Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 302 The Wealth Bequeathed to Future Generations

Chapter 302 The Wealth Bequeathed to Future Generations

"Hello, Brother Su, I'm Junzi Guqiong" The person calling Su Wei now is not the gentleman who swiped money before.

The name "Gentleman Guqiong" was originally created by the adventurous Mengmeng.

Their initial idea was to use this number as the leader to start a labor union.

After all, if the adventurous dream stepped on Su Wei, he would be the real No. [-] hero in the whole network.

It is inconvenient for him to start a trade union due to his status, so he arranged the account of Junzi Guqiong after he retires after he is successful.

In the name of the adventurous Dream's friend, to take over all his glory.

Then contact the major trade unions, and then start a trade union by yourself, so that the amount of the monthly turnover contract can be higher.

The current monthly quota of tens of millions is really a drop in the bucket for their group.

The only way is to open a big trade union and recruit hundreds or thousands of anchors.

The quota given to them by Huya will be higher.

But now that Adventurous Dream has been withdrawn from the Internet by Su Wei, he can only call to pay back the company's money.

The title of "Gentleman Solid Poor" falls to the adventurous dream superior.

"You know me?" Junzi Guqiong called out President Su, not Brother He.

What is certain is that he knows Su Wei, and he only shouted that after investigating.

So when Su Wei asked the question, he frowned very tightly.

"President Su is very famous in Shanghai. Although my place is a remote place, I have heard of his name." On the first day Su Wei came to Huya, Adventurous Dream had already investigated him.

Knowing that he is a big boss in reality, and he is super rich.

Adventurous Meng's original idea was to step on Su Wei's position.

Just like Qin Feng, the emperor of the magic capital, he stepped on Principal Wang and became the top rich second generation in China.

After all, the adventurous dream is actually questioned by many people because it cannot show its face.

But if they defeat Su Wei, the real-name god hero, it will make many people believe that they are really god hero.

After all, netizens are innocent, and they can even believe that the Rothschild family has tens of trillions.

Then I believe that the adventurous dream that defeated Su Wei is a super hero, there is nothing wrong with it.

It's just that sometimes the reality is cruel, and Su Wei is much richer than they thought.

Now that he didn't step on Su Wei, he ended up charging his account.

"What do you want from me? There should be nothing to talk about between us." At this moment, Su Wei was already thinking about it.

Do you want to pay a sum of money and let the mercenaries go to the waist-cutting country to sweep it up.

Although they have cheated a lot of money, they have to pay a lot of taxes.

Otherwise, how could the Kidney Cutting Country protect them.

It is because fraud and casinos are there, which are regarded as the second of their three pillar industries.

They all rely on the official protection of the waist-cutting country to be so rampant.

But if the government doesn't protect them, they will die on the streets sooner or later.

The most common thing in the waist-cutting country is the beautiful knife.

As long as the US knife is given more, they can send their soldiers to directly transform into local armed forces.

None of these Southeast Asian countries near the Golden Triangle is like this.

Even the richest Sawadhika is a virtue.

"That's not necessarily true. I don't know if Mr. Su is interested in gold?" Junzi Guqiong didn't know yet, he just walked before the gate of hell.

Su Wei was wary of them in the first place, and he called Su Wei by his name as soon as he came.

An overreaction is quite normal.

"Gold? Why, you have too many of these things, are you going to sell me some?" Su Wei didn't expect that the other party wanted to sell him gold.

This made his tense nerves slowly relax.

Seeing that Maojiu was still standing, he pulled her directly into his arms.

No matter what he did today, it was impossible for him to let her run away.

"Yes, as long as Mr. Su is interested, I can sell you a batch of gold." This time, a gentleman is really poor, and he really asked Su Wei to discuss cooperation.

Because their group saw that Su Wei took out so much money casually, they knew that he should have a lot of cash.

And now they happen to have a batch of gold in their hands, and they are worrying about who to sell it to.

Because their gold is dug out at the border between them and others.

This has led to them not daring to sell it in the country where the waist was cut.

Now I just met Mr. Su, and he is so rich.

So I got in touch with Maojiu, and wanted her to make a match.

After all, many people in the group know that Adventurous Meng is chasing Maojiu.

