Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 308 If you open a new road, the villagers will not be able to live in new houses

Chapter 308 If you open a new road, the villagers will not be able to live in new houses
"Wow, who is this coming back?" Su Qiang, who was grilling rice, saw several luxury cars passing by in front of the door.

And the car leading the way turned out to be a police car.

When he first saw it, he thought it was someone in the village who committed the crime.

It wasn't until a large row of Audi Q7s followed behind him that he realized that there must be a big shot coming.

"Who else, it must be Su Xiaoming and his family back." Su Yong, who was across the road, replied with Su Qiang's words.

He also saw the convoy just now. Only Su Xiaoming's family can have this condition in Tiger Village.

In Tiger Village, Su Xiaoming is much more famous than Su Wei.

After all, Su Xiaoming lived in the village for 30 to [-] years.

So when they talk about Su Wei's family, they basically mean Su Xiaoming's family, not Su Wei's family.

"Impossible, it's not like we didn't miss Su Xiaoming when he came back last time. He was still driving his big Mercedes-Benz at that time. How can he be so high-profile now? It must be his son who came back." The voice of the police car remained on all the way.

So as long as they didn't go out to work, they all came out to watch the fun.

"What if Su Wei comes back? That's really possible." Now, no one in the village knows that Su Wei has made a lot of money in Shanghai.

Last year, Su Wei's father donated half a billion yuan to the county, and everyone in the village knew that Su Wei gave the money.

After all, Su Xiaoming used to be a better engineer than ordinary people when he was involved in projects.

But the money must not be much, otherwise his old house could not have been repaired.

"It's really magnificent. There are police cars clearing the way. Let's go and have a look." The last time Su Wei came back, he built roads and schools for the village.

The villagers all wanted to know if Su Wei would continue to give back to the village when he came back this time.

Just don't give back to the village, it's fine to mix red envelopes with cigarettes.

"Go together and go together"

. . . . . .

"This is a small dam in our village. I used to swim here when I was young." Su Wei's mood this time is completely different from last year.

At that time, he was extremely inflated because of his sudden wealth.

In addition, when he returned to the village, he drove another big bull.

So at that time, he didn't have much thought to see the current situation in the village.

Now that he has lived a rich life for so long, his mentality has calmed down a lot.

Although sometimes I still like to pretend to be aggressive, but I no longer pretend to be low-level aggressive.

"There should be no one swimming here now, the water looks so dirty." Wang Xiaoyuan's hometown is in Suzhou.

That place is considered a relatively affluent area in the whole country.

Every household in the countryside there is basically a small villa.

In Su Wei's hometown, there are only a few well-built houses.

And because no one is in charge here, the garbage bags in the river are thrown everywhere.

Not to mention that no one went to bathe in the river, whether there are fish in the river is a problem.

"No one should wash it long ago. After the road here is cleared, I will ask the village to clean up all the creeks so that they don't litter these garbage bags." Su Wei hasn't been here for many years. It was completely different from what he remembered.

The countryside in his memory is full of trees.

In summer, a group of people play in this creek.

Looking at the present, I can only lament that things are right and people are wrong.

"Actually, littering is unavoidable, after all, this is a village, not a city.

Mr. Su, unless you make this place look like the countryside in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, it is impossible for them not to litter." Zhang Ruoyu took a look at the countryside and couldn't imagine that Su Wei's hometown is so poor.

Because there is really a big difference between here and the countryside in Jiangsu and Zhejiang.

"There are not many families in our village, and it is quite easy to make a fortune.

Old Liu stopped in front of him, and then he stopped at the door of the dilapidated house.

This is my old house, the place where I was born when I was a child." If Su Wei had the mentality of last year, then the things in the village must have nothing to do with him.

After all, he didn't grow up here, and he has very little relationship with the people here.

But now coming here again, his mentality has changed significantly.

And he didn't want to invest in Xiapu before, he only planned to donate money.

Now the tone has also loosened, and I plan to seriously consider whether to build a factory here.

As for the troubles that other people will encounter when building factories, it is just a small problem in front of Su Wei.

If anyone makes trouble for him, he will make life difficult for anyone.

"Husband, you lived here when you were a child? Didn't you say that the new house has been rebuilt now? Why didn't you see it?" Wang Xiaoyuan looked at Su Wei's old house and found that it was a very common red brick house in the countryside. .

But she was more curious, didn't she hear that Su Wei built a mansion in his hometown.

But she looked around, but she didn't see any sign of a mansion.

Even the construction vehicles and workers were not seen.

