Chapter 307
The next day.

"Big lazy pig, wake up, the sun is drying your ass." Wang Xiaoyuan woke up very early today, getting up at 6 o'clock to pack up.

It turned out that after she had packed everything up and the big brand had finished her breakfast.

Su Wei was still sound asleep on the bed, she could only wake him up.

"What time is it now? It's only eight o'clock? Why did you wake me up so early?" After being woken up in a daze, Su Wei took the mobile phone beside the bed to check the time.

It turned out that it was only past eight o'clock, and he thought he had read it wrong.

After all, Wang Xiaoyuan used to sleep until she woke up naturally.

But he rubbed his eyes and found that he had read correctly just now, it was indeed eight o'clock in the morning.

"Have you forgotten what day it is? We are going to your hometown Xiapu today." Seeing Su Wei who was still awake, Wang Xiaoyuan knew that he must have forgotten about it.

At that time, he had specifically told her about it at noon the day before yesterday.

Said that he was going back to his hometown this time, and asked her if she would go back with him.

So can Wang Xiaoyuan be willing, of course she is willing.

And in order to go to Xiapu, I bought two sets of clothes specially.

Then Su Wei told her the night before yesterday that he had already applied for the flight route at 28:[-] am on the [-]th.

At that time, I also specially reminded her that she must remember to get up early in the morning.

So Wang Xiaoyuan set the alarm clock on the 28th to past six o'clock in the morning.

Who knew that she was so active about this matter, Su Wei actually forgot about it.

"Ah, yes, I'm going back to Xiapu today. I drank too much wine last night, so I forgot about it." Su Wei has really been too busy these days.

I went to see Wu Xiaoxuan at noon, then went to have dinner with the two sisters Li Jiawen in the afternoon, and stayed with them at night.

Although he was not one step closer to Li Jiawei, he was not in a hurry, anyway, he would win sooner or later.

Of course, sometimes he would go to Li Ziwei and the others for a drink.

Last night he drank Gubei No. [-] until more than three o'clock, and now he is still in a dazed state.

If Wang Xiaoyuan didn't wake him up, he would really have completely forgotten about going to Xiapu.

In fact, he went to Xiapu this time for other reasons, that is, he was going to pour gold into the foundation of his house.

These five tons of gold were from the morning of the 26th the day before yesterday.

The ICBC plane was directly brought back to the country, and then deposited in the vault of Shanghai.

Su Wei will go to Xiapu on the 28th, mainly to give the gold escort some time to prepare.

After all, in addition to the five tons of gold this time, he also ordered 25 tons of silver at ICBC.

The price of this silver is very cheap.

Now it is 4.2 yuan per gram, one ton is 420 million, and 25 tons is 500 million.

Anyway, what he claimed was that he bought 30 tons of silver from ICBC.

Not many people know that 30 tons of silver is mixed with 5 tons of gold.

"Hurry up, Miss Zhang is already here." Speaking of Zhang Ruoyu, Wang Xiaoyuan was so angry.

Normally, I didn't see Zhang Ruoyu dressed so beautifully.

I'm going back to Su Wei's hometown today, she's dressed up like a showman.

The most important thing is that Wang Xiaoyuan still collided with her clothes today, and both of them were wearing casual suits.

But to Wang Xiaoyuan's displeasure, she could only wear no makeup when she was pregnant.

"Xiaoyuan, why are you dressed so beautifully today?" The usual Wang Xiaoyuan was wearing very famous clothes.

But today, she actually wore a Chanel ladies casual suit.

This dress really gave Su Wei a bright feeling.

"This is the first time for me to go to your hometown, so I have to dress up better." This is the first time for Wang Xiaoyuan to go to Xiapu, so she really attaches great importance to it.

After all, it was Su Wei's hometown, and she believed that no woman had ever been there.

As the first person to accompany Su Wei back to his hometown, her position is definitely more stable.

"It's just your looks. If you don't know, you might think it's some big star." Wang Xiaoyuan is tall, and wearing this suit has a very rustic feeling.

Doesn't it mean that there is no county town prettier than Wang Xiaoyuan, after all, there are people out there.

But Wang Xiaoyuan's temperament is not something that ordinary girls can compete with.

"Mom and Dad won't come here later, they said they'll wait for us at the airport." Ever since Wang Xiaoyuan became pregnant, Zhang Guihua asked her to change her words.

Wang Xiaoyuan was really looking forward to it, so she immediately changed her mind.

"Then I'll get up and take a shower, and I'll leave later."

. . . . . .

"What's the situation today? There are so many people here at Qiaojiang Airport?" Xiapu also has an airport, but it's not a civilian airport.

Because there are no flights, except for Xiapu people.

In other districts and counties of City H, not many people know of its existence.

This time, because Su Wei was flying in a private jet, he was not restricted by fixed routes.

Moreover, the local government actually wants to change the use of this airport.

