Chapter 325


"Stinky bitch, I really gave you a face, don't you believe it or not, I found someone to give you a turn?" Manager Zhu was still angry after smashing the phone.

Facing Liu Beibei's face, he just slapped him.

On Liu Beibei's face, five clear finger prints soon appeared.


"bang bang bang"

The glass door that was closed at this time was directly smashed.

"Cao Nima, who is outside? Are you looking for death?" The glass in the shop was suddenly smashed.

Manager Zhu was swearing directly, greeting the person who broke the glass.

After all, they are bullies on this street, and they are used to being arrogant.

After seeing clearly the person who smashed the glass, he quickly shut his mouth.

Because these people who came in were all tall and big, they felt very difficult to mess with.

"President Su, be careful of the glass under your feet." Liu Qiang smashed the glass of the door just now with a stone.

When he came in, he heard the people in the store scolding his mother, and he frowned.

But he didn't teach that person on the spot, after all, he came out with President Su today.

Even if you want to teach him a lesson, you have to wait for Su Wei to speak.

"Who are you, why did you smash the glass door of our store?" Su Wei had already arranged for Li Jiawei to go to the car with Zhang Ruoyu because she was afraid.

So Sister Luo didn't know that these people were with Li Jiawen.

"Husband, why are you here?" Li Jiawen was stupefied just now, he didn't expect the people in this barber shop to be so ruthless.

Not to mention smashing her best friend Liu Beibei's cell phone, she even beat her up.

Originally, she had already planned to give in, so don't forget about the 8 yuan.

After all, this store can be seen at a glance, there must be gangsters involved.

An ordinary person like her can't afford to provoke such a person.

As for asking Su Wei to settle them down, Li Jiawen never thought about it from the beginning.

Because she didn't want Su Wei to think that she was a troublemaker.

But she didn't expect Su Wei to appear when she was most isolated and helpless.

The first time she saw Su Wei, she embraced him.

"Remember why I'm here, fortunately Jiawei called me, otherwise you will definitely suffer in this situation.

How are you? Have you been beaten? "Su Wei was quite relaxed at first, after all, he only lost money.

But when he saw the finger prints on Liu Beibei's face, he hurriedly observed Li Jiawen carefully.

"Husband, I'm fine, it's just that my girlfriend Beibei was beaten and her phone was dropped." Li Jiawen was not beaten, mainly because she didn't secretly take pictures.

If she had secretly filmed together at that time, or if Su Wei had come later, then she might not have been so lucky.

"Beibei, are you okay, who hit you?" Su Wei didn't care if Liu Beibei was beaten.

After all, Liu Beibei is just Li Jiawen's best friend, and she doesn't know him very well.

But since she was injured when she was with Li Jiawen this time, Su Wei must seek justice for her.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, that's him, the manager of this black shop, and he said he's going to turn us all around" when liu beibei was beaten just now, she didn't shed tears.

It wasn't until she saw Su Wei coming that she burst into tears.

After all, when she was crying before, no one would care about her at all, and crying was for nothing.

Now that her best friend's husband is here, it's only effective for her to cry at this time.

"Baby, don't talk nonsense, we are not a black shop here, we are a manager's hair shop, I didn't say that just now.

You are the husband of this woman, right? Why did you smash the door of our store?" At this time, store manager Zhu didn't realize the seriousness of the matter.

Although he was a little hypocritical to Liu Qiang and the others, he was not very scared in his heart.

After all, his brother-in-law is Shang Feng's boss, so he has something to do with the authorities.

No matter how powerful these people are, as long as the police station dispatches them, they will obediently lie on the ground.

What era is it now, who still plays underworld.

As long as you know people on the white road, there are not enough gangsters to fight.

"He said that, I have videos on my phone, but he broke it." Liu Beibei picked up her phone and found that it had been smashed to pieces.

Just now, in order to destroy the evidence, the store manager smashed her mobile phone to pieces.

"You don't have evidence, you'd better stop spitting, or I'll sue you for defamation." Manager Zhu didn't care when he saw Liu Beibei looking for his mobile phone.

After all, how bad the phone was dropped, of course he knew it.

Now seeing that the other party has no evidence, he started to go crazy again.

"Jiawen, you and Beibei are going to the car, Jiawei was a little scared just now.

Did I let you talk, Liu Qiang, tell someone to start working." Su Wei hated the store manager when he saw it, so he didn't care about whether there was any evidence.

He only wants to do one thing now, and that is to teach the store manager a severe lesson.

He dared to say to his women that he gave them their turn.

No matter what his real thoughts are, this has violated his bottom line.

After persuading Li Jiawen and the others to leave, Su Wei planned to be tough.