"If I want to buy gold, there are so many channels, why should I ask you to buy it?" Su Wei heard Junzi Guqiong talking about gold, and suddenly felt that he could buy some gold.

Because gold, no matter what age it is, is a leveraged hard currency.

But there are so many ways to buy gold, there is absolutely no need for him to ask Junzi Gupoor to buy it from them.

As long as he sends out the news that he wants to buy some gold, he doesn't know how many people want to sell it to him.

Now the gold gifted by others in his family is worth tens of catties.

"Brother He, don't, don't do this." Mao Jiu saw Su Wei's hand, getting more and more excessive.

He has touched her waist from her arm all the way.

Mao Jiu knew that she couldn't influence Su Wei to make a call, because she knew a little about the identity of the person on the other side.

So when she resisted, she only dared to resist in a low voice.

"Because of our price, we have an advantage over others." Junzi Guqiong heard the voice from the other side, but he didn't want to care about it.

Even if Adventurous Meng found out, he was not punished for calling, so he probably wouldn't take it too seriously.

Because the country that cuts the waist has cheated too many beauties from the country, they don't care about flowers and jade at all.

As long as they can't make money, they basically disappear from the world.

Gentleman Guqiong wants to sell gold more than Maojiu.

"The price is advantageous? What's your price?" Su Wei asked while stroking Maojiu.

Su Wei didn't want to buy it when he asked this question.

Just want to know how much the price is.

After all, when he wants to buy, it is good to have a price reference.

"The current international gold price is 1350 US dollars per ounce." In the international gold price, it is all about ounces.

One ounce is equal to 28.35 grams.

It's just that Junzi Guqiong didn't expect that Su Wei would not be able to convert.

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted directly.

"Wait a minute, tell me how much it is per gram." Su Wei interrupted him directly when he heard Junzi's solid poverty.

After all, he doesn't know how to convert, and he doesn't bother to check it online.

Since the other party wanted to make a deal with him, of course he had to say something he could understand.

"Converted into grams, if converted into RMB, it is 310 a gram, but the price here is only 240 a gram." Junzi Guqiong's gold here is around 240 even if it can be sold.

Unless he sells it a little bit, the price will be much higher.

But he has this time, and he may sell all the gold in his hand, and he doesn't know how many years he will go there.

I quoted Su Wei 240 per gram, saying it was a cheap price, but it was actually his normal price.

"How much gold can you sell me there?" Su Wei didn't continue to take advantage of Mao Jiu, but asked her to hold the phone to his ear.

As for Su Wei's own words, he was sending a message to Chen Lihua.

I want to ask him, can the gold from cutting the waist be brought back to China.

Fortunately, Chen Lihua was still awake, after seeing Su Wei's question.

Tell him he has to ask his colleagues first.

"How much gold? Well, as long as Mr. Su has enough money, we can provide you with a maximum of one ton of gold." Junzi Guqiong felt that he had already reported a very large number.

After all, even this ton of gold would cost more than [-] million yuan.

Of course, in their own place, they have not only mined so much gold for so many years.

"A ton of gold? The price is good, but why did you sell it to me so cheaply?" According to the meaning of a gentleman's solid poverty, a gram of gold is dozens of dollars cheaper than domestic ones.

Su Wei was puzzled by the hard currency of gold.

How could they sell it to him? After all, he just demolished their platform.

Su Wei didn't believe that they would be the ones who would still smile after being beaten.

"Mr. Su should know what we are doing. The adventurous Mengmeng who was kicked off the Internet by you this time is one of our people, but he has provoked you, Mr. Su. We have already punished him." Why did you sell it? To Su Wei, mainly because Su Wei is rich.

The second one is because the place opposite their gold mine is armed.

It is covered by a force bigger than them, if they know about it.

I picked so much gold there by myself, and there will definitely be conflicts at that time.

After all, the laws here do not control armed forces on the ground.

"I see, what you mean is that I don't want you to trouble me in Huya, right?" Gentleman solid poor them, it is impossible to let go of Huya, a money laundering machine.

Because the current supervision is not strict, they can wash with confidence.

They just want to launder the money as soon as possible while it is not so strict.

