Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 316 Steinway Huaxia No. 1

Chapter 316 Steinway Huaxia No. [-]

"Hello, Mr. Su, I'm Lu Lingyue." Although Lu Lingyue knew that Su Wei was young, she was shocked when she actually met her.

After all, he holds such a large amount of assets at such a young age.

If she didn't know that the person in this office is the big boss Su Wei, she would never believe it outside.

"Hello, hello, I really didn't expect Mr. Lu to be so beautiful." Su Wei had seen Lu Lingyue's photo before.

In the photo, she is really pretty, she looks like a female college student who just started working.

But after all, her age is there. In 83, she was almost 35 years old.

Su Wei thought at the time that Lu Lingyue's photo must have been posted.

It's normal for people like them who are in the entertainment industry to be cheated by photos.

But when I saw Lu Lingyue herself today, I realized that she looked about 23 years old.

If Su Wei knew how good-looking she was, he would have visited the media company long ago.

It was because he didn't think the photos were real, so he didn't look at them once.

"Where, Mr. Su really praised me too much." There were rumors before that Su Wei was super perverted.

Before Lu Lingyue came, she was actually a little dubious.

After all, she has been in this media company for so long, and Su Wei, who is the big boss, has never been here once.

You must know that to be able to work in a film and television media company, you have to pass the basic appearance.

And although her company has only been opened for a short time, she also brought a few small stars here.

Coupled with the fact that the company is currently recruiting a large number of trainees, the number of beauties should not be too many.

But after meeting Su Wei today, she realized that the rumors were true.

"I'm not joking at all. It's a pity that you were an agent before, Mr. Lu. If you debuted, there's no such thing as 85 flowers. You can beat them with your looks." Lu Ling Yue looks good, but he is definitely not as powerful as Su Wei said.

He said that mainly because he wanted to make Lu Lingyue happy.

But there is one thing to say, if Lu Lingyue's appearance makes her debut, she will definitely not be unknown in the entertainment industry.

"I'm not as good as Mr. Su as you said, if I really made my debut, I'm probably still playing tricks now.

Mr. Su, why don't we sit and chat, I came here this time to find you on a serious matter." Lu Lingyue was quite happy to be complimented by Su Wei.

After all, such a big boss as Su Wei would praise her so much.

But he kept holding Lu Lingyue's hand, which made her a little embarrassed.

After all, Su Wei is much younger than her.

So she suggested that it would be better for the two of them to sit down and talk.

After all, she came here today, but she has something serious to talk about.

"Oh, yes, let's sit down and talk.

Mr. Lu came to me this time, did he want to talk to me about something serious? "Su Wei really doesn't know why Lu Lingyue came to him.

If he wanted money, he only invested [-] million in it.

Before Lu Lingyue did anything, she already made almost 2000 million yuan.

If he wanted resources, he couldn't do anything about it.

After all, he has never been in the entertainment industry before, so he has no resources at all.

This time he will open a media company mainly because he wants to play in the entertainment industry.

The reason why Lu Lingyue was asked to be the general manager was because she had a lot of contacts and resources, so she was recruited.

If it's something she can't handle, Su Wei doesn't think he can handle it.

"President Su, I came to you this time because I want you to help me solve the problem that the company is too small.

Now the company is starting to recruit trainees, there is no practice room, no dance room, dressing room, editing room can only squeeze a small room, there is really no room to use." Lu Lingyue came here this time because she wanted Move to a bigger place.

Of course, the actual situation is not so serious, but it will not necessarily be the case next month.

The idol trainee program that just ended this month has dominated the hot searches with super popularity.

This month's variety show on Tencent TV, Creation 101 came next.

This has made many boys and girls see opportunities, and they all want to become trainees and make their debut.

Baihe Media has just revealed that it will recruit trainees, and the number of interviewees this month has already exceeded 200.

Next month, a group of people will definitely be selected and signed with them as trainees.

When they come in, the company won't be able to accommodate them at all.

"Already recruiting trainees? Do you have any photos of them? Show me." Su Wei really didn't expect that Lu Lingyue had already started recruiting trainees.

How long has this company been in business, maybe more than 20 days at full capacity.

He thought that this month, he must still be recruiting people.

"I don't have it in my phone, but Mr. Su, you can go to the company upstairs to look it up. We have the detailed information of these trainees." Lu Lingyue asked Su Wei to go to the company to let him know the current situation of the company.

After all, Su Wei invested [-] million in it, and there was no one else except two finances.

If you go to the company, look at the environment where they work.

It must be known that the company really has no place now.

"I won't go to the company, I have something to do later.

Don't you mean you want to change places? If I invest [-] million in it, you will run out of money? "What's so interesting about Su Wei going now, he plans to wait until after the selection is over.

