Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 318 I Also Plan to Sell My Real Estate Shares

Chapter 318 I Also Plan to Sell My Real Estate Shares

"Why are there so many reporters?" Before the car reached Yule Building, Zhang Ruoyu saw a group of people standing at the entrance of the building.

Look at those people who hold the microphone with the microphone, and those who hold the camera with the camera.

One can tell at a glance that these people should all be reporters.

"I don't know, it's not coming for us, is it?" Although Su Weiren hasn't gone down yet, he already has a premonition that these reporters are coming for him.

After all, he couldn't think of anyone who had more explosive news in Yule Building today than him.

"I think it's very possible. After all, a company as big as Yang's Group has been acquired, and it's normal for these reporters to act upon hearing the news." No matter how bad Yang's Group is, it's a big company that has been standing in Shanghai for so many years.

Now that the company has been acquired as a whole, it is normal for so many reporters to come to interview.

However, this was the first time Zhang Ruoyu met a reporter for an interview, and she was a little flustered.

"Old Liu, I don't want to talk to these reporters, you stop them later." Su Wei likes to show off, but it's all prepared to show off.

He didn't want to deal with the reporters who appeared suddenly.

In case I said something wrong, or they published his words out of context.

Although Su Wei is not afraid, it is also very troublesome.

And he doesn't want his appearance to appear in these mainstream media.

"President Su, don't worry, we won't let these reporters get close to you later."

. . . . . .

"Hi Mr. Su, may I ask if you bought the Yang Group this time because of Kong Xueer? I heard that you also opened a media company, will you invite Kong Xueer to join?" Su Wei's car hasn't arrived yet The entrance of the building was already surrounded by reporters.

He had no choice but to get out of the car under the protection of the bodyguards, planning to just walk over there.

When the reporter saw him get out of the car, he rushed up and wanted to be the first to interview him.

It is not the traditional media that grab the position the most.

It was those entertainment reporters who firmly controlled the place closest to Su Wei.

These gossip reporters, no matter their reaction speed or physical strength, are not at the same level as traditional media reporters.

"Sorry, we don't accept interviews." Seeing the reporter rushing over, Liu Qiang immediately led someone to block the reporter out.

Later, they saw more and more reporters, and the number of their bodyguards was no longer dominant.

They formed a circle directly and escorted Su Wei to the building.

"Boss Su, is this acquisition of Yang's Group your first step into the commercial world of Shanghai?" The reporter saw that Su Wei did not answer the entertainment news, so he began to ask him the purpose of acquiring Yang's Group.

After all, this Su Wei wore sunglasses, and just walked towards the gate without saying a word.

From the look, he knew that he didn't intend to talk to them.

But that won't work, because they came here specially to interview him today.

It would be a failure if they couldn't even take a frontal photo of Su Wei.

"We are the media and have the right to interview, so don't push me." A reporter wanted to get into the bodyguard's circle, but was pushed out by the bodyguard.

Angrily, he shouted that he is a reporter and has the right to interview.

After all, they are uncrowned kings, how could they be treated like this before.

But after shouting for a long time, he found that no one paid attention to him, so he could only shut up resentfully.

"President Su, there are rumors that you are the one who offered a bounty to Yang Jiale, may I ask if this is true?" There are quite a lot of people who basically know about this rumor.

After all, at that time, too many people around Shanghai knew about the bounty.

Although Su Wei later refuted the rumors, almost no one believed his words.

"Does Yang Ye and Yang Jiayu's imprisonment have anything to do with you? Otherwise, how could it be such a coincidence that the company was acquired by you after they were imprisoned?" Seeing that Su Wei was not cooperating, these reporters asked more and more pointed questions.

They raised these questions mainly to annoy Su Wei.

At this time, if Su Wei answers with some explosive answers, they will post it.

Even if there is no explosive answer, as long as they respond to them, they will be considered to have completed the task.

"I'm sorry, our President Su doesn't accept interviews. Thanks for your hard work, all the reporters." Almost at the door, Zhang Ruoyu blocked Su Wei.

She felt that she couldn't offend these reporters too hard, otherwise it would be troublesome for them to scribble.

Although it was the first time for her to face this kind of scene, she quickly adapted to it.

"This is a private place, you can't enter without a work permit." At this time, the security guard at the door finally saw the situation here.

In fact, they already knew that Su Wei was coming today, but someone told them that they were not allowed to help.

So they didn't go up to pretend until Su Wei was about to enter the building.

After all, if they offended Su Wei, it might be okay.

But if they offend the person who explained the matter, they will probably pack up and leave in the afternoon.

"Master, what should we do? With Su Wei's skill, we didn't even get a picture of his face." Xiao Zhang originally thought that today would be an easy job.

After all, Su Wei's acquisition of the Yang Group is a happy thing.

Going to interview him at this time, he must be very happy to share the joy.

Even if you don't like interviews, you still have to pretend.

Who knew that Su Wei was wearing sunglasses, so he pretended not to see them.

"It's fine to have a profile face. Anyway, it's not just our family that didn't get a front face." Xiao Zhang couldn't see it, but Lao Huang thought it was normal.

