Chapter 298

"Brothers, go up first, don't wait to be overtaken by the other side." When Brother Da Jin shouted today, he was a little bit unmotivated.

At noon, he already knew how much money he had prepared in total.

At that time, he also felt that this time might really be Huya's biggest battle.

As a result, at night, on the opposite side of Nine Tails, the high-energy early warning was unable to exceed [-] for a long time.

This really made him feel boring, because the other side didn't even come up.

If he can't fight tonight, then he is likely to become a one-man show.

"Brother Da Jin, aren't you joking? The other side feels like they are about to surrender."

"The Shenhao on the opposite side can't come out, this time it's basically a random win"

"It's boring, if you don't have a god on the other side, you'll keep making water friends"

The water friends in the live broadcast room were also dissatisfied, because what they wanted to watch was not such a PK.

What they like to watch is the anchors on both sides or the big brother who is making money.

Instead of paying a few million on the one hand, and looking for money from water friends in the female anchor and proxy broadcasting circle on the other.

"Is the anchor on the opposite side just so bad? Who is going to ask if they are still on?" Li Ziwei didn't make it this time, and the most angry thing was Adventurous Meng.

Because he made a guarantee in front of the company leaders this time, the turnover must be high this time.

If this is what it is today, then he may not be able to be on this account in the future.

When the time comes, the account of Adventurous Dream will most likely be taken by someone else.

"I heard that Shenhao on the other side, something happened in reality, maybe this time it might not be there." The adventurous dream is living in a vacuum, but Brother Da Jin is not.

He also heard from many people, and many people showed him the news.

It is said that Yun Zhonghe crashed this time, and the loss was as high as half a billion.

He didn't know if the person who crashed the car was Yun Zhonghe.

If so, it is indeed impossible for them to come to PK with you.

After all, if the half a billion is spent on Huya to play activities, it can achieve an effect of several hundred million.

"The last time Yun Zhonghe picked up the weekly star list on Wednesday, I didn't force him at that time. Now that he can't make it, I can only say that he is not strong enough." The car crashed on the other side has nothing to do with his adventurous dream.

So what if he is the Shenhao in reality, it has nothing to do with him.

Now it is on the Internet, where more money is called a cow.

Shut up if you don't have money, what kind of bullshit God is proud, just a younger brother.

"Brother He, the opposite side is up, the other side is starting to go up"

"The opposite Shenhao is here, and he has already caught up."

"Brother He shouldn't be on it. These are trumpets. If it was Brother He, he would definitely use his own account."

In Brother Dajin's live broadcast room, there are fans of every family.

Even many of Li Ziwei's water friends went to Brother Da Jin's studio.

After all, money has been swiped here, and now more than 500 million has been swiped.

Watching big brother brushing money online is really a pleasure.

This is why there are so many brands of flour on the Internet.

"It's good to have a reaction, I thought the other side was pretending to be dead."

. . . . . .

"You guys are really hard to find here." After Su Wei and Wu Xiaoxuan finished their meal, they sent Wu Xiaoxuan back to the hospital.

Then he chatted with the doctors and nurses on duty for a while before coming to Li Ziwei's union.

Because Su Wei had never been to this place, he and Zhang Ruoyu went the wrong way twice.

Su Wei didn't tell Li Ziwei when he came here, because he wanted to surprise them.

On the way here, he watched their live broadcast for a while.

I saw the powerlessness of Li Ziwei and the others, and I also saw the arrogance of Guoshenhao who cut his waist.

"Brother He? Brother He, why are you here?" Xiao Yu'er was watching Li Ziwei's live broadcast when he saw someone push the door open.

This is Li Ziwei's office, and operations generally don't mess around.

She looked up and found that this person turned out to be Brother He.

There are two main reasons for Xiao Yuer to join this trade union.

One is because of Li Ziwei's traffic, and the other is because of Su Wei.

She went to Su Wei's party that night, and she wanted to post Su Wei at that time.

In the end, she just put on a little restraint, and as a result, both sides of Su Wei were fully occupied.

"I know you're here, so I came to see you. Why are you hoarse? It's too hard. When you drink at night, drink a few more glasses." Su Wei still appreciates Xiao Yu'er's words Human, because she is desperate enough.

He watched Li Ziwei's live broadcast just now, and Xiao Yu'er really worked hard to solicit votes there.

Many people in the live broadcast room were mocking her, but none of them knocked her down.

On the contrary, she canvassed votes even harder, making her voice hoarse.

"Awei, are you here?

