Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 301 I am a gentleman but poor

Chapter 301 I am a gentleman but poor





"Win, we won"

"Brothers, let's go to the opposite side, don't forget the tradition of Huya playing PK"

"Grand Crane mighty"

"Brother He, give me a chance to interview you. I want to ask you, do you have anything to say when you win this Zhou Xing?" Li Ziwei's live broadcast room is now in Xiao Yu'er's hands.

When Li Ziwei approached 12 o'clock, his mobile phone was full of congratulatory WeChat messages and phone calls.

So he could only answer the phone and handed over the live broadcast to Xiao Yu'er for her to shoot.

Now that Xiao Yuer saw that he had won, the first person to interview was Su Wei.

After all, the biggest contributor to winning today is him.

And Xiao Yu'er certainly has ideas about Su Wei.

After all, which woman can handle a man who can spend [-] million online.

"If this time it was not a high-energy early warning, but a rocket, it should have ended long ago. Maybe we have already sang in KTV by now." This high-energy early warning can only be generated 52 times at a time.

Now it’s not a few years later, that gift swiping will limit your consumption.

Like Huya No. 66, a maximum of [-] can be generated at one time.

The price of one Huya No. 66 is [-], and [-] Huya No. [-]s are [-].

"Brother Crane Niubi, the real No. [-] hero in the whole network"

"The most amazing thing is that Brother He uses his real name to play online, so he won't come with you."

"Brother He, do you still lack a son?"

"Brother He's words are correct, this can only be blamed on Huya, the high-energy warning can only be swiped 52 at a time, if we can swip 520, then we really didn't have to take turns to click the mouse just now.

Okay, let's interview Brother Feng again now.

Brother Feng, what do you want to say about this competition? "When Xiao Yu'er used to, he really didn't think that sending 52 high-energy warnings at a time was too little.

After all, this is 500 yuan, and she may not receive it once a month.

But following Su Wei today, she has really seen what money is just a number.

When she first started clicking the mouse, she was still thinking about how much she clicked to get out.

Before 1 minute had passed, my hands felt sore, but I couldn't stop.

"There's nothing to say. When I saw Ah Wei coming, I knew that I would definitely win today." Li Renfeng said it so easily now, but in fact he had just seen the victory.

Everyone jumped up happily, because they were so excited.

Before today, he really never dreamed that playing PK online would be so exciting.

This time, the combined money from both sides exceeded [-] million.

Even if it can return, Huya still has to eat about 6000 million.

"Brother He, there are a few anchors from Magic City, and they also want to come to KTV Wan, and they plan to toast you." Li Ziwei just went to answer the phone because many anchors knew that Su Wei opened a private room in King of K Songs.

So they wanted to come and ask if they could go together at night.

After all, who would want to curry favor with someone as proud as Su Wei?

These anchors act as clowns on the Internet every day.

For what, it is not for money.

"A group of anchors are coming? Who are they?" Su Wei didn't really want them to come, because he didn't plan to hang out on the Internet anymore.

Moreover, these anchors are basically of low quality.

Most of them can't even go to high school.

So Su Wei planned to ask who it was first, otherwise he didn't like the person who came.

The party that night was boring.

"I definitely won't call those ignorant, and they are all women. I don't agree with any men. Among them, there are a few female anchors with super big breasts." Li Ziwei has known Su Wei for so long, of course he knows what he is like people.

How could there be no male anchor for the people who came to him this time.

It's just that the male anchor's words were all rejected by him.

"They're all women? Then call them all over. The box I opened today is big enough to hold them all."

. . . . . .

"kneel down"

"kneel down"

"kneel down"

In Brother Dajin's live broadcast room, the barrage was all about kneeling down.

Because every time Brother Dajin plays PK with someone, his fans will go to the opposite side and kneel down after winning.

Before, because he was backed by Shenhao who cut his waist, he never lost in PK.

But today, Su Wei directly raised [-] million, which directly beat the opponent into a daze.

So now Brother Dajin's barrage is all about kneeling down, which can only be regarded as a kind of backlash.

"This time PK, Brother He is really good, but Brother Meng is not bad. He has issued a high-energy warning of 700 million. He is also Huya's second-highest spender. Brothers, there is no need to kneel down." Da Jin Brother also wants to defend a few words, after all, the people in the country who cut the waist will change their accounts.

