Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 314 Because I want to buy a yacht, I want to sell it

Chapter 314 Because I want to buy a yacht, I want to sell it
"President Su, Ms. Fan has come." Although Zhang Ruoyu has been with Su Wei for more than a month, today is the third time to come to Gemini Tower.

The first two times I came here were because of the job of interview assistant.

She thought before that the place where she works here is far away from her home.

Will she rent a house when the time comes so that she doesn't have to travel such a long way.

It was only after she got to work that she found out that her boss, Su Wei, didn't come here at all.

Naturally, her assistant, of course, doesn't need to come here.

She remembered the envious looks from everyone in the company when she came here just now.

Compared with when she first came here, their plain eyes really made her feel different.

"Fan Wenqi is here? If you come, come in. Is it possible that I will invite her in person? I am so busy here, how can I go?" Su Wei is not busy with any serious business, he is just playing games.

Today he made an appointment with Fan Wenqi to talk about the Yang Group.

After all, the Yang Group has now been successfully acquired, and he and Fan Wenqi's lawyers are busy receiving assets.

"How dare you bother Mr. Su to greet me in person, after all, Mr. Su's game is more important." Fan Wenqi was not angry at all when she was treated slowly.

Because this time the Yang Group really made her full all at once.

And later she has something to discuss with Su Wei, so of course she won't show off now.

But a little bit of yin and yang, that's still necessary.

"Sit whatever you want, I'll finish this game in no time." Su Wei hasn't played League of Legends for a long time, and his hand feel is a bit awkward.

Not to mention that his female gun has no advantage at all now, and the jungler on the opposite side keeps coming to the bottom lane to catch him.

He didn't seem to care much about Fan Wenqi's arrival.

Because in the process of this acquisition, Fan Wenqi was a little too risky and radical.

But out of trust, he didn't care about her at that time.

But that doesn't mean he has no temper.

"Boss Su doesn't mind if I watch you play the game." Fan Wenqi understood at this moment that Su Wei was dissatisfied with her.

But she didn't feel that there was anything to offend him this time.

But Su Wei is the major shareholder after all, and all the assets this time are in Su Wei's name.

She could only keep her head down and be soft.

"If you want to watch it, then watch it." Seeing Fan Wenqi humming in front of him, Su Wei felt a little better.

At this time, his female gun had already been caught and killed three times for chatting with him.

Although he also killed the opposite EZ twice, but looking at the overall situation, they are facing a headwind.

"This game is League of Legends, right?" Fan Wenqi began to find nothing to say, after all, she doesn't play games.

She has been committed to breaking away from the control of the family.

So she has always been resistant to games.

She has never played the game League of Legends, but she has heard of it, so she guessed it casually, and guessed it right unexpectedly.

"Mr. Fan, you can also play this game?" Su Wei looked up at Fan Wenqi, unexpectedly she knew about this game.

He always thought that people like Fan Wenqi would definitely not know how to play games.

After all, their goals are too ambitious.

Every time Su Wei saw her, he could see the growing ambition in her eyes.

"I saw my brother played this game before, and he likes it more." Fan Wenqi's brother did play this game, so she had heard of it.

But this is the first time she has a serious understanding of this game.

But after watching it for a while, she didn't have a good impression of the game.

Because the character controlled by Su Wei is a big-breasted girl.

She thinks that this game can become popular, and it is very likely that it has become popular by ignoring it.

"I'm still thinking, if you like to play, play." Su Wei turned his head and planned to talk to Fan Wenqi, but she didn't expect her to be lying down.

From this angle, Su Wei could just see Fan Wenqi's chest.

And because she was lying down, Su Wei could directly see inside her.

"Boss Su, have you seen enough? Do you want me to lower it for you?" Fan Wenqi stuttered when she saw Su Wei speaking, followed his gaze and realized that she was being eaten by him.

In this situation, most people must run away clutching their chests.

But Fan Wenqi is not an ordinary person, she just casually went to see Su Wei.

Anyway, she won't lose a piece of flesh, and she shows more than this when she wears a bikini.

