Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 329 The Partner Asked Me to Divide the Money

Chapter 329 My Partner Tells Me to Go Back and Divide the Money

"Hey, Jiawen, what are you doing?" Seeing that Chen Lu had no objection, Su Wei went to the master bedroom and called Li Jiawen.

Jiang Xuan didn't even need to ask her opinion, because she definitely wanted Li Jiawen to come.

After all, she wants to start a business now, but she doesn't have enough funds.

Multiple shareholders can make her company run smoothly, how could she not want to.

"Honey, I'm chatting with my ex-colleagues, why are you calling me at this hour today?" Li Jiawen's place to live today is the presidential suite of the Four Seasons Hotel.

This time she came back, it was called a homecoming.

After all, she used to be the housekeeper of the Presidential Suite of the Four Seasons Hotel, and now she can live here herself.

Many of her ex-colleagues who took a break came to her to contact her.

The reason why he didn't come to see her yesterday was because Li Jiawen didn't stay at the Four Seasons Hotel yesterday.

It's entirely because of Su Wei that I'm staying here today.

"I want to talk to you, find a quiet place first." Although Su Wei was separated by the phone, he could hear the voices of a group of women talking next to him.

Originally, Li Jiawen didn't plan to live in Four Seasons today, because she didn't think it was necessary to be so high-profile.

But Su Wei saw through her at a glance, knowing that she definitely wanted to live in the Four Seasons Hotel.

So Su Wei deliberately took them to the Four Seasons Hotel, and even gave her a presidential suite.

It was the presidential suite she managed when she was the housekeeper.

"Okay, I'm coming to the room, husband, what do you want to ask me for?" Li Jiawen came to the Four Seasons Hotel today, and he really felt that things were different.

Because the people I met along the way, no matter whether they have a good relationship with her or not.

Anyway, all of them are greeted with smiles, and there is no intention of neglecting at all.

"You were boring before, so this time I found something for you to do." Li Jiawen's previous life was only survival, but no life at all.

So let her relax, she will be more flustered.

This time he will let Li Jiawen be the shareholder, one is that the fat and water will not flow to outsiders.

After all, if they really opened up to [-] stores, Su Wei would definitely invest a lot of money.

Although Su Wei doesn't like the money from coffee chains, why let others make money if he can make his own woman.

The second one is Chen Lu's place. In fact, she has always been very concerned about Li Jiawen, but she has never told Su Wei about it.

She thought Su Wei didn't know, but Su Wei is not a fool, how could he really not know.

Before, he just pretended that there was no such thing.

But this problem will have to be solved sooner or later, so this time it just happened to bring them together to work together.

Li Jiawen has such a good personality, Su Wei believes that as long as they get in touch, Chen Lu will definitely be able to reconcile with Li Jiawen.

The last point is that he doesn't want the women around him to lose touch with society.

"What's the matter? Could it be that you want to open a hotel?" Li Jiawen heard that Su Wei had found a job for her, and his first reaction was that Su Wei was going to open a hotel.

After all, she worked in a hotel before, and she was also in the hotel industry.

As for other industries, she doesn't understand at all.

"It's not opening a hotel, what am I doing with that.

This time, Chen Lu is going to open a coffee chain store in partnership with someone, but the other party's money is not enough, so I plan to add another shareholder, and I plan to let you in." Su Wei is now opening a hotel, unless his mind is trapped by the door almost.

After all, at the beginning of the 20th century, he could clearly see the bleakness of the hotel industry.

The most important thing is that unless you can create a high-end brand to be a hotel.

Otherwise, if it is a pure franchise, all the profits earned will be taken away by the brand side.

How could Su Wei do it if he worked so hard to invest so much money and ended up earning a lot of hard money.

But after a few years, you can get some shares in high-end hotel brands.

"With Sister Chen? Open a chain coffee shop? Husband, are you sure?" Li Jiawen was completely dumbfounded when she heard that she was asked to join Chen Lu's company as a shareholder.

After all, when she and Su Wei got together, she was the butler in the Four Seasons presidential suite.

In other words, she fell in love with Su Wei under Chen Lu's nose.

If she goes, can Chen Lu agree?

And they run a chain of coffee shops, she doesn't know anything about that.

"There's nothing uncertain about it. If you decide to go, I'll tell them." If Su Wei doesn't get married, then it's impossible for him to have an official palace here.

Since none of them have a main palace, these women are all equal in his eyes.

If Chen Lu was unwilling at the time, he would definitely choose someone else.