But Brother Da Jin can't do it, because he still has a union that collects everyone's money and fulfills his dream.

"kneel down, kneel down"

"If you lose, stand at attention, what are you talking about?"

"Adventurous Meng said it himself, the loser withdraws from the network, if he does not withdraw from the network, then we will scold him every day"

Only a small number of people speaking on the bullet screen are Li Ziwei's fans.

The most people inside are still passers-by.

And there are some people in it who used to run around following their adventurous dreams.

How active you were at his back then, how hard you scold him now.

"In the future, there will be no more adventurous dreams on the Huya platform"

. . . . . .

"Sister Zhang, please broadcast for me. I'll talk to Brother He about something." Coming out of the office, Li Ziwei gave the live broadcast room to Zhang Ruoyu.

Because he was looking for Su Wei and wanted to talk about something.

This matter can be said in front of the live broadcast room, but he is afraid that Su Wei will misunderstand that he is trying to frame him.

After all, Su Wei swiped 3000 million today, a net loss of [-] million.

"No problem, just leave it to me." Zhang Ruoyu was quite curious about this live broadcast.

After all, it has been 18 years now, and there are not many people who don't know about the live broadcast.

"The male water friend finally walked away, I want to take a good look at Sister Zhang"

"What Zhang sister, this is obviously Zhang sister"

"Sister Zhang, you and Brother He, have you slept yet?"

"The people in the live broadcast room pay attention to their quality. This is Brother He's assistant, not a female guest who spends money to find."

When the people in the live broadcast room saw that Zhang Ruoyu was holding the live broadcast room, they were all very excited.

After all, in reality, they are basically cowardly.

When I see a good-looking girl, I dare not take the initiative to strike up a conversation.

Now Zhang Ruoyu took the live broadcast room, and they all started the mouth-to-mouth mode.

"What do you want to talk to me about?" Su Wei was curious, why did Li Ziwei suddenly want to talk to him.

Because when he came, he didn't know the exact location of the company.

So now he stands at the door, waiting for Liu Qiang to drive over.

"Brother He, you big bull, do you have any idea to make a move?" The reason why Li Ziwei didn't dare to bring the live broadcast room was because he was afraid that the people in the live broadcast room would force Su Wei to sell the car.

Because of the people in the live broadcast room, they are people who watch the excitement and don't think it's a big deal.

They don't care if you're serious or joking.

"I'm not driving that Big Niu, but Xiao Zhang is driving it. Why do you suddenly want to buy a Niu?" Su Wei was a little confused when he heard that Li Ziwei wanted to buy his Big Niu.

After all, Li Ziwei said that it was not easy to drive this big bull.

"Isn't it because I sold my 488, plus a live broadcast always needs a car, so I thought, let's see if your Da Niu is sold, but since sister Zhang is driving it, let's forget it." After Li Ziwei's Ferrari 488 was sold, he urgently needed a sports car.

His original idea was to go to a second-hand car dealer to look for it.

Now that Su Wei is here, he remembers that his Lamborghini is going to be moldy.

That's why he asked, it's just that he didn't expect that Zhang Ruoyu was actually driving this big bull.

His brain was also cramped before, and he actually believed that the two of them had never slept.

"President Su, I just don't want to drive that Big Niu. If you want to sell it, then sell it." Zhang Ruoyu was broadcasting live next to him, and suddenly heard Li Ziwei say that he wanted to buy that Big Niu.

She actually wanted to return this big bull to Su Wei, but she didn't tell him because he had too many things going on recently.

When she just got it, Zhang Ruoyu was so excited that she couldn't sleep at night.

At night, I drove the car out and circled around the community.

But after driving for a long time, she found that she really couldn't bear this car.

Because the exhaust sound of this car is too loud, it is useless for her to sing in the car.

Moreover, the sitting position of this car is too low, as long as there is a car behind her at night, her eyes will always be illuminated.

On the way, she changed cars with her father, and her father refused to change again the next day.

Now that she saw that Li Ziwei wanted to buy this big cow, of course she was eager to do so.

"Sister Zhang, don't get me wrong. I really didn't mean that. I didn't know that you were driving Danielu before." Li Ziwei heard that Zhang Ruoyu was driving Danielu. How dare he buy it.