But it is not so easy to change it into a civilian airport.

"My younger brother works in the government. I heard from him that Su Wei is coming back today." By the side of Qiaojiang Airport, many villagers gathered to watch the excitement.

After all, there are usually so many cars coming here, and even the police cars are here.

You can tell at a glance that there must be a big shot coming.

After all, what can land at this airport is not the ordinary plane of the airline.

"Su Wei? Which Su Wei?" Although Su Wei has a great reputation, his rise time is too short.

Not everyone knows him well.

After all, his fame is still in the process of fermenting.

"Which other Su Wei, of course, is the Su Wei from Tiger Village, otherwise why would there be such a big fight?" The news that Su Wei was coming back had spread a few days ago.

He didn't take the initiative to pass it on, after all, he wasn't so boring yet.

It was discovered when he was applying for the flight route. After all, he was applying for Qiaojiang Airport.

If the local government doesn't know about it, it's too much money.

"Hey, he's not very famous, and his style is not small. It feels like all the officials in this county have come." The villager who spoke seemed to have heard of Su Wei.

But his understanding should have been known when the villagers were bragging.

"Isn't he famous? I heard from my younger brother that he is well-known in Shanghai, but he doesn't hang out here in his hometown, so you don't know." In addition, the villager didn't know whether Su Wei was famous or not. Big, but it should be big.

After all, if Su Wei was not famous, how could the county flatter him so much.

No matter how bad a county is, there are still a dozen or so billionaires.

Moreover, in this county, there were also big figures from Tongtian back then.

It's just that it didn't develop because of the poor geographical location.

"Well, then he has a big name, and I haven't seen him donating money and materials to the county." When Su Wei made a donation last time, he asked his father to go.

So many people are dissatisfied with him.

He thought he was so rich, so he didn't donate any to the county.

"Didn't you know that his father donated half a billion yuan last year? It's that Su Xiaoming." The No. [-] villager is well-informed because his younger brother works for the government.

He is very clear about Su Xiaoming being Su Wei's boss.

"Ah, Su Xiaoming is his father? Then I'll know when you say that. Back then, Su Xiaoming and I were classmates." Only then did Villager No. [-] know that Su Xiaoming, who donated money years ago, was actually Su Wei's father. .

Qiaojiang Airport is not very far from Su Wei's village.

So knowing Su Xiaoming, that's perfectly normal.

"Hey, the plane is here. This is a private jet. It's so small." Su Wei's Gulfstream G650 is just a business jet.

It is completely incomparable with a large aircraft like the Boeing 730.

"If someone is so rich, of course they go out on private jets"

. . . . . .

"Now this Qiaojiang Airport can stop, and then it will be much closer to go home. It takes one to two 10 minutes to drive to the village." At the beginning, Su Xiaoming didn't know that he would stop at Qiaojiang Airport, and thought he would be at the one in H City. Stop at the airport.

He didn't know until he was in the sky above Xiapu that he was going to get off at Qiaojiang Airport.

Then it will be convenient for him to come back later, after all, Qiaojiang Airport is more than ten kilometers away from Tiger Village.

"That's right, you don't want to see who your son is." If it was an ordinary person, he would definitely not be able to stop at Qiaojiang Airport.

After all, this is not a civil airport yet, and there are restrictions on applying for routes here.

But Su Wei went to ICBC, and the application was successful there.

But it's the first time it's troublesome, and it will be much easier in the future.

"When you get down later, give those city and county leaders some face, don't put on a bad face if you have a little money." Su Xiaoming looked outside the plane and found that there were already many county officials waiting below.

Because he had already been called by Xiapu officials in the past two days.

I know that they are going to pick up the plane at the airport today.

At that time, he still felt embarrassed, because they had to run so far.

It wasn't until he landed at Qiaojiang Airport that he realized that he was thinking too much.

"Don't worry, I'm not a hedgehog." Of course Su Wei knew that the county magistrate was not as good as the current one.

It's just that for these officials, he really doesn't want to talk to them.

Because they were so polite to him, there was a price.

I just want him to donate to his hometown, preferably to build a factory.

"Boss Su, the plane is quite stable, and we can get off the plane at any time." The stewardess was quite happy that she was scheduled to board Su Wei's plane.

After all, everyone in Golden Deer Airlines knows that Su Wei is a super rich man.

But when she saw Su Wei and the two beauties at the airport.

Her heart was half cold at that time, and she knew that it would be impossible for her to seduce Su Wei.

After landing at Qiaojiang Airport, she was even more stupid.

Because besides the airport, there is nothing but farmland.

"Okay, mom, we're getting off the plane.

Xiaoyuan, Xiaozhang, the three of us will leave first, and leave my dad alone." Su Wei didn't want to offend or get too involved with these officials.

So since his dad didn't bother him, he never refused their flattery.

Then Su Wei left Su Xiaoming behind, and they left first.

