Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 303 I Can Play the Piano

Chapter 303 I Can Play the Piano
"Brother He, why have you been away for so long? Zhou Ke is gone." Seeing Su Wei's return, Li Ziwei hurriedly told him about it.

After all, Zhou was called by Su Wei, and now he is angry and left first.

He wondered if he should ask Su Wei to coax her.

"Let's just leave, she always has unreasonable thoughts, let her recognize the reality this time." From the beginning, Su Wei never thought of taking Zhou Ke away.

Now seeing her go away in anger, he just felt pure.

I don't know who gave her the courage to think of herself as the hostess.

It's impossible for Su Wei to find a female anchor as his girlfriend.

If he really wanted to accept Zhou Ke, he would have asked her to log out of the Internet when he was in Kyoto.

I continued to look for her later, mainly because she was too good at bed.

This kind of pure personality is actually more coquettish behind the scenes.

"Awei, you must have been secretly having fun just now, that Maojiu has disappeared." Just now Zhou Kehui was angry and left because Su Wei went out with Maojiu.

The two of them have been out for so long, who would believe that they didn't do anything.

So what Li Renfeng said was basically something everyone in the box wanted to ask.

"What are you thinking? The person behind her came to me and said that she wanted to negotiate a deal with me. We all know that person." Su Wei did have a fight with Maojiu in the toilet just now, but he didn't enjoy himself.

Because Zhou Ke kept calling him halfway through.

Su Wei had no choice but Bangbang forced his way back.

And it's very simple that Maojiu can't come, because Maojiu peed his pants just now.

However, Su Wei didn't intend to just let Mao Jiu go, but opened a presidential suite in Boyue.

Su Wei asked her to go to the hotel alone, and waited for him to find her in the evening.

"Who? Do we know each other?" Li Ziwei thought for a while, but he didn't think of any of his friends who would be the person behind Mao Jiu.

After all, their friends have a lot of money, so they can't think of who it is at this moment.

"You guys know each other, it's the gentleman who is solidly poor" indeed, I just met him tonight after all.

But I'm afraid it should be even more annoying to him.

Because without him, 1000 million more would not be sent out.

"It's him? Is the matter settled? Seeing how long it's been since you've been here." Li Renfeng was still surprised that the people behind Mao Jiu were gentlemen but poor.

After all, Su Wei had already told them who the other party was after finishing the PK.

Li Renfeng kept a respectful distance from this kind of people.

But he was still curious about their cooperation with Su Wei.

After all, he couldn't think of anything that the other party could cooperate with Su Wei.

"Their status is too low, and if they say they have to ask for instructions, let's not talk about it, let's drink first.

Meow, why are you blushing like this? "Su Wei doesn't plan to tell many people about gold.

Because his gold is intended to be the foundation of the old house.

In the future, if the descendants lose all their family property, they will still have a capital to make a comeback.

When I got back to my seat, I found that the women had already drunk a lot.

As soon as he sat down, the meow had already jumped into his arms.

"Brother He, why have you been here for so long? We've all had more than ten glasses of wine." It turned out that Su Wei went to talk about things just now, and the women left behind were full of gunpowder.

They all wanted to accompany Su Wei home at night.

Later, they didn't know what to do, so they started to shake the dice.

As a result, the hour was shaken down, and several women drank too much.

"You guys are drinking so much, come on, let's keep drinking"

. . . . . .

"Who is Cao Nima? Calling at this hour?" Su Wei was working hard on the bed at four o'clock in the morning.

Suddenly a phone call came, almost frightened him directly.

Picking up the phone, it was a foreign number.

He didn't care who it was, he just picked up the phone and started cursing.

Tonight, Su Wei brought both Miaomiao and Jingjing to Boyue.

Including Mao Jiu who was originally in the room, there are three women in total.

"President Su, I'm Junzi Guqiong." When Junzi Guqiong answered the phone, he was scolded with a dazed expression.

Because he is used to working at night and sleeping during the day.

I didn't realize it until I was scolded. It's four o'clock in the morning.

