Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 321 Gold Sandalwood Black Diamond

Chapter 321 Gold Sandalwood Black Diamond
The next day.

"Dad, Mom, where are you going?" Today is May Day, and Su Wei rarely gave Zhang Ruoyu a day off.

It stands to reason that Zhang Ruoyu, who is on vacation, should sleep until the afternoon when she wakes up.

But she was the same as usual today, and she woke up before eight o'clock.

The main reason is that the biological clock is too strong, and she tossed and turned on the bed after waking up, but still couldn't fall asleep.

When she came out in her pajamas, she found that her father was cooking in the kitchen while her mother was packing things in the room.

Looking at the suitcase in the living room, she could be sure that they were planning to travel.

"Isn't it May Day today? This time, I'm going to take your mother and drive to Qiandao Lake for a few days with some uncles and aunts in the community." The community where Zhang Ruoyu and the others live is considered a community for civil servants.

The money may not be much, but they will not be less on statutory holidays.

This May [-]st adds up to five days off.

It is certainly impossible for them to stay in the magic capital honestly, but they have already made an appointment to go to Qiandao Lake to play.

"Ah, how many days are you going to play? Why don't you leave me alone at home?" Zhang Ruoyu really envied her parents to travel.

After all, this May Day, Su Wei gave her a day off.

She also really wants to travel, and really wants to go to Qiandao Lake.

Besides, she is quite scared to be alone at home at night.

The main reason is that she is more afraid of the unknown.

"Are you scared by yourself? You're afraid that you'll find a boyfriend. Who told you not to find a boyfriend?" Mother Zhang came to the living room after packing up her things.

Knowing that Zhang Ruoyu was afraid of being alone at home these days, she mentioned Zhang Ruoyu's finding a boyfriend.

After all, her daughter now earns hundreds of thousands of dollars a year.

It's just that she doesn't have a boyfriend, which has always worried her.

"I've made some dishes for you now. If you're hungry, you can just come back and cook a meal by yourself at night." Zhang's mother usually cooks at home, but her skills are average.

Although Zhang's father doesn't cook much, he does the cooking during festivals.

Especially his daughter, who only likes to eat his dishes.

So before going on a trip, he prepared a few dishes for Zhang Ruoyu.

I was just afraid that if she didn't eat when she came back at night, she could cook a meal by herself if she was hungry.

"Oh, I have my favorite braised pork and deep-fried shrimp, and my father treats me best." Zhang Ruoyu didn't dare to answer her mother's words, and quickly changed the topic to her father's cooking.

The two dishes her father made this time are her favorite dishes.

"Your daughter eats with Xiao Su every day, and you are afraid that she will be hungry. This house is almost being treated as a hotel by her." Because Su Wei's daily activities are basically in the afternoon and evening.

Therefore, it led to Zhang Ruoyu's working hours, and most of the time he came back at night.

Sometimes Zhang's mother also wanted to persuade Zhang Ruoyu, or she would simply quit her job and take the public examination.

That way, although the money is less, people are freer and less tired.

But she saw that Zhang Ruoyu liked the job very much, so she could only complain to herself.

"Then I can't go to work, I'm too busy." It's impossible for Zhang Ruoyu to tell her parents that she actually has nothing to do every day.

She always told her parents that she would go to various companies with her boss every day.

After all, even if you tell them, Su Wei doesn't go to the company every day.

He actually circles around women every day, and they don't believe it.

"Yuyu, when did you call your boss over for dinner?" Mother Zhang could tell that her daughter liked her boss.

She wanted Su Wei to come to eat at home just to see if he liked her daughter.

"Mom, our boss and I have a clean relationship, don't keep talking nonsense with people in the community." Zhang Ruoyu had already mentioned the matter of inviting Su Wei to dinner.

But if he doesn't come, Zhang Ruoyu has nothing to do.

She couldn't just drive him home and then force him upstairs.

If this is the case, he can indeed be pulled over, but it will embarrass her.

"Where did I say nonsense, they asked me if you have found a boyfriend, and I said, your boss seems to like you, otherwise what do you want me to say, say you have no date, then they still introduce you every day Ah." Before Zhang Ruoyu drove a Lamborghini back to the community, there was already a lot of discussion in the community.

After all, the people here are basically from the unit.

Decades old neighbors, no one knows who.

Zhang Ruoyu suddenly came back with a super sports car, someone must be gossiping.

As a result, Zhang's mother just happened to hear those words, and had a big fight with those people.

At that time, Zhang's mother argued that her daughter's boss liked her daughter.

Later, Zhang Ruoyu changed to a Rolls-Royce, and the people in the community believed it even more.

There were people who wanted to get married with Zhang's mother, but they all put out the idea.

"Then you can't talk nonsense, what if my boss finds out?" Zhang Ruoyu and her boss know nothing, the main reason is that they are afraid of being found out by Su Wei's women.