Most of the interviewees who are interviewing trainees are crooked.

Besides, Lu Lingyue told him to go to the company because she wanted to tell him that there was not enough space in the company.

But she can handle this matter by herself, after all, he invested [-] million in it.

"Of course the money hasn't been used up. Didn't I hear that you, Mr. Su, have already bought the Yang Group?" The company's current account is still tens of millions.

If Lu Lingyue hadn't heard about Su Wei's acquisition of the Yang Group, she must have found a new place by herself.

The reason why she approached Su Wei this time was very simple, that is, she wanted to rent a few floors of a building at a low price.

After all, the Yang Group started from real estate, so it is impossible not to have a building in hand.

"I acquired the Yang Group, who did you hear from?" Su Wei was stunned by the news of his acquisition of the Yang Group.

Why even Lu Lingyue, a member of the entertainment industry, knows now.

He thought he was doing this very secretly.

No wonder Fan Wenqi spent so much extra money to acquire the Yang Group.

Everyone knows the news, but they will encounter a bunch of hungry wolves.

"Outside, it's spreading like this outside." Seeing that Su Wei's expression changed a bit, Lu Lingyue thought it was the news that Su Wei didn't want others to know.

But now the outside world has indeed spread the news.

She also thought it was a very secret thing at the time, but she asked five people, and four of them knew about it.

Today she came to Su Wei excitedly, thinking that Su Wei had released the news himself.

After all, the acquisition has been successful, and there is no need to hide it.

"Fuck, Fan Wenqi has so many other people's spies by her side, I'm really convinced.

I did buy Yang's Group, but this time I only got two buildings, one is the headquarters of Yang's Group, Yule Building.

There is also a newly built building, which was supposed to start renting on the first of next month.

But I plan to sell these two buildings, why don't you rent them in another place? "Su Wei doesn't really want to stay in these two buildings of the Yang Group.

Because those two buildings are different from Gemini, they have no tenants themselves.

If Su Wei takes over, he will have to find a tenant by himself.

At that time, Su Wei would buy the Gemini Tower because it was famous and the price was cheap enough.

The most important thing is that the occupancy rate in the building was quite high.

"I think the building newly built by the Yang Group is quite good. Mr. Su, why don't you sell this building and rent the third floor downstairs to Baihe Media? After all, you are the major shareholder of Baihe Media Ah." There is actually another reason why Lu Lingyue wants to rent the newly built building this time.

That is, Director Guan specifically asked her to rent the newly built building after knowing her purpose of coming.

Lu Lingyue met Director Guan because she wanted to expand directly in the Gemini Building.

However, because of the great location of the Gemini Tower, the subway station is just outside the door.

So the tenants here are relatively stable.

Director Guan asked Lu Lingyue to move to the newly built building this time because he wanted to expand the Gemini property.

"The newly built building? Let me think about it." Hearing that Lu Lingyue wanted to rent the new building, Su Wei hesitated a bit.

Because although the Gemini Tower is good, it is too far away from him.

And because the Gemini property is on the third floor of the building.

This has led the company to see that there is basically no environment at all.

"Then leave this matter to Mr. Su, I'll go back to the company first."

. . . . . .

"Xuanxuan, have you taken your plaster?" Su Wei walked into Wu Xiaoxuan's ward with a handful of red carnations.

Today was the day Wu Xiaoxuan was discharged from the hospital, and he came here specially to pick her up.

"It has been taken off, and now I feel like my left hand and left foot have been unshackled.

Husband, shall we go back to Green Lake World directly later? "Although Wu Xiaoxuan no longer needs plaster, she still needs to use crutches to help her walk.

Because her foot is fractured, walking too much will affect the healing of the bone.

But even so, she didn't want to stay in the hospital for a minute.

Because the house in Cuihu Tiandi has already bought the furniture and is waiting for her to move in.

Now she can't wait to see what the new home looks like now.

"If you don't want to, we can go back to your rented house for a few days. After all, I can understand that I can't bear to move." Su Wei knew that Wu Xiaoxuan wanted to go back to Cuihu Tiandi.

But what he said now was just teasing her.

"Ah, no, I'm going to Cuihu Tiandi, I'm going to Cuihu Tiandi." When Wu Xiaoxuan heard that she was going back to the rented house, she was 1 unwilling.

After all, how could the houses there be compared to the houses in Cuihu Tiandi.

"You're kidding, I've already asked my aunt to move all the things in your rented house to your new home." In Cuihu Tiandi, Su Wei had already found an aunt, and Wu Xiaoxuan's things were all moved by her aunt.

Now that Wu Xiaoxuan's hands and feet are injured, Su Wei doesn't feel at ease if she doesn't find a nanny.

