Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 320 The Super Yacht Has Landed

Chapter 320 The Super Yacht Has Landed
"Boss Su, come here, I'll show you a good show." Although Fan Wenqi was chatting with Su Wei just now, her eyes were actually paying attention to the downstairs.

When a large number of figures appeared downstairs, she knew that a good show was about to be staged.

He quickly took out the binoculars in the drawer and looked at the crowd.

After seeing them getting emotional, he hurriedly called Su Wei to come and see them too.

"The person who did it must have been arranged by you." Su Wei had just seen Fan Wenqi's behavior and thought she was going crazy.

After all, they had a good chat, but she suddenly took out a telescope to look at the situation downstairs.

Su Wei didn't have a telescope, so he could only see with his naked eyes.

He saw a large number of people gathered downstairs, but he didn't know who it was.

At this time, Fan Wenqi handed him the telescope so that he could see it more clearly.

Su Wei took over the binoculars and realized that someone was fighting below.

Or rather, someone was being beaten.

He also knew the person who was beaten when he joined the company.

Wang Jianjun, Deputy Manager Wang, who planned to show him off.

Thinking of Fan Wenqi's actions just now, she immediately understood that Wang Jianjun's beating was arranged by her.

"Yes, I'm called the finance side, and I gave 1 yuan to each of the three people who did the work, so it's impossible to hide from the beating of Wang Jianjun.

He just wanted to see Mr. Su's joke downstairs, now that he is beaten, Mr. Su, you should enjoy watching it." Fan Wenqi arranged for Wang Jianjun's beating this time.

Even if Wang Jianjun called the police, no one would file a case for him.

Like Su Wei, Fan Wenqi is not a big-hearted person.

Moreover, she is a woman, and if she has a grudge, she will avenge it on the spot.

The previous Wang Jianjun didn't know good from bad, and she tolerated his arrogance because she needed manpower.

Now that she doesn't need it, why don't you teach him a lesson immediately.

In addition, there was some unhappiness between her and Su Wei before, so Wang Jianjun could just be used to curry favor with Su Wei.

"Boss Fan, you should have noticed that he was upset a long time ago, otherwise you wouldn't have specially prepared a telescope." If Su Wei believed that Fan Wenqi was specifically venting his anger on him, then he would be an idiot.

After all, Wang Jianjun was so arrogant when facing him today, it must not be the first day like this.

With Fan Wenqi's ambitious appearance, it was indeed possible to accommodate him before.

But after she finished talking with Su Wei, she planned to sell her real estate shares.

Then Wang Jianjun's ending is already fixed.

"I do find him unhappy, but I have to teach him a lesson because he didn't respect you, President Su.

As for this telescope, it's not mine, but Yang Jiayu bought it, after all, it used to be his office." Of course, Fan Wenqi couldn't say that he arranged for people to beat Wang Jianjun because he was too arrogant.

After all, Su Wei is here, of course she has to act as if she is avenging Su Wei.

"Whether Mr. Fan arranged it for me this time or not, I am very satisfied today. I wish us a happy cooperation." Fan Wenqi insisted that it was arranged for Su Wei, and Su Wei himself didn't want to care too much.

After all, Wang Jianjun was really happy when he was beaten.

After shaking hands with Fan Wenqi, he planned to leave Yule Real Estate.

After all, he has a lot of things to do at night, so he can't waste all his time here.

"Pleasant to work with"

. . . . . .

"President Fan, Su Wei has already left." Just now Fan Wenqi didn't go down to see Su Wei off, but Zhou Xiaoyu did.

When she came in to report, she saw Fan Wenqi had a smile on her face.

I know that her boss and Su Wei should have a good conversation today.

"Xiao Yu, how long have you been by my side?" When Fan Wenqi spoke, she was actually suppressing her anger.

She really didn't expect Zhou Xiaoyu to be so swollen now.

Mr. Su can't bark anymore, Su Wei is on the left, and Su Wei is on the right.

"It's been almost two years." Zhou Xiaoyu is Fan Wenqi's assistant. Of course she is happy that the boss has made money.

Especially Fan Wenqi, the boss, is not stingy. She has earned so much money this time, and she can already imagine how generous her bonus will be.

"You have been by my side for almost two years, and this is how I taught you these two years?

Can Su Wei be your name?Even I want to call him Mr. Su, why do you call him Su Wei?

If Mr. Su hears this, what will he think? If I ask you what he will think, he will only think that I can't even manage a subordinate." Only after I decided to cooperate with Su Wei in the pharmaceutical company, Zhou Xiaoyu called Su directly. Great name.

If others hear this, it will be embarrassing for her as the boss.

Even she herself tried to avoid calling Su Wei by his first name.

Zhou Xiaoyu was so virtuous and capable that she dared to call Su Wei by his name directly.

Her behavior was really unprofessional.

