Chapter 300

"I swiped 6000 million by myself, and Yun Zhonghe only swiped 5000 million, and there are more than 1000 million swiped by Nine Tails. I didn't continue swiping just now, that's because I was tired of clicking and taking a break. The last half hour is the time to see the truth." This time, Huya gave Adventurous Meng this account, with a turnover limit of 6000 million.

So when he just hit 6000 million, he stopped.

There is no way, all the recharged money has been spent.

But he is not reconciled to failure, after all, if he fails, his account will be defeated by Huya.

So he made a special application this time, and finally applied for another 2000 million urgently.

"Did you hear that? Brother Meng is just tired of pointing fingers. There is still half an hour. Who knows what it will be like to win or lose. Please renew your subscription." Brother Da Jin originally planned to admit defeat. When not seen.

Anyway, no matter how fierce the barrage is, he won't lose a piece of meat.

Now seeing the adventurous Meng coming out to speak, he knew that things should have turned around.

It's just that he didn't understand that after the 6000 million was spent, where did Adventurous Dream get the money from?

But who cares, he's just a cooperative relationship with them anyway, and he's not going to pay this time.

"What day is it today? Why are all the anchors in Huya's entertainment area here on the screen?"

"Now the two sides add up, and more than [-] million have been played. Why do you say that they are all on the screen?"

"Both sides are big bosses. If all the money is given to me, then I will get rich."

In addition to the rhythmic ones in the live broadcast room, the rest are pure audiences.

They usually don't watch entertainment, and basically spend their time in the game area.

But this time when I opened Huya, the interface was full of gift banners from these two live broadcast rooms.

I accidentally clicked in and realized that the gifts on these two sides were too insane.

. . . . . .

"Brother He, the opponent is not planning to admit defeat yet"

"Xiaomeng is still dying, Brother He will take care of him"

"Brother Meng said you only swiped 5000 million, not qualified to laugh at him"

The water friends in the live broadcast room have been running on both sides, and the speed of their news delivery is really fast.

As soon as the adventurous dream talk over there was finished, the water friend had already typed and clicked to send.

"At that time, I just talked about robbing Zhou Xing, but I didn't say it was a single-player competition. Now that I can't win it, come here?" Li Ziwei laughed angrily when he saw the words on the barrage.

After all, what they were talking about at the time was just grabbing Zhou Xing, and now the adventurous dream is just playing a rogue.

"It's okay, didn't he want to compete for the last half an hour, then I will help him, and I will convince him to lose, let him know what it means to shake a tree by a mayfly." With the money on Su Wei's body now, don't talk about it Bullshit adventurous dream.

Even if the Kidney Cutting Group ends directly, Su Wei is not afraid.

"That adventurous dream is to not shed tears without seeing the coffin." Li Renfeng has seen it today, and an online activity can make so much money.

However, the water here is also very deep, because both parties to the war have running water contracts.

If ordinary people meet, they will really be beaten and doubt their lives.

"Boss Su, the high-energy early warning on the opposite side has started to surge again." Although Zhang Ruoyu didn't click the mouse anymore, she was still looking at the data.

Just now she refreshed habitually, and saw that the data on the opposite side jumped to 78 high-energy estimates.

On Su Wei's side, there are only 80 high-energy early warnings.

The gap between the two sides is not big, but the strange thing is that the growth rate on my side is obviously not as fast as that of the other side.

If it ends at 12 o'clock, it will definitely be overtaken by the opponent.

"What are you afraid of when it rises, let's not stop, just keep counting until 12 o'clock, and I'll see how much money he can make." At this time, Su Wei didn't realize that something went wrong.

He felt that he was already in the lead now, so he just kept it until 12 o'clock.

As for Adventurous Meng, Su Wei's account is not as popular as his.

Su Wei didn't plan to pay attention, because he didn't have enough time to come.

It is true that if the two sides just swiped until 12 o'clock, his account might not be swiped as much as the account of Adventurous Dream.

"Damn it, the two numbers on the opposite side are registered at the same time, no wonder the swiping is so fast.

Brother He, another guy named Junzi Guqiong came out from the opposite side, and he is also frantically swiping." Hearing Zhang Ruoyu's words, Li Ziwei ran to watch Brother Dajin's live broadcast room.

It turned out that the reason why he rose so fast here was because there were two accounts on the high-energy early warning.

If two people click the mouse together, no matter how fast the person with the fastest hand is, the slow person will not be much slower.

But if another person comes in from the opposite side, that person can't win anyway.

"This adventurous dream is really a pure villain, talking like farting." Li Renfeng was also manipulated by the opposite, leaving Xiu speechless.

After all, what you said before, combined with your current actions, is really a bit of a sense of authority.

