Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 326 Yule Real Estate Has Found a Buyer

Chapter 326 Yule Real Estate Has Found a Buyer

"Ah, brother-in-law is here." Li Jiawei rested in the car for a while, feeling much better.

She is a student, where has she experienced such a thing?

When encountering this incident this time, she might never dare to cut her hair in Qiantang in her entire life.

If her brother-in-law hadn't appeared just now and the door of the barber shop was closed, the consequences would have been unimaginable.

After all, the fingerprints on Sister Beibei's face can still be clearly seen now.

"How is my husband, has the matter been resolved?" Li Jiawen heard what his sister said, and checked that it was indeed Su Wei who came out.

She got out of the car quickly, and then ran over to meet Su Wei.

First, he carefully looked at Su Wei's whole body, and confirmed that there were no signs of fighting on his body.

What he was most afraid of was that Su Wei just got into a fight inside.

It's not that he feels bad, but that he's afraid of getting hurt.

"It's all right now, and you don't even think about who your husband is. I'm gone, can they talk properly?" The people in the shop dare not talk properly, after all, their teeth have been knocked out.

Moreover, many of their hands and feet were all broken.

The three most miserable people are the store manager Zhu.

As well as Li Jiawen's former colleague, Sister Luo, and Lin Tao, the owner of the barber shop.

The three of them were all beaten into pig heads.

When Liu Qiang and the others beat them, they kicked them in the face wearing leather shoes.

After all, the three of them are the culprits this time, how could Su Wei be polite to them.

"That's good, we were all worried to death just now, because so many people went in behind, I thought you would fight with them, and we were going to call the police at that time." Li Jiawen didn't realize it at this time, Su Wei and the others just now There was a fight inside.

She thought that Su Wei had successfully negotiated with them.

The main reason is that she didn't look like Liu Qiang and the others had fought.

After all, there are less than 6 of them, and there are already 7-[-] men in their shop.

Later, more than 30 people went in on their side, and if there was a fight, how could the clothes be so clean.

"Don't worry, we are not that kind of rude people. I have already talked with the owner of Shangfeng Barbershop. He has deeply realized his mistakes and plans to never do this kind of black-hearted hairdresser in the future.

Not only did he return the 8 yuan they paid for the haircut, but he also compensated Xiao Liu with 5 yuan for her medical expenses." Su Wei saw that Li Jiawen had misunderstood, so he told Li Jiawen smoothly. The negotiation was successful.

The 8 yuan for the haircut was indeed refunded by them on their own initiative.

And they not only want to refund the money, but also want to pay high compensation.

But Su Wei didn't want it, as long as they refunded the 8 yuan.

Lin Tao backed away and gave Liu Beibei 5 yuan in medical expenses.

He was so generous because he was beaten so badly.

At that time, he thought about giving more money to see if he could get beaten less.

As for the idea of ​​revenge, he dared not have it at all.

After all, my big backer hung up the phone without saying a word after being threatened by Su Wei.

"Really? But what if he goes back on his word?" Li Jiawen was worried that the owner of the barber shop had now promised Su Wei to change his ways.

But what if he waits until Su Wei goes to Shanghai, and he continues to open.

At that time, it is impossible for Su Wei to go to Qiantang again because of this incident.

"I won't go back on my word, don't worry about that, and I've already arranged someone to look after the store for them." Su Wei had just approached Jin Gaode and asked him to help him find some staff on the Qiantang side.

When the time comes for Shangfeng's barbershops, he will arrange for those people to stand guard at the door every day.

Since Su Wei intends to keep them from driving, he won't leave so easily.

"Husband, when are you going back to Shanghai? I plan to accompany Beibei here in Qiantang today." Liu Beibei was beaten by the store manager because she wanted to help Li Jiawen get the money back.

Now that Liu Beibei's face was beaten so badly, Li Jiawen planned to spend another night with her.

She will not leave until tomorrow when Liu Beibei's face gets better.