After all, not everyone of these bosses has a good temper.

It's just that some bosses are willing to pretend, while some bosses don't.

"This Su Wei is too crazy. He brought so many bodyguards with him when he went out." Did any reporters who took any photos complain about Su Wei bringing so many bodyguards?

If there weren't so many bodyguards, how could they have interviewed Su Wei to say a few words.

At worst, at least you can take a full face photo.

"Since he was hit by Yang Jiale's car last time, the number of bodyguards around him has never been less than ten." The reporter was relatively well-informed and had a lot of gossip.

Many of the reporters who came this time had turned their backs on Su Wei.

"If you're so crazy, you deserve it if you get hit"

. . . . . .

"Oh, hello Mr. Su, I'm the deputy general manager of the Yang Group. My name is Wang Jianjun. On behalf of the Yang Group, I welcome Mr. Su." The person who refused to let the security guard pick up Su Wei today is the vice president Wang Jianjun.

He is the veteran of the company 20 years ago and was a minority shareholder of the company before.

This time Fan Wenqi forced him to sell the shares, and he felt resentful in his heart.

He is definitely not strong enough to be tough, so he plans to play a little trick behind his back.

But I didn't expect Su Wei to have so many bodyguards around him, and he easily resolved the reporters' encirclement.

"Yang's Group? The Yang's Group is gone, right? Which old calendar do you live in?" Su Wei saw that the security guard was in the building this time, and he knew that someone was going to kill him.

When I came in, I saw Wang Jianjun and a group of people waiting for him in the lobby. I didn't know who arranged this.

Seeing Wang Jianjun's outstretched hand, Su Weili ignored him and walked over directly, leaving the group of people there.

Who they thought they were was just a bunch of bereaved dogs.

"Mr. Wang, this Su Wei is a bit disrespectful." Wang Jianjun's subordinates saw Su Wei walking over.

My heart was about to explode, after all, they belonged to Wang Jianjun.

If Su Wei didn't give Wang Jianjun any face, it was tantamount to not giving them face.

"Hmph, he just came here. He thought he would be able to show off in the company after he bought the Yang Group. I will tell him later that he was thinking too much." Wang Jianjun had no plans to take away his shares this time I have been in the company for a long time.

I didn't choose to leave this time, but I just wanted to make more money.

Anyway, there are people from him in every department of the company.

"That is, the people in this company, except for Boss Yang's people, are all from you, Boss Wang. If Su Wei doesn't know what's good and what's wrong, he will know it's wrong when the company can't continue to operate." Why did they this time Dare to trip Su Wei because Su Wei wants to continue the business.

Su Wei can only win them over. After all, most of the company's employees are Yang Ye's old subordinates.

Offend them, and they will be the same as those people.

When working, it is Su Wei who is uncomfortable when the time comes.

"Looking at his appearance, this day must come soon, so don't come crying and begging Mr. Wang." If Su Wei brought a group of people here this time, they might still be a little nervous.

But he brought a secretary, and the rest were bodyguards.

Those people like Wang Jianjun don't know that Su Wei has no one around him.

"Hahahaha, it will depend on his performance at that time, otherwise unless he fires everyone." Wang Jianjun has already checked Su Wei, and knows that he has a Gemini property under his name.

That is, under his name, there is no place to train his subordinates.

This time I came here, as expected, I came here alone.

But Wang Jianjun made a mistake, that is, he thought that Su Wei would manage the company well.

After all, real estate is so hot now, who would be willing to let go.

"How is that possible? If everyone is fired, the company will go bankrupt immediately."


. . . . . .

"Hello, Mr. Su, I'm Zhao Fusheng from Zhiyuan." Zhao Fusheng, who was squeezed to the elevator entrance, immediately greeted Su Wei when he saw Su Wei coming.

Just now Zhao Fusheng also wanted to meet Su Wei, but Wang Jianjun and the others refused to let him go.

Because I feel that he is not a member of the group, I feel that he is just an outsider.

"It turned out to be Lawyer Zhao. You have really worked hard during this time." Su Wei, who had ignored Wang Jianjun just now, stretched out his hand to hold Zhao Fusheng's hand.

This time, Zhao Fusheng was in charge of his acquisition case, and he was very conscientious.

No matter what happens, big or small, he will report to Su Wei in time.

"It's not hard work at all. I hope you, Mr. Su, can acquire a few more companies." After this acquisition, Zhao Fusheng can earn tens of millions by himself.

But this time I have been busy for such a period of time, and the difference between giving and rewarding is too big.

If Su Wei acquires a few more companies, he will soon be able to achieve financial freedom.

"Lawyer Zhao did such a good job this time, next time something like this happens, I will definitely come back to you.

By the way, is Fan Wenqi here? "Su Wei came here this time because Fan Wenqi was looking for him.

Otherwise, he may not even come to Yule Building once it is sold.

"Mr. Fan is already in the general manager's office. Mr. Su, you must not be familiar with this place. Let me take you there." Zhao Fusheng was at the elevator entrance, clearly seeing that Su Wei did not give Wang Jianjun any face.

