Chapter 324

"Boss Su, thank you for giving me the piano yesterday." When Zhang Ruoyu went to pick up the piano yesterday, the delivery guy exposed the price.

Now everyone knows that her boss gave her a piano because of her pursuit of her.

Especially her parents said that they would not call her these few nights.

After explaining for a long time, she found that others didn't believe what she said.

No choice but to let them go.

"How about it, are you satisfied with that piano?" Yesterday Su Wei mobilized ICBC to help him find pianos, and he did not expect to find three pianos in half a day.

The main reason is that this is a limited edition piano, and few people use it for practice.

Most of the time, this kind of limited-edition piano is only dragged there when there is a concert.

Su Wei chose this golden sandalwood and black diamond for Zhang Ruoyu because this piano is the best maintained among the three.

"I like it very much. The feel of this piano is similar to that of Huaxia No. [-]. They are the kind that are very comfortable to play." There is actually no technical difference between this golden sandalwood and black diamond and Huaxia No. [-].

The only difference, namely the wood and the look is a bit different.

Zhang Ruoyu feels comfortable in the hand because the keys are all made of ivory.

"It's fine if you like it. If you don't like it, then I can only customize a piano for you." For a super rich person like Su Wei, customizing a piano is very simple.

After all, as long as you have money, you can do anything.

If you say you can't do it, it's just because you don't have enough money.

And the Steinway piano is not yet in the ranks who can refuse Su Wei.

"Boss Su, you've already said this to Ms. Wu once." Zhang Ruoyu was speechless. Su Wei only said this to Wu Xiaoxuan a few days ago.

She was there at that time, so he won't forget it.

Zhang Ruoyu watched it a little unhappy, feeling that Su Wei was not paying attention at all.

"Don't worry, if I customize it for you, it must be an exclusive customization, and the piano will never be exactly the same." Su Wei really forgot that Zhang Ruoyu was there at that time.

But he was not embarrassed, after all Zhang Ruoyu knew too much about him.

And if it wasn't because he felt that he needed an assistant now, he would have taken Zhang Ruoyu long ago.

"Ding Ding Ding"

"Hey, what's wrong with Jiawei?" While Su Wei was chatting with Zhang Ruoyu, his cell phone rang.

After looking at it, it turned out that it was Li Jiawei calling him.

He felt very strange, because Li Jiawei never called him.

This time the call must have been something important.

"Hey, brother-in-law, do you have any acquaintances in Qiantang? We were blackmailed when we cut our hair here in Qiantang." As soon as the call was connected, Li Jiawei began to complain to Su Wei.

Although Li Jiawen didn't want her to tell Su Wei about this matter, he said that he could solve it by himself.

But Li Jiawei could tell that the possibility of Li Jiawen's success was very small.

Besides, those people were vicious, and she was also afraid that something would happen to Li Jiawen and the others.

So after she came out, she ignored her sister's orders and called Su Wei immediately.

"Have you been blackmailed for cutting your hair? Tell me slowly, what's going on?" Su Wei also felt that it was out of line when he heard that they were blackmailed by someone cutting their hair in Qiantang.

Unexpectedly, the fact that Qiantang didn't cut his hair would actually happen to him now.

"It's like this, we came down from Lingyin Temple with Sister Beibei today, and we were going back to Shanghai in the afternoon.

But my sister and the others met a co-worker when they were eating, saying that she is doing haircuts now, and she insisted on dragging us to get a haircut. She also said that she is an old colleague of my sister and Sister Beibei, so she can get us a haircut for free. "Style" At that time, when they ate, they didn't eat in a big restaurant like they went to.

It's the kind of mid-range restaurant I went to, which is only one or two hundred per person.

Although Li Jiawen is rich now, as long as she doesn't go out with Su Wei.

Then the restaurants she chooses will not be very high-end.

When they were eating hot pot, they met the colleague mentioned earlier.

That colleague had a normal relationship with them before, but he was an acquaintance.

After seeing Li Jiawen and the others, he insisted on pestering them.

Then you must take them to the store to sit for a while.

Li Jiawen was so entangled that she had no choice but to go to the barbershop where she works now with this former colleague.

"And then, don't worry, just speak slowly." Su Wei knew immediately that this former colleague must have dragged them to the barber shop.

These barbershops now are basically no different from buying and selling by force.

Moreover, if you don't have any relationship with them, you can't open a store like them.

"After we were taken to the shop, the woman asked the barber to cut our hair. My sister said she would give us money instead of free haircuts. They didn't listen, and said they were all acquaintances, so how could they accept our money.

Who knew they cut our hair in half, saying that our free haircut time had run out.

If you want to continue cutting, you have to pay a haircut fee of 280 yuan, otherwise they will not cut it.

