Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 315 The media company is running out of space

Chapter 315 The media company is running out of space
"Fuck, who reported it to me, I can't let me hang up in this must-lose game." Su Wei returned to his seat, planning to start another game for fun.

Because he was going to pick Wu Xiaoxuan home later, it was still too early.

It turned out that he was reported because of his negative game, and he had to wait 10 minutes before playing again.

This made Su Wei feel uncomfortable, because the game just now was already lost.

"President Su, I think President Fan's proposal just now is very good, why don't we wait for her for two years?" Zhang Ruoyu's current mood is really super excited.

As my own boss, I actually made tens of billions this time.

It wasn't until Fan Wenqi left that she came back to her senses.

But there was one thing she couldn't figure out, and that was why Su Wei didn't agree to Fan Wenqi's request.

After all, real estate is so booming now, and he still has the right to charge high-speed tolls in his hand.

As long as you wait for two years, you can buy tens of billions more.

And his boss wasn't in such a hurry to buy a yacht before.

"I didn't plan to buy this company from the very beginning and manage it well. Besides, the most promising pharmaceutical business, I have already kept it." Su Wei would cooperate with Fan Wenqi at that time, and decided to The idea is to make a fortune.

After all, the money in his bank cannot be used until the end of the year.

So he eats Yang's group just to cash out.

Now that the Yang Group has already got it, why don't you sell it and wait for it to be smashed into your hands.

"But real estate is so booming now, the selling price won't be higher in two years, Mr. Su, can you make more money?" If Fan Wenqi is not bragging, it can really double the value of Yule Real Estate.

If Su Wei sells it at that time, it is very likely that Yule Real Estate will sell for more than 1500 billion.

Just thinking about it, Zhang Ruoyu felt dizzy in his head.

So she really couldn't figure out why Su Wei was in such a hurry to sell the real estate.

"Real estate is a thing, you can't just look at the current prosperity and think it can keep rising, and you don't even think about it. There are so many houses built in the country. If they are distributed equally, each of the 14 billion people in the country can get their own share. There are many more houses.

In other words, the objects of supply and demand will change in a few years. Do you think housing prices can continue to rise? "There is actually another reason why Su Wei must sell the real estate.

With Fan Wenqi's aggressive character, and her family background is so strong.

It is impossible for her to bear it and not to go empty-handed.

And as long as she does this, then wait until after 2020.

The only way is basically to wait for death.

Su Wei didn't want to tie himself to Fan Wenqi's chariot.

After all, Fan Wenqi might be able to escape unscathed by then, but he might not.

"President Su, since this is the case, why don't you talk to President Fan?" Zhang Ruoyu respected Fan Wenqi.

After all, they are both women, and the other party is so successful.

Zhang Ruoyu felt the power of a role model when she returned to Fan Wenqi.

In the future, she wants to become someone like Fan Wenqi, a successful person who can earn tens of billions at a time.

"Why should I tell her that this time she used my shares to mortgage 300 billion, and I haven't settled with her yet?" Fan Wenqi has so many connections, he doesn't need to remind him at all.

Even if she really bought Yule Real Estate together with others, Su Wei believes that she will not lose money if something happens to her.

After all, the above policies were all discussed by the parents of the second generation.

Has anyone ever seen the second generation lose money when doing business?

As long as their family members are still in power for a day, they are all wavers in the business field.

"But the money she mortgaged didn't buy the real estate, medicine, and clothing factories. There is no credit but hard work, right?" Zhang Ruoyu thought that Su Wei was angry.

She was afraid that the two of them would part ways as soon as they cooperated successfully.

"Are you stupid, did she pay a penny this time? No, I paid all the money. If she really loses, she pats her ass and leaves. If she succeeds, she can get more money." Su Wei Also speechless, Zhang Ruoyu doesn't even know this?

It is said that the breasts are big and brainless, but her breasts are not big either.

This time, Fan Wenqi was gambling with Su Wei's money.

"Ah, so that's how it is." Only then did Zhang Ruoyu realize why her boss was angry.

After all, Fan Wenqi didn't pay, and she didn't feel any pressure.

Whether she wins or loses, she can accept it.

But Su Wei really took out 100 billion. If he loses the money, he will return it to the bank.

If Su Wei didn't tell her, she wouldn't even know about it.

"Stupid, well, you go out, don't interfere with my game here"

. . . . . .

"How about it, did you find out?" Lu Lingyue felt restless when she found out that Su Wei was coming to the company today.

Because she promised to join the company, she hasn't met Su Wei yet.

She used to be a gold agent in a well-known media company in China.

Most of the time, she has several first- and second-tier stars in her hands.