"This game is not fun, let's stop playing, let's sit and talk over there." Su Wei looked at the situation in the game, and he was already powerless.

After he was killed once, he pushed the keyboard and hung up the phone.

Also, what Fan Wenqi said just now was too bold, and Su Wei couldn't accept her words.

"This is the list of all the assets of the Yang Group. Mr. Su, you can take a look." Fan Wenqi did not expect that Su Wei would be defeated in this regard.

She smiled, and got down to business.

She came to see Su Wei today, but she had something serious to talk about.

"It's boring to watch, just tell me directly." The things Fan Wenqi brought today are just an overview of assets.

Only the lawyer's report later is more accurate.

Su Wei didn't know why Fan Wenqi couldn't wait for a few days and insisted on coming to him today.

"Yang's Group's assets include medicine, real estate, and clothing factories. You know all about these, Mr. Su, but I think you may not be so clear about the details." Of course, Yang's Group has more than these assets , but many of its assets were robbed.

Fan Wenqi also tried her best to get these three big pieces of fat.

The main reason is that Su Wei took out 100 billion cash this time.

"I'm really not sure, so I need Mr. Fan to introduce to me." Su Wei really doesn't know?of course not.

After all, he invested 100 billion this time, how could he not care at all.

"Real estate is one of Yang's Group's main businesses. Its name is Yule Real Estate. There are two buildings under its name. One is in Huangpu, which is the current office of Yang's Group, and there is another building. In Xuhui, it is currently renting out.

The company is currently developing two pieces of land, both of which are in Suzhou.

The company has six lands in Shanghai, Suzhou, and Qiantang, all of which are still undeveloped. Because of the high financial pressure, Yang Jiayu planned to farm it first.

The company also owns properties in ten residential areas, as well as eight-year toll rights for two expressways." Among all the meat this time, the real estate is the most attractive.

Because what it contains is really worth the money.

Not to mention anything else, just those six pieces of land are worth tens of billions.

"Not bad, so how much is it worth now?" Of course Su Wei knew that real estate was valuable, after all, real estate is booming now.

Whether it is a real estate speculator or ordinary people, they have given unlimited expectations to real estate.

"The current value of Yule Real Estate is not less than 850 billion." The six pieces of land in Yule Real Estate are worth tens of billions.

Not to mention that he still has two buildings, ten residential properties, and an eight-year right to use the expressway.

Whichever one is taken out is the hen that lays golden eggs.

This 850 billion can really be said to be a far underestimate of its value.

"It's only worth 850 billion? Why don't I invest all the 100 billion, and the company still owes 300 billion in debt?" Su Wei is dissatisfied with Fan Wenqi today because of the debt.

At that time, in order to acquire the Yang Group, she mortgaged half of her shares.

A total of 300 billion was mortgaged to get the company.

It looked like he had made a profit, but Su Wei took all the risks.

Because the acquisition initiated this time was initiated in the name of Su Wei.

If the acquisition fails, Su Wei will lose money.

"President Su, so you have always known, I thought you really didn't care about anything.

Yes, I did take a risk this time, but there are too many people robbing. If I hadn't immediately exchanged the shares for 300 billion, how could I have won all of Yule Real Estate.

Although the price is indeed a bit expensive, I think it's worth it." Fan Wenqi's temper this time is because she didn't tell Su Wei about the mortgage.

But at the time, she was afraid that after she told her, Su Wei would not want to continue the loan.

After all, Su Wei's 100 billion has not been repaid, and now he has to borrow 300 billion.

But at that time, she really had no choice, after all, there were still so many small shareholders.

Everyone is scrambling, and the originally low price has been doubled.

"You took 400 billion to get a company worth 850 billion. Mr. Fan, I don't think your ability is as strong as I imagined." With the cooperation of Yang Ye and the thunderstorm of Yang's group.

Fan Wenqi still needs to spend 400 billion to eat up this company.

Su Wei really felt that her abilities and the strength of her family were exaggerated.