"No need, I just rubbed the medicine on my face, so you can go back with President Su." Li Jiawen believed that it was the result of the negotiation, but Liu Beibei didn't believe it.

After all, it was very unusual for no one to come out of the barber shop for half a day.

And judging by the arrogant look of the barber shop manager, he doesn't seem like a person who can compromise.

"Jiawen, if you want to stay for one night, you can stay for one night. I happened to come to Qiantang today for business, and tomorrow we will fly back to Shanghai together. You can help me give Xiao Liu the money. I don't have her Alipay.

Xiaozhang, you can drive now, let's go to the Four Seasons Hotel now." Su Wei came to Qiantang today, but he didn't come here specifically to find Li Jiawen.

He came here this time to meet Chen Lu.

After all, today is the day when Chen Lu's new house is fired, so he must be there.

Although "Good President Su" Zhang Ruoyu didn't go into the barber shop, he knew that there must be a bunch of people lying there.

Just now when she saw Liu Qiang was breathing more quickly, she knew they were beating people inside.

As for the cleanliness of the clothes, it's too simple, just because Liu Qiang and the others are professionals.

"Ah, there are so many ambulances, I don't know what happened."

. . . . . .

"President Su, what are you looking at?" After Zhang Ruoyu sent Li Jiawen and the others to Four Seasons, she accompanied Su Wei to the Blue Qianjiang.

Then under Su Wei's command, the car was parked next to an Alpha.

After she got out of the car, she saw her boss had been looking at a Porsche Panamera.

"I didn't see anything, let's go up, you haven't been here yet?" What Su Wei was looking at was of course Xiaoxuan's parking space.

Su Wei remembered that Xiaoxuan's car was a pink Rolls-Royce Phantom of the same model as his.

How it turned into a white Porsche Panamera now made him very curious.

"I've never been here before. This is the first time I've come here. Is this where Ms. Chen lives?" To be honest, Zhang Ruoyu didn't understand Chen Lu very well.

I don't know why she chose to stay in Qiantang instead of living in Shanghai.

After all, if she was in Shanghai, she could be closer to Su Wei.

Moreover, those women in the magic capital all got tens of millions of mansions.

No matter how expensive the houses on this side of Qiantang are, how expensive can they be?

"Yes, this is where she lives." When she was speaking, Chen Lu's house arrived.

When Su Wei came here last time, his fingerprints were already taken.

So he didn't need to knock on the door, he just opened the door by himself.


"Crash, crash"

"Lulu, I heard someone open the door, is it Su Wei?" Lan Ke, who was playing mahjong in the side hall, suddenly heard the sound of the security door being opened.

I looked at the others, but none of them seemed to hear.

But this is also normal, because she usually has very sensitive ears.

"Really? I'll go and see.

Oh, it's really Ah Wei who came." Hearing Lan Ke's words, Chen Lu stopped playing mahjong and ran to the stairwell to watch.

After all, she knew that Lan Ke's ears were really sensitive.

When I came to the stairwell, I saw that Su Wei really came, and he brought his beautiful secretary with him.

It has actually been several days since Chen Lu moved to Blue Qianjiang this time.

But there was no fire in the house a few days ago, and they just waited until the host, Su Wei, came to start the fire.

"It's so lively at home today." After Su Wei opened the door, he heard the sound of playing mahjong.

He has no problem with women playing mahjong.

After all, playing mahjong is considered a kind of entertainment, as long as you don't become too addicted.

"Isn't this a new house, Keke and the others came over to celebrate with me.

Keke, stop playing mahjong, Awei is here." Chen Lu has never been addicted to playing mahjong, and the main reason for playing mahjong this time is because she is bored.

After all, she is now a pregnant woman and cannot go shopping often.

I had no choice but to play mahjong with these girlfriends to relax and entertain.

"You loser says it's over, so what can we say.

Sister, this is my brother-in-law.

