Chapter 304
The next day.

"Sister, have you told your brother-in-law about my coming to Shanghai this time?" Li Jiawei didn't have to go to school to report this time because she was studying at home.

So Li Jiawen took her with him when he returned to Shanghai this time.

What she thought in her heart was to let Li Jiawei combine work and rest.

Moreover, because Li Jiawei has never traveled far, her self-care ability is not very high.

This is also a way for her to exercise her, don't keep reading dead books at home.

It's just that Li Jiawei was a little cautious because she came out so far for the first time.

"I've already told him, don't worry, you've asked me about this several times." Li Jiawen could also understand her sister, after all, she hadn't traveled far.

Before she returned to her hometown this time, she had never been to the city.

Now that she is coming to Shanghai, she is a little too nervous.

"Sister, are you living with your brother-in-law now? Will it be inconvenient for me to come here this time?" After the elevator incident last time, Li Jiawei was actually a little afraid of being alone with Su Wei.

Because she almost missed her first kiss last time, and her brother-in-law was about to snatch her first kiss away.

If her sister is not at home this time, she and her brother-in-law will be left at home.

She was really afraid that her brother-in-law would do something to her.

Although she doesn't hate him, he is her brother-in-law, her sister's man.

"Your brother-in-law only lives with me occasionally, and he lives with his parents most of the time." Li Jiawen knew that Su Wei lived in Gubei No. [-], and he didn't live with his parents.

But she can't tell her sister, she hasn't been to his brother-in-law's house yet.

Then Li Jiawei guessed without even guessing that her sister was a mistress.

"Hi, hello, I was on the plane just now, and I was sitting next to you." Sun Junwei and his friend just flew back to the magic city from the mountain city this time.

When the two of them were on the plane, they had already spotted Li Jiawen and his sisters.

At that time, the two of them originally planned to strike up a conversation on the plane.

But this big beauty fell asleep when she got on the plane, and this little beauty has been reading.

They didn't want to bother them, and they waited until they got off the plane and got on the bus.

Only by grabbing the position in front of them can we have a chance to strike up a conversation with them.

"Oh, hello." Li Jiawen looked at the two people in front of him and found that he didn't know them.

Guess that the two of them should be ordinary passers-by who want to strike up a conversation.

She simply replied to them, hoping that the two of them would be more acquainted.

After all, she really has no interest in the two of them.

"We are locals in Shanghai, are you here to play in Shanghai?" Kang Haiyun used the trick of locals to strike up a conversation with many girls from other places.

After all, everyone knows that the locals in Shanghai and Kyoto are very rich.

So he felt that the strike-up should be the same as before.

After all, the clothes of these two can only be regarded as ordinary.

"Forget it, I'll bring my sister over to play this time.

Jiawei, grab your stuff, we're getting off the bus." Li Jiawen didn't know what happened to the two men in front of her, so she was already very impatient in answering.

But they are like two pieces of dog skin plaster, they stick together and won't go away.

Fortunately, now that they are about to reach the place, they can finally get rid of these two people.

I don't know if it's because the clothes she's wearing are a bit too plain when she's by her parents' side during this time.

"Oh, okay." Li Jiawei was also annoyed, wondering why these two people were so difficult.

She started from reading, and often met boys who came to strike up a conversation.

But as long as she is impatient, those people will walk away consciously.

It's not like these two people are like these two people, and they are still here.

"If you need a tour guide, we can serve as a guide for you. After all, we are locals and we still have a car. It doesn't matter if you go to a farther place." Sun Junwei is not usually such a shameless person, but it is because of the two The sisters are so pretty.

Especially the younger sister of the two sisters, she looks so beautiful.

It's just that the two sisters are together, and their skin is a little darker.

If she had as fair skin as her sister's, Sun Junwei couldn't imagine how beautiful she would be.

"No need, where are we going, my boyfriend will take us there, so I won't bother you." What is a car, Su Wei has a lot of them.

As far as she is now, she is driving Su Wei's Porsche 300 with more than 911 million yuan.

She didn't even know that there was something to show off in a car.

Could it be that she was really treated as a little girl who had never seen the market.

"It turns out that you have a boyfriend. It's really inconvenient, but can we make friends? We'll be in Magic City recently. If you're bored, you can hang out with us." Sun Junwei already knew that she had a boyfriend. in front of them.

They all heard the content of their chat at that time.

They will mistakenly think that she has never seen the market, it is all because of Li Jiawei's credit.

"No need, I'm afraid my boyfriend will misunderstand." Li Jiawen dragged the suitcase with one hand, and Li Jiawei walked away quickly with the other.

She regretted it all the time now, why did she refuse Su Wei to send a plane over yesterday.

If it is a private jet now, where would such a thing happen.

. . .

"You kid, grandson, can't do it either. Didn't you say that you will definitely win it?" Kang Haiyun laughed happily when he saw that Sun Junwei hadn't succeeded.