At that time, if he had chosen any other partner at random, the price might not have been as high as it is now.

"President Su, the real estate company is only worth 850 billion, but I also acquired two subsidiaries, and they are also gold mines.

For example, in medicine, the company name is Huxing, which focuses on cardiovascular, anti-tumor, central nervous system, blood system, metabolism, anti-infective drugs and maternity hospitals.” The acquisition of Yang’s Group this time is a It was Fan Wenqi's first time handling such a large-scale acquisition.

There were several mistakes in it, which led to the leak of the news.

As a result, a group of hungry wolves were attracted, and she just borrowed 300 billion.

It was only in the end that the real estate, medicine, and clothing factories were taken down.

As for other chemicals, supermarkets, and restaurants, they were all taken away.

This pharmaceutical company is the second most valuable company she thinks.

"Shanghai Star? It hasn't been listed yet, how much is it worth?" Su Wei is not interested in real estate at all.

Because real estate developers in the future will have to tighten their belts to live.

But medicine is different, especially anti-infective drugs.

After a few years, it will be the hen that lays diamond eggs.

"Huxing is indeed not listed at the moment, but he has already submitted an application on the harbor side. It is absolutely no problem for it to be listed, because it has opened dozens of hospitals across the country, and its current valuation is about 180 billion." Huxing Its business is very healthy because its business is very good.

As long as it is given time, Fan Wenqi believes that it will grow into a towering tree.

If it weren't for the jewels and jades with real estate, she would actually want medicine more.

"I submitted the application, but it's still not on the market, okay, you can continue to talk." Su Wei has already decided that he wants this pharmaceutical company.

Whether it's the situation in a few years, or better protection for your family.

Anyway, this pharmaceutical company, he will not let go.

"The last one is the garment factory. It has two factories, Jiangyuan and Heqi.

The two factories do not have their own brands, and they are all based on orders. There are about 8000 contract workers in the factory, and tens of thousands of temporary workers. Their annual profit is more than [-] million." There are many garment factories here, but most of them have been relocated later.

Because the cost of opening a factory in Shanghai is too high, many bosses who want to make more money have transferred to Suzhou.

"A profit of more than [-] million yuan a year? Then you still work so hard to grab it?" Su Wei's profit of more than [-] million yuan is less than a month's interest.

He couldn't think of what Fan Wenqi wanted to introduce to him.

"It is true that these two factories are not very profitable, but I will snatch them up because they have their own land.

When Yang Ye opened the factory 20 years ago, he rented it in the early stage. Later, he found that the clothing area was very profitable, so he bought the land for 6000 million yuan. I checked, and now the two pieces of land have increased to more than 50 The two factories of "billion" are located on the Huacao side of Minhang.

The combined land of these two factories totals more than 1000 mu.

Now the price of the factory here is about 500-600 million per mu.

"Fuck, it's so valuable." Su Wei originally wanted a garment factory, but he planned to give it to Wang Xiaoyuan.

Because Wang Xiaoyuan has always wanted to create a clothing brand, a business of her own.

But in her family, she is not very supportive of starting her own clothing brand.

Because now domestic self-owned brands are not doing well.

Now that Su Wei saw that the garment factory was so valuable, he hesitated a little.

"Yang's Group does not have a listed company, but as long as the real estate is listed after the pharmaceutical is listed, the stock prices of these two companies will definitely rise to a very exaggerated figure." The previous Yang's Group, because it is Yang Ye Cultivate big ones with one hand.

In addition, he was not very poor at the time, so he didn't want to go public.

For medicine, Yang Jiayu thought of going public because the cost of investing in research and development was too high.

"So what do you mean?" Su Wei heard Fan Wenqi say that the company was going public, and knew that she must have some plans.

And she came here this time, it must be because of this incident.

"I want to continue to cooperate with you, Mr. Su. As long as you hand over the real estate and medicine to me, within two years, I promise to double the valuation of the Yang Group. Then, Mr. Su, you don't have to worry about anything." Just count the money." Fan Wenqi came here this time with the intention of continuing to cooperate with Su Wei.

