Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 319 Revenge After Talking About Things

Chapter 319 Revenge After Talking About Things

"Mr. Fan, you don't need to sell the shares. I plan to sell all the shares. That's because I'm short of money. I owe [-] billion in the bank. I can't sleep well at night recently. Mr. Fan, you don't have any shortages." The money can be kept." Su Wei would say this because he didn't want to take responsibility.

Because he knows that the real estate tax will not come out within five years.

At that time, if Fan Wenqi felt that he was at a loss, it would be bad to rely on him.

So his idea is that even if Fan Wenqi wants to sell the shares, it's better to wait for a while.

"Boss Su, you talk too much, but it's boring.

Today I have carefully studied the land of Yule Real Estate. Although the location of these lands is not very good, it is not bad. I know that Sunac has been acquiring land frantically recently. By then we can take these six lands and ten properties. Sell ​​them all, I believe they can sell for a good price.

A relative of mine wants the right to use the two expressways for eight years. Don't worry, I will definitely not give him a preferential price.

For the clothing factory, I don't have any channels. If you want to sell it, Mr. Su, you may have to find someone yourself, but because the location is not bad, it should be easy to find a buyer.

As for the remaining two buildings, I want the Yule Building.

Today they did some statistics. My actuary has already done the calculations. This time, the total valuation of the entire Yang Group, excluding the pharmaceutical business, is about 900 billion.

Yule Building has a total of 30 floors and a total area of ​​5 square meters. Now the average price here is 8 yuan per square meter, and the price is around 40 billion.

As for the newly built building, the height is 55 floors, the total area is 16 square meters, and the average price is around 6 yuan. However, since this building has not opened yet, the price is 80 billion yuan." Fan Wenqi, since she plans to sell If you lose the shares in the real estate, it will definitely not be messy.

She had already called many big shots this morning.

She basically has an idea of ​​the value of these properties.

She has calculated that if the real estate is sold for 900 billion.

After deducting the 400 billion loan, she can still get 150 billion.

Excluding the 40 billion from Yule Building, she can still get 110 billion in cash.

As for why this building is needed, it is really because the location of this building is so good.

The building is only ten minutes' walk away from the Huangpu River.

At that time, the business of the building here will start, and this building will be a hen that lays golden eggs just like Su Wei's Twin Stars.

"You want the Yule Building? Then I want the newly built building, the shares of the medicine. After the real estate is sold, I will directly convert it into money for you." The newly built building was taken down.

Because Manager Guan of Gemini Property is really good at commercial leasing.

At that time, he plans to move the pharmaceutical company and Baihe Media here.

And he also wants to build the top floor of this building into his private office.

It is still a bit exciting to look down from the upstairs of more than 200 meters.

"President Su, I'm also very optimistic about medicine. Otherwise, I don't want the land of my garment factory, and I don't want the remaining profits from the real estate. I just want the whole pharmaceutical company." Looks good, how could she quit.

If there was no real estate at that time, she might have directly chosen a pharmaceutical company.

As long as the pharmaceutical company goes public, she is sure to make its stock price double.

"Impossible, I won't let go of the pharmaceutical company, and I'm not short of money." Su Wei traveled here a few years later, of course he knows what the skyrocketing price of medicine will be in a few years.

It is impossible for him to sell the pharmaceutical company without lack of money.

"Then how about this, I have acquaintances in the medicine side, Mr. Su, you hand over the medicine company to me, as long as you sell me 21% of the shares, and then you can rest assured that the dividends will be paid every year." Fan Wenqi from In the chat with Su Wei yesterday, it was obvious that Su Wei was very concerned about the pharmaceutical company.

But she does have something to do with medicine.

If Su Wei really trusts her to take care of it, it will not be difficult for the market value to double several times after listing in a few years.

"Do you want to manage a pharmaceutical company? It's not impossible, but I can only sell you 15% of the shares, and there is a condition that the 15% of the shares will not be given to you until two years later." Su Wei In fact, he doesn't really care about control, but he doesn't trust Fan Wenqi very much.

If she is really given 50.00% of the shares, Su Wei is afraid that he will be tricked by her.

"No, if the price of the pharmaceutical company doubles under my management in two years' time, then I will have to pay double the price." Fan Wenqi did not expect that Su Wei really planned to give her 15% of the shares. It was a joke to say 21% of the shares in the first place.

But although Su Weiken sold her 15% shares, it was two years later.

If it goes public two years later, the current 15% of the shares may be worth tens of billions by then.

So of course Fan Wenqi quit. After all, what she wanted to earn was the diluted value of the original shares.

"In this way, the two of us can sign a contract. You only need to take care of the pharmaceutical company for two years. Before the company goes public, I will sell you 15% of the shares at the current price." Su Wei really has no energy. Go and throw yourself on the company.

If Fan Wenqi is really willing to take care of the pharmaceutical company, Su Wei is actually very happy.

