Chapter 312 Green Tea
"Husband, you buried so much money here, isn't that what makes people miss you?" Wang Xiaoyuan was resting in the car, but it was just time for a phone call with her best friend in the car.

Looking back, I saw that the workers and bodyguards had already lifted most of the boxes containing the silver, one by one, and buried them in the foundation.

She quickly called Su Wei in, wanting to ask what was going on.

After all, with so many people around here watching, I really can't pick this point to do it.

Everyone knows that there is silver buried here, so it's not every day that someone wants to steal it.

"If they're thinking about it, let's go, it's not so easy to dig out these silver bricks.

If they really have the skills, it would be easier to grab the cash truck directly on the street." Su Wei sealed the money in the concrete, saying something rude.

Unless they spend hundreds of thousands to buy a large pile driver.

It would be possible to dig out these boxes by spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to buy an alloy drill bit.

And these boxes are not put together, unless the nearly [-] square meters are dug up.

Otherwise, they might be able to get a few boxes after spending so much effort.

Then this project is so big, it is basically impossible to be discovered.

Once the arrest warrant is issued, they may not even be able to escape Xiapu.

And the most important thing is that these things all have weight.

One box weighs three hundred catties, how many boxes can they take away.

That's why Su Wei didn't believe that any fool would really come here to dig silver bricks in the later stage.

"Yes, after all, the grade of this concrete is so high." Wang Xiaoyuan thought for a while, and it was indeed the case.

With the ability to dig out silver bricks, the risk of robbing banks may not be high.

"Xiao Zhang, I've already contacted the ICBC in the county, you can come over and get me 100 million in cash later." Su Wei had already contacted the ICBC in the county and asked them to prepare 100 million in cash.

Because of Lou Zhanjun and the others, he must thank them.

There are so many of them, one should get [-] to [-].

Although it looked like they had shipped the goods over easily, if someone really wanted to get this batch of gold.

Then the people in these cars will fight with their lives.

"Boss Su, why do you want to withdraw so much cash?" Zhang Ruoyu found out that after she came to Xiapu today, she couldn't keep up with Su Wei's rhythm at all.

And she felt that recently, Su Wei didn't tell her many things.

For example, the silver brick this time is only worth more than one hundred million yuan, and Su Wei didn't even tell her.

This made her wonder if she frightened him by speaking too abruptly last night.

"Isn't it everyone's hard work, I'll give you a little hard work later." Su Wei this time not only wanted to give Lou Zhanjun and the others a little thank you fee, but he also planned to give some money to the people who moved the silver bricks.

After all, they have handled so much money, Su Wei also wants them to bring some money home with them when they go home at night.

If it wasn't for this reason, then Su Wei could pay the bill and ask Liu Hua to pay it.

"Okay President Su, then I'll go over there." Zhang Ruoyu thought, should I find a time to clarify with Su Wei.

So I told him that I just wanted to show that I was talented that day.

I didn't think too much about what he said.

"One more thing, we have to stay here for a few more days before we can leave. Go and find me a better hotel, pack it all in, and buy some cigarettes to share with everyone." Su Wei will be here this time For a while, he had to wait for the concrete to be completely poured.

After all, dry concrete is indestructible.

The concrete in its current state cannot be carried by a hoe.

"What about the former guests in the hotel?" If Zhang Ruoyu went to find a hotel now, each hotel must already be full of more than half of the people.

And Zhang Ruoyu would not rent a hotel with few guests.

After all, there are no customers, which means that the hotel either has a bad environment or bad people.

"It's not easy, we'll pay them two days' room fees and let them stay in another hotel." As long as the problem can be solved with money, it's not a big deal for Su Wei.

He didn't believe that they wouldn't want to check out a room and earn thousands of dollars.

"Are we going to stay here for a few more days? Haven't we already buried the money?" Wang Xiaoyuan didn't expect that they would stay here for a few more days.

At first, she thought that she would go back tomorrow at the most.

But looking at Su Wei's current appearance, it feels like he will live for a long time.

