Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 328 I Recommend a Partner to You

Chapter 328 I Recommend You a Partner

"Now it is May, until December at the end of the year, there are still 12 months in between. If you want to be successful, unless you can open 8 stores before the end of the year, and then open 1500 stores nationwide by July next year. This is the only way to have a little hope of success.” In the current market, the winner takes all.

Luckin’s goal is to open 2000 stores this year.

And they already have a first-mover advantage, if they don't work harder.

The ending that awaits Chen Lu and the others is that they have nothing left of their 2000 million losses.

"It will open to 1500 stores by the end of this year? It's totally impossible." If Chen Lu's coffee shop opened to 200 stores next year, that's a dream.

Now Su Wei says that he will open 1500 stores by the end of this year, which is basically wishful thinking.

After all, site selection, recruitment, decoration, these are not simple things.

To open 1500 stores, thousands of employees will be recruited.

Moreover, it is difficult to keep people in the catering industry, so it may need to recruit [-] to [-] employees this year.

"It's definitely impossible. After all, we are running a directly-operated coffee shop, not the Shaxian snacks that you can join outside." Not to mention that Chen Lu thinks it's impossible, even Jiang Xuan thinks that Su Wei is talking about the Arabian Nights.

It is simply impossible to open 1500 stores in eight months.

Shaxian snacks can be successful because they are all joined by ordinary people spontaneously.

And their coffee shops are all invested by themselves.

"If you opened Shaxian snacks, I would definitely not ask you to open 1500 stores, because it is definitely impossible.

But if you open a coffee shop, it is entirely possible. After all, the decoration style of chain coffee shops is mainly simple, and when there are too many decorations in the later stage, a construction team may be able to decorate a shop in a few days.

And you have to change your thinking. In fact, coffee shops are no different from milk tea shops.

The milk tea shop can expand to thousands of stores a year, why can’t the coffee shop you opened?” Su Wei is playing this thing, which is now played by Ruixing Coffee.

They used money tactics from the beginning and opened their stores in big cities across the country.

Then the money is almost burned, so continue financing.

As long as money can be raised, they will keep burning.

Ruixing Coffee relied on financing and burning money, and it took more than a year to get listed.

"The cheapest milk tea is only a few yuan a cup, and the cheapest coffee in Starbucks costs more than 20 cups. If there are so many stores, there will not be so many customers coming to drink coffee." Jiang Xuan does not think milk tea shops , can be compared with a coffee shop.

Because the cost of the milk tea shop is too low, it is still profitable to sell it cheaply.

But the cost of coffee shops is much higher than that of milk tea, and the cost of a cup may cost more than ten yuan.

The price of a cup of coffee is more than 20-30, and the number of people who consume it is still relatively small.

Moreover, there are really not many people who drink coffee in China, and there may not be as many people who drink soy milk.

"Did people in our country drink milk tea before? Didn't they drink this thing, but you can see whether milk tea shops have opened all over the country in just a few years, and even many rural areas have milk tea shops." The milk tea is mainly sold to students at the school gate.

But later, the milk tea business was supported by capital, directly from the small shop opened in front of the school.

It has become a light luxury drink that can be driven into large shopping malls and office buildings.

The target group of milk tea has also expanded from students to the full coverage of people under the age of 40.

"Brother Su, what do you mean?" Jiang Xuan really didn't expect that Su Wei really has something.

Sure enough, it is a business that can earn hundreds of billions of super bosses.

For this kind of market that I may not understand at all, I can also draw inferences from one instance and express a lot of my own opinions.

And seeing how confident he is, he might be able to offer some professional advice.

"What I mean is very simple, that is to lower the current coffee price, and then use the price advantage to cultivate a large number of coffee lovers. I believe that within three years, the number of people who start drinking coffee in China will exceed 3 million." This is true of many things in China, such as Didi and Meituan.

They used the price advantage to change the living habits of Chinese people step by step.

As long as the price of coffee is low enough, it will definitely attract many people who have never had it before.

"Put the price down? If Ah Wei were you, how much do you plan to sell for a cup of coffee?" At the beginning, Chen Lu and Jiang Xuan's plan was to open a coffee shop with mid-to-high-end positioning.

But according to Su Wei, the price of this coffee may be much lower than that of Starbucks.

Because Starbucks has opened so many stores, the cost of their coffee is very low.

But even so, they cost more than ten yuan a cup.

So Chen Lu wanted to know how much Su Wei would sell for a cup of coffee.

"Now Starbucks costs an average of 30 yuan a cup, so I will give a discount for this coffee. I sell an average cup of coffee for 15 yuan. When I hold events, I sell this cup of coffee for 6 yuan. When I celebrate an anniversary, I sell a cup of coffee for 3 yuan." piece.