"This operation is really disgusting"

"Brother He, why don't you open two accounts too?"

"If you want me to say, since you want to open, then open a few more numbers, otherwise you don't know what tricks the person opposite will play."

"Brothers, let's scold them together"

. . . . . .

"Why is Huya No. [-] Shenhao, just now you said that Brother He's money was paid by two people, and now you open two accounts?"

"Adventurous dream, your mother's grave exploded, play dirty here"

"Huya's Shenhao, can't afford to lose like this?"

This time Li Ziwei came from Panda and brought a group of Panda fans.

People like them didn't really like Huya's style.

I feel that this platform has a strong earthy flavor.

Now seeing that the adventurous dream doesn't talk about Wude, how can they be polite.

After entering Brother Dajin's live broadcast room, he began to curse.

"The opposite side also opened other accounts before, and now the big brother in our live broadcast room is not used to it, so give it to me, I think it's fair." When Brother Da Jin started, he really didn't know who this gentleman was. .

But later, his wife told him about his status as a gentleman but poor.

Only then did he know that this gentleman is solidly poor.

Originally, it was planned to retire after the adventurous dream was successful, and then this account was used to allow the country to establish a trade union in Huya.

But because Yun Zhonghe is too powerful, the only way to let Junzi Guqiong come out first is now.

After all, if he doesn't come out, the adventurous dream will be kicked out of the net.

"I don't know who Mengge is or not, I just don't like the adventurous dream of a group of people on the opposite side.

I heard that this Yunzhonghe is a god, if he is not happy, he can also play on the trumpet, anyway, I am just a nobody." Gentleman Guqiong will come out, it is because the adventurous dream guaranteed the company.

Their turnover this time is 6000 million, and Huya will return 70% of this money.

But after Adventurous Dream gave the company a guarantee, the company recharged him another 2000 million.

The 2000 million Huya has not been approved, which means they can only get 45% of it.

"We are comparing who can generate more high-energy early warnings. In the final analysis, they are more than money. Yun Zhonghe is overtaken now, which can only prove that his wallet is not thick enough, otherwise he will reach a height that we cannot catch up with. Isn't he a sure winner?" Adventurous Meng asked for the 2000 million, and it was also a last-ditch effort.

Because it was his idea to hit Yun Zhonghe, what he thought at the time was stepping on Yun Zhonghe to reach the sky in one step.

But who knew that Yun Zhonghe was so strong and had such sufficient funds.

Fortunately, he did the math, in the first hour and a half.

Although Yun Zhonghe was desperately swiping money, he still only swiped 5000 million.

It's only half an hour now, and it's easy for the two of them to earn 2000 million.

But on Yun Zhonghe's side, even if the screen is broken, it can't be refreshed so fast.

"That's right, it can be proved that he is not good enough to be overtaken"

"Don't make excuses when you lose, just stand at attention"

"What is the real-name system Shenhao, after all, he is still not strong enough"

. . . . . .

"Boss Su, this is not the way, why don't we open an account too?" Zhang Ruoyu still didn't understand that Junzi Guqiong had put Su Wei there.

If he changed to a smaller brush, there would definitely be other disgusting people at that time.

"You can't play the trumpet, didn't you see what the gentleman said, he is just a nobody.

If only we had that kind of machine, it would be great if we could keep firing. Hey, do you have a fascia gun? "Su Wei thought at this time, just find a machine that can keep clicking the mouse.

Suddenly it occurred to him that he could use that fascia gun to do it.

It's a machine anyway, and it doesn't get tired.

"Brother He, we don't have a fascia gun here, but you can try using a dot connecter." The person who spoke was the operator who brought the computer in before.

Connectors have been used in games before, and are especially useful for shootout games.

When this operator heard Su Wei talking about the fascia gun, he suddenly thought that there was a linker like that on the Internet.

"Clicker, can you keep clicking?" Su Wei looked at the other operators who were still clicking the mouse, and felt that their speed was indeed a bit slow.

After all, he has a lot of money now, and the limitation is that his hand speed is not enough.

If there is such a connector, it will solve his big problem.

"Yes, and Brother He, you can buy a membership with money on the Internet, and the power of the dot connector can be a little stronger." This operation came to Li Ziwei's place to work, and it was also thoughtful.

After all, Li Ziwei is a rich second generation, and Su Wei stands behind him.

If he behaved well and they took a fancy to him, then he would send it out.

"Can you get this linker out now? If you can, I'll give you 10 yuan as a reward on the spot." Su Wei saw that this kind of thing was real, and immediately asked the operator to get out the linker.

He offered 10 yuan, which can be regarded as a reward for this operation.

But if he can't do it, he just knows this thing.

Then Su Wei still has money to reward him, but not so much.

