phone.

Li Rui has no choice but to find Su Wei and ask him to persuade Li Ziwei.

"Li Ziwei sells cars for events? Ah, today is Sunday, I forgot." Su Wei has been so busy these days that he completely forgot about Huya snatching Zhou Xing.

After all, he bought a car during this period and was deliberately crashed.

After that, they offered a reward to Yang Jiale and found a house for Wu Xiaoxuan.

If Li Rui hadn't called Su Wei, Su Wei would never have remembered it.

"Ah Wei, you also know about this event?" Li Rui didn't expect that Su Wei also knew about this event.

But it would be better if he knew, just to help her persuade Li Ziwei.

"I know. It's a good thing you told me, otherwise I would have forgotten about it." If it wasn't for Li Rui's reminder, Li Ziwei would definitely be beaten out by the adventurous dream just by relying on Li Rui.

After all, he is a Southeast Asian god, and the last thing he lacks is cash.

Not to mention Li Ziwei, even Li Ziwei's father has no chance of winning.

After all, there are a few people who can have a lot of cash in their hands now.

"What kind of activity are you guys playing? You're going to sell cars?" Li Rui remembered that Li Ziwei was in Panda before, and Su Wei helped him play a game.

At that event, Su Wei paid hundreds of thousands.

Then the others simply surrendered.

Why is Li Ziwei changing platforms now and selling cars for an event?
"It's okay, let's sell the car once it's sold, and just buy a better one at that time." This time, as long as the adventurous dream is stepped on, the Huya is basically flattened.

And the most fans of Huya are those brands of flour.

At that time, with Li Ziwei's appeal, the trade union will be established easily.

At that time, it was very simple to pick up girls and make money.

"Really? You didn't lie to me, did you?" Li Rui was worried at first, but now Su Wei said so.

Then she can only let go of her hanging heart. After all, Su Wei is quite reliable.

At that time, he said he would buy a Rolls-Royce for her, but he actually called her 600 million later.

"When have I ever lied to someone?" Su Wei often lied to people, but he would definitely not lie to people about these trivial things.

This time, with him here to cover the bottom line, it would be difficult for Li Ziwei to lose money.

"Do you have time tonight? I'd like to treat you to dinner." Li Rui didn't want to find Su Wei at first, because he always didn't reply to her messages.

But now that the call got through today, she wanted to develop with Su Wei.

After all, it is not a problem if a piece of land is deserted there.

"I'm afraid it won't work. I'll go to see your brother at night." Su Wei was going to see Li Ziwei at night, and it would not be good to sleep with his sister in the afternoon.

Although he doesn't care about these things, the main reason is that Li Rui doesn't want to sleep that much.

If it was Xiaobai, he might be more interested.

"Forget it, you don't care about it, some people care about my food." Li Rui was so angry when she heard that Su Wei rejected her again.

After all, he is too ignorant of good and evil, she has said it so clearly.

She was so angry that she hung up the phone and vowed never to look for Su Wei again.

"Brother Su, is this a call from Ziwei's sister?" Duoduo was very concerned about Su Wei's call because it was from Li Ziwei's sister.

After she was with Li Ziwei, she hadn't seen his family yet.

Duoduo will choose to be with Li Ziwei, of course he wants to marry into a wealthy family.

After all, her best friend now has one foot into the upper class.

After the ownership transfer of this house tomorrow, they will not be of the same class.

"Yes, why, can't wait to see Ziwei's family?" Su Wei thought it was normal for Duoduo to have such thoughts.

After all, what the rich second generation likes to do most is whoring their girlfriends for nothing.

Many girls have never seen the family members of the rich second generation until the day they broke up.

"Where is it? I'm just curious." Although this is Li Ziwei's sister, not his parents.

But for Duoduo, it was also a small breakthrough.

She believed that one day, she would be able to step into Li Ziwei's house.

"Xuanxuan, what do you want to eat tonight? I'll take you back to the hospital after dinner." Su Wei was not in a hurry to find Li Ziwei.

Because that event ended at 12 o'clock in the evening.

If you really try your best to swipe money, you can swipe tens of millions in an hour.

Now in the past, it is also boring to sit in the office.

It's better to go to fight with the adventurous dream after eating.

"I can do whatever I want, Duoduo, what do you want to eat? It's been so hard for you these days, so I'll let you order this meal tonight." Wu Xiaoxuan is still dreaming, because she actually wants to have a house in Modu.

Moreover, this house actually belongs to the fourth phase of Jun Hui in Cuihu Tiandi.

The price of a 391-square-meter house can reach 6000 million.

A week ago, she was still a mopiao without a house or a car.

After tomorrow, she will be a socialite with a luxury house in Shanghai and a sports car.

So she really doesn't care about what to eat now.

Because she has been fed up by Su Wei's pie.

