Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 317 Accepting the Yang Group

Chapter 317 Accepting the Yang Group
"Miss Wu, the reason why this Steinway grand piano is so expensive is because it was released in 2014 as a limited edition. It is the only one in the world. Its name is Huaxia No. [-]." Zhang Ruoyu helped Su Wei decide to buy it for Wu Xiaoxuan.

She will choose to send a piano, in fact, the reason is very simple.

Because as long as you are a piano lover, it is impossible not to like this gift.

If it was Su Wei, he would never choose to buy this second-hand piano.

For him, isn't it better to buy a new piano than a second-hand piano?

"Huaxia No. [-]?" Wu Xiaoxuan knew why it was so expensive when she heard the name.

Foreign brands that dare to directly label their products with the name Huaxia are basically playing with purchase restrictions.

Not to mention that this piano is the only one in the world, so the price must be sky-high.

She didn't understand it before, but now she understands it.

"Yes, because this piano commemorates the tenth anniversary of Steinway's entry into the domestic market. At that time, a total of ten limited edition pianos were released. This Huaxia No. 1880 is modeled after the first Steinway that entered China in [-]. Piano" Zhang Ruoyu heard that Su Wei was struggling with what gift to give, so he casually mentioned a piano.

As a result, Su Wei found this Huaxia No. [-], intending to give it to Wu Xiaoxuan as a surprise.

When Zhang Ruoyu saw this piano yesterday, she was moved at first sight.

Last time she told Su Wei that she could play the piano, she really didn't lie to Su Wei.

She does play the piano, and she does it pretty well.

"Husband, I don't dare to play such an expensive piano." Zhang Ruoyu dared to drive a 5000 million Bugatti, but the reason why she didn't dare to play this piano was simple.

The 5000 million Bugatti is indeed very expensive, but if it is broken, you can still buy a new one.

For example, if Su Wei's Bugatti crashed this time, he can still spend money to buy a new one.

But this piano is different. If it breaks, it will really break.

After all, it is the only one in the world. If it is really broken, you can't buy it.

But if this piano is here, she will definitely not be able to resist playing it.

"Xiaoxuan, don't worry too much. Brother Su is so rich. To him, a limited edition piano is just a normal one." Although Duoduo is with Wu Xiaoxuan these days, she still often sends messages to Li Ziwei.

I know that a few days ago, Su Wei and others were fighting on the Internet, and then swiped out [-] million.

Well, she regarded Su Wei's online chatting with people as simple fighting spirit.

It was mainly Li Ziwei who didn't tell her something deeper.

Li Ziwei just wanted to pretend to be aggressive at the time, and didn't plan to tell her anything else.

"Yes, you can use it with confidence. If this piano is broken, I will ask Steinway to tailor a piano for you. It only belongs to your piano. It is no more commemorative than this one." No matter what No matter which manufacturer it is, it will accept private customization.

Cars are like this, cruise ships are like this, and pianos are no exception.

"Since you have said so, then I will treat it as an ordinary piano." Of course Wu Xiaoxuan wants to play such a good piano every day.

Before, I was really afraid that the piano would break.

After all, this piano is the only one in the world.

But now that Su Wei has said that, then she has nothing to be afraid of, of course she is free to play.

"The piano is just a musical instrument. If it is carefully protected because of the high price, it will lose its original meaning of existence, and it is such a top-notch piano. It is definitely hoped that someone can play it often, so that its The sound can be heard by more people." Zhang Ruoyu really thought so, because she felt that the protected piano was really pitiful.

Its whole body is made of the most precious materials.

As a result, because the price is too expensive, it can only be shelved.

For musical instruments, it really can only be a kind of sadness.

If this piano was hers, she would definitely play it every day.

Let its beautiful voice be heard by more people.

"Miss Zhang, you are very good. You must also be a piano lover. My hands are a little uncomfortable today. Why don't you play a piece for me?" Wu Xiaoxuan's hands are also itchy with this top-level piano in hand sharp.

But Wu Xiaoxuan's left hand is still not good. Before playing the piano, she only dared to play the relatively simple Ode to Joy.

As soon as Zhang Ruoyu said this, Wu Xiaoxuan knew that she must also play the piano often.

Because only those who truly love can say what they just said.

"Well, then I'll play the song "Under Mount Fuji." Zhang Ruoyu originally wanted to try this piano, and now Wu Xiaoxuan just gave her this opportunity.

Zhang Ruoyu sat in front of the piano, and after thinking for a long time, she decided to play a more popular piece.

She was mainly afraid that Su Wei would not be able to understand a piece that was too complicated.