"I'm sorry Mr. Fan, I was wrong. I will never call Mr. Su by his name again." Zhou Xiaoyu called Su Wei by his first name because Fan Wenqi and Su Wei had some conflicts before.

In order to make her happy, she kept calling Su Wei by name.

But she definitely wouldn't do that outside.

"This time you said in front of me, I can remind you, but if you are heard by President Su, you should submit your resignation letter yourself.

By the way, so many people in the company resigned together this time, they didn't make a fuss, right?" Su Wei's interests represent tens of billions.

A mere Zhou Xiaoyu was fired as soon as he was fired.

Although Fan Wenqi had an affair with Zhou Xiaoyu, she was not a loving person.

Last time she took Zhou Xiaoyu to the mountain city, but she had thought about what would happen if Su Wei disagreed.

She will ask Zhou Xiaoyu to use her beauty trick to ensure that Su Weineng will cooperate with her.

Of course, Su Wei didn't refuse to cooperate at that time, her beauty trick was useless. ,

So Zhou Xiaoyu didn't know that she escaped unharmed when she was in the mountain city.

"There were troublemakers, but Mr. Su sent a lot of security guards, plus the company's original security guards, so those troublemakers were quickly taken away." The number of people who were fired this time exceeded 500.

It's not that no one wanted to lose their temper, but they were all held down by the security guards.

At that time, Su Wei transferred 30 security guards, and the security guards of the other two shifts of Yule Real Estate also had dozens of people in total.

Those who resigned saw that the security guard was holding a glue stick, and most of them were honest.

There is really that kind of temper that is directly beaten to the ground by a few sticks from the security guards.

These employees who only want to dawdle, dare to show Fan Wenqi's face.

All of them were fired by Fan Wenqi.

After all, Fan Wenqi is a second generation, and her temper is not bad at all.

"That's good, the company spends money to support them, and they really think of themselves as uncles." Fan Wenqi nodded in satisfaction when she heard that the prick was suppressed.

Anyway, the company is going to be sold soon, as long as there are a few people who can take over.

She needed these employees because she didn't have a team.

And this time, those who plan to take over Yule Real Estate are basically real estate giants.

They really don't need too many employees who are familiar with real estate.

The people from Yule Real Estate gave it to them, but it was a burden for the person who took over.

"Mr. Fan, don't you plan to manage Yule Real Estate well? Now that so many people have been fired, it will be difficult to carry out the later work." Although Zhou Xiaoyu was scolded, she did not show her dissatisfaction.

Instead, he swallowed his grievance silently, as if nothing happened.

After all, she would come to Fan Wenqi's place to work, not for the salary.

It was because Fan Wenqi's family was too powerful, so she came to match her family.

"I'm already planning to sell the real estate. It should be sold in a few days. The placement of so many employees is also a burden for the company that takes over. We just reduce their weight." Yule Real Estate was originally a high-quality project , that is not at all worried about selling.

If it weren't for Su Wei, he would have sold it, plus the news from his family.

Then Fan Wenqi might treat Yule Real Estate as her main business.

But now that real estate is already a sunset industry, of course she has to hurry up.

After all, she still has several projects on hand, all of which are waiting for her to host.

"Mr. Fan, you don't want to do real estate? Are you planning to focus on medicine?" Zhou Xiaoyu, as Fan Wenqi's secretary, of course knows the most valuable asset of the Yang Group.

In addition to real estate, there is only medicine.

Just now Fan Wenqi sold the real estate, and she can still be so happy.

Then she guessed that her boss must have gotten the medicine, otherwise she wouldn't be so happy.

"I do know how to do medicine, but I'm with President Su, so be careful when you speak in the future.

Okay, you go out, look at those resigned employees, and report to me immediately if there is any situation." Fan Wenqi sat on the boss chair and waved Zhou Xiaoyu to go out.

The cooperation between her and Su Wei was very successful this time, not only won 30.00% of the shares of the medicine, but also tens of billions in cash.

"Okay, Mr. Fan, I'm going out." Only then did Zhou Xiaoyu know why Fan Wenqi was angry at her for calling Su Wei by his name.

It turned out that her boss was about to cooperate with Su Wei again.


. . . . . .

"Hey, Jiajia, I'll find you later. Is there any restaurant you want to eat tonight?" Su Wei got into the car, thought for a while, and decided to go find Li Jiawen.

After all, Li Jiawei is so tender, he is almost ready to eat it.

And she was going back to the mountain city soon, so Su Wei didn't look for another chance.

If you want to eat her again, you have to wait until June.

"Husband, are you coming to see me? But Jiawei and I are about to drive to Qiantang." A few days ago, Li Jiawen took Li Jiawei to play around here in Shanghai.

Now she plans to take Li Jiawei to Qiantang for a visit.

You can take a look at old colleagues from the past, and go to Lingyin Temple to burn incense.