At that time, because our hair had already been trimmed in half, my sister had no choice but to pay them.

When we were about to wash our hair after the haircut, they told us that we had used 27 potions by ourselves.

And the price of a potion is 980 yuan, and they said that if the money is not paid, then they will not wash our hair.

This potion can only be removed from the hair by using the special potion in their shop.

He also said that although this potion is for repairing the ends of the hair, if it is not washed off for a long time, then our hair may have alopecia areata in the future.” Before the haircut, the people in the shop were quite talkative.

But after they started cutting, they have been forced to consume.

Li Jiawei was terrified by the situation at the time, she had never seen so much money for a haircut.

She used to cut her hair in the town, and she never paid more than 20 yuan.

But this time she did the calculations for the haircut, and they actually spent more than 8 yuan.

On average, it is more than [-] per head.

If they hadn't met her brother-in-law, their family's annual living expenses would have been less than 8 yuan.

"They want money, then ask your sister to give them the money, protect yourself first, and let them wash their hair first." At the beginning, Su Wei thought that they might have spent thousands of dollars on cutting their hair.

After all, girls' hair is basically just a little cut.

And for Li Jiawei, because it's her first time in a big city, she may not be familiar with the prices here.

But after listening to Li Jiawei's words, and considering their fees, they really treat people as wronged.

Although he knew that the barber shop said that it was impossible to wash off the previous potion without using the potion in their store, which was probably false.

But he didn't want to gamble, so he planned to ask Li Jiawen to give the money first.

"Sister Qian has already given it to us. If they don't give us the money, they won't wash it for us." Li Jiawen is now fawning on Su Wei, and 8 yuan is just a small thing to her.

After all, the secondary card that Su Wei gave them can earn 200 million yuan every month.

Li Jiawen was also afraid that the potion would cause alopecia areata, so although he was reluctant, he still gave the money.

"Then where are you now? I happen to be in the downtown area of ​​Qiantang, and I'll come to see you now." Su Wei finished lunch today, and then came to Qiantang by car.

He came to Qiantang this time because Chen Lu called him yesterday.

It is said that on May [-]nd, the first fire will be lit in her new house.

At that time, Su Wei, who is the head of the family, must be there.

"Brother-in-law, I'll give you the location, and my sisters are arguing with them inside now." Li Jiawen and the others waited until they finished washing their hair, and the more they thought about it, the more angry they became.

After all, I was originally dragged here by my ex-colleagues, and the agreement was to have my hair cut for free.

But later, she was charged more than 8 yuan, so how could she be willing.

After all, her consumption level has not yet risen to the point where she spends tens of thousands on haircuts.

So later, she and Liu Beibei went back to the store to ask them to refund the money.

"Okay, I'll be right there"

. . . . . .

"Xiao Li, you've already paid the money now, so there's no point in making trouble." Sister Luo looked at Li Jiawen and Liu Beibei in front of her, just like looking at two Gods of Wealth.

This time, when she was eating with her colleagues, she happened to see Li Jiawen.

Hearing that Li Jiawen is rich now, she forced them to come to the store.

Then I gave her all the highest routines in the store once.

Now Li Jiawen wants to refund the money, how is it possible.

After all, she got 40% of the money.

"Sister Luo, I came to your shop to get my hair done because I believed in you, and I also said before that I don't want it for free, you can just fix it for me, but you cheated me more than 8 yuan." Jiawen was scammed for more than 8 yuan, so it's impossible to just let it go.

If she charged [-] cards this time, she would spend several thousand at a time.

Then she might be dumb and eat coptis, no matter how hard it is, she can bear it by herself.

But it cost her [-] yuan for a haircut, she would definitely not recognize it.

"Be careful what you say, what does it mean to cheat you by more than 8 yuan.

The haircut for the three of you should have been 83220 yuan, but we reduced you by 220 yuan, you should know how grateful you are.” The manager of Shangfeng Barber Shop has been observing the situation at the cashier.

After all, he met such a big fat sheep today, as the store manager, he can get a [-]% commission.

Now seeing them back, they say they are cheating.

He was not happy when he heard it. After all, he could do this, but he just didn't allow people to talk about it.

"Little Li, don't talk about it. Our store manager has a bad temper. I know you have found a rich husband, but don't forget, this is Qiantang." Sister Luo already knew that Li Jiawen's husband is super rich.

But so what if Li Jiawen's husband is rich, this place is in Qiantang.

If it doesn't matter, how dare she cheat Li Jiawen and the others like this.

"What's wrong with Qiantang, there is no law in Qiantang that can control you, right?" Li Jiawen and the others were pulled over just now, the big reason is because of Liu Beibei.

