Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 327 You need to be more courageous

Chapter 327 You need to be more courageous

"Sister, is my brother-in-law always so busy? I call him so many times during meals." Chen Yiyi actually has a lot of opinions on Su Wei's brother-in-law.

After all, he just went home when he went home, and even brought his female assistant home.

And she took a look at the dress of the female assistant, all of them were big-name clothes.

The most important thing is that the female assistant's hand.

He was wearing a men's watch, and it belonged to Jaeger-LeCoultre.

This watch is not cheap, she can't believe that she bought it by herself.

"He, he's usually fine, maybe he's been busy recently, Miss Zhang, right?" Chen Lu was really not very clear about Su Wei's career.

Anyway, she knows one thing, Su Wei is super rich.

The main reason is that Su Wei has no property, so there is nothing to tell her.

"President Su is really busy recently, and he's running around here and there." Su Wei is really busy recently, and he's going to fly abroad soon.

But she would definitely not be able to tell these news, unless Su Wei asked her to say it.

Otherwise, even if it was Wang Xiaoyuan, she wouldn't say it.

"He's busy? He's busy going to bars, women?" Lan Ke didn't believe that Su Wei would be a hardworking person.

After all, he used to go to bars every day.

But Lan Ke didn't mean anything malicious when he said that, it could only be regarded as a joke among acquaintances.

"Sister, brother-in-law is so flamboyant?" Others may not have taken Lan Ke's words seriously, but Chen Yiyi did.

The main reason is that Lan Ke often said such things, and Chen Yiyi, who didn't know the truth, would of course misunderstand.

And Chen Lu didn't tell her that her ex-mother-in-law took all the money away.

It made Chen Yiyi think that Su Wei approached Chen Lu purely for money.

"How come, your brother-in-law is not that kind of person, Keke is talking nonsense, Keke, what do you think?" Chen Lu knew that Lan Ke was telling the truth, but so what.

Is her life not good now?Su Wei gave her a child.

In addition to this child, he also gave her tens of millions, and even bought her a house and a car.

Chen Lu didn't think there was anything bad about her current life.

"I was just joking, Yiyi, why are you taking it seriously, eat and eat" Lan Ke saw that Chen Lu was a little angry, and quickly closed her mouth.

Although she likes to tease Su Wei, she knows that Chen Lu cares about this aspect very much.

If she was joking, Chen Lu would really get mad.

"Sister, I forgot to take something, I will go to the upstairs room to get it"

. . . . . .

"Cousin Yiyi, what does this mean? Are you planning to let me go down?" Su Wei opened the door, only to find that Chen Yiyi blocked the door with her whole body.

But because she was too thin, less than ninety catties, she could only block half of the door.

Su Wei didn't intend to argue with her, so he planned to go out from the other half that she didn't completely block.

In the end, Chen Yiyi opened his hand to prevent Su Wei from going out.

"You don't look very handsome, why does my sister like you?" Su Wei also learned how to dress when he was rich, and he has cultivated the temperament for so long.

Although he's not super handsome, there's nothing wrong with calling him handsome.

When Chen Yiyi said that about Su Wei, he just wanted to suppress his momentum first.

Because she felt a little timid in front of Su Wei.

"Is it important whether a man is handsome or not? That's something little girls care about. Let me go, I'm going down." In Su Wei's eyes, handsomeness really doesn't matter that much.

After all, if he is handsome, who knows if the aliens will take a fancy to him.

And being handsome can make a little money, but when have you ever heard that being handsome can make a lot of money?

After finishing speaking, he planned to push Chen Yiyi away and go downstairs.

"Don't go, listen to me first.

I just heard you were in the room, and you were on the phone with a woman, right?

Let me tell you, my sister is like this now, you'd better stop messing around, or I'll let you go around forever." Seeing that Su Wei was determined to leave, she immediately hugged his crotch waist.

After all, she hasn't finished speaking yet, so she can't let Su Wei go.

She was going back in two days, and she didn't know when she would have the chance to say anything else.

"You make me unable to eat and walk around? Why do you make me unable to eat and walk around? Tell me." Seeing Chen Yiyi tightly hugging his waist, Su Wei refused to let him go.

He also became interested, wanting to see what she wanted to say.

It turned out that she actually asked him to treat her sister well and not to mess with flowers.

Su Wei didn't have a good impression of her at first, but now he's starting to think of her a little better.

He wanted to test whether she was sincere towards Chen Lu, his cousin.

So pretend to be a womanizer and approach her to talk.

"What are you doing? Don't come near me. If you come near me again, I'll call you." Chen Yiyi didn't expect Su Wei to be so bold as to tease her when there were people downstairs.

She had never seen such a situation before, and when she saw Su Wei posting it, she could only keep backing away.

Just kept retreating like this, Chen Yiyi retreated to the bedside of the master bedroom.

"Well, then you call, they come up and see you and me lying on the same bed, guess what they will think.