"When the concrete is not dry, it is not so indestructible. At least we have to wait until the concrete is poured. Don't worry, it will be almost a week. I will take you to play nearby tomorrow."

. . . . . .

"Xiaoyin, why do you suddenly want to come to Xiapu to play this time?" After the car got on the expressway, Xiaohui asked her best friend curiously.

Why did I suddenly have a sudden whim today, and I want to go to Xiapu to play.

After all, I haven't heard her say it before, she likes to go to Xiapu.

This time when she came back from her annual leave, she didn't expect Xiaoyin to come back just in time.

"I just want to come, I want to see that Yaozhai and that National Forest Park" Xiaoyin went to Xiapu this time for Su Wei.

She had known Su Wei very early, when the two of them were playing online games together.

I remember that she liked playing CF very much at that time, and met Su Wei who also liked playing CF.

It just so happens that the two are from the same region, so they often form a team to play CF together at night.

"Ah? Then you asked me to drive here at this hour? It's already afternoon now." I'm going to Yaozhai in the afternoon, and I should be able to have dinner there.

And it's in the mountains, she doesn't want to live there for one night.

"Oh yes, then why don't we open a room first, and we'll go there tomorrow." Xiaoyin wanted to find Su Wei this time, but she actually had something to do with him.

But she doesn't have Su Wei's contact information, only a QQ friend can still contact him.

But Su Wei's QQ avatar has never been displayed.

She tried to send a message to Su Wei's QQ, thinking that he would see her message when he was online.

But several months passed, and Su Wei never replied to her message.

She also wondered if Su Wei changed QQ.

But she couldn't reach him, and there was no other way to contact her.

This time, in her circle of friends in her hometown, many people are sending messages that Su Wei will go back to her hometown.

She came to Xiapu just because she saw the news.

"I really convinced you, you didn't tell me earlier if you wanted to come to play." Xiaohui was really speechless to Xiaoyin.

I thought she wanted to take a casual trip with her.

"Isn't this a whim, why don't we go to the county to open a house, and we'll settle in Vienna. I have a friend who lived there, and they said that the accommodation conditions are okay." In the post bar of H City, many people have already said it.

People who live in Xiapu Vienna today have received three times the compensation.

Because today's Su Wei is staying here.

"Is something wrong with you?" Xiaohui looked at Xiaoyin, always feeling that something was wrong.

Because today her best friend is so abnormal.

"There's something wrong with me, really, my friend lived there"

. . . . . .

"Husband wake up, Ms. Zhang is back." Wang Xiaoyuan was brushing the little red book when she saw a Q7 approaching.

She knew that Zhang Ruoyu should be back.

Pushed Su Wei, who was dozing off beside him, and told him that Zhang Ruoyu was back.

Wang Xiaoyuan always felt that Zhang Ruoyu was a threat.

That's because Zhang Ruoyu's figure and appearance are Su Wei's favorite style.

"Xiao Zhang, you are here, have you settled the money, the hotel and the cigarettes?" Su Wei rubbed his eyes and saw Zhang Ruoyu got into the car.

He didn't sleep well this morning, so he would be drowsy when the sun shines in the afternoon.

"President Su, it's settled." The first thing Zhang Ruoyu did when he went to the county was to find a big supermarket to buy cigarettes.

After buying the cigarettes, I also asked about the best hotel in the county.

When they arrived at the hotel, they were overjoyed when they heard that she was going to book the room.

After all, it is the low season, and the occupancy rate is only 50%.

But hearing that it is going to start today, I can only express my inability to do anything.

Because there are so many guests in the hotel, if you really want to drive all the guests out because of this reservation.

Then this store, don't think about opening it in the future.

In the back, Zhang Ruoyu said that she was staying with guests, and she paid three times the room rate to make room for them.

Then the hotel matter was settled so smoothly.

After the hotel was settled, she easily withdrew the money with Su Wei's card.

"Then tell Liu Gong to call all the people who just moved the boxes over." Su Wei looked inside the construction site, and the boxes had been buried.

This time, Su Wei planned to send 2000 yuan to the people who moved the boxes on the construction site.