He and Sun Junwei have known each other since they were very young. Every time Sun Junwei flirts with him, there is no girl he can't take down.

But unexpectedly, today he missed in front of the two sisters in this small city.

This made Kang Haiyun, how could he not see his jokes.

"She has a boyfriend, and his boyfriend is waiting for her outside, otherwise he would have added me on WeChat just now." Sun Junwei didn't know why he didn't succeed today.

In the past, he was successful.

After all, his appearance is quite handsome in the eyes of girls.

Don't say that he has a boyfriend before, even if he has a husband, he also added a lot.

"I've said it a long time ago, what era is it now, you are still handsome in playing, your style has long been outdated.

Let's go, let's hurry down to pick up the car." Kang Haiyun scoffed at Sun Junwei's trick.

After all, he always spends money to pick up girls.

No way, he is indeed not as handsome as Sun Junwei.

But as a person, he has never admitted this.

So he always said that Sun Junwei's set is outdated.

"What's the rush? Do you have something to do later?" Sun Junwei was a little confused when he saw Kang Haiyun hurrying.

Anyway, I have nothing to do in the afternoon, so what are you doing in such a hurry.

"I'm going to drive. If I don't add them on WeChat, I won't be able to sleep tonight." Kang Haiyun's family conditions are not bad, so he now drives a Porsche 911.

Since Sun Junwei couldn't get WeChat, he could only do it himself.

Although this method is very low, it is very effective.

"It's not good for you, everyone else already has boyfriends." Sun Junwei liked the younger sister of the two sisters.

And what Kang Haiyun likes is the older sister of the two sisters.

Sun Junwei saw Kang Haiyun going to pick up the car, and knew that he was planning to drive to the exit and ask them for WeChat.

But in this case, he is likely to match up with that sister's boyfriend.

If her boyfriend was from a mountain city, then with their hot temper, Kang Haiyun would probably be at a disadvantage.

"I don't know if this is good or not, I just know that if I don't get their WeChat today, I won't be able to sleep tonight"

. . .



"Beauty, your boyfriend hasn't arrived yet? Why don't you take our car? Where are you going? We'll give you a ride, so your boyfriend doesn't need to take a taxi here." After Kang Haiyun found the car, he took Sun Junwei and hurried to the car. Export rush.

Sure enough, I saw two sisters waiting for the bus at the exit.

Kang Haiyun drove the car in front of them and deliberately kicked the accelerator a few times.

Once you have their attention, start talking to them.

And what he said was intentional.

Because my sister just said very clearly that her boyfriend has a car.

But he didn't believe that her boyfriend's car could be more expensive than his.

After all, his car cost more than 160 million when it landed.

"No need, my boyfriend is already on his way." Li Jiawen was really convinced, this guy's flirting skills are too low.

At the exit inside, she had already refused so clearly.

Now he is still stalking here, which is really meaningless.

And his 911 doesn't even have a rear wing.

At first glance, it looks like an ordinary model, so she really doesn't understand cars.

"Anyway, your boyfriend hasn't come yet, so let's add a WeChat account." Kang Haiyun wanted to say something, but was interrupted by the sound of the horn behind him.

When he looked back, it turned out to be a Rolls Royce Phantom parked behind him.

"I'm driving a Porsche 911TS. Your strike-up is really low. Also, my boyfriend is here, bye." Li Jiawen was thinking about how to get rid of these two people when he heard the sound of a car horn coming from behind.

At first she didn't care, because the gate of the airport was full of people and cars.

Looking back, it was Rolls-Royce, and she realized that it was Su Wei.

After a closer look, it was indeed Su Wei's car, his Rolls-Royce Phantom.

She is familiar with this car, because Su Wei has driven her in this car.

Before Su Wei didn't come, she couldn't say harsh words, for fear that they would become angry from embarrassment.

But now that Su Wei is here, why would she have any scruples, so she just started mocking them.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect her boyfriend to drive a Rolls Royce.

Let's go, what are you looking at?Still not giving up?Everyone said that about you." Seeing Kang Haiyun's face flushed with anger, Sun Junwei knew that he must have been out of breath just now.

But they can only forget it, after all, if what the woman said is true.

Their behavior just now was indeed a bit too low.

And regardless of whether this woman drives a Porsche or not, at least her boyfriend does drive a Rolls Royce.

After all, with the Porsche 911, they can reach it on their toes.

But for a car like Rolls-Royce, they can't reach it even with a brick underneath.

"Damn, this woman plays low-key by herself, can you blame me.

Oh no, this guy?This man is Su Wei." Kang Haiyun had already planned to leave when he saw Rolls Royce.

After all, this girl is indeed someone he can't reach.

In the end, he accidentally discovered that he actually knew this woman's boyfriend.

After all, Su Wei's news is very popular in Shanghai recently.

"Su Wei? Who is it? I seem to have some impression, is it a celebrity?" Although Su Wei's car crash caused a lot of trouble.

But for those who don't pay attention, they really still don't know at all.