"Really let me choose? Then I'm going to eat kaiseki cuisine." Choose this more, mainly to take care of Wu Xiaoxuan's taste.

After all, she is injured now, it is better to eat lightly.

"Then let's go directly, Xuanxuan, I won't be with you at night, Li Ziwei is selling cars for the event this time, I'm definitely going to help" Li Ziwei is playing this event this time, Su Wei is the one who will take up the challenge people.

After all, Li Ziwei didn't want to pay attention to it at the time. He came to live broadcast to make money, not to lose money.

It's just that Su Wei, of course, is not happy with Adventurous Meng, and plans to teach him a lesson.

"What kind of event are you guys doing? Why are you selling cars?" Duoduo couldn't understand why the anchor had to pay for the event himself.

Didn't the news say that these are fans' money?

Li Ziwei has tens of thousands of fans, why does he have to pay for events?

Duoduo really couldn't understand this matter.

"Don't worry about this, if someone insists on provoking my pocket money, then I will teach them to be subhuman.

Duoduo, I have worked hard for you these few days, and Xuanxuan may trouble you to take care of her later.

When you see Ziwei tomorrow, remember to ask him to prepare a big gift for you, just say I said it." Duoduo has been taking care of Wu Xiaoxuan these days, and Su Wei has noticed it.

But she was Li Ziwei's girlfriend, so of course he was asked to make it up to her.

"Thank you Brother Su, Xuanxuan is my sister, I should take care of her"

. . . . . .

"How is Brother Feng? How many high-energy warnings are we missing?" Li Ziwei has been spending the past two days with his union.

His trade union has already opened, and the location is in Putuo.

I chose here because this office building belongs to Li Renfeng's family.

The occupancy rate of Li Renfeng's office building is only 80%.

Li Ziwei's union rents here, and the price can be discounted by [-]%.

"There are now 57000 high-energy early warnings on the opposite side, and our water friends have posted 2000 in the past few days, plus Awei's more than 4000 last time, and we are just a fraction of them now." Li Renfeng did not have a legitimate job before. of.

Li Ziwei found it very interesting to organize a trade union.

Now he comes to the company every day, and he is more active than working in his own company before.

After a few days of participation, he has figured out some of the tricks in the live broadcast.

"My group of water friends came from Panda with me. They used to prostitute me in Panda, and now they have issued more than 2000 high-energy warnings in Huya. It can be regarded as repaying the Panda's prostitution, but this is still far away. It’s not enough, maybe we’ll have to do it ourselves later on.” Although I watched the water friends hit 5, it’s incomparable to the [-] on the other side.

But the sum of these more than 2000 high-energy early warnings is about 20 million.

When he was in Panda before, he didn't have so many gifts in a month.

"I've thought about this a long time ago. I've drawn all my working capital here. Now it's more than 400 million here. How much do you have?" Li Renfeng became ruthless this time and drew all his funds.

But it's just looking ruthless, if it weren't for the turnover contract.

It is certainly impossible for him to spend so much money for activities, after all, this is 400 million real money.

"I haven't moved here except the labor union money. All my money is more than 600 million now, so the two of us will add up to 1000 million." Although Li Ziwei is not as rich as Li Renfeng, he has prepared more this time a little.

Because he sold his 488 for more than 300 million this time, and the remaining money was his live broadcast signing fee.

In order to win this time, he also emptied his own family.

"Now it's more than 1000 million. With so much money, we are still afraid of the other party's fart and fuck him." The two of them can pool 1000 million, and Li Renfeng really feels that there is great hope of winning.

Because after reaching 57000 high-energy warnings on the opposite side, the increase will be very slow, as if it cannot rise.

Li Renfeng hadn't been in contact with webcasting for a long time, so he really didn't think the other party would prepare a lot of money.

In fact, this time the opponent can play 500 million, which is beyond his imagination.

After all, there is no honor for grabbing Zhou Xing this time.

"Give it to me in the live broadcast room, Xiao Yuer, go to the side to rest for a while, your voice is hoarse after shouting for so long.

Brothers, there is a big gap between us and the opponent, but we have to show our spirit. Everyone first gather a wave, rush slowly, and we will renew the subscription first." The person who broadcast for Li Ziwei before was a new member of the union fish.

The last time she attended Su Wei's party was because she planned to join Li Ziwei's new guild that day.

Although Li Ziwei's guild is a new guild, there are many active people in his live broadcast room.

As long as there are enough people, no matter how you broadcast, someone will pay for it.

Moreover, there are many people watching the live broadcast, and the big brothers who watch the live broadcast also like to come and play.

So Xiao Yuer came to join Li Ziwei's trade union with this idea in mind.

Sitting in front of the computer camera, Li Ziwei was in a completely different state from Xiao Yuer.