After all, they drive well, but you bought the car.

After that, she won't hate you to death.

"Xiao Zhang, why do you suddenly not like driving big bulls? Didn't you say that you like Lamborghini big bulls the most?" Seeing Zhang Ruoyu's expression, Su Wei knew she was telling the truth.

After all, he drove this car for Zhang Ruoyu at that time, and there was a semi-punitive nature in it.

"I just thought that Daniel was handsome, but after getting in touch with him, I realized that the car was too uncomfortable to drive, so Mr. Su, if you really want to sell it, then sell it." Zhang Ruoyu used to like Daniel, but it was really just I think it looks good.

After driving for a while, she found that she didn't like this car at all.

"Sister Zhang really drives Brother He's Daniel to go to and from get off work? Was that barrage before really her neighbor?"

"I just believed what Sister Zhang said, and I really thought they were just ordinary subordinates, so I cried."

"Sister Zhang is so pretty, if I were Brother He, I would never let her go"

Just now Zhang Ruoyu saw that she and Su Wei were together in the live broadcast room, and she also specifically explained that it was just a relationship between superiors and subordinates.

After all, what she said is all true.

"Hahaha, after getting in touch with it now, do you not like it anymore? I told you that this car is not easy to drive, but you still don't believe it.

Ziwei, I bought this car for about 800 million at the time. If you want to buy it, take it away for 500 million.” Su Wei bought this car for only 3 months.

Now sold on the market, it will not be less than 580 million.

After all, his car has never been in an accident, nor has it been off the track.

The price of 500 million is really cheap.

"500 million? I want it, but I don't have the money to pay it now, can I give it next month?" Li Ziwei didn't expect Su Wei to quote a price of 500 million.

His psychological estimate is actually 600 million.

Now it's 100 million cheaper, so how could he let it go.

But now all his money has been PKed to Huya.

He has to wait until next month, when Huya distributes the money.

"Xiao Zhang, then you give the big cow to Ziwei tomorrow, and then I will find you a trolley for commuting to and from get off work."

. . .

"Xiao Zhang, you really don't want to stay and play?" Zhang Ruoyu was fine at first, but who knew that she wanted to go back when she arrived at the gate of the king of karaoke.

Su Wei had no choice but to ask Lao Liu to drive Zhang Ruoyu off.

In fact, he had some idea of ​​why Zhang Ruoyu wanted to leave.

"President Su, forget it. After all, I am here to influence your performance. Master Liu, you can go." Originally, when Zhang Ruoyu saw Su Wei calling Zhou Kelai, she didn't say anything.

After all, on this occasion, it's normal for her boss to call a woman.

But when she came to the scene, she realized that there were more than 20 women.

But there are only three men, Su Wei, Li Ziwei and Li Renfeng.

Who knows what will happen if you have a good time this evening.

"Hi, Brother He, I haven't seen you for a long time. Why, your little assistant is gone." As soon as Zhou Ke's car arrived, he saw Su Wei saying goodbye to his little assistant.

At this time, Zhou Ke still felt that she was stable tonight.

Because the biggest obstacle around Su Wei actually left by himself.

"My little assistant is gone. Why are you so happy? Come on, I haven't seen you for a long time, let's hug one first." Su Wei looked at Ke's outfit next week and found that she was dressed so innocently today.

A pink tulle dress like the girl next door.

"Brother He, where do you put your hands, ah, there are so many people here, they all come to your party, right?" When Su Wei and Zhou Ke hugged each other, of course they would not be honest.

After all, the two of them have met each other so many times.

At this moment, Zhou Ke saw a group of women staring at her, including Li Ziwei and the others.

It was only at this time that she realized that these people also came to the party.

"That's not what I called. It's all called by Li Ziwei. I didn't even know he had arranged so many anchors to come over." Li Ziwei called a lot of real girls this time.

And Su Wei has already seen it, and several of them are very good-looking.

"Trust me"

"Brother He, let me introduce you, the long-haired one is Maojiu, the short-haired one is Jingjing, the petite one is Miaomiao, this F-level player is our Guoguo... ..." Many of the girls here are brought by friends.