You said such a low price, will it take away a lot of customers who used to drink Starbucks and those who drink milk tea?" Su Wei remembered in his previous life that Luckin could buy a cup of coffee for just over one yuan when he held an event.

At this price, it is much cheaper than mineral water.

Later, Ruixing was able to get up because it often engaged in this kind of price war, which made it famous.

Su Wei remembered that when he crossed over, most of Luckin's stores had already started to make a profit.

"It can be done like this, but it's too expensive. We don't have that much money to burn. Why don't you invest in it?" Jiang Xuan understood as soon as she heard it. mode.

Through the early subsidy, and then seize the market to form a monopoly and then start harvesting users.

It is indeed easy to succeed in this way, but there is a problem here.

That is, there are financial groups behind Meituan, but there is no financial group behind them.

At this time, her gaze was on Su Wei who was talking eloquently.

Yes, there are consortiums behind Meituan and Didi, but there are also consortiums behind Chen Lu.

Isn't Su Wei now the biggest capital she can get in touch with?

Although her family also has money, they definitely wouldn't invest so much money in her.

After all, no one can say whether this project will be successful or not.

The most important thing is that her family is not ranked in the top circle at all.

But what Su Wei is saying now is so good, it is really very likely that he has studied it.

If you ask him to invest, maybe it will work.

"It's not impossible to find me to invest, but if you come to me now, even if I invest, I will directly compress your shares to a very small size. It's better for you to develop yourself for a while, and then I will come to buy shares." If Su Wei invests now, it will cost at least a few hundred million.

Jiang Xuan originally only invested 1000 million, and Chen Lu was his man.

In this case, it is likely that Jiang Xuan will fall behind and have no motivation to continue to work hard.

After all, her share is too small, and she can only make a little money unless the cake is super big.

And chain cafes may spend several years of money, and no one dares to guarantee 100% success.

"But if we want to meet your requirements, Brother Su, the conditions must not be very low. We really don't have that much money now." Jiang Xuan now has very little money in his hands.

The main reason is that her family doesn't support her, otherwise she wouldn't have to sell the car.

She started her business this time, of course she wanted to take Su Wei's car.

But if the investment exceeds [-] million, even if she goes back and bows her head, she won't be able to get that much money.

"My requirements are not high. As long as you can open [-] stores, I can invest a large amount of money in you, and I don't care about business, only the dividends in the later stage." Su Wei's request is really super good.

When Ruixing raised funds, it had already opened hundreds of stores.

Now that Su Wei only needs them to open [-] stores, the difficulty has been dropped several levels for them.

"Two hundred stores? The cost of one store is 50, which means we need [-] million? Ah Wei, can we have fewer stores?" Chen Lu settled the accounts, only to find that it cost [-] million.

Their current assets are only 2000 million.

Between 2000 million and 8000 million, but there is still a difference of [-] million.

If one billion is shared equally, she and Xiaoxuan have to invest 5000 million each.

"How about this, I'll show you the information of a company, you can take a look in the room, and you can discuss it by the way.

I happen to be hungry right now, so I'll go out to have a meal first, and come find me after you have a chat." Su Wei searched Ruixing's information directly for them on the computer.

He went out now, mainly to give them a time to think.

"Huh? There's already a coffee chain?"

. . . . . .

"Sister Chen, I didn't expect it. It turns out that someone has already walked in front of us. No wonder Brother Su doesn't like our proposal." Only then did Jiang Xuan know why Su Wei didn't like them opening 50 stores in eight months up.

Ruixing only started trial operation on January 1 this year, and has opened more than 1 stores so far.

According to their speed, Rui Xing will definitely be beaten on the ground by then.

After all, when the time comes, their brand will be louder than theirs, and the price will be more favorable than theirs.


"Yes, they have opened 500 stores now, and the goal by the end of the year is 2000 stores. If we open 50 stores, we will definitely be killed by them next year." For this coffee chain business, Chen Lu only thought that Jiang Xuan Her coffee is delicious.

If it is launched on the market, it will definitely make money.

But now that the capital has taken a fancy to this road, if they still follow the previous plan.

Then it might not last until the end of the year, and the two of them will lose all their money.

After Chen Lu read Ruixing's information, she was already a little discouraged.

"Sister Chen, I don't want to go home because I don't want to take over the business arranged by my family, so I plan to fight, will you help me?" Own company.

Even when she gets married, she may still be influenced by her family.

Because she is the only daughter in her family, her family has always wanted to find a son-in-law.

But she doesn't like visiting son-in-law, so she has been staying in Qiantang since she was in college.

She thinks Su Wei's suggestion this time is very good.

She has already planned to fight. If she succeeds, she will not be restrained by her family. If she fails, she will go back and bow her head.