Because she was a little more familiar with this Sister Luo, she was not so embarrassed to refuse at that time.

It turned out that it was a black shop.

And this ex-colleague didn't even think about his colleagues, and even threatened them.

"We welcome you to report it. You can try it and see if it works. It's really the first day we opened." The manager of Shangfeng Barber Shop said what he said from his heart.

Because they opened a black shop in Qiantang, it is not a year or two.

Even the TV station has come several times, and they are still fine.

And it was because they found that no one could control them that they became more and more courageous.

"Xiao Li, this is a chain store. It's not a small store like outside. If it doesn't matter, how can it be still open for so many years?" Their Shangfeng Barbershop is very famous in Qiantang.

The main reason is that they have been reported many times, and then nothing happened.

If this was a small shop, closing the shop might have been the only option when it was reported for the first time.

"You think you have something to do with each other, so you can be lawless, don't you? Are you going to eat us?" When Liu Beibei was speaking, she secretly turned on the camera of her mobile phone.

As long as the photos are explosive, no matter whether they are sent to the police station or posted on the Internet.

She believed that someone would take care of this matter.

After all, a person with real hands and eyes would not come to open a barber shop.

"Let me tell you, we have a relationship, but we can be lawless. You are determined by me today, even if you call the police, it's useless." When the store manager spoke, he was very arrogant.

After all, it was not that no one called the police before, but they still only refunded part of the money.

Even if the two of them really called the police, it would be a big deal to refund some of them.

"You guys are so awesome, even calling the police is useless. It seems that your relationship with the police station is pretty good." Seeing the arrogant look of the store manager, Liu Beibei was really mad.

But she was still seducing the people in the store, hoping they would say more about breaking the law.

"The store manager, this woman is recording" At this time, a barber next to him saw Liu Beibei recording from the mirror on the wall.

He hurriedly notified the store manager, after all, there are some things that cannot be seen in the light, and he might die immediately if he sees the light.

"Ajie closes the door, damn it, this bitch dares to use her mobile phone to record here, she is really not afraid of death." The store manager's eyes turned red when he heard the barber say the video of this woman.

After all, if what he just said was really exposed, he might have to walk away without food.

Quickly call the barber at the door and close the door.

After all, as long as they can't get out, everything is controllable.

"This is my mobile phone, you have no right to grab my mobile phone." All the men and women in the store rushed to grab Liu Beibei's mobile phone.

Liu Beibei was outnumbered, and soon his mobile phone was snatched away by them.


"Stinky bitch, I really gave you a face, don't you believe it or not, I found someone to give you a turn?" After the store manager got the phone, the first thing he did was smash it.

The phone didn't break the first time, and he dropped it several times.


. . . . . .

"Mr. Su, Shangfeng Barbershop has arrived." Liu Qiang could feel today that Mr. Su's volcano is about to erupt.

He is also speechless, the people in this barber shop are looking for death.

He actually charged more than 8 yuan for a haircut.

And they didn't show their tricks a little bit more, and they actually slaughtered the fat sheep on his boss's head.

"It's here, it's still pretty close to us.

Old Liu, call everyone here, I want to see what kind of barbershop dares to be so arrogant." Li Jiawen's money is Su Wei's money.

Blackmailing Li Jiawen's money is tantamount to blackmailing his money.

Every time he comes out now, there are at least twelve bodyguards.

Today, 20 people came because they were going to Qiantang.

"Everything has been arranged." Liu Qiang has already notified the other bodyguards, and everyone may have to exercise their muscles and bones later.

Now the bodyguards in other cars are all eager to try.

Because the boss Su Wei is super generous, they have long wanted to show off in front of him.

"Wei Wei, why are you here? Where are your sisters?" After Su Wei got out of the car, he saw Li Jiawei squatting by the side of the road alone.

She was like a wounded kitten, looking at the black screen of the phone all the time.

"Brother-in-law, you're here, you scared me to death just now.

My sister and the others are still inside, talking to them about something." Li Jiawei kept looking at the phone, not wanting to play.

And if her brother-in-law contacted her, she would be able to receive the call immediately.

At this time, she suddenly heard his brother-in-law's voice, she looked up and saw that it was her brother-in-law, she got up and threw herself into his arms.

The main reason is that she was too scared just now, after all, those people have been forcing them to give money.

She is a little girl, where has she experienced such a thing?

"Boss Su is not well. The people in their shop are planning to lock the door. Didn't we talk about it inside?" Zhang Ruoyu saw at this time that the people inside were very emotional.

The clerk in the store closed the door at this moment and was about to draw down the curtain.

Afraid of accidents, she quickly told Su Wei.

"Okay, okay, it's okay, I'll be safe here.

Liu Qiang, give me something to break down this door."

(End of this chapter)

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