Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 323 I Doubt Wu Fei and Zhang Xuewei Are Lesbians

Chapter 323 I Doubt Wu Fei and Zhang Xuewei Are Lesbians
"Jingjing, is this the food you made?" Su Wei looked at the food in front of him, and his hungry stomach instantly stopped being hungry.

Even if he didn't eat breakfast, even if he hasn't eaten yet.

Looking at the dark sweet and sour pork ribs and the dark spicy chicken, he really lost his appetite.

"That's right, try it quickly and see if my cooking is delicious." Liu Jing started cooking at 10 am today and continued until 12 noon.

She made a spicy chicken, a fried beef, a sweet and sour pork, and a seaweed egg soup.

But this dish is done, but the presentation is not very good.

The main reason is that she was watching the cooking steps on her mobile phone while cooking.

"I'll come first, I look very appetizing." Seeing Wu Fei and Zhang Xuewei, Su Wei hesitated to move his chopsticks.

As for Liu Jing, she was looking at him expectantly.

He knew that if he didn't eat, Wu Fei and the others didn't dare to use chopsticks.

And Liu Jing will be very disappointed when the time comes, after all, she managed to make this meal.

"How about it, is it delicious?" Liu Jing herself knew that the appearance of this dish was not very good.

But she is still very confident in the taste of her dishes.

After all, these dishes came from her watching the steps of those teachers.

So when she saw Su Wei eating, she hurriedly asked him if it was good.

"One thing to say, this sweet and sour pork ribs is really delicious, you should try it too." Su Wei picked up a piece of sweet and sour pork ribs, and when he put it in his mouth, he knew he would suffer.

Because normal sweet and sour pork ribs are sweet, but this sweet and sour pork ribs are bitter.

But Su Wei remained calm and ate the ribs anyway.

But he could eat it only because he didn't chew it.

And when Liu Jing asked him, he was still there to praise the ribs.

Although boasting was exaggeration, he silently put down the chopsticks.

"Really? Then I'll try.

Well, it's really okay, but the sugar is a little too much." Wu Fei saw that Su Wei ate it, and she didn't respond.

She thought there was nothing wrong with it, maybe it was just a little ugly.

Who knew that once this piece of sweet and sour pork ribs was in his mouth, it would be completely different from what Su Wei said.

If this taste is acceptable, then everyone will be a god of food.

But she thought she couldn't be deceived by herself, so she pretended to chew it a few times.

Then he swallowed it like a pill.

After eating, like Su Wei, she also praised the bowl of sweet and sour pork ribs.

And in order to look more realistic, she deliberately picked out some flaws.

"Is this a little sweeter? Maybe it's because I've been in Shanghai all the time, so I can eat sweets more than before.

If Feifei likes to eat it, I will make it for you alone next time, and then I will add half of the sugar, and you can try again.

Xuewei, why don't you see you eating?" Liu Jing praised Su Wei and Wu Fei after they finished eating.

I feel that I am really talented. It seems that I have to cook a lot in the future, so I can't live up to my good talent.

But if you cook again next time, find a way to improve the presentation of the dishes.

Otherwise, people who have never eaten it may think that the dishes they cook are dark dishes.

"I, I'm eating, look, um, it's really delicious" Zhang Xuewei saw that the empress Zhenggong ordered her, so she quickly put a piece of sweet and sour pork ribs into her mouth.

She came here this time, but she must not offend Liu Jing, the empress of the palace.

Otherwise, her beautiful life now may disappear in smoke.

She is used to this kind of life, but she doesn't want to go back to the well-off life in the past.

But after the sweet and sour pork ribs came into her mouth, she realized that she was naive.

What is not bad, what is just a little more sugar.

If it wasn't for the fact that the person who cooked the dish was Zheng Gong, she would definitely put this dish directly on the head of the person who cooked it.

But because it was Liu Jing's spoon, she could only swallow the sweet and sour pork ribs.

After eating, he even praised a few words against his will.

"Jingjing, you eat it yourself, why don't you eat it yourself?" Seeing that Zhang Xuewei and Wu Fei ate both, Su Wei's plan was considered a success.

But at this time, he saw Liu Jing's complacent look, and guessed that she might not have tasted the dishes she made.

After all, if she has tasted it, she must know what the dish is.

So he asked Liu Jing to try her own dishes.

"Looking at what you said is so delicious, I definitely want to try it myself, I have been busy just now, and I haven't had time to eat it yet.