"Cao Nima, don't come here, what are you guys doing standing there, hurry up and help.

Okay, you guys, pretend you didn’t see it, right? You’re done after today, forget who my brother-in-law is, right?” Store Manager Zhu saw that Liu Qiang and the others were going to attack him, so he hurriedly called out to other people in the store Come and help.

After all, in front of ordinary people, he might still be a little weak.

But when facing this group of people, his figure can only be regarded as average.

If no one helps, he will probably be beaten severely.

Even if he came back later for revenge, it would be a big loss if he was beaten up.

So he wants to call other people in the store, come and help him.

"The store manager, we're here to help you, we didn't stay behind on purpose just now." Several barbers and apprentices in the store didn't want to come.

After all, the other party is so strong, how can their small bodies hold it up.

But Manager Zhu moved his brother-in-law out, so they had no choice but to bite the bullet.

After all, Store Manager Zhu's brother-in-law is Shang Feng's big boss.

If they don't show up this time, they may be retaliated later.

"You guys fight here first, I'll go find my brother-in-law.

Cao Nima, how many of you are here?" Store Manager Zhu felt a little more at ease when he saw that several barbers and apprentices in the shop had come.

Then he saw the opportunity and ran out through the broken gate.

It's just that he was dumbfounded when he came outside, because the seven or eight big men inside were already scary.

Unexpectedly, there were a dozen or so big men outside, which means that there were twenty or thirty people here this time.

"Oh, don't fight, it's none of our business." The barbers in the shop actually didn't jump out.

Su Wei will not let them go, after all, there can be no good people in this store.

So no matter how much they begged for mercy, Su Wei didn't ask his subordinates to stop.

"The 8 yuan this time has nothing to do with us at all. It's all done by the store manager and that surnamed Luo." One of the apprentices who was beaten saw that Sister Luo was unharmed.

Just because she is a woman, there is no bodyguard to beat them.

This made it impossible for them to be psychologically balanced, so they had to report Sister Luo when they were beaten and lying on the ground.

"It's none of my business, me, I didn't expect the store manager to knock so hard." Sister Luo hid behind the chair early when she saw the fight.

Because store manager Zhu attracted most of the firepower, Su Wei forgot to look for her for a moment.

Just when she thought she could escape, she was betrayed by an apprentice.

Seeing Su Wei looking at her, she quickly shifted the responsibility to the store manager.

Anyway, looking at the store manager now, it is basically impossible to refute her.

In fact, the reason why so much money will be extorted this time is because Sister Luo is jealous.

After all, everyone worked at the Four Seasons Hotel back then, and now I work as a salesperson in a barber shop.

Although the money earned is a bit more than before, compared with Li Jiawen, it is simply heaven and earth.

"You call your big boss here, and I'll let them let you go." Since Su Wei smashed the store this time, he planned to play bigger.

Lie Shangfeng's big boss over directly and give him a good lesson.

After all, without him, who would dare to pay tens of thousands of dollars for a haircut.

"Okay, okay, I'll call the big boss here...

Mr. Su, I have lured the big boss here according to your instructions, can I go now?" Sister Luo heard that Li Jiawen's husband wanted to find the big boss, so she knew that the other party was really powerful.

At that time, I still felt that the other party was not from Qiantang, and it didn't matter if I cheated.

Now it can be said that it was a big mistake. On the other side, this is completely like a dragon crossing the river.

"Let's go? I think you made a mistake. I said let you go, just let them take it easy." Su Wei hates her the most in this store except for the store manager.

Su Wei only trusts good people, how could such a scumbag trust them.

"You, you are not trustworthy, ouch, I was wrong, don't hit me"

. . . . . .

"How are you getting ready?" Lin Tao sat in the back row of the Cayenne and asked his subordinates in the co-pilot.

Today is just the time for him to get in touch with the new secretary.

A salesman in Xihu District called him and said that the store had been smashed.

He was dumbfounded when he heard that, yet someone dared to smash his shop.

And his brother-in-law was also beaten badly, according to her.

After he asked clearly about the number of people across the way, he immediately asked his subordinates to call all the strong shop assistants over.

"Mr. Lin, don't worry, this time I called all the people from other stores over, a total of more than 30 people came." After the subordinates knew that the West Lake store was smashed, they did not dare to underestimate them.

So this time, as long as it was a man and he was not very busy, he called them all.

"Let's rush in later, as long as we see people who are not from our store, then you can greet them vigorously. I have already said hello to the police station, and they won't come." In fact, even if Lin Tao didn't say hello , No one will come from the police station.

Because Su Wei had already greeted him at the very beginning.