She plans to list all medicine and real estate on it.

Then the merger of the two companies at that time will definitely make the stock price skyrocket.

But she can't do this alone, she needs Su Wei's support.

"The problem is that I plan to sell the real estate because I am not optimistic about the real estate market, and I still owe a whole lot of debt to the bank." Su Wei's acquisition of the Yang Group this time is largely due to his lack of money.

He was thinking at the time that more than 1000 billion was deposited in the bank.

If you leave billions in your hands, that is completely enough.

Who knew that when he entered the rich circle, he discovered that there were so many places to spend money.

"President Su, did I hear wrong? As long as the company is handed over to me, I can double it, and you don't have to worry about anything." Before Fan Wenqi came, she thought that Su Wei would definitely agree to her plan.

After all, as long as we wait two years, the current 1000 billion assets can be doubled.

"You heard me right, I plan to sell the real estate, because I have no money to buy a yacht." Su Wei will not touch the real estate.

Because it looks like making money, but in fact it is just a part-time job for others.

Unless you use the empty glove white wolf model, that's the only way to make money.

But as long as there is a wave, the company may be gone.

"You want to sell all the real estate in order to buy a yacht? How big a yacht do you want to buy?" Fan Wenqi couldn't understand, what kind of brain circuit is this for Su Wei.

It turned out that because he wanted to buy a yacht, he wanted to sell the real estate where the golden eggs were laid.

"How big is the yacht? I plan to buy a yacht with the largest area in China, at least one that is over [-] meters." There are no large yachts in China, only small yachts.

It's not that they don't have the money to buy it, but that after the rich people bought it, they either parked in the harbor or abroad.

There are few yachts over 50 meters in China.

The yacht that Su Wei plans to buy this time is a super yacht over 100 meters.

"Boss Su, if you cooperate with our Boss Fan, your assets will double in just two years, and you will be in a hurry to sell it after two years." Zhou Xiaoyu didn't expect this to be the result, and couldn't help interjecting.

She felt that what Su Wei said was just an excuse.

"Needless to say, I've made up my mind." How could Su Wei agree to accompany them in the sunset industry of real estate.

If these few lands are in the center of Modu.

Then Su Wei didn't mind, and waited with them for two years.

But it's a pity that the locations of these lands are so-so.

"Boss Su, if I can afford the money, can Yule Real Estate sell it to me?" Fan Wenqi didn't expect that Su Wei had already made up his mind to sell the real estate, so she could only switch to the next best thing.

I plan to find a few buyers at that time, and jointly eat Yule Real Estate together.

"As long as you can afford it, not only Yule Real Estate can sell you the production capacity, but also the right to use the highways and the clothing factory. I only need medicine." Su Wei now has medicine, All other assets are intended to be sold.

At that time, he planned to acquire the Yang Group, but never thought about running it well.

"Okay, then I'll find a buyer in the next few days, Mr. Su, then I'll take a step first. Xiaoyu, let's go"

. . . . . .

"Mr. Fan, do you think Su Wei is stupid? You have already said that the value of the company can be doubled in at most two years. He wants to sell it and buy a yacht. This is too short-sighted." Before Zhou Xiaoyu thought that Su Wei was planning to kick President Fan, but now it seems that he really thought so.

But in her opinion, such behavior is no different from a fool.

"Are you saying that Su Wei is a fool? Don't say it with prejudice." Fan Wenqi came out of Su Wei's office and was thinking about a problem.

That's why Su Wei must sell the real estate.

She didn't believe that Su Wei really sold the real estate just to buy a yacht.

"Well, if there is no prejudice, then Su Wei is certainly not a fool." Zhou Xiaoyu thought for a while, Su Wei is quite normal.

But she still couldn't figure out why Su Wei had to sell the property.

After all, real estate prices have been rising now, and this is a hen that lays golden eggs.

"Since he's not a fool, he still insists on selling the real estate, and he doesn't even want the garment factory. There must be something I don't know about it. I'll ask my uncle first."

(End of this chapter)

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