But now that Su Wei has come to Huya, if it is specifically aimed at them.

Even if they can launder money, they may launder hundreds of millions a year.

"Mr. Su's achievements today are not for nothing. We really mean that." The reason for selling gold to Su Wei this time is that it can turn gold into money.

The second reason is to let Su Wei not target them.

They didn't believe that Su Wei would not know who they were.

But they didn't dare to offend Su Wei, after all, the country of cutting the waist is so close to the country.

If there is a big move, they may die without a place to bury them.

"I can withdraw from the Internet, and I can stop bothering you, but the gold you sold me is too little for one ton, and I want five tons." Even if there is no such thing, Su Wei will also withdraw from the Internet.

After all, Huya's little interest, to be honest, he doesn't like it.

Chen Lihua has already sent Su Wei a message that there is a gold mine in ICBC in Kidney Cutting Country.

When the time comes to return to China, you can help Su Wei bring his gold back with him.

However, ICBC charges a value-added tax of 5%.

If Su Wei hadn't been a big client, ICBC wouldn't have helped.

If Su Wei brought it back by himself, he would have to pay a 20% import duty.

"5 tons? Mr. Su, are you sure? Are you running a gold shop?" Now it was Jun Zigu's turn to be desperate, because Su Wei wanted too much.

Although they have 5 tons of gold, that is basically their entire production in recent years.

And why does Su Wei need so much gold?He did not open a gold shop.

Is it possible to earn the price difference?But after paying taxes, you don’t make that much money, do you?
And whether Su Wei can come up with one billion is still a question.

"You don't have to worry about this, as long as you can sell me 5 tons of gold, I promise that I won't trouble you at Huya. If you can't sell me [-] tons of gold, then you don't have to mess around in Huya anymore." What is Su Wei doing with gold? , Su Wei plans to use gold to lay the foundation.

Now the house in his hometown is being concreted, and he plans to directly fill the 5 tons of gold into the foundation.

This amount of money should be regarded as the wealth left by his ancestors to future generations.

"Then I have to apply here to give you an answer. After all, 5 tons of gold is really not a small number." After receiving Su Wei's affirmative answer, Junzi Guqiong almost died of excitement.

Because if Su Wei really wanted it, it would be of great help to them.

After all, 5 tons of gold can be sold for more than 10 billion yuan.

But even if he wanted to agree immediately, he knew he had to ask his superiors first.

After all, he is in the group, and there is a big boss above him.

"Brother He, I see that you are quite satisfied with the conversation on the phone, you can let me go." Seeing that the other party hung up the phone, Mao Jiu planned to get out of the way first.

After all, Su Wei is really not a gentleman.

Just now, while she was holding the phone, Su Wei almost reached into her clothes.

Now that the phone call is over, how dare she stay?

If she didn't leave, she might be eaten up and wiped out later.

"Let you go? You should know who is on the other side. Do you think I might let you go?" Junzi Guqiong thought about one thing wrong, thinking that Su Wei would not care about them if he won.

Su Wei's plan is very simple, he must check the origin of this batch of gold.

He wouldn't mind giving them eye drops if he had the chance.

"You took advantage of me just now, what do you still think of me now?" Mao Jiu really regretted it, why did he come here to spread the word.

She just knew that her backer had fallen.

So when I speak, I am very unconfident.

"Just touch it a few times, how can I be satisfied, you kneel down obediently, I need you to clean up something for me" For a woman like Mao Jiu, he is not polite at all.

After all, she will choose to be with the adventurous dream, she will not be pure.

"Brother He, you are going too far, you are forcing me like this, and you are treating me like someone" Mao Jiu was dumbfounded, what did Su Wei say.

Ask her to kneel in the private room and clear the inventory for him.

She is a serious anchor, not a lady who sells out.

"Adventurous Dream is laundering money for fraudulent groups. You really think I don't know, right? Are you going to do it or not?" This cat has been abused by Adventurous Dream for a long time. If Su Wei reports it.

Maojiu will inevitably go to the detention center for a period of time, and her money may even be confiscated.

"Brother He, can you go to the toilet, if you're here, I'm afraid people will see it later"

(End of this chapter)

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