Especially with your cousin Chen Lu, if she saw this scene, she might never have any contact with your family for the rest of her life." Su Wei didn't expect that Chen Yiyi would be so cowardly.

She said that if Su Wei got any closer, he would call for someone, but now that she had retreated to the bedside, she didn't really see her calling.

Su Wei wanted to test her bottom line, so he pushed her down on the bed.

"You, you are shameless." The reason why Chen Yiyi didn't dare to call out was very simple, she was really afraid that her cousin would misunderstand.

This time she came here to ease the relationship between Chen Lu and her relatives in her hometown.

If something happens between her and Su Wei this time, she may not be able to visit the door next time.

So she never dared to resist Su Wei fiercely.

"I'm shameless? What about this? Isn't it even more shameless?" Su Wei saw Chen Yiyi lying down with his hands covering his chest, with an expression of extreme disgust towards him.

He accidentally touched Chen Yiyi twice.

I didn't expect that she still has something. I just saw that she was quite thin, and I thought she was ordinary.

"Come if you want, I'll be oppressed by a ghost." Before Chen Yiyi came up, she never thought that things would turn out like this.

The main reason is that she didn't expect Su Wei to be so courageous.

And because of the reason for her being jealous, she gradually became what she is now.

"Okay, get up, just like you, I've seen too much, you don't think I'll want it if you post it upside down." Su Wei didn't expect Chen Yiyi to be able to do this.

When he first touched her, he thought she would show her true colors.

I didn't expect her to be at this time, and she still looked like she was afraid of being discovered.

It seems that her feelings for her cousin are indeed true.

"Su Wei, what do you mean?" Chen Yiyi got up after seeing Su Wei touching her.

He also said that he would not even want a woman like her.

This pissed her off enough, it was even more annoying than being fucked by Su Weizhen.

"It means I'm not interested in you, I was just teasing you"

. . . . . .

"Ah Wei, are you done calling? Are you okay?" Seeing Su Wei approaching, Chen Lu hurriedly asked her aunt to serve him a meal.

What she is most afraid of now is that Su Wei has to leave in a hurry.

Then this time, she will be really ashamed.

After all, not only Lan Ke is here, but Xiaoxuan and Yiyi are also here.

"It's nothing, but I sold a property and made a lot of money. Is there anything you want to buy?" Although Yule Real Estate has not been sold, it is basically a sure thing.

Such a happy thing, of course he wants to share the joy with the people around him.

Then how to share the joy is to spend a lot of money for her to go out.

"Me? I don't want anything. Now I have a house and a car, and I don't need anything." Chen Lu actually has something she wants, but she doesn't plan to talk about it.

She planned to tell Su Wei after she succeeded in this matter.

"Why don't you lack money, you don't have enough money now.

Su Wei, you don’t know yet, this time Lulu and Xiaoxuan didn’t just open a coffee shop together, they planned to open a coffee chain together this time.” As Chen Lu’s best friend, Lan Ke, I know that her best friend recently spent 2000 million.

She told Su Wei about this, but also to remind him.

Tell Su Wei that Chen Lu spends too much money recently, so she should be taken care of quickly.

"Coffee chain store? Is it like Starbucks?" Su Wei never expected that Chen Lu and Xiaoxuan would jointly open a coffee chain store.

When it comes to opening a chain of coffee shops, of course it is necessary to copy the hottest ones.

And now the hottest coffee shop in China is Starbucks.

"Yes, it's the Starbucks kind, because I can run this chain coffee shop, and I think the delicious coffee from domestic coffee shops is just because they are not well-known, so they can't be sold at a high price.

As for foreign brands like Starbucks, their coffee beans are poor in raw materials, but because of their great reputation, they can make a lot of money.

So I plan to make a coffee chain store of our own. Not to mention defeating Starbucks, at least it can give everyone more choices.” The idea of ​​opening a coffee chain store has actually been conceived by Jiang Xuan for a long time.

It wasn't until she met Chen Lu this time that she made up her mind to officially start a business.

For this venture, she has already sold her Rolls Royce.

"Awei, I really think that Xiaoxuan's coffee is really delicious, I don't know how many times better than Starbucks coffee, so I think chain coffee shops must have a future." Chen Lu will participate mainly because he believes in Xiaoxuan craftsmanship.

She is also a frequent coffee drinker, and really doesn't think Starbucks coffee is delicious.

"If it's not delicious coffee, the market will definitely accept it. Do you have a plan? Show me it." Su Wei originally thought that this chain coffee was nothing to do. After all, everyone loves to go to Starbucks not only for coffee, but also for coffee. Because it can be forced.

But at this time, he suddenly thought of a brand that had suddenly emerged.

This brand was originally to harvest leeks from stockholders, but it turned out that it really did it.

He quickly searched and found that the coffee chain is still expanding.

If they follow their path, maybe they can really create a national coffee brand.

"Yes, there is a plan in the computer in my study." Chen Lu saw that Su Wei was interested, which made her very happy.