Weiwei, Awei is here." Li Renfeng's attention was all on the opposite live broadcast room, because their funds were only 1000 million.

But in the live broadcast room opposite, that 52x? ? ?high-energy early warning.

It's as if you don't want money, and it hasn't stopped.

More than ten minutes ago, their 1000 million had already been played.

But after the other side saw them stop, they were still brushing slowly.

It is obvious that I am not satisfied with the 1000 million brushed against them, and I want to continue playing with them.

Li Renfeng was so angry, but he really had no money now, so he could only let them laugh at him.

"Viagra, I thought you wouldn't be able to come today." Li Ziwei was really uncomfortable during the live broadcast today.

Because he actually has no idea about today's battle.

Sure enough, after the 1000 million from my side was typed out, there was no response from the other side.

He originally thought, just stay until 12 o'clock.

At that time, the audience who are facing me and eating melons, let them spray if they want to.

After all, I didn't win the fight, and it was true that I didn't have as much money as the opponent.

At this moment, he heard Su Wei coming.

He moved his head away from the monitor and found that Su Wei had really come.

"How could I not come to the challenge I accepted? How many are there?" If it wasn't for Li Rui today, Su Wei would have forgotten about it.

After all, the Huya platform is still too small.

However, he has already beaten Panda and Douyu, for this game platform that was not conquered in the end.

No matter what, he had to come and walk around to overcome the thorns here.

"The other side has a high-energy warning of 15 now, and our side has more than 12, but it feels like the other side is still bottomless." Li Renfeng has been observing the opposite side and found that they are really too rich.

After calling more than 1000 million yuan, it still looks like a normal person.

But the only annoying thing is that the opponent is always on BB's side.

"There's nothing bottomless, it's just that they have more money than ordinary people, let me beat them." If Su Wei didn't know the inside story, he would definitely be confused by their illusions.

But he was born again, and he is too familiar with adventurous dreams.

Knowing that they are from the waist-cutting country, this account is also dedicated to money laundering.

In their previous life, they deceived too many people like this.

Since Su Wei has the ability in this life, of course he must get rid of their true colors.

"Why is the young master missing? Where are you? Are you planning to admit defeat?"

"If you admit defeat, then why do you want us to go up?"

"The anchor himself paid 1000 million, how much money did you pay, why are you calling here?"

"Stop arguing, I just heard that Brother He is here"

The people in the live broadcast room saw Li Ziwei walking away.

No one came to talk to them for a long time, and a scolding war started on the barrage.

After all, as long as anyone with a discerning eye can see it now, Li Ziwei will definitely not be able to beat Brother Da Jin.

Some people swiped the money and found out that they didn't win, and began to vent their displeasure.

"Brothers, guess who's here?" When Li Ziwei came over, he also saw the barrage arguing.

But he ignored the barrage, because he knew he was in a headwind.

Brother He is here now, when it becomes a tailwind.

Then these water friends in the live broadcast room will call him brothers again.

"Brother He, the cliff is Brother He"

"It's still asking us to guess, look down on us, right?"

"I can hear Brother He's voice"

Those with earphones in the live broadcast room basically heard Su Wei's voice.

Those who are familiar with Su Wei immediately put Su Wei's name on the public screen.

Those who haven't heard, or are unfamiliar with.

They also started to use Su Wei's name, hoping that this great god really came.

"Hi, hello everyone. I watched the live broadcast of you and Ziwei just now. You all performed very well. Since I took over the event, then everyone can just eat melons. Tonight, there is no need to swipe the gifts." Li Zi Wei cares about the money, but Su Wei doesn't.

After all, the audience has already swiped more than 20, and nearly 30 came out.

The next battle is beyond the reach of retail investors.

"666, Brother He is a cow"

"Just kidding, domestic Bugatti chirou No.1, you must be joking with you"

"Brother He, how is your Bugatti?"

. . . . . .

"The other side has turned off again? Didn't it mean that it is the number one hero of Panda and Douyu? It means that it is the top rich second generation in Shanghai. I don't think it will work." The adventurous dream only saw more than 1000 million swipes, The opposite side stopped following, which made him too upset.

After all, his task today is to let Li Ziwei and his group consume as much as possible.

It is best for the opponent to show their strength, the stronger the strength, the better.

That way when he beats them, it looks like he deserved it.

The Kidney Cutting Group now knows that live broadcasts are good for money laundering, so he will take advantage of the time when he is on the top.

Set up a trade union, and then recruit a large number of anchors.

