Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 313 I want to buy a yacht over 1 meter for fun

Chapter 313 I want to buy a yacht over 100 meter for fun
"Xiaoyin, you must know this Su Wei, right? Otherwise, how could he invite us to stay in a hotel?" Xiaohui is not a fool, she felt something was wrong in the hotel before.

When the receptionist at the back caught up with them, she knew that this matter must not be easy.

At that time, she had already rejected the room in Vienna, after all, it was booked there.

If they live in, don't tell me if they will have a bad reputation.

Even if they are in danger, the two girls may not be able to handle it.

But she never expected that Xiaoyin would directly agree, which surprised her.

After all, she has known Xiaoyin for so many years, and knows that she is not a person who is greedy for petty gains.

According to the current terms, she has been a green tea whore since she was a child.

She doesn't care about small benefits unless the gift is of great value.

So if Xiaoyin didn't know Su Wei, she would never believe it.

"Well, I do know him." Xiaoyin told others that she might hide it a bit.

After all, she came so far to find a man.

If this gets out, her personality will be ruined.

But she didn't want to hide it from her only best friend who was studying.

After all, Xiaohui basically knows most of her things clearly.

This time she chose to let Xiaohui bring her to Xiapu because she trusted her more.

"We have been together for three years in high school. Why didn't I know that you knew him? Which of your friends in high school did I not know?" Xiaohui and Xiaoyin have been classmates since the first year of high school.

In the second year of high school, arts and sciences were divided into subjects, and the two of them were still assigned to the same class.

In addition, the two of them often switch to the same table, so the relationship between them is very good.

Basically, Xiaohui knows all of Xiaoyin's friends at school.

So when Xiaoyin said she knew Su Wei, she was really confused.

Because she searched every corner of her memory, but she couldn't find the person who could correspond to Su Wei.

"Didn't I play CF every day for a period of time at that time, he was the person who often played games with me at that time." Xiaoyin and Su Wei were only game friends at that time.

Because they are not in the same class, they have never played together in reality.

It's not that I don't want to play in reality, it's just that Xiaoyin refuses to come out.

Her principle at the time was that it was fine to play games, but it was absolutely impossible for her to come out.

"Oh, I see, Su Wei is the one who used to be your licking dog in the game and took you to play CF, right? Damn, that person is him?" Xiaoyin talked about playing CF, and Xiaohui I know.

At that time, Xiaoyin was obsessed with CF and couldn't help herself, and even played with her for a while.

At that time, there was a man in the game who played with Xiaoyin every day.

If that person is Su Wei, then it makes sense.

"Yes, it's him. You scolded him in the game back then." At that time, Xiaoyin was addicted to CF, so she took Xiaohui to play with her.

But at that time, Xiaohui looked down on Su Wei in all kinds of ways.

Because she knew that this man must have thoughts about her best friend.

Otherwise, how could he be so nice and take her girlfriends to play games every day.

So she wanted to destroy the relationship between them, and also to stop her best friend from playing games every day.

As long as she plays with them, she will perform various operations.

As long as she dies, she will blame Su Wei for his poor skills.

And if the game is lost, it will be all the blame on Su Wei.

At that time, the two of them sprayed each other in the game.

After that confrontation, Xiaoyin never asked Su Wei to play games again.

"Ah? Really? He is so rich now, he won't ask his bodyguards to hit me, right?" At that time, Xiaohui looked down on Su Wei in various ways.

Although she knew that Xiaoyin didn't like him, she was also afraid that they would fall in love with each other for a long time.

So as long as she gets the chance, she will spit on him.

Now I know that Su Wei is so rich now, and he has so many bodyguards.

To be honest, Xiaohui is a little panicked now.

"How is it possible? If he held a grudge, why would he invite us to stay in a hotel?" It has been so many years since what happened at that time.

Su Wei can earn so much money, Xiaoyin does not believe that he will be a caring person.

The current Su Wei must be a gentle and gentle person without anger.

Only such a person is the kind of big man in Xiaoyin's heart.

"Xiaoyin, does he have any other thoughts about you when he invited us to stay in the hotel this time?" Su Wei was Xiaoyin's licking dog in the game.

This time he will invite them to stay in the hotel, he must still have ideas about Xiaoyin.

At this time, Xiaohui felt that she had seen through the essence of the matter.

"Probably not. After all, his girlfriend is so beautiful, how could he still fall in love with me?" Although Xiaoyin didn't know which of the two women was Su Wei's girlfriend at the time.