"Cao Nima, you have something to talk about tomorrow? Do you have to call me at night?" After Su Wei calmed down, he used Maojiu as a sharpening stone, and heaved a sigh of relief when he found that there was no problem.

After he heard the voice of a gentleman solidifying poverty, he knew that the matter that should be gold had come to fruition.

But his attitude is still bad, who wants you to call at the wrong time.

"Brother He, why don't we come back after we finish the phone call?" Mao Jiu was in the KTV toilet, and she was incontinent when Su Wei beat her up.

Then Su Wei opened a room in the hotel and asked her to come here first.

There were several times in the middle of Maojiu's journey, in fact, he wanted to run away.

After thinking about Su Wei's ability later, he stayed.

Unexpectedly, Su Wei didn't come back alone.

He also brought two women with him, and the three of them kissed before the door opened.

When she saw this situation, of course she couldn't accept it and wanted to run away.

In the end, Su Wei was the first to push him onto the bed and beat him hard for half an hour.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't expect Mr. Su to go to bed so early and disturb your rest." Junzi Guqiong heard the woman's voice on the opposite side and guessed what was going on.

What can he do, apologize quickly.

After all, Su Wei couldn't afford to offend him, and it was indeed his fault for him to call at this point.

"Tell me something quickly, I'm busy right now." Su Wei saw that the gentleman was struggling, so he hurriedly urged him to speak quickly.

Because the two women, Miaomiao and Jingjing, were attacking him from left to right.

Sure enough, these star show female anchors and two-dimensional female anchors know how to play more than the lying game female anchor.

"Boss Su has already agreed to the five tons of gold you requested, but we hope that this transaction can be completed as soon as possible.

What's more, when we are in Huya in the future, there will be no conflict between the two sides." Five tons of gold is a lot to say the least.

But according to the standard suitcase, a suitcase can hold two tons of gold.

That is, these five tons of gold are only about the size of 2.5 suitcases.

"Okay, but don't call at this time next time, or I don't mind taking the gold money to kill you." Su Wei was not joking, after all, he was really scared just now.

If it happens again, he will definitely use the 10 billion to wipe them all out.

If he hadn't calmed down just now, he might have been contacting mercenaries by now.

"President Su, I'm sorry, I won't do it next time." Hearing Su Wei's words, Junzi Guqiong hurriedly apologized.

If you really use this money to deal with them, few of them will be able to run away.

And he also knew about Yang Jiale and how Su Wei dealt with him.

So he didn't think what Su Wei said was a joke at all.

"Brother He, you are so majestic, the people on the phone were scared to death just now." Miaomiao lay on Su Wei's back, like a tree bear.

She also heard the phone call just now, and thought the person opposite was Su Wei's subordinate.

"Prestige, there are more majestic ones. Maojiu is dying now. You come to take over her class and prepare quietly. I will fight three tonight."

. . . . . .

The next day.

"Honey, didn't you sleep well yesterday?" In the Shanghai Real Estate Bureau, Wu Xiaoxuan looked at Su Wei yawning profusely.

Guess he probably didn't sleep well last night.

I thought it was because I had to accompany her to transfer the ownership this morning, and I got up too early.

So now she is quite embarrassed.

She woke up at six o'clock this morning, and called Su Wei after nine o'clock.

"I didn't sleep well. I was woken up by someone calling at four o'clock yesterday to discuss business, and I didn't sleep until six o'clock in the evening." Su Wei didn't sleep until six o'clock this morning, and was woken up by Wu Xiaoxuan at nine o'clock in the morning.

He only slept for three hours in the middle, how could he be energetic.

The main thing is these three female anchors, I am grateful that they have all practiced weekends.

Treating Su Wei as a target for nourishment, he refused to let go at all.

"Then finish it quickly, and let's go to rest for a while at noon later." Wu Xiaoxuan looked at Su Wei distressedly, feeling that he was working too hard.

Sure enough, only such a person is the one who can do great things.