In this way, more money can be laundered, and the money of viewers who watch the live broadcast can also be harvested.

"The main reason is that Brother Meng is too awesome, and the rich second generation only has a few dollars." Brother Da Jin is also a rich second generation, and he knows how much the rich second generation has.

The real second-generation rich are basically digging and searching.

Although they go out in sports cars every day, some even have their own mansions.

But they don't have much cash at all, because the family won't give them that much money. ,

This time without Yun Zhonghe's participation, Li Ziwei alone was able to make so much money.

Brother Da Jin really felt that they were already very good.

"The other side is blowing so hard, seeing brother Meng is not the only way to admit defeat"

"I thought it was so powerful that if I hit 1000 million, I would have no money."

"Brother Meng is not well, Yun Zhonghe is really here"

The people in the live broadcast room were still bragging about their adventurous dreams.

All of a sudden, a large barrage of bullet screens began to appear, all in the clouds.

The main reason is that the people who eat melons have always looked at both sides, and Su Wei is also photogenic.

Every fool knows that the next step is the real start of PK.

The more than 2000 million hits before can only be regarded as a warm-up.

"Yun Zhonghe is finally here. I really want to see if he is really so good." Adventurous Meng actually doesn't need a barrage reminder, because the computer next to him is watching Li Ziwei's live broadcast room.

But he definitely wanted to pretend, pretending to be reminded by the barrage.

After all, he is the number one hero in Huya, and he wants to maintain his image.

"Brother Meng has started to renew the fee"

"Eat melons and eat melons"

"Brother Meng, you have to work hard, you are the last dignity of our Huya"

Most of the people in the live broadcast room are old fans of Huya.

They still don't really hope that Su Wei will step down all the local gods when he comes over.

"Everyone go up together, don't let Brother Meng go up alone"

. . . . . .

"Awei, the opponent is clearly prepared this time, are you sure you want to fight?" Li Renfeng said that he came prepared, which means that the opponent has sufficient cash flow.

He didn't doubt that Su Wei was rich, but he was afraid that Su Wei didn't have so much cash.

After all, the dignified richest man can't come up with 5 million in cash at once.

"What I'm fighting is that he came prepared, otherwise how can he win with dignity?" What Su Wei has the most money is cash.

Moreover, the cash in his card can no longer be called too much, it can be said to be massive.

Su Wei came here this time just to beat them out of the net once and for all where they think they can win the most.

The next time they want to make a comeback, they will not have the same influence as they do now.

After all, if you want to launder money, then you do it honestly.

You launder money, but also circle the audience by the way.

Then Su Wei can't get used to it. If he is not capable, forget it. If he is capable, he will definitely be teased.

"Since you said so, Ah Wei, then fuck them.

Now the opposite side is on Crazy, Ah Wei, do you want to ask the operator to help you brush? "When Li Renfeng saw Su Wei saying that, he didn't persuade him any more.

After all, tonight, he himself was the boss, so he threw away all his cash.

Even with a turnover contract, he would still lose more than 100 million.

"You don't need to call it an operation, you find someone to bring a computer in, and I'll fight against each other here." Su Wei felt that Li Ziwei's office was okay, and planned to play PK here.

But he had to spend too much money this time, so he had to use a computer to fight this PK.

"Viagra, sit here with me, I'll just use my mobile phone to play.

Brothers, Brother He's mobile phone is not easy to pay for. If he uses my computer, then I will use my mobile phone to broadcast, okay? "Li Ziwei is not the one who brushes the money, he can use a mobile phone or a computer.

Now that Su Wei doesn't have a computer, of course Li Ziwei donated his computer.

After all, it is almost 10 o'clock now, and it will be 12 o'clock in only two hours.

"Hurry up and broadcast it on your mobile phone, we want to watch Brother He make money"

"Master, get off quickly"

"I don't know who the girl next to Brother He is today?"

The people in the live broadcast room were also relatively real. They saw that Su Wei wanted to use a computer.

They kept urging Li Ziwei to download the broadcast immediately.

"You bastards, all right, let's watch TP together." After the broadcast started on Li Ziwei's mobile phone, it was simultaneously downloaded on the computer.

Then Su Wei logged into his Huya account on the computer and began to charge money into the account.

Li Ziwei also knew who the protagonist was now, and the camera was always on Su Wei.

"TP, TP, TP, TP"

"come come come"

"Brother He is so handsome, I want to give birth to a monkey for you"

 Every time I plan to add updates, I will be so busy that day, hey, I don’t know how to say it
(End of this chapter)

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