"That's because it's not here. If the new house is built here, it would be too crowded. I chose over there. It's still a mile away from here. The end point we're going to is the place where the new house is being built." Su Wei At that time, I didn't cultivate here because it was too crowded.

There are houses next to it, and expansion is impossible.

Then the only option is to expand to the farmland at the back, and the yard will not look very good.

So he directly chose the foot of his own mountain, and dug a small half of the mountain to repair the house.

"Husband, why don't we go down and take a look, I want to see the place where you lived when you were a child." Wang Xiaoyuan wanted to go down, mainly because she saw many people following the car.

She came here this time to declare her sovereignty.

If no one in the village knew who she was, then what was the point of her coming.

There is also a small part of the reason, just to see where Su Wei lived when he was a child.

"Alright, Xiaozhang, call Aunt Li over here, and be careful to support Xiaoyuan later."

. . .

"Who is in the car? Did you see it? Is it Su Xiaoming or Su Wei?" Behind Su Wei's motorcade, many villagers from Tiger Village followed.

Because the film on the Rolls-Royce was so dark, they couldn't see who was sitting in it.

If it was Su Xiaoming, then they planned to meet him directly.

But if it was Su Wei, they would not dare to do this.

After all, Su Wei didn't grow up here, and he wasn't familiar with them.

"Su Wei is in the car, and Su Xiaoming has already gone to the county." Although Xiapu is a populous county, the speed of news spread is not slow at all.

After all, there were so many people in Qiaojiang at that time, and many of them took videos and photos and posted them on Moments.

"Qiangzi, how did you know? Did you see it?" Others were curious, how did Su Qiang know.

After all, when he came here with them before, he didn't know anything.

"Me? Of course I saw it in the circle of friends. The people in Qiaojiang have been posting in the circle of friends, and you don't read it?" Qiaojiang is so close to Tiger Village, most of the people have relatives there side.

Just now, Su Qiang also checked Moments before he realized that it was Su Wei who was sitting in the car.

As for Su Xiaoming, he was still on his way into the county, and the photos came out, in which he opened the window to greet people.

"How did the people over at Qiaojiang know? Could it be that Su Wei and his family got off the highway from Qiaojiang today? Oh, so they came back by plane? Has Qiaojiang passed the plane?" Others took out their mobile phones one after another. Look at the circle of friends and look around to figure it out.

It turned out that Su Wei took a private jet and landed at Qiaojiang Airport.

Everyone in Xiapu knows that there is an airport in Qiaojiang, but they also know that it is not a civilian airport.

At this time, when Su Wei came back by plane, many people thought it was the opening of the Qiaojiang Airport.

When Su Wei came back this time, it wasn't just Xiapu who made the noise.

Even the forums in City H were full of noise.

Not for anything else, just because of the Qiaojiangtong Airport incident.

"How can it be possible that Qiaojiang can connect to the plane? It looks like a private jet, okay?" Those who are a bit knowledgeable don't think that Qiaojiang can connect to the airport.

After all, if Qiaojiang was connected to the airport, then City H would not be so important to Xiapu.

But Xiapu is the largest county in H city, and it is very important to H city.

"Someone commented that this private jet costs [-] million yuan? Is it true?" Now the people in the village are all attracted by this private jet.

Not to mention City H, there are not many private jets here in Shonan.

Now that Xiapu has one, it will of course detonate public opinion.

On the forum of H City, Xiapu and H City set off a scolding war.

Because City H said that Su Wei grew up in City H, but the people of Xiapu said that his roots were in Xiapu.

In order to fight for Su Wei, the two sides have already scolded the sky on the Internet.

"Of course it's true. This plane is called Gulfstream G650. Su Xiaoming himself said it last time. But last time he came back, the plane was parked in City H. Why did it stop at Qiaojiang this time?" Su Wei's character , that is the inherited Su Xiaoming.

If there is something good, I like to show it off.

When Su Xiaoming came to see the construction site, it took less than three hours.

He had already told everyone present that their family had bought a private jet.

And it's not an ordinary private jet, but a Gulfstream G5 worth 650 million.

"A big boss like Su Wei wants to shut down the Qiaojiang River. You Xiapu government, how can you not be willing? They donated 5000 million to Xiapu last year." Other villages may think that the money was donated by Su Xiaoming, but People in Tiger Village will not.

Because it's not that they don't know Su Xiaoming's family background, how could there be 5000 million donations.

"I heard that all the roads here will be widened to a six-meter-long road. At that time, many houses will be demolished?" There are houses on both sides of the road in Tiger Village.