Since Chen Lu didn't explicitly express his objection, he must find Li Jiawen.

"Although I haven't been in the coffee shop business, I can study, but I'm afraid that sister Chen won't like it." Li Jiawen also knew that she and Su Wei felt very sorry for Chen Lu.

But at that time, she couldn't refuse.

Fortunately, she didn't refuse at that time, otherwise, how could she have the current life.

Moreover, Su Wei was not married after all, and Chen Lu did not become the main palace either.

Then, whoever said that the position of the main palace could not be her.

"I've already talked to Chen Lu, and she didn't object." Although Su Wei knew that Chen Lu must be feeling a little uncomfortable, he believed that Chen Lu and Li Jiawen would get better.

Su Wei's purpose this time is to let Chen Lu untie this knot.

"Since Sister Chen has no objection, then I have no objection.

Husband, how big is the investment in this coffee shop chain? "Chen Lu has no objection, so Li Jiawen has no objection either.

After all, she is not a person who can be idle, and she also wants to have her own career.

"It's not very big. It's enough for one of you to invest 3000 million in the early stage. If three people add up to 9000 million, this company can be opened." If 9000 million and [-] stores cannot be opened, then Su Wei will definitely Will not continue to invest.

After all, this can only represent that Jiang Xuan and the others have no talent for doing business at all.

As for the 6000 million invested in, Su Wei regarded it as nothing.

"3000 million? So much? But I don't have that much money?" Li Jiawen didn't expect that it would cost 3000 million to be a shareholder this time.

She thought just a few million would be enough.

The money Li Jiawen is using now is the card that Su Wei gave her.

The limit of this card is 200 million, but she can't come up with 3000 million.

"You don't have it, but your husband does. I will help you pay for it." Su Wei asked Li Jiawen to be a shareholder, and it is definitely impossible for her to pay for it.

And it was the same with Chen Lu, all the money was paid by Su Wei.

"Thank you husband, I knew you were the best." When Li Jiawen hurried out of the village at the beginning of the year, she never thought that she would have today.

Not only did she live in a luxury house and drive a luxury car, but Su Wei also gave her 3000 million to start a business.

"I will give you this money, but there is a condition, that is, my relationship with you cannot be exposed." Su Wei has ideas for Jiang Xuan, and if he had no ideas, he would not have invested so much money.

It doesn't matter whether you do it alone or let your own woman do the job, why bother to find Jiang Xuan.

"Don't worry, I won't say anything"

. . . . . .

"What's wrong with Sister Chen? It seems that you are not in a good mood?" When Su Wei said Li Jiawen, Jiang Xuan collapsed upon seeing Chen Lu's face.

She knew that there should be a grudge between Chen Lu and this Li Jiawen.

And in this grievance, Chen Lu should have the upper hand, otherwise she wouldn't have such an expression.

"It's nothing, maybe the fetus kicked me just now." Chen Lu really didn't expect that Su Wei would push Li Jiawen over.

At that time, she thought about it for a long time, but in the end she still had no clear objection.

After all, Su Wei invested 6000 million this time, and may have to invest several hundred million later.

What does this mean? It means that Su Wei is very optimistic about this industry.

So at this time, Chen Lu must not play childish temper.

"That's right, I thought you didn't want the person introduced by Brother Su to be a shareholder." Of course Jiang Xuan didn't believe Chen Lu's words, but she stopped asking if Chen Lu didn't tell her.

This time she started a business, but she took this matter as the only bargaining chip to get rid of the family's control.

She was not at all interested in the grievances between Chen Lu and Li Jiawen.

As long as Chen Lu didn't explicitly object, she would happily play dumb.

"How could it be? I do know Li Jiawen, and she is quite a nice person." Since Su Wei is optimistic about this business, Chen Lu must be more sensible.

After all, so much money has been invested, it's no joke.

The most important thing for her now is to give birth to a son.

As long as her son comes out, she will not panic.

"Really? Then I'm relieved. Fortunately, Brother Su introduced Li Jiawen this time. Otherwise, I would still be worried about who to be a shareholder." Jiang Xuan knows many wealthy second generations in Shanghai and Qiantang, and some of them have good relationships. many.

But if you can come up with 3000 million cash, then there will be none.

After all, they didn't inherit the family property, so how could the family give them so much money.

In fact, when Jiang Xuan went back this time, she wondered if she could get the money.