"You guys went to Qiantang? Are you coming back today?" Su Wei didn't expect Li Jiawen and the others to go to Qiantang.

Originally, he still wanted to win Li Jiawei tonight, but now it seems that he may not have a chance.

"Brother-in-law, we're going to Lingyin Temple tomorrow morning, and we won't be back today." Li Jiawei was teased by Su Wei a few days ago, but she didn't expect to see no one for a few days later.

Today her eldest sister told her to go to Qiantang, saying that she would go to Lingyin Temple tomorrow.

At that time, she was very happy, and felt that she could finally relax without reviewing.

Unexpectedly, it was almost time to arrive at Qiantang, and her brother-in-law had finished his work today.

"Are you going to Lingyin Temple? I didn't expect Jia Jia to believe in these things." Su Wei didn't believe in ghosts and gods. After all, all the aliens came out here.

Even if there is a god, it is only a more civilized alien creature.

"Oh, I won't tell you anymore. I'll come back to you tomorrow." Li Jiawen went to Lingyin Temple this time to ask for a child.

If she had Su Wei's child, she would feel much more at ease.

This was directly revealed by my sister that she was going to Lingyin Temple, and Li Jiawen was almost ashamed to death.

"Why are there so many calls today, Xiao Xu is also calling me at this point?

Hey, what's the matter Xiao Xu? "Su Wei was hung up with a dazed expression.

They go to Lingyin Temple tomorrow, just go, why are you so excited.

At this time, a phone call came in, and it turned out to be from Xu Liyang.

"Hey, Mr. Su, good news, good news." Xu Liyang set off from Italy yesterday and flew to Germany in the afternoon.

Originally, she wanted to visit the shipyard yesterday, but the other party said that it was late and arranged for her this morning.

Today, after she had breakfast, she went to visit immediately after the employees of Leshun Shipyard went to work.

Because of her visit, Le Shun was taken aback.

After all, most people go to visit, and no one will go so early.

"What good news? Are there really brand new super yachts for sale?" Xu Liyang said the good news, but Su Wei could only think that there were brand new super yachts for sale.

Others have already made plans, and if there is no brand new one, he will order one by himself.

But if there is a brand new one, then he must choose to buy it directly.

After all, if you book a yacht, the time is not short at all, and it starts in a few years.

"I visited Leshun this time, and I heard from the supervisor who received me that there is a super rich man in Italy who is planning to sell his super yacht that is about to launch." During the stock market crash in this time frame, many super rich people lost money serious.

Among them is the owner of the superyacht, who is now planning to sell it to raise money for himself.

"How big is the boat? What price do you plan to sell?" The yacht that Xu Liyang recommended before was 68 meters long.

Su Wei was afraid that she would recommend another one of this size, so he asked her to report the size of the yacht first.

"The length of this yacht is 115 meters, the width is 18 meters, the draft is 4.1 meters, the weight is about 5000 tons, and the full fuel range can reach 5000 nautical miles.

The yacht has six decks, equipped with seven suites, and there are two helipads alone.

I don’t know such a super yacht, Mr. Su, are you interested?” This ship is now parked in Leshun Shipyard, and it is the No.16 super yacht manufactured by Leshun.

Although Leshun didn't let Xu Liyang go up, she was shocked just by standing beside the yacht.

The first time she saw this super yacht, she knew that her boss would definitely like it.

"This is really a super yacht. What is the price? How do I pay the deposit? How about I call you the deposit and wait until I come back in two days to pay the balance." Su Wei heard that the yacht was 115 meters long. decided to take it down.

After all, it is not easy to meet such a brand new yacht.

Since you are lucky enough to meet this time, what are you waiting for, just buy it.

Anyway, he will have money in a few days, and this kind of super yacht is also a trivial matter.

"Mr. Su, this yacht has been sent to the auction company by the Italian because it is so good, so if you want to buy it, Mr. Su, you have to go to the auction house. The starting price of this yacht is 1.5 million euros." There are a lot of people interested in this yacht, so the Italian wants to sell it.

But if he wasn't up for it, the superyacht might have been sold long ago.

"Auction house? When will the auction start? Can I register now?" The auction is the auction, and Su Wei is not afraid of anyone now.

Moreover, the price of this yacht is impossible to fetch 5 million yuan if it is exhausted.

"You can still sign up for the auction. Today is the 30th, and the auction will be held in London on May [-]th." The auction definitely wants to sell things for a sky-high price.

So as long as you have money, how could they refuse you to enter.

"Then sign up for me, and take a few photos of the yacht for me to see."

. . . . . .

"Boss Su, are you going to London to buy a yacht?" Zhang Ruoyu was on the other side of the car and couldn't hear clearly.

Just know that her boss is going to London to buy a super yacht this time.

"Yes, this time you prepare your passport, we will leave on the 6th"

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(End of this chapter)

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