After all, if the company wants to leave the relationship, it will need Fan Wenqi to handle it.

As for selling 15% of the shares to Fan Wenqi, that would be putting a carrot in front of her nose.

"Are you sure? Lawyers are here today, and a contract will be drafted soon." Fan Wenqi heard Su Wei say that the shares will be sold to her at the current price.

This in and out, the gap is billions.

Of course she wanted Su Wei's words to become a contract on paper, not a verbal agreement.

"A man, if you say something, it's hard to follow. If you say you can sign a contract, then you can sign a contract." Su Wei is not lying, of course he is not afraid of signing a contract.

Moreover, Fan Wenqi's management of medicine is indeed a good thing for him.

"Okay, Mr. Su is really generous, I will definitely not let down your trust in this pharmaceutical group."

. . . . . .

"How is it? What is our President Su doing now?" Wang Jianjun was sitting in the office, chatting with his two competent subordinates.

He didn't seem to care about Su Wei's coming today, but he actually cared a lot in his heart.

After all, the second generation like Fan Wenqi can only cooperate with Su Wei, which proves that Su Wei's strength is not bad.

And this time Yang Ye and Yang Jiayu will go to the cell, he doesn't believe that there is no shadow of Su Wei behind them.

So this time he was in the company and planned to stay for a few years and make a lot of money before leaving.

"I don't know. He went directly to the general manager's office right after he came up, and he hasn't come out yet." Manager Zhao has been with Wang Jianjun for more than 10 years, and he is regarded as Wang Jianjun's right-hand man.

This time Su Wei didn't give Wang Jianjun face, he planned to find an opportunity to embarrass him.

He went to find Su Wei just now, only to find that he is still in the general manager's office.

"Mr. Wang, this Su Wei will not be united with Fan Wenqi. If so, it will be troublesome." It was Manager Zhao who spoke, who was Wang Jianjun's right arm.

If Su Wei and Fan Wenqi joined forces, they would not be so comfortable.

"Impossible, look at the lawyers of the two of them, did they talk to each other when they took over?" Wang Jianjun thought it was right and wrong because he saw that Fan Wenqi and Su Wei seemed to be at odds in private.

If two people were really close partners, he might have chosen to be a dog long ago.

"At that time, I saw that the lawyers of the two of them were different from others, and I was afraid that the other party would see my data." When the lawyers started counting the day before yesterday, they were all counted by themselves.

Everyone in the company saw this scene, so the quarrel between Su Wei and Fan Wenqi spread.

"That's right, before they were able to unite, it was because they failed to acquire the Yang Group. Now that the Yang Group has been taken down by them, they immediately started fighting for power and profit. This is a normal thing.

Now we have to wait for the price, see who offers the highest price, then we will choose who to help.

Unless Su Wei's price is much higher than Fan Wenqi's, I can't help him. I really think that if I have a little money, I can be lawless." Wang Jianjun didn't say anything, but he really hated Su Wei in his heart.

It's like he has lived for more than 40 years, but he was looked down upon by a young man.

Back then when Yang Ye was around, he was treated with great courtesy.

How could it be that this Su Wei walked over as if he didn't exist.

"dong dong dong"

"Hello, Mr. Wang, Mr. Li, Mr. Zhao, so you are here. It's easy to find me." Zhou Wei kept looking for Manager Li and Manager Zhao, but was later told that he was in Mr. Wang's office.

After knocking on the door three times, he opened it and walked in.

After entering, he found that the person he was looking for was indeed here.

"Zhou Wei, what's the matter with you here? Didn't you see that we are in a meeting here? Don't think that you are Mr. Fan's person, so you can just barge in like this. There are really no rules." Zhou Wei's personnel department is Fan Wen The person Qi brought over.

Her previous idea was to recruit some of her own people, and then gradually weed out the old employees.

How could the people in the company not know Fan Wenqi's thoughts, so they were quite disgusted with Zhou Wei and the others.

"Mr. Wang is really sorry. I came here to announce something. Mr. Li and Mr. Zhao have been fired by the company. From now on, you are no longer employees of Yule Real Estate. Now you can clean up your own It's something." Zhou Wei came from Kyoto this time, and he came here as a knife.

He himself has this awareness, so he has no fear of the people here.

Even if this Wang Jianjun is the vice president of Yule Real Estate, he is still the same.

"We have been fired? Mr. Wang, Mr. Wang, you want to help us." Manager Zhao became excited when he heard that he was fired.

After all, he is now 60 million a year, so he can't be fired.

And because he was an employee who was accepted after bankruptcy, he would not have much compensation if he was fired.

He could only look at his boss, hoping he could help.

"Yes, Mr. Wang, my family is still paying the mortgage. If I am really fired, it will be over." Manager Li just changed to a bigger house last year. Who would have thought that this would happen to the Yang Group.

Because he changed houses, he really doesn't have any cash on him now.