"Li Jiawen is coming to be a shareholder? What's the situation?" Seeing Su Wei going upstairs again, Lan Ke thought it was the end of their conversation.

When she walked to the restaurant, she heard Jiang Xuan talking about Li Jiawen's coming to be a shareholder.

Who Li Jiawen is, she, Lan Ke, knows it all too well.

After all, when Li Jiawen was the housekeeper, she slept in the presidential suite.

"Sister Lan, do you know Li Jiawen too?" Jiang Xuan's face was full of disdain when she saw Lan Ke mentioning Li Jiawen.

This made Jiang Xuan more and more curious about Li Jiawen.

"Of course I know her. This woman, this woman is not a simple person. Why did you find her as a shareholder?" Lan Ke just planned to scold Li Jiawen to vent her anger on her best friend.

In the end, Chen Lu kicked her under the table, and she could only hold back her words of scolding.

"Didn't I show you our previous plan, we plan to open 50 stores this year.

As a result, we found out today that a capital has already entered the chain coffee industry, and they have expanded more than 500 stores in just four months." Jiang Xuan's store design drawings are all blue. Ke asked someone to design it.

Although she didn't invest, she really helped Jiang Xuan and the others a lot.

So Jiang Xuan really shared a lot of things with Lan Ke.

"Is it that Rui Xing? I know them. They are so aggressive in opening stores." Chen Yiyi, who followed Lan Ke, heard their conversation.

She knows a coffee shop that is opening rapidly.

Downstairs from their company, they recently opened a new Ruixing coffee shop.

I remember that when they opened a store to hold activities, the price of a cup of ground iron was only 5 yuan.

"It's them. There is capital behind them. If we want to succeed, we can only increase investment, otherwise we will definitely fail and they will go bankrupt." Jiang Xuan regards the chain coffee shop as her own business.

If she didn't have the capital to help, then she would definitely quit.

As for the hundreds of thousands spent to start the company in the early stage, it should be regarded as a lesson spent on money.

Who told them to open a store in a hurry without doing market research.

"But sister Xiaoxuan, didn't you say that they have capital behind them, so do you have a chance of winning?" The conditions in Chen Yiyi's family are ordinary people.

For this kind of business matter, it is not helpful at all.

So she was very curious, the other party has the power of capital, why her cousin and the others still rushed forward.

"Are you stupid? Ruixing has capital behind, and Lulu also has capital behind." Lan Ke saw that the other party had capital, but Jiang Xuan and the others still dared to rush.

Knowing that someone must have given them confidence, otherwise they would run into capital, and it would be a dead end.

"Who? Could it be brother-in-law?" At this time, Chen Yiyi also came to her senses, yes, how dare they bump into this situation.

If Lan Ke's words were correct, it was probably her brother-in-law who spoke.

"Yes, it's your brother-in-law." Without Su Wei's words, how dare Chen Lu and the others continue to do this.

After all, the opposite side is capital, and they took hundreds of millions to burn it in the early stage, and ordinary people are not afraid of it.

"So it was my brother-in-law who spoke, no wonder you guys have the confidence"

. . . . . .

"Brother Su, did that friend of yours agree to participate in the shares?" Jiang Xuan hurriedly asked Su Wei when he saw Su Wei coming down the stairs.

The person who cares most about this matter here may be her.

"Don't worry, she has already agreed." Su Weibai gave Li Jiawen 3000 million shares. She has no reason to be unwilling.

Not to mention asking her to meet Chen Lu, even asking her to fight Chen Lu, she might be willing.

"Sister Chen and I, do you want to go to Shanghai to meet our partner?" Now that the other party agreed, Jiang Xuan planned to quickly ask the other party to sign the contract.

After all, she was asked to invest 3000 million yuan, and she was afraid that the other party would regret it.

Only after signing the contract can Jiang Xuan's heart be relieved.

And with the contract, she can go home and ask for money.

"No, she's in Qiantang right now. If you want to see her so much, I'll arrange for you to meet in the morning tomorrow." Su Wei has something to do tomorrow afternoon, so he can only arrange for them to meet in the morning.

He will go back to Shanghai tomorrow afternoon, and he will meet Fan Wenqi at that time.

"Are you going back tomorrow?" When Chen Lu heard that Su Wei arranged the meeting in the morning, she knew that he should be going back to Shanghai tomorrow.

Originally, she thought that Su Wei would stay with her for a few more days, but now it seems impossible.

"I made a lot of money this time, and my partner will ask me to go back and share the money tomorrow."

(End of this chapter)

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