If the road is widened to six meters, the house must be demolished.

Many people who cannot afford to repair their houses are just waiting for this wave of money to build new houses.

It's just that the road construction has not started, so the specific compensation plan has not yet come out.

"What are you afraid of? Su Xiaoming's family has a lot of money. If the house is demolished, we will definitely have to pay for it. Then we will rebuild it ourselves. And the road will be widened. Everyone in the village will benefit." The villagers can talk so easily now , that's because someone has already been punished.

When Su Wei's new house was being dug, someone even asked someone to block the road to collect tolls.

And that person is not a good stubble, but a big local gangster.

Seeing that he couldn't figure it out, Liu Hua reported to Su Wei.

Su Wei made a phone call, and the gangster and his brothers were all arrested that night.

The pleading call from the village reached Su Wei, but Su Wei didn't hang his family members.

After all, when he blocked the way to collect money, he didn't see his family members coming out to stop him.

The big gangster at the back was arrested because of the nature of the underworld gang. It is said that it will take at least three to five years to come out.

This is mainly because no other cases have been picked up on him, otherwise he will start off properly in 10 years.

"Hey, the car stopped, and the car stopped at the gate of Su Wei's old house." The people who followed thought they were going to the new house.

Unexpectedly, Su Wei stopped at the old house.

When Su Wei came last time, he left without even looking at the old house.

"The co-pilot came down, wow, is this woman Su Wei's girlfriend? She's so pretty." Zhang Ruoyu's looks and figure.

Where have the villagers seen this before? It feels like a fairy.

After all, her dress is a bit out of tune with the countryside here.

"No, it should be the one in the back row. That woman also came down, she is so beautiful, and her temperament is better."

. . . . . .

"How about it, is this house different from the rural houses in your impression?" Both Wang Xiaoyuan and Zhang Ruoyu grew up in Shanghai.

There must be very few houses like Su Wei's old house.

"It's a little different, can you go in and have a look?" Wang Xiaoyuan came to the door, really curious about what Su Wei's childhood house was like.

"Okay, you can go in if you want, I haven't been in for more than ten years, Xiaoyuan, let me help you, don't fall down then." Su Wei supported Wang Xiaoyuan, for fear that she would fall.

Because although the house has traces of cleaning, it doesn't look very dirty.

But the ground here is still soil after all, not floor tiles.

After so many years, the ground is full of potholes.

"It's okay. I'm wearing casual shoes today. There is a staircase here. Is there a second floor above?" Wang Xiaoyuan knew that today was going back to the countryside, so she specially changed into a pair of sneakers.

She walked into the middle hall of the house, and found that there was a staircase next to it, and there seemed to be another floor above it.

"This is not considered the second floor, it can only be regarded as the attic, and the upper part is not inhabited." The attic of Su Wei's house needs a special ladder to go up.

In the past, this was the place to put things.

Su Xiaoming gave the house to his cousin next door because he couldn't live in it.

"President Su, is there a pigsty behind this house?" Zhang Ruoyu really couldn't imagine that the pigsty used to be so close to where people lived.

And in the pigsty, there is even a toilet.

She couldn't imagine being watched by a group of pigs when she went to the bathroom.

"Yes, this kind of old house decades ago, the pigsty and the place where people lived were not far away at that time." This house was built by Su Wei's family more than 20 years ago.

Because the place is not that big, the pigsty is built behind the house.

After all, if the pigsty is built too far away, you won't even know when others come to steal the pigs.

"Honey, I never expected you to work so hard back then." Wang Xiaoyuan was filled with sympathy, and even Su Wei looked sympathetic.

After all, she really couldn't imagine how Su Wei lived in such a place back then.

"What's wrong with me, I moved to live in the city before I was in preschool, and I haven't lived here since I went to school.

Well, the tour of the old house is over, let me take you to see the new home." Su Wei abandoned the old house without hesitation at that time because he had no feelings for it.

Now taking Wang Xiaoyuan to visit the old house, he began to recall the long memories.

"Oh, go see your new home"

. . .

"Weiwei, do you still recognize me? I'm your aunt." Su Wei came out of the old house and was surrounded.

But the others didn't dare to come forward to talk to them, because they were not familiar with them after all.

But there was one person who dared to talk to him, and that person was Su Xiaoming's aunt.

They are the only ones who are familiar with Su Wei in this village.

"How could I not know Auntie, ouch, grandma, you have come out too, hurry up and find a stool for grandma to sit on." Su Wei didn't know anyone else, but how could Tang Bo's family not know each other.