Hello brother-in-law, I'm Chen Yiyi" Today four people played mahjong, and only Chen Lu lost.

The three of them are winners, so of course I am embarrassed to end this topic.

When Chen Yiyi came from the side hall, she saw a very young man, and she knew that this man should be her new brother-in-law.

She came here this time mainly to inspect this new brother-in-law.

After all, as a widow, her cousin found a man so quickly without telling her.

Now she is still pregnant with his child, the most important thing is that they haven't got the certificate yet.

So when she heard it, her first reaction was that this man came for money.

Seeing him so young now, she strengthened her mind even more.

After all, her sister is so rich, the blue Qianjiang house is worth tens of millions.

"Ah Wei, let me introduce you, this is my cousin Chen Yiyi.

Yiyi, this is your brother-in-law Su Wei, this is his assistant, Ms. Zhang Ruoyu Zhang "Chen Lu and her relatives in her hometown are not on good terms.

The main reason was when her parents died that year.

It's okay for her relatives not to help, but they even want to covet her family property.

But she and this cousin have a good relationship.

So this time when she moved to a new house, she only told her that her cousin knew about it.

"Hello cousin." Su Wei had heard a little about Chen Lu and her relatives before.

Knowing that those relatives of Chen Lu at that time did a lot of disgusting things for property.

Even though Chen Yiyi looks pretty good, his attitude towards her is still relatively cold.

After all, if it weren't for these relatives of Chen Lu back then, it would be impossible for Chen Lu to marry Fatty Huang.

"There is also a new friend of mine inside, let me introduce you to him.

There is no need to introduce Lan Ke, you should know this person, she is my neighbor, and also your neighbor Jiang Xuan in Shanghai, she is now my partner.

Xiaoxuan, this is my husband, his name is Su Wei." Chen Lu knew Jiang Xuan, it was actually very simple.

Because Chen Lu has always wanted to open a coffee shop, she often sat in the coffee shop.

After coming and going, I became acquainted with the proprietress Jiang Xuan.

"It's you? Are you Sister Chen's husband?" Jiang Xuan didn't expect that Su Wei was Chen Lu's husband.

Doesn't he have a girlfriend in Shanghai?And she still knows that girlfriend.

Although she and Wang Xiaoyuan are not very familiar, but as the rich second generation of Shanghai, we still have some intersections.

And Su Wei is a man of the hour in Shanghai recently.

She really didn't expect that Su Wei would have an affair with Chen Lu.

So Chen Lu is pregnant now, that is to say, he is the father of the child?

"Yes, it's me, what a coincidence." Su Wei really didn't expect to meet Xiaoxuan here.

I didn't know her name before, so I kept calling her Xiaoxuan.

Unexpectedly, it was through Chen Lu that he knew her name was Jiang Xuan.

"Awei, you're here, then we can start eating." The aunt in Chen Lu's family had already prepared the food and waited.

It's just that Su Wei never came, so Chen Lu and the others started playing mahjong.

. . . . . .

"Jingle Bell"

"Eat first, I'll answer the phone.

Hey, President Fan called me, there must be some good news." Su Wei was about to sit down for dinner when Fan Wenqi called.

Fan Wenqi's personal relationship with him was mediocre, so the call must be because of Yule Real Estate.

After talking to Chen Lu, he went to the master bedroom on the second floor alone.

I will come here to make a phone call, mainly because it is quiet enough here.

After all, this tens of billions of business cannot be affected.

"President Su is right. There is indeed super good news today, that is, several real estate companies have already quoted prices." When Su Wei was resting these days, Fan Wenqi did not rest.

After all, Su Wei has a lot of money, so he can not be so eager to cash it out.

But Fan Wenqi can't, because she has no liquidity.

And the Shetunxiang project is about to start, so she can only sell the Yule Real Estate as soon as possible.

There are quite a lot of real estate companies interested in Yule Real Estate this time.

After all, Yule Real Estate is basically a high-quality property.