And the lyrics under Mt. Fuji are exactly like her state of mind now.

Loving someone is like liking Mount Fuji.

It can be seen, but it cannot be removed.

Is there any way to move a Mount Fuji?The answer is, walk over by yourself.

The same is true for love, shopping is enough.

So that's why she said she played Mount Fuji, not Love Transfer.

"I didn't expect that, Xiao Zhang, you play the piano so well, you must have a tenth grade in the piano." Su Wei couldn't understand the meaning of the lyrics at all.

He only felt that this song was like a transfer of love.

This piano has just played Ode to Joy, and he hasn't felt much yet.

But now this song under Mt. Fuji really made him feel what the top-level piano is like.

"Piano grade [-]? I should have it." Zhang Ruoyu couldn't laugh or cry when Su Wei asked her if she was grade [-] in piano.

If she hadn't known that Su Wei didn't understand, she would have thought her boss was insulting him.

"Husband, don't talk nonsense. The tenth level of piano is only at the introductory stage. Ms. Zhang's skill can be known as soon as she hears it. She must have been practicing since she was a child. If you say she has a piano level tenth, what is the difference between that and insulting people?" The tenth level is to deceive the parents of the training class.

Only a layman like Su Wei would think that the tenth level of piano is awesome.

But Wu Xiaoxuan and the others, who practiced from childhood to adulthood, scoffed at the tenth grade piano test.

When Wu Xiaoxuan took the tenth grade piano exam, that is, when she was in elementary school, she took the exam.

When she heard Zhang Ruoyu playing the piano, she knew that she also had Tong Zigong.

For those who grew up practicing piano, wouldn't it be insulting to say that she has a tenth grade in piano.

"I only played for so many years because my parents forced me to practice the piano when I was a child. Miss Wu, although your left hand was injured just now, but your playing was not affected too much. I think your level is higher than mine. "Although Zhang Ruoyu has been practicing piano since she was a child, it has been a bit deserted in recent years.

The main reason is that it is impossible for her to engage in piano-related work after graduating from university.

So the family is not as strict with her playing the piano as before.

"In terms of playing the piano, I can really be proud, because my mother is a piano teacher, I can be regarded as a little bit of it, but my skills and my mother's skills are incomparable." Wu Xiaoxuan has always been very confident in playing the piano.

Had it not been for an accident in her childhood, she would probably be a professional pianist now.

"If you have a chance, you must meet Auntie"

. . . . . .

The next day.

"Xiao Zhang, I didn't expect you to play the piano so well." Su Wei slept with Wu Xiaoxuan last night.

After all, Wu Xiaoxuan had just been discharged from the hospital, so he planned to spend more time with her.

"I said last time that I can play the piano, but you didn't take it seriously, Mr. Su." Su Wei and Zhang Ruoyu are going to Yule Building now.

That is, the former Yang Group, Su Wei and the others are going to accept the acquired assets.

"Yesterday, I saw you at Xuanxuan's place. You have been watching Huaxia No. [-]. What, you like it very much?" Su Wei clearly remembered the song Zhang Ruoyu played yesterday, it should be called Love Transfer.

He thought he remembered it wrong, so he searched for the song on the Internet.

Only then did he realize that under Mount Fuji and the transfer of love turned out to be a song.

And although they are one song, the meanings of the two songs are completely opposite.

What Mt. Fuji said is, if you love someone, follow him.

What love transfer says is that it is wrong to love one person because the next one is better.

"Steinway's limited-edition piano, as long as someone who really likes the piano, who would not like it?" Zhang Ruoyu has played the piano for more than ten years. If she doesn't like it, how can she persist for so many years.

Steinway was the Rolls-Royce of pianos, and she had always dreamed of owning one.

But the price of this violin is too expensive, she just thinks about it.

"You like it so much, do you want me to give you one?" Although Su Wei confiscated Zhang Ruoyu, it was only because he didn't want to be in such a hurry.

After all, he now needs Zhang Ruoyu as an assistant, otherwise he won't be able to handle it.

But yesterday's song under Mount Fuji really moved him a lot.

Now that Zhang Ruoyu likes pianos, Su Wei plans to give her one too.

"No, Ms. Wu obviously likes this Huaxia No. [-], I don't want it." Zhang Ruoyu thought that Su Wei had done Wu Xiaoxuan's work well.

He plans to give that Huaxia No. [-] to her.

Although she liked that piano very much, she knew that Wu Xiaoxuan liked it too.

And if she asks for it, Wu Xiaoxuan will probably hold her grudge.

The women around Su Wei hated her enough, she didn't want Wu Xiaoxuan to hate her too.