So when Li Ziwei introduced him, he would first listen to their own introductions, and then introduce them to Su Wei.

"Hello Brother Crane"

"Hi, hello, don't stand still, let's go and sit in the box first." With so many women today, Su Wei could already imagine how intense it would be at night.

And there was a woman among them, he was very impressed.

He doesn't need to sleep with other people tonight, but he must sleep with that woman tonight.

"Brother He, you are so handsome tonight." Looking at Su Wei quietly, there are stars in her eyes.

This is the real big boss in reality, if he is fawning on him, what kind of live broadcast will he do?

"Before I was in Brother Li's camera, you were handsome enough to see Brother He, but I didn't expect you to be even more handsome in reality." The left side of Su Wei was originally occupied by Jing Jing, and the right side was occupied by Zhou Ke.

But this meow, relying on the softness of her body, squeezed Zhou Ke away.

"Really, what's your name? Meow? It's really like a kitten." Although Zhou Ke was squeezed away, Su Wei was not angry at all.

Instead, he was surprised by how soft this meow's body is, which is really like a cat.

"Brother He, are you the master of the house? Meow" this Meow is the anchor of Two-dimensional, and knows what kind of woman men like.

In addition, she learned to dance when she was a child, which made her move like a little cat.

"Sister Zhou, you can't blame me, they must come, I can't stop them.

And this is because I turned away more than half of the people, otherwise more people would come." Li Ziwei didn't expect that this Miaomiao would be so awesome.

He actually squeezed Zhou Ke out of Su Wei's side.

But he was right about one thing, that is, he did reject a large number of people.

"It's okay, let's go, we're going in"

. . .

"Brother He is really big, come on, let's have another drink." These girls today are not those paratroopers.

These women are all anchors, and each of them has a lot of work.

Although they just met each other, they are not cold at all.

"There are so many of you drinking one for me, and I'll pour it down after each one drinks. In this way, if any of you want to toast me, you can't do it unless you kiss me first." Normally, those girls can still scream.

All the hosts who came here today were familiar with each other.

Less than half an hour after the drink was served, Su Wei had already been downed with more than 10 glasses of wine.

So he stipulated that if you want to toast, you must kiss one first.

Ordinary-looking, of course it's a face kiss.

If it's good-looking, of course it's a kiss.

"Brother He, can you come out for a while? I want to tell you something, ah, Brother He, don't be like this." Mao Jiu, who had been sitting by the side just now, got up and walked in front of Su Wei.

As a result, as soon as he told Su Wei that he had something to look for her, Su Wei pulled him into his arms.

And Su Wei didn't let her go, and kissed her directly on the mouth.

"Okay, now you can say, what's your need?" Su Wei really didn't expect Mao Jiu to come today.

In her previous life, she was brushed off by Adventurous Dream in 19, and then quit the Internet.

Su Wei didn't know her until after that big brush, and thought she was very beautiful.

Later, I never saw her on the Internet again, and I don't know if she was arrested or tricked into killing her in the country that cut her waist.

After all, the country that cuts the waist has been deceiving people in the country.

"It's my elder brother. He called me and said he wanted to chat with you, Brother He, and said that you must be interested." Maojiu wiped his mouth, and then told Su Wei about her.

She didn't want to come today, but a big brother asked her to come.

Unexpectedly, this brother He took advantage of her when she came.

"I'm sure I'm interested? If I'm not interested, then you have to make it up to me." Hearing what Maojiu said, Su Wei suddenly became interested.

Followed Maojiu to the outside, wanting to see what was going on.

At this time, seeing that the box next to it was empty, he asked the salesman to clean the box, and then he walked inside with the cat for a long time.

"Brother He, give me the phone, then I'll go out first." Mao Jiu dialed the phone, then handed the phone to Su Wei, thinking about going out first.

After all, Su Wei looked at her in the wrong way, and there were only the two of them here, so she was a little scared.

"Don't worry, you can just call here with me.

Or a foreign number?It's quite mysterious.

hello who? "Su Wei took Mao Jiu's hand, not letting her go away.

In fact, when he saw the foreign number, he already guessed where it was.

It's just that he didn't expect Mao Jiu to know them so early.

"Brother Su, hello, I am a gentleman but poor"

(End of this chapter)

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