If there is no job, there will be no income for at least a few months.

And the next job might not be as good as this one.

"Don't worry, you are my people, I will definitely speak for you.

Get out of the way, I'm going to find Su Wei and Fan Wenqi, and find out what they mean." Wang Jianjun saw that his right-hand man was fired, and knew that it was Su Wei and Fan Wenqi who were beating him.

He planned to go to them to take back his order, at worst he would be soft.

But in the future, they will know that it is not such a simple matter to open such a large company.

As he spoke, he pushed Zhou Wei away and planned to go out to the general manager's office.

"Mr. Wang, you don't need to go to Mr. Su and Mr. Fan's place, because it's useless to go, because Mr. Su and the others don't want to see you." When Wang Jianjun was about to go out, he found that the door of the office was blocked.

It was none other than Zheng Jiayin, the manager of the HR department, who blocked the door.

"What do you mean by that?" Wang Jianjun had a bad feeling when he saw Zheng Jiayin coming.

But he didn't want to believe that things would really develop as he thought.

"It means that Mr. Su and Mr. Fan decided to fire Mr. Wang and you together, so it's useless for me to say that you have gone." Previously, Wang Jianjun and the others were kept because Fan Wenqi planned to manage Yule Real Estate well.

Now that she is planning to sell Yule Real Estate, how can she tolerate people like Wang Jianjun.

In particular, he not only offended Fan Wenqi, he also offended Su Wei.

"What did you say? They want to fire me? Su Wei and Fan Wenqi don't want the company to continue to operate well, right? A quarter of the people in this company belong to me. Have they thought about firing me? "Wang Jianjun didn't expect that he was actually fired.

The reason why he jumped like this before was because a quarter of the people in the company belonged to him.

If he is fired, there will be no one in this company who will listen to them.

He didn't believe that those Yang Ye's subordinates would really help them.

"Boss Su and Boss Fan have already decided that the company will directly lay off half of the staff this time. Even if you fire a quarter of your staff, Boss Wang, it won't be enough for this gap." Zheng Jiayin is Fan Wenqi's confidant, and already knows Boss means.

This is planning to sell Yule Real Estate, so she is still worried about Wang Jianjun.

"Okay, okay, these two young people are really ruthless, the mountains and rivers will meet again, let's wait and see"

. . . . . .

"President Wang is here, President Wang is here." When Wang Jianjun went down, a group of people were already waiting for him at the door.

Of course, it wasn't the thugs Su Wei and the others called, but the previous group of fired security guards.

They feel that they are the most wronged, because the order was issued by the leader.

Even if you want to make trouble, you should go to Wang Jianjun, why would you come to make trouble for them.

"President Wang, you, you were also fired?" Only then did they see that Wang Jianjun came out with a box in his arms.

This gave them a bad premonition that Wang Jianjun might also be fired.

"Yes, these people dare to fire me, and when the company can no longer operate, they will come to beg me obediently." One thing Wang Jianjun still hasn't figured out is that Su Wei and the others don't plan to manage real estate.

Since he doesn't plan to run the business anymore, isn't he just dispensable.

"Mr. Wang, what should we do then?" The dismissed security guards were all dumbfounded.

They originally wanted Wang Jianjun to uphold justice, but now he himself has been fired.

"That's right, if we hadn't listened to you, the boss wouldn't have fired us. Mr. Wang, you have to convince us." If they hadn't listened to Wang Jianjun, how could they have been fired.

Now that they have found Wang Jianjun, they must give him an explanation.

"Yes, we must give an explanation." The excited security guards had already surrounded Wang Jianjun.

If it was one or two people, they might not be so courageous.

But now that more than 30 security guards are together, they are extraordinarily courageous.

"No matter what explanation I give you, I myself was fired." Wang Jinjun was anxious to leave them, after all he couldn't give them an explanation.

He just wants to go home now, and then contact his subordinates in the company.

"You are not allowed to leave today unless you give an explanation." The security guard with a temper has already started to grab Wang Jianjun's clothes.

If there is no way to resettle them, they will rely on Wang Jianjun.

"Would you let me go? You turned against you. A group of bad security guards came to me to ask for an explanation after being fired. I want to know that you have this kind of virtue. I also fired you when I was in office." Wang Jinjun looked at it. Not a security guard, after all, everyone can do it.

When he was the vice president before, he didn't even look at them directly.

Now I still want to ask him to explain, but he just wants to say, are they worthy.

"Cao Nima, you were fired the same way, how dare you look down on us?" There was a temper tantrum among the security guards, and they were already dissatisfied with Wang Jianjun.

Seeing that he dared to insult others now, he punched Wang Jianjun in the face.

"Brothers, fuck him" Someone took the lead in beating someone, how could the others hold back.

After all, with so many people beating one person, it's okay to be caught.

As long as no one is killed, it is the law that does not blame the public.

"I've seen him upset, hit him"

(End of this chapter)

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