If her mother knew that Su Wei was not married, it was because she had several girlfriends.

At that time, she will definitely be asked to resign, and then go to the civil service examination.

"Yuyu, I heard that your boss has made hundreds of billions from the acquisition of the Yang Group this time, is it true?" Su Wei's acquisition of the Yang Group this time really made many people in Shanghai recognize him.

In the past, many bosses in Shanghai still regarded Su Wei as a junior.

After all, he only has a Gemini building, and he has no other assets under his name.

But after he acquired the Yang Group, almost no one underestimated him.

After all, even if the Yang Group is not listed, it will not affect the valuation of it by outsiders at around 1000 billion.

What's even more amazing is that Su Wei actually has so much cash, which can support him to successfully acquire the Yang Group.

"Dad, where did you hear the gossip, how could you make so much money?" Zhang Ruoyu is Su Wei's personal assistant, how could he not know how much money he made this time.

Hearing her father say that Su Wei made more than 1000 billion, she really couldn't laugh or cry.

"How much money did you make? The news about your boss's acquisition of the Yang Group has spread all over the world." This time, the news was not only spread among the bosses.

It is a group of civil servants like them who have heard of Su Wei's name.

After all, the Yang Group has been based in Shanghai for more than 20 years, and it has come to this end.

"It's not that much, and it's only tens of billions, but parents, you must not tell it." What Zhang Ruoyu said is no longer a secret.

As long as you know a little bit of the inside story, you can basically calculate how much money Su Wei has made.

After all, with such a big matter, how could it be possible to hide it.

"Earn tens of billions? Wow, this is too rich, isn't it?" Zhang's mother was dumbfounded when she heard that she made tens of billions at a time.

At first, she didn't quite believe that Su Wei could make hundreds of billions this time, after all, the richest man in the country was only worth so much.

But now hearing from her daughter that she earned tens of billions, it must be impossible for her to be fake.

"dong dong dong"

"Who is here?

Old Zhang, go and open the door, maybe Sister Liu and the others are here." Hearing someone knock on the door at this time, Zhang's mother thought it was the people who went to Qiandao Lake with them.

Tell Zhang Rensheng to open the door, she still has something to pack.

"Hello, is this Miss Zhang Ruoyu's house?"

"Yes, who are you?" Zhang Rensheng opened the door and found that it was not Sister Liu and the others, but a man in overalls.
And this man actually wanted to find his daughter when he opened his mouth.

As a father, of course you have to ask who this person is.

"We are from Ant Moving Company. This time, we are entrusted by Mr. Su Wei and Mr. Su to send a piano to Ms. Zhang Ruoyu." The people from Ant Moving Company have cooperated with Su Wei for the second time.

The last time I moved a piano to Green Lake World, I didn't expect that the place I moved this time is so old.

"Piano? Where is the piano? Didn't you see it?" Zhang's mother hurried to the elevator room when she heard that Su Wei had sent a piano.

Looking around, there is no sign of a piano at all.

"We haven't started moving yet. The piano is still downstairs. I just came up to make sure there is no one at home." Such a big piano can't be moved randomly.

After all, when Su Wei explained to them, he specifically said that this piano is worth more than 600 million.

So on the moving company's side, it must be confirmed before moving.

"I also said that your boss has nothing to do with you, how can there be a boss who gives pianos to female subordinates.

Then you guys bring it up, our elevator is quite big." Zhang Ruoyu denied that there was any relationship between her and Su Wei at home every day, and sometimes Zhang's mother wondered if she was thinking too much.

But when I think of that Lamborghini, I think of that Rolls Royce.

And think of her daughter's luxuries, and the watch in her hand.

Adding the current piano, is it okay?

"The piano we are going to send is a grand piano, which cannot fit in the elevator. We have already called a crane to come over, and we may have to remove the outer glass later." The last time they gave the piano to Cuihu Tiandi, It was moved in after removing the glass.

The elevator in Cuihu Tiandi is bigger than theirs.

They couldn't fit it there, let alone here.

If it is an ordinary customer, then of course they will be carried up manually.

But this piano is worth more than 600 million, and no one in their moving company dares to move it manually.

"Do you want to remove the glass? Then you can take it.

Yuyu, come with me to see what kind of piano it is.

Old Zhang, you wait at home, if Sister Liu and the others come, tell them to wait, and we will start after the piano is moved."

. . . . . .

"Master, what are you moving? You even brought a crane here." On the road outside Zhang Ruoyu's community, a large crane suddenly stopped.

This aroused the curiosity of the people in the community.

They all gathered around, wanting to see what was going to be hoisted, but they needed a crane.

It just so happens that today is May Day, and everyone is on holiday.

Soon the moving company was surrounded by dozens of spectators.