Ah, bah bah bah, why is it so bitter, I can't do it, I have to rinse my mouth, how did you get the sweet taste? "Liu Jing saw that the three people spoke so highly of this dish, she couldn't bear it long ago.

After they finished eating, she also took a piece.

I want to try the sweet and sour pork ribs that everyone praised just now, how delicious it is.

She smelled a burning smell before she put it in her mouth, but she didn't pay much attention to it.

Put it directly in your mouth and start chewing. After chewing, you feel something is wrong.

I felt like spitting out the meat, and then took a sip of water to rinse my mouth.

Because this meat is surprisingly bitter, the kind that still feels bitter after rinsing your mouth.

"Hahahahaha" The three of them couldn't help laughing when they saw Liu Jing's appearance.

He felt that he had finally tricked her, so he didn't swallow that piece of meat just now.

"It's not sweet, it's just so bitter. Brother Su and Feifei are too bad." At this time, Zhang Xuewei was the first to clear up her relationship.

After all, she didn't want to offend Liu Jing, who told her to be the main palace.

"It's none of my business. I saw that Wei's food was so normal. I thought it was my taste problem, so I kept quiet." Wu Fei's words were deceiving, because this meat can be eaten as soon as it is put into the mouth. Feeling very bitter.

But she definitely can't say that Su Wei's hand reminded her from below.

"Awei, you hate it. I made it so unpalatable, but you still lied to me that it was delicious." After this failed cooking, Liu Jing already planned to never make food again.

Such an unpalatable dish really made her lose any confidence.

She will feel at ease in the future and eat the dishes cooked by the nanny.

Otherwise, Su Wei's stomach would not be caught by him, and it would be bad if he was scared away by her food.

"Is it hard to eat? I think it's okay, mainly because you made it, Jing Jing, so I think it's unpalatable and I can eat it." Among the people who laughed just now, Su Wei laughed the loudest.

He really didn't expect that Liu Jing really didn't try the dishes.

At first he was a little nervous, thinking that she knew about his relationship with Wu Fei and the others. ,

So I deliberately made this dish to make things difficult for them.

"Really? Why don't you eat more?" Liu Jing was really touched by Su Wei's words, but he didn't move behind his chopsticks.

And just now he laughed so loudly that she really didn't see it.

"Forget it, it's unnecessary, it's better for me to order some takeaway, I'm really hungry." Su Wei is really hungry today, because he hasn't eaten anything today.

As he spoke, he took out his mobile phone and looked for a restaurant that could take out.


. . . . . .

"It's getting late, Jingjing, let's go first." Wu Fei and the others ate their meal from four o'clock in the afternoon to seven o'clock in the evening.

The meal of the day is condensed into this meal.

The main reason is that they ate, drank and chatted, but they ate for more than three hours.

But after eating this point, Wu Fei also felt that it was almost enough.

She is quite tired today and plans to go to the hotel to rest.

After all, they got up in the morning to catch the plane, and then they were dragged to the hotel by Su Wei for a beating at noon.

She is now completely drowsy, and she just wants to lie down on the bed and go to sleep.

"Let's go? Where are you going?" Liu Jing was dumbfounded. Wu Fei and the others are still leaving?

Didn't you agree to come to see her today?

"We're not going anywhere, but we're planning to go to the hotel to rest, and we'll see you tomorrow." Wu Fei wasn't with Su Wei, so she came to Shanghai.

She must sleep here at Liu Jing's place at night, even if there is no room for her, she will sleep here on the floor.

But now there is Su Wei in the middle, and she came here specially to find Su Wei this time.

If she stayed here with Liu Jing, how could she express her thoughts to Su Wei?

So this time, without even thinking about it, she booked a room at the nearby hotel.

"Are you going to live in a hotel? No, I have two extra rooms here. You don't need to waste money on staying in a hotel." Liu Jing's house in Tianxi has three suites plus a study.

If Wu Fei were to stay in a hotel, it would be a slap in the face.

My best girlfriend came to Shanghai, but she didn't live in a hotel at her house.

"But our hotel has already been booked online, and if you don't go, the money will be deducted." Wu Fei is thinking about men now, not girlfriends.

Although she knows that staying in a hotel is not good, she still wants to live in a hotel.

After all, it wasn't just her who came this time, Zhang Xuewei also came.

If they lived with Liu Jing for four days, they might only be able to hear his voice and not eat his flesh.

"You guys can sleep here at night. Which hotel did you book? I'll call and help you get back." Su Wei didn't know about Wu Fei and Zhang Xuewei's petty thoughts.