"It can be done, it can be done, and it will be ready soon." Hearing Su Wei's reward of 10 yuan, the operation was really excited.

Because he has only come to work for a few days, and he can get so much money.

He was sure of himself now, and he really didn't come here by mistake.

"Xiao Zheng, if you have this good thing, you should take it out earlier, my hands almost had cramp just now." Only then did Li Renfeng know that there was this thing.

Then he just kept pointing there just now, and his hands almost cramp.

"Mr. Li, I only thought of this software when I heard Mr. Su mention the fascia gun just now.

Brother He, I have already downloaded the dot connecter, now click on the gift to start.” After a few minutes, Xiao Zheng finished downloading the dot connecter.

And after the software was downloaded, he paid 69 yuan to go in and open a membership.

"Then you click, why are you staring blankly? Isn't it useless?" There are 86 high-energy early warnings on Su Wei's side, but there are already 88 high-energy early warnings on the other side.

So he looked at Xiao Zheng not moving, thinking that the linker system was not compatible.

"No, it's because the speed of this dot connecter is too fast, I dare not click." Xiao Zheng didn't dare to click, he just clicked down.

If you don't press pause, it will continue to click quickly.

"Then I'll do it myself, I want to see how fast this speed is.

Fuck,,, this speed is absolutely incredible"

. . . . . .

"Brother Meng, let's open the hook on the other side, they will open the linker"

"It's not fair, face to face cheating"

"Didn't Brother Meng say it himself? This is a money-making game. If you open the dot tool to make money, it's not money?"

In Brother Dajin's live broadcast room, he finally had the advantage of using two accounts.

Su Wei turned on the connector, and he was thrown far away in a few strokes.

Fans of Brother Dajin's live broadcast room, and Brother Meng's brand of flour.

Where are you willing to do it? Everyone is calling it unfair.

But fans of other companies in the live broadcast room felt that there was nothing unfair.

After all, this is a money-swiping game, but you are an adventurous dreamer.

"Brothers, let's go up, the opponent is catching up, every high-energy warning of yours is very important." When Brother Da Jin was still canvassing votes, the opponent quietly overtook him.

Brother Da Jin at this time didn't know the situation yet.

After all, when the presents were flying all over the place, you couldn't even see what Shui You typed.

"The opponent is so fierce, if you get on it, you will lose."

"The gap is too big now, Brother Meng can't beat the opponent alone"

"The money on the other side is 1000 million more than Brother Meng and the others. How can I fight this? It's impossible to fight."

. . . . . .

"Brother He, the other side is no longer available." Li Ziwei turned off the fire again after seeing that the other side had swiped 2000 million.

Knowing that this time they will face each other, it should be really impossible.

"We won, hahaha" Zhang Ruoyu thought it was silly to spend so much money at the beginning.

After all, Su Wei and the three of them have almost [-] million dollars in total.

There is nothing wrong with [-] million yuan, but you come to the Internet to spend so much money.

But now that I'm about to win after participating, I still can't help but get excited.

"Don't be careless, we will issue another 1000 million high-energy early warning." Su Wei dare not underestimate the opponent, after all, they belong to the country that cut the waist.

Huya has always been an important channel for them to launder money. Who knows if they will fight back when they die.

So he still feels that the words of 1000 million are a bit unstable.

"It's not necessary, is it? After all, we already have 1000 million more than the opponent." Li Ziwei felt that 1000 million was already safe.

After all, if the opponent wants to chase, there will be too little time.

It's only 5 minutes until the end.

"If they open 10 accounts and connect all of them, how much money do you think they can make?" If the opponent is an ordinary Shenhao, then of course Su Wei is not worried.

But the person who brushes the money on the opposite side is starting a scene in the country of cutting the waist.

Their cash, that is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

And Su Wei has no doubt that they can immediately spend [-] million in cash.

After all, those who lose today will have to withdraw from the net.

And after today's game, Su Wei can be regarded as the number one god on the top three game platforms.

Therefore, in the last battle of his live broadcast, he must hit a number that cannot be easily surpassed.

"It's true, after all, they have already spent 8000 million."

. . . . . .

"You still want to steal?"

"If we don't steal, our painstaking efforts in Huya will be gone."

"But now the opponent is almost 1000 million ahead of us, what do you use to steal?"

"But let's forget it? After all, we've already played 8000 million yuan, and we can earn all the money back if we win."

"There is no hope, you see for yourself, the opposite side is still on the road, this is not giving us a chance at all"

"Then what will happen to me next? Will I die?"

"You won't die, you may be arranged to make a phone call next time, after all, you did a good job in Huya before, but your decision-making mistakes today cost the company more than 1000 million, it depends on whether you can Called and got the money out"

(End of this chapter)

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