At the beginning of the month, a headhunter approached her and asked her if she ever thought about becoming the head of a new media company.

Lu Lingyue has been in the entertainment industry for more than ten years.

She rejected the other party immediately because she was afraid it was a trap.

But even if it wasn't a trap, she didn't want to leave her current company.

After all, she works everywhere, and her salary here is enough for her to live comfortably.

Until the headhunter told her that the other party planned to give her a 20% stake in the new company.

Moreover, she asked for money to give money to this company, and she didn't interfere with her work at all.

This made Lu Lingyue interested, because she knew that it was impossible for her to reach the top in the current company.

Because in this company, the oldest people who occupy positions are only in their 40s.

Only the boss is older, over 50 years old.

Seeing that the other party was so sincere, Lu Lingyue chatted with the big boss on the phone.

The result was beyond her expectation, the voice of the big boss turned out to be super young.

On the phone, she directly said that the initial capital must be at least 5000 million.

The venue does not need to be large in the early stage, but it must be good enough.

And if she came here this time, she might not bring big-name celebrities with her to change jobs.

At that time, she felt that she couldn't bring A-list stars over.

The other party is likely to give her a discount on the shares.

Who knows that after listening to the other person, she said that there is no problem, and then asked her when she could come to work.

After hanging up the phone, she went to check on Su Wei.

Only then did I know that Su Wei was so rich.

It took her three days to leave the job, and then she quickly joined Baihe Media Company.

Su Wei fulfilled her promise after she joined the job.

800 million was invested, and [-] square meters were sold to Baihe Media from the Twin Stars Building.

This time Lu Lingyue came to Su Wei because Baihe Media didn't have enough venues.

And this time she heard the news that her big boss, Su Wei, bought the Yang Group.

"Mr. Lu, I have already found out that Mr. Su is in the office now." Gao Xin only found out today that the boss of his company turned out to be Su Wei.

No wonder my company can be opened here in Lujiazui.

Before, she just thought that her company was strong.

Although the area here is a bit small, every inch of land is expensive.

It is not easy to have such a large area.

"Xiaoxin, do you think I have no problem with my clothes today?" Lu Lingyue is 35 years old this year, but she looks only in her 20s because of her well-maintained clothes.

She was never married because she was a manager and wanted to lead the stars herself.

In order to meet Su Wei today, she specially dressed up.

Just to make a good impression when I meet Su Wei later.

"I think Mr. Lu looks better today than those trainees in our company." Lu Lingyue is one of the domestic entertainment agents, and she is famously beautiful.

When I attended an event with the artist before, I was admitted to miss it by the organizer.

When Gao Xin first came to work, she thought Lu Lingyue was the boss's wife.

Because at that time, there were rumors about Lu Lingyue's scandal in the company.

After all, she was just an agent before, and now she has become the general manager of a media company.

And looking at the company's configuration and the location it opened, you can tell that the company is strong.

It is normal to have such doubts in the company.

The big boss of the company never showed up, and the scandal slowly disappeared.

"Then if I go to see President Su today, do you think it will be successful?" Lu Lingyue was actually under a lot of pressure to meet Su Wei.

The main reason is that Su Wei has been there for so long, and he has never been to the company once.

On the one hand, it can show that he trusts himself, and on the other hand, it can also show that he doesn't take this company seriously.

Even for this company, he invested [-] million in it.

"Mr. Lu, don't worry. If you go this time, I believe Mr. Su will not be able to resist your charm, and you will definitely agree to our request." After Gao Xin knew that Su Wei was the big boss, he checked him. .

The evaluation of him on the Internet said that he is a super lustful rich second generation.

"Is the company expansion plan ready? I'll use it when I talk to President Su later." Lu Lingyue approached Su Wei this time because she wanted to expand the company.

Before, she planned to endure it.

I plan to wait until the company can't hold it anymore, and then talk to Su Wei about moving the company.

But she heard the news last night that the Yang Group was acquired by Su Wei.

When she heard the news, she asked someone to confirm it several times.

After getting an affirmative answer, it made her feel like God helped me too.

"Don't worry, Mr. Lu. I worked overtime last night to come up with this plan. Please take a look at it first." When Gao Xin was about to leave work yesterday, he was notified by Lu Lingyue to make a plan.

At that time, she was very annoying, because she was asked to do it because it was almost time to get off work.

After knowing that it was a proposal to change to a bigger company, she immediately became interested.

Because she doesn't want to work in Pudong, it's a bit far from where she lives.

She still prefers Puxi to Pudong.

So when she made the plan, she always considered the buildings in Puxi.

"Well, Xiaoxin, you did a good job with this plan. If it works this time, you will be credited with it."

. . . . . .