But he didn't think it was necessary for them to go to the hotel.

After all, if Liu Jing lives here, he doesn't even need to go to the hotel.

"Then Xuewei, why don't we stay here at Jingjing's place at night?" Wu Fei was a little shaken after being persuaded by Liu Jing.

Now Su Wei has spoken.She could only agree.

"This, isn't it good?" Zhang Xuewei was in the hotel at noon, but she hadn't had enough.

After all, noon is too short, and she hasn't seen Su Wei for so long.

The most important thing is that she has a guilty conscience when facing Liu Jing, the main palace.

"There's nothing wrong with it. My two second bedrooms are suites. It's definitely not worse than the environment of the hotel."

. . . . . .

"What are you thinking about?" Su Wei and Chen Lu came into the room after making the phone call, and saw Liu Jing frowning on the bed.

From this look, it was clear that Liu Jing had a problem that he couldn't figure out.

"I don't know why this time, Feifei and I have become estranged a lot, and her roommate is also a little wary of me, Ah Wei, is it because I look terrible?" Liu Jing is not a fool, Zhang Xuewei and Wu She has already seen Fei's attitude today.

She really couldn't figure out why the two of them were like this.

If it was just Zhang Xuewei, she wouldn't think too much about it, after all, they just met today.

But Wu Fei is different, she is her best girlfriend, and they have known each other for more than ten years.

"You and Wu Fei haven't seen each other for so long, it's normal for them to be a little unfamiliar. As for Zhang Xuewei, it's the first time she's seeing you after all." Of course Su Wei knew why the two of them were like this.

The main reason is that the two of them regarded Liu Jing as the empress of the palace.

They positioned themselves, one positioned themselves as the third, and the other positioned themselves as the fourth.

So when the two of them faced Liu Jing, they didn't feel guilty.

But he definitely couldn't tell Liu Jing what was going on, otherwise the three of them might fight tonight.

"I always feel something is wrong, ah, what are you doing?" While Liu Jing was still thinking, she felt someone taking off her pants.

This made her sober, knowing that Su Wei was planning to fight her.

Although she really wanted to, it was still too early.

"What am I doing, don't you know what I'm going to do?" Liu Jing said that, but she didn't resist Su Wei at all.

So Su Wei easily took off all her clothes.

"Come on, Feifei and her roommate are here." Liu Jing hadn't had sex with Su Wei for a long time, but she had already thought about it.

But her only worry now is that it is only after 9 o'clock, which is too early.

If Zhang Xuewei and Wu Fei heard this, they would be really ashamed.

"What are you afraid of, everyone is an adult now, just keep your singing voice down."

. . . . . .

"Why haven't you slept yet? Are you thinking of me?" Su Wei came to Wu Fei after tossing Liu Jing to sleep.

When she opened the door, she found that Wu Fei was watching a movie with her tablet.

Su Wei remembered that she was dozed off before, but she didn't expect to be so awake now.

"Ah Wei? Why are you here?" Wu Fei was really taken aback by Su Wei, and hurriedly checked to see if Liu Jing was there.

She was really going to sleep before, but she was woken up by Liu Jing's singing.

And her high-pitched singing voice lasted for more than an hour.

How could Wu Fei fall asleep, she just took out her tablet and put on her earphones to start watching the drama.

"Quietly fell asleep, I'll come over to see if you're asleep." When Su Wei came over, he had already confirmed that Liu Jing was indeed exhausted.

This time he asked Wu Fei and Zhang Xuewei to stay for this moment.

"You did it on purpose today. Weiwei and I are going to stay in a hotel, but you want us to stay here, and then come to listen to your work at night." If Su Wei didn't ask them to stay today, they would definitely not stay down.

After all, the relationship between the sisters is now a mess because of Su Wei.

Su Wei knew that he and Zhang Xuewei were here, yet he started exercising so early.

And Wu Fei can be sure that Su Wei did it on purpose, after all, Liu Jing is not that bold.

"Isn't it because you live here that I don't have to go to the hotel? You think I don't know what you want to do?" Su Wei's careful thinking about Wu Fei and Zhang Xuewei was beyond words.

But he doesn't want to go to the hotel, so it's not good to just stay at home.

Under Liu Jing's nose, wouldn't it be more exciting.

"No, Jingjing is next door, it will be bad when Jingjing wakes up." Seeing Su Wei coming to hug her, Wu Fei panicked completely.

If it was in a hotel, she might have embraced it.