Sun Junwei thought Su Wei was some new [-]th-line star.

"It's the owner of the Bugatti Chirou, the prodigal son who hit 5000 million yuan." Kang Haiyun didn't expect that this woman's boyfriend turned out to be Su Wei.

But he remembered, didn't Su Wei have a girlfriend?

Thinking of the woman's ridicule just now, it really made him super upset.

He took out his mobile phone and took a photo of Su Wei and the others who were hugging each other behind him.

"Oh, it's him, no wonder this woman doesn't like us and thinks we're low, her boyfriend is such an awesome person, that's normal.

Hey, what are you doing? Only then did Sun Junwei know that his boyfriend is so awesome.

It's a very normal behavior to look down on yourself.

At this time, he saw Kang Haiyun secretly taking pictures, and he didn't understand what he wanted to do.

"It's nothing, I'm just playing with it, okay, let's go back"

. . . . . .

"Who was that car just now? Do you recognize it?" Su Wei just saw this Porsche 911 and stopped in front of Li Jiawen.

He saw that Li Jiawen was very impatient at the time, and knew that they might have been accosted.

So Zhang Ruoyu was asked to honk the horn to remind them that she had come.

"Brother-in-law, that person wanted to strike up a conversation with us just now, but we ignored them, and they have been relentless." When we didn't meet each other, Li Jiawei still felt that she would be nervous when she saw her brother-in-law.

It wasn't until she actually saw Su Wei that she realized that she wasn't nervous at all.

Seeing her brother-in-law asking them what happened just now, she hurriedly complained to him about the shamelessness of those people just now.

She didn't know why, but she felt very safe when she saw Su Wei.

"I've said it all, I'll send a plane to pick you up, and I won't be able to meet these people at all." Su Wei said yesterday that he would send a Gulfstream G650 there, but Li Jiawen didn't want it.

He said he wanted to teach Li Jiawei how to fly, so he didn't insist.

In fact, there was a reason why he wanted to fly a plane to pick them up.

That is his plane, which has been idle at the airport.

Except for the few times he flew, it was his father who flew back to his hometown.

"I'm trying to save money for you." The round trip of the plane is hundreds of thousands, but the two of them only cost 5000 yuan in first class.

So at that time, Li Jiawen did not take Su Wei's plane on the grounds of teaching Li Jiawei to fly.

"You, where are you going next time? I'll send a plane to take you there. It's only a few dollars." Su Wei really couldn't laugh or cry, it's only a few dollars.

His daily interest is more than 1000 million.

How could he need his woman to save him such a little money.

"I see, next time I go to a farther place, I will definitely take your plane." After this time, Li Jiawen didn't want to be an airline plane anymore.

Because this aircraft is completely incomparable with Su Wei's Gulfstream G650.

One is that I can't move around, and the other is that I don't feel comfortable sleeping.

"Brother-in-law, are we going back to my sister's place now?" Li Jiawei didn't know that her sister's return to demons this time was for a purpose.

She thought that this time, her sister simply wanted to come back.

"Let's go show your sister a house first"

. . . . . .

"Wow, sister, brother-in-law, there are so many people here, are they all here to buy a house?" When Li Jiawei came to Yunjin Dongfang, she saw that the entrance of the sales department was full of cars.

She really didn't expect that there would be a queue to buy a house in Shanghai.

"Today is the opening day of the second phase of Yunjin Dongfang, there must be many people." Su Wei looked at the people, but there were actually not as many people as he imagined.

He thought there would be a crowded scene like when Green Lake World opened.

If he had known this was the case, he would have stopped driving in such a hurry just now.

The main reason is that the threshold for the second phase of Yunjin Dongfang is too high, and ordinary families can't bear it.

"Awei, how much is the housing price here?" Li Jiawen looked at the environment and knew that the price must not be cheap.

She also searched this neighborhood on the Internet, and knew that the location here is quite good.

But because the market hasn't opened yet, she doesn't know how much the unit price will go.

"The price, I don't know, but the salesman who showed us the house is here." Su Wei also doesn't know what price Yunjin Dongfang is selling now.

In fact, he would choose to buy here mainly because the houses here are all large-scale.

Su Wei no longer likes to buy small-sized houses, because there are more tenants in small-sized houses.

The Kaide Maoming Mansion where Li Jiawen lives now, most of the small apartments in that building are tenants.

"President Su, long time no see, this must be your girlfriend, she's so pretty." Zuo Qing and his company have cooperated with Yunjin Dongfang this time, and they can be regarded as the distributor of Yunjin Dongfang.

If it wasn't for Zuo Qing who was selling new houses here, how could Su Wei know that this community opened today.

After all, he doesn't have time to stare at the new housing market in Shanghai every day.

"Jiawen, she is the salesman who will show us the house, Zuo Qing.

This is my girlfriend Li Jiawen, her sister Li Jiawei, and my assistant Zhang Ruoyu"

(End of this chapter)

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