"Boss Su, the people from the real estate bureau have already agreed, we can just go there and do it." If it weren't for the matter of gold today, Chen Lihua would not have appeared.

After all, he didn't show up for Su Wei's transfer of so many houses before, let alone the transfer to his woman this time.

"Xiao Zhang, take Xuan Xuan and Duo Duo to apply for the real estate certificate. I have something to talk to Xiao Chen." Su Wei couldn't go because Chen Lihua had already found an acquaintance.

It didn't matter if he was there or not. He happened to have something to talk to Chen Lihua about.

"Alright Mr. Su, then I'll push Ms. Wu in first." When Zhang Ruoyu saw Su Wei this morning, he knew that he must have gone crazy yesterday.

Because when he was playing crazy in Kyoto, that's what he looked like the next morning.

"Xiao Chen, remember to keep an eye on what I told you, and see what's going on." When Su Wei buys this batch of gold, he must check to see if there are any traps in it.

After all, the gentleman solidly poor them, but they are not good people.

"President Su, don't worry, within these two days, we should be able to investigate clearly." If the country is too far away, Chen Lihua may not have much confidence.

But in the waist-cutting country, ICBC should not be too strong.

Not to mention lawlessness, but investigating small casinos and small scam companies is still easy.

. . .

"Walking in here with the real estate certificate, how do you feel?" After getting the real estate certificate, Su Wei brought Wu Xiaoxuan to Cuihu Tiandi without taking a break.

After all, Wu Xiaoxuan's mentality before she got the real estate certificate must have changed from now after she got the real estate certificate.

"I feel like I suddenly have roots and a sense of belonging." Wu Xiaoxuan used to always feel that she was floating.

After all, the housing prices in this city are so high that you may not be able to afford a house in your life.

But today, since she went to the real estate bureau to transfer the title, and then went to the property to change the name, she now has a house and two parking spaces under her name.

She really felt that she belonged here, the richest place in the country.

"Don't worry, life will get better and better." Su Wei knew that this was a sign of Wu Xiaoxuan's insecurity.

If she had a sense of security in her heart, the house would not mean so much to her.

"After I found you, I felt like I was dreaming. I'm afraid that one day you don't want me, and I will go back to the previous days." Wu Xiaoxuan took Su Wei's hand and let his hand stick to her face.

Zhang Ruoyu and Duoduo saw two people start talking about love.

They all walked into the room at the same time.

After all, it was too embarrassing for them to stand in the living room.

"Don't keep thinking here and there. If you're really scared, you can give me a baby." Su Wei didn't know why she always felt that Wu Xiaoxuan was very insecure.

When I go to bed at night, I often hug him all night.

But it was impossible for Su Wei to marry her, so he had no choice but to let her have a child.

I believe that with the company of the child at that time, she should not be so afraid now.

"Is it really possible?" Wu Xiaoxuan's eyes widened when Su Wei said that she wanted her to have a baby.

When he spoke, his tone was full of irrepressible joy.

She knew that it was impossible for her to marry into Su Wei's family, but she never thought that Su Wei would let her have a child.

If so, she could not be abandoned.

"However, the first step is to wait for you to recover from your injury. By the way, tell Xiaozhang what kind of furniture this house needs, and then I will find you a nanny." Su Wei didn't know that he asked her to give it to him. She just gave birth to a child, why is she so excited.

Wu Xiaoxuan will live in this house in the future, so let her choose the style of furniture.

"I don't care about the furniture. When Ms. Zhang buys it for me, I just have to look at the style. I just ask for a piano for me in this place." Wu Xiaoxuan doesn't care much about furniture, because she doesn't Understand.

She just felt that the house was so big that there was finally room for a piano.

"You can play the piano? I didn't expect that I found a wife who can play the piano." Su Wei took Wu Xiaoxuan's hand and found that her fingers were so long.

He didn't pay attention to it before, after all tall girls have long hands.

Only now do I know that Wu Xiaoxuan can play the piano.

"That's right, when the piano arrives, I'll show you off."