But she knows one thing, that is, these two women are very beautiful.

Although she is not bad looking, but they have a lot more temperament than her.

But Xiaoyin is still a little proud in her heart.

Because Su Wei invited her to stay in the hotel this time, it proves that he still hasn't forgotten her.

"His girlfriend is beautiful, and you are not bad, when he licked you so much in the game, you would have to kill the remaining blood on the other side.

Hey, you came here this time, you didn't come here specifically to find him to solve your father's matter, did you?Don't tell me, it seems that Su Wei can really do this." Xiaohui came to her senses at this time, and knew what her best friend was planning.

After all, the matter of Xiaoyin's father required a lot of money.

And it just so happened that Su Wei was rich, and had added Xiao Yin before.

Then he is the best candidate, no wonder her best friend came here.

"I know he can do it, but I'm afraid he won't help, after all" Xiaoyin before, she is not a fool.

How could it be impossible to see that Su Wei likes her.

But she doesn't like Su Wei, because he is not the one she likes.

She is now afraid that Su Wei will stand by and watch because of the previous incident.

"Try it, what if he still likes you, right? If he doesn't care about you, it's impossible for him to invite us to stay in the hotel." This time, what happened to Xiaoyin's father was a big deal for Su Wei. a piece of cake.

As long as he is willing to go out, he can easily handle it with his strength.

And he was able to invite them to stay in the hotel this time, because he must still be thinking about the old love in his heart.

"Then I'll try it tomorrow morning"

. . . . . .

"Husband, you haven't told me yet, why are you in such a hurry to return to Shanghai this time?" After Wang Xiaoyuan got on the plane, she still didn't know why Su Wei chose to return to Shanghai this time.

After all, in the afternoon, he still vowed to wait for the foundation to be completed.

Unexpectedly, after answering the phone call, I immediately began to plan the flight route back.

So she was very curious about what happened.

It is even more urgent than these five tons of gold.

"You know the thunderstorm of Yang's Group, my partner has already fully acquired the shares of Yang's Group, and there will be no Yang's Group in the future. This time she called me this time and said that tomorrow You want to chat with me." This time Fan Wenqi called him to tell him that the Yang Group had settled the matter.

We will talk about how to divide the money tomorrow.

After all, with such a large amount of fat this time, of course Fan Wenfang wanted more points.

But according to the contract, she can only get 30.00%.

But she wanted more, so she could only choose to have an interview with Su Wei.

"The Yang Group is gone now? What about Yang Ye and Yangjiayu?" Wang Xiaoyuan didn't expect that the Yang Group would change hands so quickly.

But Yang Ye and Yang Jiayu are not easy to provoke, they will definitely not let it go.

Even if they are in prison, they must have a network of relationships outside.

Wang Xiaoyuan is very worried about Su Wei now, because she is afraid that what happened to Yang Jiale will happen again.

"The two of them, because the things they dug up are too big, they will go for a closed trial. It is already certain that they will both be sentenced to death 100% of the time." This time, the Yang Group's profit is too big , After deduction of debts, there are still tens of billions.

None of the people who participated this time hoped that Yang Ye and his son were still alive.

Just as Yang Ye and his son were on their way to success, there were countless dark histories.

In terms of human life alone, the two of them have involved no less than 10 cases.

So they should be sentenced to death as a matter of course.

And when the time comes, it must be executed immediately, such as declaring death tomorrow.

"Hey, Yang Ye, he has dominated the business world of the Devil City for decades, and my dad has always admired him." The reason why Yang Ye is so famous is because he is a native of the Devil City.

There are many rich people in Shanghai, and there are also many rich bigwigs.

But the local bigwigs really don't have that many.

They are basically big shots from other places, and they dominate here in Shanghai.

Therefore, it is not difficult to understand that Yang Ye is admired by many locals in Shanghai.

"Yes, yes, Yang Ye's reputation in Shanghai is really great, but I didn't expect him to do so many bad things behind his back, and he deserves death.

Mr. Su, Yang Ye and Yang Jiayu are basically finished, and Yang Jiale is already dead, so what will happen to the money acquired by the Yang Group? "Zhang Ruoyu has heard of Yang Ye's name before, after all, she is also from Shanghai.

But now that Yang Ye is the enemy, of course she wishes him bad luck.

What's more, what Yang Ye found out was really shocking.

Sentencing them to death now is simply a huge hit.

But Zhang Ruoyu is more curious, that is, what to do with such a large amount of assets acquired by the Yang Group.