"Xiao Xu, where are you now?" Su Wei saw that the punishment time hadn't finished yet, so he called Xu Liyang who was on vacation.

She was on vacation before because of the Yang Group.

Now that the Yang Group has closed down, she can also end her vacation.

"President Su, I'm here in Florence now." Xu Liyang's visit to Italy this time was not just hers alone.

It's the result of their team discussing together.

During this time, they have already played in several countries.

Anyway, Su Wei paid for it, and they all stayed in five-star hotels along the way.

"The few yachts you helped me find last time, I think they are too small. You should not be far from Germany now. Go to Leshun and help me see if there are any super yachts for sale." Su Wei also doesn't know where Florence is. Where, but who cares.

Anyway, as long as she is in Europe, that's fine.

The properties of the Yang Group acquired by Fan Wenqi are all high-quality properties.

The best thing is that he can sell it quickly, and at this time his yacht plan will also be put on the agenda.

With so much money, he doesn't plan to still eat interest at that time.

And this time, he planned to wait for the yacht to arrive before going to Sanya again.

"Boss Su, do you want to buy a super yacht? Do you have a budget requirement?" Last time Xu Liyang looked for several yachts, the largest one was 66 meters long.

But even that yacht, her boss didn't like it either.

She was not asked to continue looking for it later, and she thought it was because her boss didn't plan to buy it.

Unexpectedly, this time, she was asked to go to Leshun Shipyard in Germany to find a super yacht.

Xu Liyang knew Leshun's company. She knew about this legendary shipyard when she was looking for a yacht.

It is known that here is a place where super yachts are customized for the super rich in the world.

"There is no specific budget requirement, but I want this yacht to exceed 100 meters. In a word, money is not a problem." Su Wei also knows that yachts exceeding 100 meters may not be found.

He didn't plan to consider second-hand ones either, this time he asked Xu Liyang to go to Leshun.

Just in case he can't find the yacht he wants, he can book one directly in Leshun.

"Then I understand, I'll buy a plane ticket later.

President Su, have the domestic affairs been settled?I kind of want to go back." Since Xu Liyang became Su Wei's assistant, she often flies around the world.

She felt that in a while, she would be able to get a platinum card from the airline.

"There is no problem in China now, if you want to come back, you can come back anytime.

Those former colleagues of yours, if they still want to continue working under me, they can go to work in my media company, which is suitable for them to work hard, and the salary will definitely not be low." The Yang Group is gone now, of course Xu Liyang It is possible to come back.

And her former colleagues, if they still want to come to Su Wei to work.

Su Wei is also very welcome, after all, his media company definitely needs a navy.

And they helped him earn so much money this time, it doesn't matter if they spend money to support them.

"I have to ask them before I know this." Not everyone is used to working without constraints, and can honestly go to the company to clock in and go to work.

And this time, they all got a lot of money.

"After you go to Leshun, go to France by the way, help me see if my Bugatti has been shipped back to the factory, and see if there is a full carbon convertible version.

After finishing this matter, I have a surprise for you." The Bugatti that Su Wei crashed into scrap, he didn't sell the scrap and throw it away.

Instead, they found Bugatti and asked them to return him to the factory for refurbishment.

He promised Wu Xiaoxuan that he would buy another Bugatti.

Now that the Bugatti Dvio has not come out, he plans to order another Bugatti convertible version, and it will be all carbon fiber.

When he is in China, there will be two Bugatti driving alternately.

"Bugatti full carbon convertible version, right, I remember"

. . . . . .

"Boom, boom, boom"

"Come in" Su Wei finally entered the game, and heard a knock on the door again.

Because he doesn't have a secretary, only Zhang Ruoyu will knock on the door.

"Boss Su, Boss Lu is here." Zhang Ruoyu was just playing with her mobile phone outside when she saw someone standing in front of her.

It wasn't until she inquired that the beautiful woman in front of her was actually the general manager of the newly opened media company.

"Which Boss Lu?" Su Wei really didn't know who this Boss Lu was.

After all, he usually doesn't come to the company unless there are other things.

"Well, it's Lu Lingyue, the head of your media company, Mr. Su, you won't forget, right?" Zhang Ruoyu really doubted that Su Wei would forget her, after all, she had forgotten him just now.

If the other party hadn't revealed his identity, she would have forgotten that Su Wei had opened a media company.

"How could it be, how could I have forgotten her, this is the person I called a headhunter to dig for me, go and invite her in.

Why is she here?This media company I want money for money, people for people?You don't come to me for resources, do you?I don't have one myself."

 Guys, help me out, I haven’t got [-] recommendation votes yet, I’m really a bit ugly


(End of this chapter)

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