But now that Liu Jing was in the next room, she was really scared.

After all, if Liu Jing found out, she and Liu Jing might not even have to be girlfriends.

"It's okay, she won't wake up so easily. It seems that you have doubts about my ability." Liu Jing just vomited three times, and Su Wei really didn't believe that she could still wake up now.

Seeing Wu Fei doubting him now, she felt that she hadn't seen him for so long.

This is a bit of forgetting his ability, he must let her re-understand his own ability.

"Ah, what are you doing?" Wu Fei was stripped naked by Su Wei, and then Su Wei stopped the next step.

Instead, he hugged her, opened the door and went out.

"Of course I'm looking for Vivi."

. . . . . .

"Who is it?" Zhang Xuewei, who was chatting with Li Qiuhua, heard someone knocking on the door.

She was going to sleep just now, but she couldn't fall asleep because of Liu Jing's singing.

But she didn't watch TV dramas, but chatted with Li Qiuhua while listening to music.

"Open the door, it's me." Su Wei originally planned to open Zhang Xuewei's door directly, but found that the door was locked.

He could only hug Wu Fei and ask Zhang Xuewei to open the door quickly.

"Huh? What's the situation with you two?" Zhang Xuewei opened the door and saw the naked Wu Fei being hugged by Su Wei.

This really startled her, after all, Zhenggong Liu Jing is next door.

They are too courageous, aren't they afraid of being discovered at all?

"What's the situation, what's the situation you said?" Su Wei waited until Zhang Xuewei opened the door, and put Wu Fei on the bed first.

Then he walked over and threw Zhang Xuewei onto the bed.

In the hotel at noon today, he hasn't had a good time yet.

"Don't stop, don't stop"

. . . . . .

"Awei, wake up, wake up!" Liu Jing discovered something in the morning, and this discovery shocked her.

With the four people in the house now, she can only come to Su Wei to discuss.

As a result, she shook Su Wei for a long time and found that he was still awake.

She was so tired yesterday, she was alive and well as soon as she woke up from sleep.

And looking at Su Wei who had nothing to do yesterday, he turned out to be like a big lazy pig the next day.

Sure enough, there were only exhausted oxen and no plowed fields.

"What's wrong? What happened?" Su Wei spent more than two hours driving piles in Zhang Xuewei's room last night.

The main reason is that after the two of them let go, they kept asking him non-stop.

Su Wei can only satisfy this one, and then go to satisfy the other one.

"I discovered Wu Fei's big secret." At the beginning, Liu Jing couldn't believe it.

But after she analyzed it herself later, she felt that her guess was not unreasonable.

"Wu Fei's big secret? What secret?" Su Wei became sober when he heard this.

Could it be that Liu Jing already knew about her relationship with Wu Fei?

But judging by her appearance, it doesn't look like she knows about it.

After all, if she knew, she wouldn't stop making trouble with him.

"Didn't Wu Fei tell me some time ago that she had a boyfriend, but I have never seen a photo of her boyfriend.

This is very abnormal, after all, she and I are such good girlfriends.

I didn't know why she didn't show me her boyfriend's photo until I saw something in the living room just now." Before Liu Jing, there were various speculations about Wu Fei's boyfriend.

After all, her best friend is so beautiful, and the conditions of the other party she likes will definitely not be low.

But she never imagined that the boyfriend her best friend fell in love with would be such a person.

Could it be that there are so many good men in the world, but she can't meet any of them?

"What did you see? Tell me quickly." Su Wei was dying of anxiety, what did Liu Jing know.

He was now afraid that Liu Jing would find out what happened between him and Wu Fei, because he was not ready to let her know about them.

If you let her know now, it is very likely that the world will be turned upside down.

"Feifei ran back to her room naked from her roommate's room just now, do you know what this means?" Liu Jing who got up early today saw Wu Fei come out of Zhang Xuewei's room.

When Wu Fei came out, she was still poking around.

She didn't run back to her room naked until she found no one.

Because Liu Jing was around the corner, Wu Fei happened to miss her.

"What does this mean? It can only mean that the two of them slept together yesterday." Su Wei didn't think it was a big deal for them to sleep together.

After all, Wu Fei would be in Zhang Xuewei's room, and he carried him there.

"Yes, the two of them slept together. Think about it, Feifei never told me who her boyfriend is before, and Zhang Xuewei has always been a little cautious about me. I doubt that Feifei and this Zhang Xuewei are the same. pull"

(End of this chapter)

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