"It's just a piano, but because the elevator in your community is a bit small, we can only lift it up with a crane." The moving company hasn't received the letter yet, and people from the community came to chat with them.

They are bored, just chat with them.

"It's this piano? Can you open it and have a look? My daughter's piano just broke down. Show me for reference. If this piano is good, I will buy this brand of piano for my daughter too." Hanging the piano, everyone came to be interested.

After all, here in Shanghai is the best place to sell pianos in China.

They also wanted to know what kind of piano it was that had to bother a crane to lift it.

It's not cheap for this crane to be dispatched once, and it costs thousands of dollars an hour.

One of the elder sisters happened to have a problem with her daughter's piano.

I plan to unpack the protection on the outside of the package to see what kind of piano is inside.

If it is good, she plans to buy a piano of this brand.

"Sister, you must not open this. This piano is quite expensive, and the owner hasn't inspected it yet." The person from the moving company hurriedly stopped the elder sister.

If she opened the package, the customers would be out of luck if they got angry.

And this piano is so expensive, if something goes wrong, they might just cry.

"Look what's the matter, who still can't afford a piano, why doesn't she want me to buy it?" The eldest sister became angry when she heard it, what does it mean that a piano is expensive.

Could it be that my family is so poor that I can't even afford a piano?

She put down her bold words directly, if the master didn't want it, she would take it.

At worst, I bought this piano, just as her daughter needed a piano to practice piano.

"Sister, don't be joking, this piano is worth more than 600 million." The moving company saw the elder sister and wanted to unpack it, so he quickly quoted the price of the piano.

After all, if something happened to this piano of more than 600 million yuan, he didn't believe that the elder sister would buy it.

"Six, more than 600 million? You're lying, who in this community can afford such an expensive piano?" Who in the community doesn't know who's background, who can use such a good piano.

Most of the people living here are civil servants. Even if they could afford this piano, they would not buy it.

After all, such an expensive piano cannot be bought by civil servants.

"Sister Ma, then you are wrong, there are really useful people with such an expensive piano here." Someone looked at the location where the crane stopped, and then thought about the people in this building.

Not to mention, I really found a candidate for him.

If it was his family, it would indeed make sense.

"Who? Why don't I know this person?" Sister Ma looked at the people around her and found that their expressions were very subtle.

You can tell at a glance, they already know who bought it.

"Look, people are coming?" The speaker saw Zhang's mother and the others coming down.

He signaled to Sister Ma that there was someone who could afford such an expensive piano.

"Where's the piano? Where's the piano?" After Zhang Ruoyu went downstairs with Zhang Ruoyu, she ran towards the crane.

She wanted to see what gift Su Wei gave her daughter this time.

After she found out that Su Wei gave her the piano, the smile on her daughter's mouth never stopped.

"Hello, are you Miss Zhang Ruoyu?" The person from the ant moving company saw the colleague behind Zhang's mother.

Knowing these two people, they should be the owner of the piano.

Since the name is Miss Zhang Ruoyu, it must be this young beauty.

"I am, can you show me the piano?" Zhang Ruoyu didn't expect that Su Wei would give her a piano so quickly.

At first, she thought that the piano would not arrive until she returned to China.

Now that the piano has arrived, she is really curious which piano Su Wei found.

"Of course, the piano is here. Do you want me to unpack it for you to see?" Unpacking it now will not affect the waiting for the crane to lift the piano.

Because they will be re-fixed later, and the outside will be covered with a sponge.

As for the current packaging, it is only suitable for manual lifting upstairs.

"Sister Zheng, this piano belongs to your daughter. Open it for us to have a look. We also want to see what the piano is worth more than 600 million yuan." Sister Ma knows Zhang's mother, but not very well.

But they all belong to the same community, and there are some acquaintances who nod.

She was very curious about this 600 million piano.

I want to see what kind of piano is worth so much money.

"This piano costs more than 600 million? Yuyu, why don't we go home and open it?" Zhang's mother was dumbfounded. The piano cost more than 600 million.

But thinking about it, it's a gift from Su Wei, so it's normal again.

After all, this time, he made tens of billions at a time.

"No need, just open it here.

Master, please open it for me." Zhang Ruoyu thought for a while, but chose to open it downstairs.

The main reason is that she can't wait to know which one of the top ten limited editions of 2014 this piano is.

"Okay, then I'll open it for you to have a look." After the people of the moving company heard that it was about to be opened, they slowly unpacked the company's packaging.

In fact, they themselves are very curious about this piano.

After all, they were not the ones who packed this violin worth 600 million before, they were just responsible for the delivery.

"Wow, this is a piano worth more than 600 million yuan?" The packing master opened the package, and the onlookers collectively wowed.

It's really this piano, you can tell it's worth a lot just by looking at it.

The material, the gloss, are really incomparable with cheap pianos.

"Golden Sandalwood Black Diamond?"

(End of this chapter)

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