"Xiaoxuan, how do you want to fight? I'll accompany you this time." Chen Lu was about to give up at first, and of course this sudden change was not without reason.

It turned out that Su Wei secretly sent her a message just now, telling her that he would provide the funds for the cafe.

Since Su Wei has the bottom line, then Chen Lu is still afraid of a fart.

"Sister Chen, if we want to continue to be a coffee chain, there is only one way.

That’s what Su Ge said, there are big cities across the country that have opened stores like Rui Xing.

But I have a problem now, that is, I can’t spend so much money.” If they want to fight Rui Xing, they have only one choice.

Just like Ruixing, they opened up their coffee shops in big cities across the country.

Because of coffee, people in big cities drink more.

Jiang Xuan decided to do it well, but she doesn't have that much money now.

"I can still take out more than 1000 million here. If it's not enough, I can ask Awei to get some. How much can you take out from Xiaoxuan? Let's calculate how much is left." Although Chen Lu has Su Wei's back, but she must only Give your share.

After all, this is a serious business, not a dinner party.

Now that the accounts are not settled, I may not even have friends in the future.

"If I go back and bow my head this time, I should be able to get out 2000 million. It might be a bit difficult to get more. Sister Chen, you said that if we recruit another shareholder, will we be able to raise this much money?" Chen said. Even if Lu could come up with 7000 million, Jiang Xuan would not agree.

Because in this case, it is no different from Su Wei's direct shareholding.

And if Su Wei invests more money later, she won't have many shares.

So Jiang Xuan's plan is to bring in another shareholder.

"Introduce another shareholder? That's not impossible"

. . . . . .

"Sister, you finally came out." Chen Yiyi now knows that Su Wei's brother-in-law is a big boss.

She was not pleasing to Su Wei just now, but now she is pleasing to Su Wei.

Sure enough, these women are born to worship the strong.

And after Su Wei came out of the study, he ignored Chen Yiyi at all.

But Chen Yiyi felt that the big boss should be like this.

"Lulu, you guys have been talking for so long? Don't you want to eat more?" Lan Ke originally told Su Wei that Chen Lu and Jiang Xuan planned to open a chain coffee shop.

The original intention was for Su Wei to persuade Chen Lu not to get involved in industries he didn't understand.

Who knew that after Su Wei heard this, he also felt that there was something wrong with this matter.

Also with the two of them, the four of them ran into the room to talk about things.

"I was full just now, and if I'm hungry, I'll have a supper tonight.

You sit down for a while, we have to talk to Ah Wei about something." Now that Chen Lu is pregnant, she already eats five meals a day.

Of course, it's not the kind of overeating, but a nutrition expert is specially invited to come up with recipes every day.

If it weren't for nutrition experts, how could she have eaten for so many days without gaining any fat.

"Well, after seeing Ruixing, do you have any ideas?" Su Wei saw Chen Lu and the others coming, and told Zhang Ruoyu not to peel the shrimp for him.

Knowing that the two of them came this time, they should have already made a decision.

"After reading Ruixing's information, I realized that we were really naive before." In four months, Ruixing has opened more than 500 stores across the country.

They are still thinking about opening 50 stores in eight months.

Now after Su Wei's call, and after reading Ruixing's information, she really felt refreshed.

"Then what are you going to do now? Give up?" Seeing Jiang Xuan's frustration, Su Wei thought she was planning to give up.

If they don't plan to do it, then Su Wei doesn't plan to take care of it.

After all, he can make suggestions, mainly due to Chen Lu's shareholding in it.

"I won't give up, I'm going to try my best." How could Jiang Xuan give up this opportunity.

After all, if she is successful in her career, then she will have more say in her life.

At that time, she might choose to move back to Shanghai to live.

"It's decided? Then your funds are all right?" Su Wei gave her Chen Lu's funds.

But he knew that Jiang Xuan must not be financially well-off now.

Otherwise, she would not switch from Rolls-Royce to the current Porsche.

"The funds are still not enough, but I plan to introduce a new shareholder, so that our money is almost enough to open 200 stores." Introducing a shareholder is not only enough money.

And if she and Chen Lu had conflicts later, there was someone who could act as a buffer.

"Are you going to introduce a new shareholder? Hey, I happen to have a friend who has some spare cash. If you have no choice, I can recommend her to you. Lulu also knows this person." Su Wei heard that Jiang Xuan wanted to introduce A new shareholder, isn't that just right.

Now that Li Jiawen has nothing to do every day, he can just put her here.

"Someone I know? Who is it?" Chen Lu thought for a while, but she didn't know who it was.

The main reason is people who can invest more than 3000 million yuan. There are really no such people around her.

"Li Jiawen"

(End of this chapter)

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