You can ask Duoduo to take care of them in the hospital, but it is impossible to ask her to take care of them after they are all discharged home.

It's not called a girlfriend anymore, it's better to call a nanny directly.

"Oh, you're annoying." Wu Xiaoxuan buried her head in the quilt and didn't even want to come out.

What she did just now was really embarrassing.

Because she was too excited just now, she forgot that Zhang Ruoyu was there.

If there were only Su Wei and Duoduo in the room, she would actually be able to accept it.

"Okay, okay, let's go to your new house to have a look. I have prepared a mysterious surprise for you this time, and it just arrived yesterday." Su Wei's mysterious surprise was also bought by accident.

Although he couldn't understand the value of this thing, he believed that Wu Xiaoxuan would be very happy when she saw it.

"Honey, I want you to carry me into the car." Wu Xiaoxuan walks now, or sits in a wheelchair, or uses crutches.

When she had plaster before, she was in a wheelchair every day.

Now that the plaster is removed, she doesn't want to continue sitting.

As for crutches, she is not very used to them.

The main reason is that it has been used for a long time, and the creaking nest can't stand it.

"I've convinced you, come up." Seeing that Wu Xiaoxuan wanted him to carry her away, Su Wei squatted down in front of her bed.

The main reason is that Wu Xiaoxuan is relatively light. If it is really too heavy, he will definitely not carry it.

"Honey, I knew you were the best." Wu Xiaoxuan was really happy when she saw Su Wei's actions.

Because Su Wei did this, it meant that he really cared about her.

"Hey, hey, that's enough of you, there are still people around here." Duo Duo originally had no objection to her best friend and Su Wei's flirting.

For such a situation, she was very happy to see it.

But these latter behaviors are really a bit too much.

These two shining light bulbs, they really can't see at all.

"That can't be helped, who wants my husband to treat me well, you will be mad at you to death"

. . . . . .

"Sir, madam, you are back." The person who opened the door was the nanny Su Wei had found for Wu Xiaoxuan.

She has been here for several days, and she has been delivering all kinds of soup to Wu Xiaoxuan during this time.

"I'm back, put your wife's luggage in the room." Su Wei handed Wu Xiaoxuan's luggage to the aunt at home.

It is very important for Su Wei to choose her, that is, the soup she cooks, Wu Xiaoxuan likes it very much.

"Wow, this is the house after I bought the furniture. It's so beautiful." Duoduo walked into the house and found that it was completely different from the last time.

Last time it was better than the unfinished house, but this time after buying all the furniture.

The feeling of that mansion came out immediately.

"It's really beautiful, Ms. Zhang, how much did the furniture cost?" Wu Xiaoxuan never thought that she would own such a house one day.

This kind of house was something she didn't dare to think about in her dreams before.

"Miss Wu, as long as you like it, the furniture in this house costs 700 million." Most of the furniture in this house are light luxury.

Otherwise, it can be spent even if the price is doubled.

"Wow, hubby, these furniture are not the surprise you gave me, are they?" If this is a surprise, Wu Xiaoxuan can accept it.

Although this surprise is a bit straight.

"How is it possible, my surprise is this piano, okay?" Su Wei was speechless, since he has such a straight man.

The gift he prepared for Wu Xiaoxuan was this grand piano.

Cuihu Tiandi Junhui 399-square-meter apartment is very strange, it is located next to the living room.

A room just happened to be vacant, and Su Wei just placed the piano here.

"Steinway's piano? Then I want to try it out." Wu Xiaoxuan didn't expect that Su Wei would give her a Steinway's piano.

She just told him last time that she likes to play the piano.

I didn't expect him to take his words so seriously.

"How is it? It's okay." Su Wei didn't expect that Wu Xiaoxuan played an Ode to Joy.

Originally, he thought that she would play a canon or something.

"This one feels so good, husband, how much did you pay for it?" Wu Xiaoxuan's previous piano was a domestic Pearl River piano.

Comparing that piano with this piano, it can really be said that there is a world of difference.

No wonder this kind of Steinway piano dares to ask for millions of dollars.

"How much is it? This piano cost me 1900 million." Su Wei was able to buy this piano because the original owner gave him face.

This piano is in the original owner's house, and almost no one has played it.

This time the original owner knew that Su Wei wanted to buy it as a gift, so he sold Su Wei to save face.

After all, the 888 million people who can spend 1900 million to buy a piano back then really don't care.

"900 million? So expensive? Why is it?" Wu Xiaoxuan estimated the value of this piano in her heart, which was between 100 million and 200 million.

But she really didn't expect that this piano would cost nearly 2000 million.

"Miss Wu, the reason why this Steinway grand piano is so expensive is because it was released in 2014 as a limited edition. There is only one in the world. Its name is Huaxia No. [-]"

(End of this chapter)

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