"Husband, just buried more than 5000 million in the ground, why do I think you care so much? Last time you hit a [-] million car, didn't you see you so excited?" When Wang Xiaoyuan spoke, there was a bit of yin and yang.

When Su Wei crashed a car last time, although she didn't show her face.

But that's not because she didn't care, but because Su Wei got hurt and she felt distressed.

And the woman in the driver's seat had broken bones in her arms and legs.

"If it's really [-] tons of silver, I will definitely leave tonight. Think about it with your little brain, I would care about [-] million." Su Wei saw Wang Xiaoyuan's eccentricity, and planned to divert her attention.

Otherwise, if she asked who Wu Xiaoxuan was, he would be embarrassed.

After all, if she asks at that time, will Su Wei say it or not.

"Then besides Baiyin, what else is there? Do you need to come and see for yourself?" Wang Xiaoyuan felt that something was wrong before, because how could Yi Suwei be so caring.

But to change the subject, he actually planned to tell her the secret.

Wang Xiaoyuan almost laughed, but luckily she held back.

Otherwise, if Su Wei didn't say anything, she would never know.

After all, the grade of concrete is so high, she wouldn't be so stupid as to dig it out.

"Actually, there are only 25 tons of silver, and five tons of them are gold." Su Wei will tell Wang Xiaoyuan about gold sooner or later.

After all, in the final analysis, it is worth more than one billion yuan.

The reason why he attaches so much importance is mainly because such a large amount of gold is a bit difficult to buy.

"Really? Does Ms. Zhang know about this?" Although Wang Xiaoyuan asked whether it was true or not, she actually believed it completely.

After all, [-] million is really not very valuable in Su Wei's eyes.

Even in the eyes of Wang Xiaoyuan now, it is not particularly rich.

Regarding this matter, she was actually more concerned about whether Zhang Ruoyu knew about it.

"Of course it's true, and Xiaozhang doesn't know about it at all. You are the first to know about it." In fact, there are quite a lot of people who know about this.

After all, those who shipped back from ICBC, and those who encapsulated the gold.

And those high-level officials of ICBC know about it.

But Zhang Ruoyu's words, then she really didn't know, after all, Su Wei didn't tell her.

"That's about the same, so how much is the five tons of gold worth?" Wang Xiaoyuan also breathed a sigh of relief when she heard that Zhang Ruoyu didn't know.

She was afraid to hear it just now, but Zhang Ruoyu knew about it earlier than she did.

"It's worth, it's worth more than a billion yuan.

Wait a minute, I'll take a call." While Su Wei was chatting with Wang Xiaoyuan, his phone rang.

He took a look, and it turned out to be a call from Fan Wenqi.

. . . . . .

"Hello, open a standard room." Xiaohui parked the car in a parking lot near Vienna, and walked over with Xiaoyin.

I found that there was no guest in this hotel in Vienna.

This is Xiaoyin's friend, recommended her a very good hotel?

She entered the hotel and found that there were only staff besides the staff.

"I'm sorry, our hotel room is full." The two receptionists in Vienna saw someone coming to check in, and they could only refuse them with regret.

After all, in the week starting today, the Vienna Hotel has been booked out.

"The room is full? Why didn't I see anyone?" Xiaohui was speechless. Was the receptionist talking nonsense with his eyes open?

In this hotel, apart from the staff, there is no guest.

If this is the case and the rooms are full, she can only think that the staff of this hotel have an enmity with the boss.

"It's like this, our hotel has been booked out, and it will be closed for this week." No one in Xiapu now knows that Su Wei is the richest person here.

The hotel that Su Wei will stay in this time is their Vienna Hotel.

"It's closed this week?" Xiaoyin saw that someone took three times the room rate before, and thought it was Su Wei who had booked one of the floors.

After all, that's what he did last year.

Unexpectedly, this time, the hotel was directly booked out.

"Yes, I'm really sorry." The front desk said sorry, but it didn't show on his face.

It's a look of pride, after all, Su Wei is coming to live in their hotel.

From now on, people in Xiapu will stay in hotels, and this must be their first choice.

"In this case, Xiaoyin, let's go, we can only stay in another hotel." Although Xiaohui felt weird, she didn't know what happened.