Wouldn't it just be confiscated like this, that would be a pity.

"Yang Jiayu actually has an illegitimate child, and the billions should be left to him." Yang Jiayu's child should inherit the rest of the inheritance.

After all, he is the Yang family, the only surviving first heir.

"Then husband, how much money can you make in it this time? And how do you plan to spend the money?" Wang Xiaoyuan didn't care about anything else, only how much money Su Wei could make this time.

After all, for this money, he can go back to Shanghai without hesitation.

Then the money this time must be much more than more than one billion.

"How much money can I make? Actually, I don't know.

But I've made money this time, so I should buy a yacht." Su Wei's yacht had already been asked by Xu Liyang to help him find it all over the world.

Xu Liyang actually helped him find several yachts, but he was not very satisfied.

Satisfied with the yacht, he can't afford it now.

Well now, he finally has enough money to buy his favorite yacht.

"Yacht? How big do you want to buy it?" Wang Xiaoyuan's family owned a yacht, which cost more than 2000 million yuan.

But since I bought it, I haven't played it much.

It is still on the bank of the Huangpu River and cannot be sold.

This time Su Wei said he wanted to buy a yacht, Wang Xiaoyuan knew that he definitely wasn't buying that kind of small yacht.

"How big is it? At least one hundred meters, otherwise it's meaningless to buy."

. . . . . .

The next day.

"Hello, lady at the front desk, let me ask, is Mr. Su Wei still in the hotel?" Xiaoyin and Xiaohui woke up very early today.

Because today is to see Su Wei after all, so they want to dress up better.

After all, the women around Su Wei are all so good-looking, so they shouldn't be too embarrassed.

"Su Wei, Mr. Su, he is no longer in the hotel." If other people came to ask, the front desk would definitely not tell them Su Wei's whereabouts.

But the two people in front of him are different, they were specially invited by Su Wei to stay in the hotel.

But the front desk is a bit more puzzled, that is, didn't Su Wei tell them when he went to Shanghai?

"Ah, did you go out so early? I wish I had known that we just put on make-up sooner.

Then let me ask, what time will Su Wei come back? "Xiaohui didn't expect Su Wei to go out so early.

If they knew this was the case, they would have woken up earlier.

There is no other way now, but to wait for him to come back in the hotel.

"That's not necessarily true. After all, Mr. Su has already returned to the magic capital." The front desk really doesn't know if Su Wei will come to Xiapu recently.

After all, how could she know the whereabouts of such a big boss.

"He went back to the magic capital? Then is he still coming to Xiapu?" Xiaoyin was still thinking about how she would greet Su Wei when she saw Su Wei at night.

Hearing the news that Su Wei has returned to Shanghai, what should she do?

She hasn't told Su Wei about her father yet.

"Shouldn't be coming back, after all, his bodyguards have also driven back." Su Wei and his convoy set off at around eight o'clock last night.

If the bodyguard came back, then Su Wei might come back to Xiapu.

But since the bodyguards are gone, President Su will definitely not come to Xiapu in the near future.

"Don't worry, Xiaoyin, we also drove here.

Then let me ask, what time did Su Wei and the others leave?Can we catch them? "Xiaohui saw Xiaoyin getting anxious, so she was also anxious.

After all, Su Wei was the only acquaintance with Xiaoyin's father who had the ability to handle it.

So Xiaohui planned to drive with Xiaoyin later and catch up with Su Wei directly.

"Then you probably won't be able to catch up, because President Su and the others left at [-] o'clock yesterday, and at the speed of his private jet, they should arrive in two or three hours.

But you don't have to worry, Mr. Su has rented this hotel for a week, so you can stay at ease.

If there is something urgent, you can still find Mr. Su, who also lives here." Compared to Su Wei, the receptionist is more familiar with Su Xiaoming.

Because every time he comes back, he lives in their Vienna.

But when he came back, he only opened those few rooms.

Without the ostentation of his son Su Wei, he directly booked the entire hotel.

"Xiaoyin, what should we do? Everyone in Su Wei has returned to the Demon City, why don't we just forget it?" Although Xiaoyin is also in the Demon City, the Demon City is too big.

Xiaohui didn't believe that Xiaoyin would meet Su Wei in Shanghai.

After all, if she could have met before, Xiaoyin would have met her a long time ago.

"I can't forget it. I wasn't sure if he knew me before, but now I know he still knows me, so I must find him, because he is the only one who can help me with my dad."

(End of this chapter)

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