Xiao Yuer is telling everyone to brush quickly, but he is telling everyone to brush slowly.

Because if everyone swipes together, the public screen will be full of high-energy warnings.

Those who don't plan to brush will follow in this atmosphere.

Although their strength is small, Li Ziwei also needs them very much.

Because only the money they swipe is the real money they swipe.

And the money I swiped, regardless of whether the event wins or loses, is a loss anyway.

"Master, why don't you call Brother He?"

"Yeah, if Brother He came, how could the other side be so crazy?"

"Brother He just got knocked out of a Bugatti this time, and I heard that everyone has been sent to the hospital."

The people in the live broadcast room saw their current decline.

They all hope that Su Wei will come out quickly, and then hang and beat the other side.

However, there are also those who know the situation, knowing that Su Wei lost tens of millions this time and was admitted to the hospital.

What happened to Su Wei this time can be regarded as a real breakthrough.

Many people who are not insiders also know about Su Wei.

After all, the owner of the first Bugatti Chirou in China, and also set a record for the fastest Bugatti to pick up a car and crash it.

"Brother He is very busy these days. If we can not disturb him, then try not to disturb him." Li Ziwei wants to ask Su Wei for help, of course he really wants to.

After all, Su Wei is so rich, and he was the one who picked up Zhou Xing this time.

But he couldn't call, because Su Wei had just crashed into a car.

At this time, if you go to Su Wei for an event, unless his EQ is very low, it's almost the same.

"Can you guys do it? Brother Dajin has almost [-] high-energy alerts, why haven't you broken [-] here?"

"Your Brother He, I heard that the new car I bought was hit and lost half a billion. I'm afraid I'm crying at home now."

"I haven't heard of it. They were all thrown into the hospital. Maybe their lives are in danger."

In addition to water friends, there are black fans in the live broadcast room.

Among the black fans, there are those who are looking for by the opposite anchor, and there are also water friends who are opposite the anchor.

The most of them are the rhythm fans played by the platform itself.

Because if the anchors on the platform are friendly, then only a few dollars can be earned when playing events.

Only the anchors on both sides really did it, and then they went to the event to fight for a breath.

At that time, sell the house or the car, or ask the elder brother to borrow money.

Only then will more money be generated, and the financial report of the platform will be good-looking.

Harvesting the audience is not considered a cow, the one who is good is the anchor of the harvesting platform.

"Where's the housing manager? All these black fans who curse Brother He, I will seal them for 7 days.

This Huya platform is really bad, can’t it be permanently sealed?” Li Ziwei saw that someone in the live broadcast room was blackmailing Su Wei, and the housing management could only seal them for seven days.

Immediately, he became dissatisfied, and began to scold Huya's plan as evil.

18-year-old Huya can only seal people for 7 days at most.

And in 2022, Huya will still not be permanently sealed, but at this time, people can be sealed for 365 days.

"It's coming, it's coming, the high-energy warning is rising so fast."

"Is this Brother He's shot? There are now [-] high-energy warnings, and the number is still rising."

"Brother He is here, we will win"

The people in the live broadcast room believed that as long as Yun Zhonghe came, he would definitely win.

After all, he is a real-name hero, and he can be found in reality.

Now that I saw several accounts frantically swiping, I thought it was Su Wei who had come.

"Brother He didn't come, but even if we only rely on our own strength this time, I believe we can win this week's star grabbing event." Li Ziwei is now crazy about the high-energy early warning, that's because he and Li Renfeng's money has already arrived billed.

Now the operation of Li Ziwei's trade union is frantically raising high-energy warnings.

"Use Awei to fight the opponent? Isn't that a sledgehammer to kill chickens?" Li Renfeng felt uncomfortable looking at the phone, so he went directly behind Li Ziwei to look at the interface of his computer.

At this time, there are more black fans in the live broadcast room, and he is not used to them.

"Brother Meng on the other side made a move, the speed is so fast."

"Now both sides are really fighting, and there are already [-] high-energy warnings on Jiuwei's side."

"Nine Tails is only [-], Brother Da Jin has already broken the [-] high-energy warning."

The audience in the live broadcast room, that is, they are all watching non-stop.

After all, many people like to watch the elder brother make money, because they will enter it.

"Don't panic, everyone, it's just a 88 high-energy warning. If you believe me, let's go together." The price of a high-energy warning is 880 yuan, and [-] is [-] million.

It seems that the money prepared by the other side this time is [-]% more than ten million.

And their money is only 1000 million in total.

Li Ziwei knew that he would lose this time no matter what, but he didn't intend to stop fighting.

Even if he loses, he has to run out of bullets.

"It's really hard for you to find here, where are you going now?"

 The group has already opened, if you want to join the group, add it, and advertise the group for the last time.

(End of this chapter)

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