"Who said I was going to give you Huaxia No. 2014? The [-]th anniversary edition in [-] had ten pianos at that time. Besides this Huaxia No. [-], there were nine pianos left. Since you don't want it, I'll wait for it." Just tell them not to look for it." Last night, Su Wei asked ICBC to help him find out who owns the remaining nine pianos.

The performance of the Huaxia No. [-] piano is no different from that of the other nine pianos.

The only difference is that they look slightly different.

Each of these ten pianos is unique.

After all, it is purely handmade, and it is impossible to want to be exactly the same.

"Don't be Mr. Su, I'm just kidding." Zhang Ruoyu was excited but also a little regretful when he heard that Su Wei was not going to give her Huaxia No. [-].

Although she knew that Su Wei was teasing her, she didn't want to gamble.

"Then do you want it?" Su Wei continued to tease Zhang Ruoyu, since the road was boring anyway.

"Of course I want"

. . . . . .

"Master, what's going on here today? Why are there so many entertainment reporters here?" The entrance of Yule Building was already full of reporters.

These reporters have long guns and short guns, and the shooting equipment is exaggerated one by one.

Xiao Zhang is an intern reporter who has only been in the industry for a few months. This time he came out to do an interview with his master.

He has also interviewed acquisition cases several times, but none of them were so exaggerated.

Just now when he chatted with the person next to him, he discovered that the other person was an entertainment reporter.

"No way, the person who bought the Yang Group this time is Su Wei." Lao Huang is Xiao Zhang's master, and he is more serious about teaching this apprentice.

It's not because Xiao Zhang is more optimistic about him, but because Xiao Zhang is a relative of the leader.

Otherwise, for an ordinary young man, how could he have time to explain to him.

"Su Wei? So these reporters are all here for him? Why?" Xiao Zhang didn't understand, Su Wei bought the Yang Group.

Why are these entertainment reporters so interested.

After all, Su Wei doesn't belong in the entertainment industry. Could it be that the public is also interested in him?
"Xiao Zhang, although you've done a good job, you're a bit too brainy. You should pay attention to the entertainment news when you have nothing to do." If this was an ordinary young man, Lao Huang would have scolded him long ago.

Come to do an interview, and don't even do any background check on the protagonist.

But he is a relative of the leader, so he can only explain to him patiently.

"Xiao Zhang, what your master said is right, you should also pay attention to the entertainment news." The old Qian who was carrying the video camera didn't like Xiao Zhang very much.

Because he doesn't seek to make progress, what he hates the most is a relationship like Xiao Zhang.

Now seeing that Xiao Zhang came here without making a back tune, he directly attacked.

"But I still don't understand. What does the acquisition of Yang's Group have to do with entertainment news?" Although Xiao Zhang is a relative of the leader, he still has a good temper.

After all, he is only a relative of the leader, not the son of the leader of the unit.

If it is too much, it is possible to be laid off.

"A few months ago, Su Wei and Yang Jiale got married because of a watch.

More than a month ago, Yang Jiale forced Su Wei to stop on the airport expressway, causing the conflict between the two to escalate.

Not long after the forced stop of the airport highway, the Yang Group was exposed, saying that their company was in collusion with officials and businessmen, and also evaded taxes. Then, Yang Ye and Yang Jiayu were found to be in collusion with the underworld.

Then Yang Jiale ran into Su Wei with a car, he was offered a reward by unknown people, and then Yang Jiale died in the mountains.

Now that Su Wei has successfully acquired Yang's Group and has become the new owner of Yang's Group, you said that if you were an entertainment media, would you come?" Su Wei's successful acquisition of Yang's Group this time really ignited public opinion.

Because of Su Wei before, everyone knew that he was rich.

But everyone never thought that he would be so rich.

Public opinion will blow up this time, and there are still a few things that people don't understand.

The first thing is whether the person who exposed the shady scene of the Yang Group on the Internet is Su Wei.

The second thing is, who is the person who offered a bounty to Yang Jiale.

The third thing is that Su Wei was married to Yang Jiale at the time, whether the star Kong Xueer was involved.

"If this is true, if I am an entertainment reporter, I will definitely come too." Xiao Zhang had heard of Su Wei's name before, but he didn't know what he had done specifically.

Now after hearing what he did, I understand why the entertainment reporters rush over to interview him.

It's really because there are too many explosive news about Su Wei.

"Come here, Su Wei's motorcade is here"

"Which car is it in?"

"I don't even need to think about it, it must be in the Rolls-Royce Phantom car."

"People in front move forward, we can't take pictures behind us"

(End of this chapter)

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