Otherwise, this has happened for so long, how could there be no sign of the police station.

"Boss Lin, we're here, but we didn't see any troublemakers outside, maybe they've already run away?" After an employee came down first, he found that the door of the West Lake store had been smashed.

But because of the curtains inside, they couldn't see what was going on inside.

"Let's go in first and find out what the origin of those people are, they dared to smash down the door of my shop.

Go, go inside, why are you motionless?" Seeing no one outside, Lin Tao thought it was someone running away.

After all, his own strength is on display here, and ordinary people can't afford to provoke him.

"Mr. Lin, did we go to the wrong place, or we should go?" The younger brother came in and found that the store was full of people.

It's just that it's not the people in their store, but people they don't know.

The people in their store are all lying on the ground and screaming.

"Brother-in-law, brother-in-law, you are here, you have to help me, you see they beat me, I knocked out all my teeth, you have to help me avenge me" the store manager Zhu who was beaten motionless at first, at this time Saw his brother-in-law coming.

With the strength of breastfeeding, he crawled to his brother-in-law's feet.

This time he was the most severely beaten, and six teeth were directly knocked out.

As for the body, there are more wounds.

After all, just now, he was pinned to the ground and stomped by several people.

In order to show themselves in front of Su Wei, those people showed no mercy at all.

"So you are his brother-in-law, the big boss of Shangfeng Barbershop?" the younger brother said at the beginning, but went to the wrong place.

Su Wei didn't take it seriously, after all, he might have gone wrong.

But when store manager Zhu said brother-in-law, Su Wei knew who the person in front of him was.

"Where is the brother, I don't know how my brother-in-law offended you, beat him so badly, and even the female employees of my store didn't let go." Lin Tao felt a little scared when he saw Su Wei.

But he saw that the other party beat his brother-in-law and the female saleswoman in the store so badly.

The anger in his heart was almost full.

"Why beat them? Because my wife got her hair cut by routine in your shop. It just cost more than 8 yuan. Do you think I should beat them?" let go.

After all, the purpose of tricking him this time is to teach him a hard lesson.

"If you doubt that the price is unreasonable, you can report to the industry and commerce. There is no need to beat someone, and the nature of beating someone will change." Lin Tao was also a little surprised when he heard the price of more than 8 yuan.

But he certainly couldn't say that it was too expensive, so would he still have face in front of his subordinates in the future?

"Hehe, Liu Qiang, everyone is already here, so please say hello." If it wasn't for delaying time, Su Wei would have chatted with him for so long.

Now the bodyguards have surrounded him, so what are you waiting for, everyone will be done together.

"What are you doing, this is a society ruled by law, you must not go down the path of crime.

Didn't your wife spend 8 yuan, I'll refund the money, I'll refund 10 yuan, and the extra [-] yuan will be considered as interest." Lin Tao really didn't expect that Su Wei would ask someone to beat him.

After all, he has a different status, so the other side doesn't care at all.

Seeing the truth coming from the other side, he could only admit that he was cowardly and planned to lose money.

After all, a good man doesn't suffer from immediate losses, and there are opportunities in the back of the game if he wants to get back.

"Money? You, who own a barber shop, even want to bribe me with money. I'm not short of money.

Liu Qiang, let go of your hands and feet, and don't be polite to them." You run a barber shop, and you can earn tens of millions a year if you die.

It's no wonder that Su Wei would care about his money since Su Wei didn't sleep a lot and had a lot of money.

Su Wei became even angrier when he saw him insulting people with money, and told Liu Qiang and the others to work harder.

"Wait, I'm looking for someone, I'm looking for someone...

You answer the phone first, and after you finish the call, you decide whether to call me or not." Lin Tao saw that the other party didn't want money, so he had no choice but to find his backer.

This backer is in the Qiantang area, although it is not a big official.

But as long as he talks, it's kind of useful.

"My name is Su Wei. I don't care who you are. If you dare to intercede with him, the evidence of your receipt of the gift will be placed on the table of the Commission for Discipline Inspection tomorrow. You can try if I have the ability." Su Wei took On the phone, without waiting for the person to speak, he threatened directly.

Su Wei didn't believe it, the other party dared to defend the barber shop owner to death.

"toot toot"

"Look, the phone is hung up, there is no other way, Liu Qiang, call me hard." Su Wei guessed right, the other party hung up the phone immediately after hearing Su Wei's threat.

After all, there is no shortage of younger brothers like Lin Tao.

And the other party knew Su Wei, and he didn't want to confront Su Wei because of Lin Tao.

After all, being rich to that extent is not something he can easily handle.

"President Su, stop hitting, I know I was wrong"

(End of this chapter)

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