"Which company offered the highest price?" Su Wei knew that Fan Wenqi had contacted several real estate companies on the first day.

He was just curious, these companies do not rest.

"The highest bid this time is Sunac's side." After these companies passed the bidding, Sunac's side still gave the highest price.

Fan Wenqi also couldn't understand why Sunac had been buying land recently.

And it is not buying at a low price, but buying land at a high price.

"Sunac? What price are they offering?" Su Wei didn't care who Yule Real Estate sold to, he only cared how much he could sell it for.

After all, he was going to buy a yacht soon, and he didn't want to ask the bank to borrow money if he could use his own money.

"Because there are two missing buildings, the price given by Sunac is 700 billion." If there were not several real estate companies bidding for it, the price of Sunac would not have been 700 billion.

But they are expanding rapidly now, so the extra billions don't matter so much.

"700 billion? Isn't that 30 billion less than our estimate?" At that time, the estimated price given by the actuary was 900 billion, excluding the 120 billion of the two buildings.

In addition, if the clothing factories worth 50 billion yuan are removed, the remaining industry should be worth 730 billion yuan.

Now that there is a loss of 30 billion in the middle, Su Wei is not very satisfied.

After all, the estimate made by the actuary at that time could not be estimated under the pressure of the price.

Su Wei doesn't want to exceed the price, but you can't lower the price than the estimated price.

"A lot, because the assets sold to Sunac did not include the management rights of the three expressways." Fan Wenqi knew that Su Wei was not satisfied when he heard Su Wei's tone of voice.

She quickly explained that the 700 billion yuan did not include the three expressways.

At that time, the 900 billion yuan was a conservative estimate. If it was not sold at this price, it must be considered a cheap sale.

"Excluding high-speed ones, that's about the same. How will Sunac plan to pay this time?" Sunac will be in debt a few years later.

So when Su Wei sells the real estate this time, Su Wei only intends to accept cash from them.

Even if he doesn't want the extra 30 billion, he only needs cash.

"Sunac is not short of money now, and they plan to pay the full amount directly." There is a reason for Sunac to pay the full amount.

Their plan is to get Yule Real Estate after they get it.

Mortgage the property and land to the bank, and they will not only be able to mortgage 700 billion.

And the more expensive they buy, the higher the value they can mortgage.

"Oh, that's it, I didn't expect Sunac to be so rich now.

So Mr. Fan, what did your relatives say, are you also planning to pay the full amount? "Those three highways are indeed a chicken that lays golden eggs normally.

But their location happened to be on the edge of Modu.

If the situation is not clear in a few years, the golden eggs will turn into soil eggs.

So Su Wei took advantage of the high price now, of course he had to cash in quickly.

"My relatives are planning to pay 60 billion yuan, but they don't have that much cash, so they plan to use a building near Sanlitun, Kyoto, to offset the 30 billion yuan." A big company like Sunac can go to a bank without money. Borrow it out.

So they gave the 700 billion, although there is pressure, but there is no problem.

But Fan Wenqi and her relatives are different. Their company is not that kind of big company.

Although their businesses are very profitable, they are not large in scale.

They have to come up with 60 billion cash this time, but they don't have the ability.

But they can't owe the debt, because Fan Wenqi can't agree.

So for the big cake of high speed, we had to give them their building in Kyoto.

"Another building? I have a lot of buildings in my hand now, why don't you take this building down, Mr. Fan?" Su Wei heard that it was another building, he really didn't want it.

After all, he already has two buildings in his hands, and this building is in Kyoto, so he wants Fan Wenqi to take this building.

"President Su, we can meet and talk about specific matters. I can guarantee that this building is definitely a high-quality asset." Fan Wenqi felt a little embarrassed when she heard Su Wei's words.

But she really knows something about this building, and it is indeed a high-quality asset.

After all, none of her relatives would dare to cheat her.

"I'll be back tomorrow, let's talk then"

(End of this chapter)

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