. . . . . .

"Xiao Zhang, you've worked hard today, do you want to sit upstairs?" It was already past eight o'clock in the evening when Liu Qiang sent Su Wei back to Gubei No. [-].

Today Su Wei first went to the real estate bureau, and then went to Cuihu Tiandi.

Later, seeing that it was still early, I went to the interior design company again.

"I won't go up, after all, Ms. Wang doesn't like me." Zhang Ruoyu couldn't understand, she and her boss were innocent.

Why does everyone feel like they are having an affair with their boss.

And not only people outside, even her parents think so.

"How do you commute to get off work in the future? Now Daniel is sold to Li Ziwei." Zhang Ruoyu drove Daniel to Gubei No. [-] today, and put the car keys on the rear wheel.

Su Wei looked at the parking lot, and there was no sign of Daniel anymore.

He took out his mobile phone and saw the photo that Li Ziwei had sent to get the car.

"It's okay, I'll take a taxi to and from get off work in the future, boss, can the fare be reimbursed?" Zhang Ruoyu said that the reimbursement was just a joke, because her boss doesn't care about these small money.

The money spent on her assistant every month is several times or dozens of times higher than her salary.

"Do you want to be reimbursed for the fare? That's not worth it. Forget it. I'll give you this. You can use this car to commute from get off work in the future." Su Wei took out the car keys he had prepared a long time ago and handed them to Zhang Ruoyu.

After all, it is impossible for him to really ask Zhang Ruoyu to take a taxi to and from get off work.

And he was even more afraid that she would not take a taxi to work, but ride a motorcycle to and from get off work.

"Rolls-Royce? President Su, will you give me Miss Wang's car? I don't want it. If she finds out, she will hate me even more." Zhang Ruoyu took the key and saw that it belonged to a Rolls-Royce.

Her boss would definitely not allow her to drive a Phantom, and Wang Xiaoyuan owns a Rolls-Royce Yaoying.

Zhang Ruoyu took it for granted that Su Wei gave Wang Xiaoyuan the car while she was pregnant.

"This is not Xiaoyuan's Rolls-Royce Yaoying, this is my Rolls-Royce Phantom." Su Wei really doesn't have many cars in Shanghai right now.

Just a Ferrari, a Porsche 918, a Mercedes-Benz G, and a Rolls-Royce Wraith.

Rafa and 918 will definitely not be used by Zhang Ruoyu for commuting, and it’s not bad to drive them occasionally.

"Boss Su, give me this car to drive, what about you?" Zhang Ruoyu felt relieved when she knew it was the Phantom.

But it was only then that she remembered that Su Wei no longer had a GT sports car.

"Xiaoyuan is pregnant now, I will drive her Yaoying" The reason for the Rolls-Royce Phantom is very simple, because no one drives Wang Xiaoyuan's Yaoying now.

Phantom and Yaoying are two cars, they overlap a bit.

"Then President Su, I'll go back first." Zhang Ruoyu found the Rolls-Royce Phantom, started the car and stopped beside Su Wei to say goodbye to him.

Originally, she had something to say to Su Wei, but she flinched when the words came to her lips.

"Well, bye, see you tomorrow." After watching Zhang Ruoyu drive away, Su Wei planned to take the elevator home.

After all, he didn't sleep well yesterday, so he was in a hurry to catch up on sleep.

And tomorrow morning, he has to pick up someone.

Li Jiawen flew over from the mountain city every day, along with her second sister Li Jiawei.

"Boss Su" Zhang Ruoyu parked the car not far away and called Su Wei loudly.

Because she had something to say to him, she was too close just now and she was embarrassed.

She felt that the position where she stopped now was just right, it wouldn't be so awkward, and it wouldn't make her too nervous to speak.

"What's wrong? Is there anything else?" Su Wei was about to enter the glass door when he heard Zhang Ruoyu calling him.

He came out and found Zhang Ruoyu's car parked not far away.

"President Su, I can also play the piano, and I want to play it to you in the future too"

(End of this chapter)

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