After all, his father would come back to visit the grave every Qingming Festival.

Every time I eat at noon, I always eat at his cousin's house.

"Mom, the stools are here, Weiwei, you sit too." Su Wei's aunt went back to the next door and brought two stools.

One to her mother-in-law and one to Su Wei.

But Su Wei didn't sit down, but asked Wang Xiaoyuan to sit down.

"Weiwei, which of these two is the wife you are looking for?" Uncle's mother is the wife of the second grandfather Su Wei.

Su Wei's grandfather was the third child in the family at that time.

People of the older generation cannot chat without work and study, and after that they get married and have children.

Now that Su Wei is so rich, of course what she cares about is Su Wei's lifelong affairs.

Wang Xiaoyuan and Zhang Ruoyu are so beautiful, she is very concerned about who is Su Wei's wife.

"Grandma, this is my wife. Her name is Wang Xiaoyuan, and she is from Modu." Su Wei brought Wang Xiaoyuan back this time, and he didn't intend to hide it.

Except that he doesn't plan to get married, he can give them other honors.

"Oh, her name is Yuanyuan, she looks so beautiful, Weiwei, you are promising, and the wives you found are so beautiful." Second Mistress Su Wei took a look and found that Wang Xiaoyuan was really a beauty.

In her more than 70 years of memory, there are really few such beautiful ones.

"Grandma, you've praised me. It's my good fortune to find Ah Wei." When Wang Xiaoyuan heard Su Wei introduce herself like this, her face almost froze with laughter.

She knew that she really came to the right place today.

"You are going to eat at home at noon today, Weiwei, you haven't eaten at home for a long time." The second grandma met Su Wei in the hotel last year.

However, there were too many people at that time, and there was no time to talk.

"Okay, then we will stay at grandma's place for lunch today." The most important thing for Su Wei today is to fill up the five tons of gold.

Now the gold is still on the way, so let him stay here for a meal.

And he wanted to help the second grandma's family.

"Oh Weiwei, so you're here!" When Su Wei was chatting with everyone, the village chief ran over.

And he didn't come alone, Liu Hua was there too.

"The village chief is here? What's the matter?" Su Wei handed over all the affairs of the village to Liu Hua.

Later, after Su Xiaoming took over, he only focused on making money.

Now that the village chief of Tiger Village has come to find him, he knows that something must be wrong with him.

"Weiwei, I heard that you are going to build a new road instead of this old road?" The village chief's previous plan was that Su Wei would widen the road.

At that time, the villagers on both sides of the road will have their houses demolished.

Because most of the houses on these two sides are from families with little money.

Anyone with a little money will build a house with a yard.

This time, people in the village by the road were very happy.

Because they feel that their own family must get a compensation.

If Su Wei really didn't follow the old path, but started a new one.

However, many people in the village who have no money to repair their houses still cannot live in new houses.

"Huh? Open a new road?"

"Then what about my house? Will it be demolished?"

"Weiwei, you can't open a new road. We don't want more. You just need to build a new house for us."

"Yeah yeah"

When the people in the village heard that a new road was going to be opened, everyone panicked.

Because they still want to get compensation and build a big house next to it.

There were some who wanted a high price before, but now they think they can change to a new house and they agree.

"Liu Gong, what's going on?" Su Wei didn't know anything about what he told the village chief.

After all, everything here is done by his father and Liu Hua.

"Su is always like this. The houses in the village are basically repaired near the road. If they demolish all of them, the compensation will be a lot of money. So I discussed with Boss Su whether to open a new one. Road, the price can be several million cheaper.” Liu Huahui wanted to build a new road because someone clearly stated that high compensation would be required.

But this time, Su Wei was doing a good job building the road.

Of course he couldn't let that kind of person succeed, so he discussed with Su Xiaoming to open a new road.

But unexpectedly, the village head of Tiger Village found him and insisted on dragging him to see Su Wei.

Originally, he meant to meet Su Wei at the new house.

"Weiwei, you have heard the requests from the folks. They just want a new house, which is really not a lot of money for you.

At that time, they will be able to demolish all those dilapidated houses and rebuild a new one.” The village head is a native of Tiger Village, so he must be helping the villagers.

If Su Wei opened a new road this time, it would be impossible for many people to have the money to build new houses.

At that time, there will definitely be riots in the village.

"Why isn't that a lot of money? I've done the math. There are 79 households in your village, and there are 50 households on both sides of this road. If each household pays 30 yuan, it will cost 500 million yuan, and some people even call it high. Make up for a house and make up a few more 10 yuan."

(End of this chapter)

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