This time she started a business with Xiaoxuan, mainly because she felt bored and looked for something to do.

But for this entrepreneurial venture, she herself has no idea.

I have already made a plan to lose all my investment money.

"Why don't we eat first, after all Brother Su hasn't eaten yet?" Xiaoxuan was originally a little older than Su Wei.

But because Chen Lu was his woman, she could only pinch her nose and call Su Wei and Brother Su.

But she couldn't wait for Su Wei to read their proposal.

After all, Su Wei bought Yang's Group this time, Chen Lu and the others didn't know about it in Qiantang.

But for her, a rich second generation in Shanghai, how could she not know.

"Let's read the plan first. It just so happens that I'm not very hungry." Su Wei had already eaten before coming to Chen Lu's place today.

And now I have business, so I can have dinner later.

"Sister Lan, who is my brother-in-law? Didn't you say that he is a playboy?" Chen Yiyi came down a while behind Su Wei, and when she got down, she heard him say that she made a fortune.

But she was still thinking about whether the money she earned was tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands.

Unexpectedly, Sister Lan Ke, who usually dislikes the most, didn't take it as a joke at all.

Then her cousin and the others were talking about business matters, and they even came to consult that rogue brother-in-law.

Only then did she realize that she might have really misunderstood something.

Now that Su Wei and the others had entered the study, she hurriedly asked Sister Lan Ke what was going on.

"You don't know him? I thought a young man like you must know him." Lan Ke was surprised. Su Wei should be very famous.

How come a young man like Chen Yiyi doesn't even know him.

Doesn't she go to bars, or doesn't use the Internet?

"I really don't know, Sister Lan, just tell me." Chen Yiyi was a little confused when she saw Lan Ke's eyes.

Is her brother-in-law really famous?

"Actually, I don't know any specific information about him. I only know that he is very rich, super rich." When Lan Ke was looking for Su Wei, he specifically checked him.

But I didn't find anything useful. I only know that he is super rich and likes clubbing very much.

"He's rich? How rich can he be?" Chen Yiyi heard Lan Ke say that Su Wei was super rich. Could it be that he is still richer than Fatty Huang?

If this is the case, is it possible that he and his cousin are really in love?
"It's tens of billions." Su Wei is rich, but Lan Ke doesn't know it.

But Lan Ke knows one thing, that is, the Twin Stars Building in Shanghai belongs to Su Wei.

The current price of that building alone is already around tens of billions.

"Ten billion?"

. . . . . .

"Brother Su, this is the coffee shop style we designed, focusing on youthfulness.

And here is our store logo, a smoking coffee mug.

We have calculated that the initial cost of our store can be settled within 50 yuan for wholesale machines and unified decoration.

Our plan is to build 50 stores by the end of this year, and by the end of next year, we will complete the construction of 200 stores." Although Jiang Xuan's chain coffee shop is just planning to open, she has already silently thought about this business plan For a long time.

She has calculated that as long as 50 stores can be opened within this year, they will be able to survive next year.

As long as you can survive, take one step at a time, and you will succeed one day.

She wants to let people in China know that Starbucks is not the only coffee chain.

"50 stores? How much did the two of you invest?" If only 50 stores are opened this year, the day lily will really be cold.

If the capital did not enter in the past few years, it can still develop slowly.

But when Ruixing, the capital coffee, comes, all other domestic chains except Starbucks coffee shops will die.

Because they are expanding so fast, they add almost 2000 new stores a year.

"Xiaoxuan and I each invested 1000 million in. Our plan is to open one back-to-back shop and another back-to-back shop. It should be no problem to open 50 coffee shops by the end of the year." 50 stores, Of course they don't intend to open it all at once.

After all, their total capital is only 2000 million, and it is not enough to open 50 stores at one time.

"Yes, and when our business starts to improve next year, we can still let go of franchising. In this case, the task of opening 200 stores by the end of next year is still very likely to be achieved." Xiaoxuan and the others' plan is to put These 50 stores are used as living signs.

As long as they can succeed next year, there will definitely be many people who want to join them.

"Your investment is a bit unreliable." According to their plan, they can basically announce the failure of their business halfway.

Now they are all thinking on the Internet, and they are actually limited.

Of course, Su Wei can have Internet thinking because he already knows how Ruixing will play in the future.

"I know that it is really difficult to open 200 stores, but as long as I work hard, I believe I will succeed." At this time, Jiang Xuan still made a mistake.

Because Su Wei didn't dislike her opening the shop too fast, but disliked her too slow.

But this is the limitation of the times, because there is no chain coffee shop with more than 200 opened.

"Now it is May, until December at the end of the year, there are still 12 months in between. If you want to be successful, unless you can open 8 stores before the end of the year, and then open 1500 stores nationwide by July next year. store, this is a little bit of hope for success.”

 Take it, I don't know if I can pass it

(End of this chapter)

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