. . .

"President Su, do you still know me?" Su Wei and the others had just stabilized their plane, and a bunch of small cars had already surrounded them.

Because this airport is not a civilian airport, it doesn't even have a terminal.

As for the car driving directly onto the runway, no one at the airport is in charge.

Because the people who drove in this time were basically the leaders of the city and county.

"I know, County Magistrate Wang, I'm sure I can't forget you." Su Wei looked at the person who spoke, and found that it was Deputy County Magistrate Wang who had dealt with him last year.

It was him last year, who abruptly lost tens of millions of dollars at Su Wei's place.

Su Wei can't forget whoever he forgot in Xiapu.

"Oh, I didn't expect Mr. Su to be so busy and still remember me.

Come, come, let me introduce you, this is the leader of our city H, Deputy Secretary Peng in charge of the economy.

This is the leader of our Xiapu, Secretary Lu. . . "Su Wei was not famous last year.

The person who received him at that time was at the level of deputy county magistrate Wang.

Now it is different from the past, the people who receive him are all the top leaders of H city.

"Hello, hello, yes, yes, I think each of us in Xiapu has the responsibility to build our hometown well.

But I'm still too young, I don't know much about physical management, you can ask my dad, as long as it's a project that he nods, I'll definitely pay without saying a word."

. . .

"Husband, the officials here are too enthusiastic." Wang Xiaoyuan still felt incredible when she got into the car.

Because those people just now are all big leaders in the county and city.

Her father is also rich, but when he sees officials of this level, he is still polite.

"That can't be helped. There is no money in the county, and the city is average. It's hard to get a big boss like me, so why don't you go to hell?" Su Wei's reputation this year has been fully established in the upper echelons of City H.

It's not easy for a billionaire like him to come out, how could they think of a way to scrape some oil off.

After all, as long as Su Wei fell a little, it was all due to their climbing up.

"Ah, you want to donate money again? If you knew it would not be so high-profile this time." Wang Xiaoyuan was a little unhappy when she heard that she was going to donate money again.

After all, only donated 5000 million years ago, and now I have to donate again.

Whose family's money can withstand such a donation?

"Fellows in the village, donate as much as you want, who told me that I am the richest man in Xiapu, hahaha" Su Wei looked at the police car in front of the car to clear the way, and knew that he must donate money this time.

After all, it has already been put on the shelf for you, so you can justify it if you don’t donate money?

And he really has a vague idea about investing.

"Boss Su, are we really not waiting for your father?" Zhang Ruoyu didn't expect that Su Wei really didn't wait for his father.

When she was on the plane, she thought it was a joke.

In order to come to Xiapu today, she put on the Dior suit she bought in Kyoto.

"Don't wait for him, we are going back to the village for serious business, and he may not be able to go back to the village later.

Old Liu, is the car that they send the silver bullion arrived now? "Su Wei's gold and silver were sent by ICBC.

On his own words, there is no guarantee of safety.

After all, the 13 tons of gold and silver are worth [-] billion.

"I have contacted our people just now, and they arrived two or three hours later than us. They were mainly escorted by the armed police, and the speed was not as fast as last time." Su Wei's things this time were not many, but they were of great value. big.

Of course, others just thought that Su Wei bought more than 30 tons of silver, with a total value of more than [-] million.

For this extra-standard escort, I thought it was just to prevent unnecessary accidents.

"Okay, slow down, slow down.

Xiaoyuan, when I get to the village, I'll show you my hometown." The car that escorted the gold and silver left yesterday afternoon.

But because of the armed police escort, so the speed is much slower.

After all, Su Wei's other cars have all arrived at Xiapu.

"Then I want to take a good look at your hometown."

. . . . . .

"Which leader from above is here? Are there police cars clearing the way?" People on both sides of the road saw a convoy following the police cars.

Those cars were expensive at first glance, and they thought that this was some big leader who had come to the countryside.

"I heard that Su Wei from Tiger Village is back. Today the leaders of the county went to pick him up, and many leaders of the city also went." The smaller the place, the faster the news spread.

Especially now that mobile phones are popularized, the speed of transmission is even faster.

"That's for sure. He came back by private plane and landed at Qiaojiang Airport." Not long after Su Wei got off the plane, the news of his return by private plane had already spread across half of the county.

And it's not just hearsay, but the kind with pictures and truth.

"I heard that the plane cost several hundred million? Is it Su Wei's?" After seeing Su Wei passing by, the chatter was very enthusiastic.

After all, no boss owns a private jet in the entire city of H.

"It's Su Wei's. I heard that what kind of Gulfstream G650 was bought, and it cost more than 5 million." Those who know the price have already started to educate others.

There's no way, Su Wei is too rich and awesome.

Go home in your own private jet with a police car clearing the way.

"If I have 1% of Su Wei's money, I will send it"

(End of this chapter)

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