Because the expression on the front desk is really weird.

And Xiaoyin's expression also made her unable to understand.

It's just that I can't live in this hotel, so I can change to another hotel.

"President Su is here, everyone hurry up to greet him." At this time, a staff member rushed in from outside and shouted that President Su is here.

I want all the staff in the store to go out to greet them.

There are even more staff members who have started to lay out the red carpet in the hotel.

"Who is this? This card is too big." Xiaohui looked at it and felt that these people were just like filming TV dramas.

She had been in City H for so many years, and she didn't know there was such a great character.

"This is the person who booked our hotel." The front desk tidied up his clothes, and then planned to go out to meet Su Wei.

When passing by Xiaoyin and the others, she answered Xiaohui's words smoothly.

. . . . . .

"What's wrong with my husband?" When Wang Xiaoyuan entered the door, she saw Su Wei looking at the two girls next to her.

At first, she thought these two women were people he knew.

But Su Wei looked at it for a while, then withdrew his gaze.

"It's nothing, it's just this person, I think I've seen it before." Su Wei recognized this woman at the first sight.

She was Shen Manyin who played CF with him for more than a year in high school.

Although he recognized her, he didn't want to have too much contact with her.

Because this woman was the first green tea girl he came into contact with back then.

"What have you seen before? You just look at other people's little girls." Wang Xiaoyuan didn't believe what Su Wei said, after all, his eyes were wrong just now.

But she didn't say anything, after all, she was going to fly to the magic capital at night.

Just now Su Wei answered the phone, and then applied for the flight route at [-]:[-] pm.

As for the new house, he invited Lou Zhanjun to stay for another two days.

Of course it's not free. He called ICBC and gave them a price of [-] a day.

"Xiao Zhang, I know that woman, go and ask what's going on." Su Wei leaned close to Zhang Ruoyu's ear and asked her to ask about the situation.

Shen Manyin was the white moonlight in the eyes of most boys in his high school back then.


. . . . . .

"I didn't expect that the people here in Xiapu are so good, they booked the whole hotel in one bag." Before, Xiaohui didn't believe that there were such good people.

But seeing the number of bodyguards following Su Wei, and the Rolls-Royce car that he had come out to see.

Only then did she know why the front desk had that expression.

"It's not that Xiapu is a good place, but he is better." Xiaoyin knew that Su Wei made a fortune, and it dates back to last year.

At that time, Su Wei and Yuan Shu had a fight, and the news that they left in a Lamborghini spread throughout their grade.

This time Xiaoyin went back to H City to visit her family, but she didn't expect to meet Su Wei who happened to be in Xiapu.

She came to Su Wei this time because she wanted to ask him for something.

But after what happened just now, she already planned to go back.

After all, Su Wei had seen her, but he took her as polite.

If you ask him for this, he may not be willing to help.

"Why, you know him?" Xiaohui wondered, how did Xiaoyin, a rich man in Xiapu, know.

After all, the man just now didn't look like he knew Xiaoyin at all.

"Yes, he is from our school, and he was in the same class as us." Xiaoyin was also very strange, Xiaohui didn't know Su Wei.

He is the most famous student in No. [-] Middle School of H City.

"He's from our school? High school? No. [-] middle school?" After Xiaohui went to university, she had no contact with her high school classmates.

Xiaoyin is one of her few high school friends.

"Hello, I finally caught up with you." The lady at the front desk trotted all the way, and finally found Xiaoyin and the others at the entrance of the parking lot.

Just now Su Wei's assistant came over to find out what happened.

Then her assistant told her that she could invite the two girls just now to live for free.

If she can do it, you can give her 1000 yuan for running errands.

"What's the matter? What's the matter?" Xiaohui didn't know what was going on at the front desk, so why did she chase after her.

After all, there are no more rooms in the hotel. Could it be that they dropped something in the hotel?

"That's right, our hotel happens to have two double-bed rooms available, and we can provide them to you for free."

 I encountered this irresistible thing this time, and now it is finally over, and the plot will continue to be exciting tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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