But now in the company, everyone else is Yang Ye's old subordinates.

They would definitely not give Su Wei face, so he wisely proposed to lead the way.

"Then trouble Lawyer Zhao."

. . . . . .

"Boom, boom, boom"

"Please come in." Fan Wenqi stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling glass for a while.

Her position just happened to be able to see the entrance of the building.

From when Su Wei got off the car to when he was besieged by reporters, she saw him.

"President Fan, President Su is here" Although Zhou Xiaoyu followed Fan Wenqi to Yule Building today, she didn't know what her boss wanted to talk to Su Wei about.

All she knew was that her boss didn't sleep well yesterday, and she was still dozing off in the car today.

"Here, let him come in quickly." After talking with Su Wei yesterday, Fan Wenqi went to her uncle's place in the evening.

There she heard a shocking news, although her uncle only said it was guesswork.

But she knew it was likely to be true.

In the evening, she called her father whom she had not contacted for a long time.

After talking on the phone for more than an hour, she hung up the phone.

Because of that news, she didn't sleep well all night.

"You don't need to invite me, I'm already here." Su Wei just walked this way, and he was really angry.

He has already acquired this company, and now the company is his.

Unexpectedly, the small employees in this company would dare to make him unhappy.

It's fine if you don't say hello when you see him, the neck is still raised high.

This behavior made Su Wei laugh, and planned to trouble them later.

Even if Fan Wenqi wanted to keep them, he would have to fire them first.

After all, before he sold the company, he was still the company's largest shareholder.

"Oh, this should be the seat where you are sitting, Mr. Su. I took your seat and I will let you out." Fan Wenqi saw that Su Wei's face was so ugly, she knew that Su Wei must have been offended just now.

Although she came to the company the day before yesterday, these employees did not make her less angry.

But because she wanted to lead the company before, and she didn't have anyone under her command.

So she let them go, but she didn't expect them to become even worse today.

"No need, Mr. Fan asked me this time, what's the matter? You still insist on my coming to Yule Real Estate?" Su Wei sat down on the reception sofa, wanting to see what Fan Wenqi was up to.

He planned to finish chatting with Fan Wenqi, and then planned to take those employees under his knife.

It's the opposite of the sky, and a few small employees dare to show off in front of him.

"Xiao Yu, go and close the door, and then look outside, don't let anyone in, you know?" Fan Wenqi wanted to chat with Su Wei, and there was news that could not be known to the outside world.

If this spreads, it is likely to cause panic.

So she not only asked Zhou Xiaoyu to go out, but also asked her to help look outside.

"Understood Mr. Fan." Although Zhou Xiaoyu was very curious, what Fan Wenqi would talk to Su Wei about.

But as Fan Wenqi's secretary, she also knew that it was best not to know what she shouldn't know.

"Xiao Zhang, you also go outside for a while, and I will tell you to come in later." Su Wei didn't intend to ask Zhang Ruoyu to go out, but Fan Wenqi kept looking at him.

He had no choice but to call Zhang Ruoyu out like Fan Wenqi.

"Good President Su" Zhang Ruoyu saw Fan Wenqi's appearance and knew that it was something important to talk about.

In fact, even if Su Wei didn't call her, she still planned to go out by herself.

"There are only the two of us in the office now, Mr. Fan, what do you want to say to me, you can say it now." Su Wei really didn't know what Fan Wenqi wanted to talk to him about.

It was so hidden that even the secretary and assistant were not present.

"I want to know, why do you have to sell Yule Real Estate?" Fan Wenqi asked this question, but she was actually asking who was behind Su Wei.

Because why should he know the policy of a few years ahead of himself.

"Didn't I say that, I don't have money to buy a yacht, so I want to sell Yule Real Estate?" Su Wei was speechless, why did he ask this again.

Did he tell Fan Wenqi that housing prices would collapse in a few years?

Even if he said that, Fan Wenqi would probably think he was sick.

So he might as well give a random reason, and it just so happens that he plans to buy a yacht recently.

"Mr. Su, it's meaningless for you to do this. Now it's just the two of us here, and you still refuse to tell me the truth. Is it true that property tax will be introduced in a few years?" She went to her uncle's place yesterday, and she The uncle told her that if the house price will fall, the only possibility is the introduction of property tax.

Then she called her dad, who also said it was very possible.

Hearing what they all said, Fan Wenqi knew that property tax might indeed be introduced in a few years.

If the property tax comes out, it is really only a matter of time before house prices plummet.

"Mr. Fan, you don't even know something. If you ask me, how would I know?" Su Wei didn't start the property tax when he crossed over.

At first there were signs of going on the horse, but the higher-ups were about to announce it at that time.

Who knew that when a force majeure time occurred, this policy would be aborted.

After all, everyone has no money in their hands, so if this policy is launched again.

That is basically to force the common people to death, so this policy has been pushed back.

"I plan to sell all my shares in Yule Real Estate, just like Mr. Su."

 It's Fan Wenqi, not Fan Wenfang. I made a typo, and I can't revise chapters that are more than a week old. I can only ask for your forgiveness.

(End of this chapter)

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