Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 330 It's Too Unfortunate

Chapter 330 It's Too Unfortunate

"Brother-in-law, why did you come out?" Chen Yiyi was staring at the Qiantang River in a daze when she heard someone coming down from upstairs.

When she looked back, it was indeed her super rich brother-in-law.

This time she came to Chen Lu, the cousin, and really saw what the upper class is like.

She really didn't expect that her cousin's second marriage could marry so well.

It was only when she listened to their conversation before that she realized how awesome her new brother-in-law was.

She was lying on the bed just now, but couldn't fall asleep after tossing and turning.

The main reason is that this house is too luxurious, which irritates her a bit.

"I can't sleep and come out for a walk, how about you, why don't you sleep?" Su Wei planned to find Lan Ke after Chen Lu fell asleep.

Except for Jiang Xuan who lived in her own home among the five girls, Zhang Ruoyu, Lan Ke and Chen Yiyi all slept at Chen Lu's place.

Chen Lu is pregnant now, and Su Wei can't find her even if he needs it.

He doesn't want to touch Zhang Ruoyu now, mainly because he thinks the time is not ripe.

Chen Yiyi definitely couldn't touch the two remaining women in the house.

Not to mention the relationship between her and Chen Lu, the main reason is that he is not familiar with her.

Then the rest is Lan Ke, who happens to live on the first floor, and everyone else sleeps on the second floor.

At that time, Su Wei thought that it would happen that no one would find out, but he ran into Chen Yiyi just as he went downstairs.

"It was the first time I lived in such a luxurious place, and I couldn't sleep.

Brother-in-law, I'm really sorry today, I misunderstood you as a little boy who eats soft food." Chen Yiyi wanted to apologize to Su Wei a long time ago, but never found the opportunity.

It happened to be just the two of them now, and she sincerely apologized to Su Wei.

"It's okay, if you think I'm a jerk, at least it proves that I'm good-looking." Su Wei was really not angry at all when he heard someone call him a jerk.

Not only is this not a curse, but Su Wei thinks it is a compliment.

After all, for an ugly person, who would call him a jerk.

"Brother-in-law, can I ask you a question, how did you and my sister meet?" Chen Yiyi was really curious about Su Wei and her cousin.

Because the relationship between them developed too fast, Fatty Huang died only after Chinese New Year.

And now it's May, only three months away from the Chinese New Year.

In this way, her cousin probably was with Su Wei before Fatty Huang died.

Now that the client is here, she happens to ask him.

"Your sister and I? I met your sister through buying a car." Su Wei did meet Chen Lu when he bought a car. At that time, he went to buy his Porsche 918.

When he saw Chen Lu for the first time in the car dealership, he could barely walk.

Originally, Su Wei just wanted to have fun with Chen Lu, just like the relationship between Zuo Qing and him.

Unexpectedly, the development of the situation became like this, and the two actually had a child.

It was also because of Chen Lu that now Su Wei always carried 001 with him.

"We met because we bought a car? Is the car that made you acquainted still still there?" After hearing what Su Wei said, Chen Yiyi knew what was going on between the two of them.

We met when we bought a car, so it was when Fatty Huang was still alive.

She really didn't expect her cousin to be such a person.

"That Porsche 918 is still there. After your sister gives birth to the child, I will give the car to her." Su Wei really planned to give that Porsche 918 to Chen Lu.

The main reason is that he doesn't drive that car himself, and it hasn't broken 100 kilometers yet.

When Chen Yiyi mentioned this matter today, he realized that the car had not been driven for a long time.

Since he didn't open it, he might as well get rid of it.

"Brother-in-law, if you can't sleep, would you like to drink some wine? I know that my sister has the top-quality red wine here. It happens that you are here, otherwise I dare not open it." Chen Yiyi knew what happened to Su Wei and Chen Lu. After getting to know each other, I had some thoughts of my own in my heart.

Mainly her cousin's life, she also thought about it.

"There is still top-quality red wine here? You bring it here, let's drink some." Su Wei is not a fool, and he still can't see through Chen Yiyi's thoughts.

But he doesn't care, anyway, this kind of door-to-door delivery is not for nothing.

He wouldn't show mercy to her just because she was Chen Lu's cousin.

"Brother-in-law, I brought this wine, but I dare not drive it. Brother-in-law gave you the Seahorse Sword, so you can drive it." When Chen Yiyi went to get the wine just now, she checked the Porsche 918.

It turned out that this car cost more than 1000 million.

She strengthened her determination for what she was going to do next.

"What kind of top red wine is this? It's just Lafite in 2010. This wine doesn't cost much. If you like to drink it, I'll give you some Romanee-Conti next time." Su Wei went to London this time, planning to buy a batch of wine back for drink.

The main reason is that there are too many fake wines in China, and the wines of many wineries are fake.

Buying fake wine with real money can't be done often.

Otherwise, the next time you drink real wine, you will think you have drunk fake wine.

"Really? Then brother-in-law, can I add you as a friend, I happen to be in Shanghai too." Chen Yiyi has heard of Romanee-Conti and knows that this is the top red wine.

I didn't expect her brother-in-law to be so generous that he would give her a few bottles.

"cough cough"

"What a coincidence, if I don't have a girlfriend next time, I can just call you for help." Su Wei originally planned to take Chen Yiyi down tonight, but Lan Ke in the next room coughed.

Su Wei knew that this was a warning to himself, he could only let Chen Yiyi go first.

"Then it's settled, brother-in-law, I'll toast you." Chen Yiyi also heard coughing, which frightened her a lot.

But thinking about it later, she and Su Wei didn't do anything, so why be afraid.

Chen Yiyi didn't know that if Lan Ke hadn't coughed just now, Su Wei might have dragged her to the room.


. . . . . .

The next day.

"Honey, then I'll leave Jiawei to you." Li Jiawen asked Su Wei to take Li Jiawei away first this time because she didn't want Li Jiawei to meet Chen Lu and the others.

After all, what if Chen Lu said something to Li Jiawei after they met.

At that time, Li Jiawei will know that her sister is actually a mistress.

But she couldn't help but meet, after all, Su Wei gave her 3000 million as a shareholder.

It happened that Su Wei was going back to Shanghai, so of course she entrusted Li Jiawei to Su Wei.

For Su Wei, she is still very relieved, because he is very reliable in his work.

"Don't worry, you don't have to worry about leaving Jiawei to me.

Jiawei, let's go." Su Wei received a call from Li Jiawen early this morning, asking him if he would return to Shanghai today.

Then of course he will come back, after all, he didn't eat meat all day yesterday.

He is not a vegetarian, and it is not bad to be hungry for a day.

"Brother-in-law, let's go back to Shanghai first, so we won't wait for my sister?" Li Jiawei originally just accompanied her elder sister to offer incense at Lingyin Temple in Qiantang.

As a result, her sister has to stay in Qiantang all the time, and she can only go back to Shanghai alone.

But the problem is that she already bought the ticket last night, and she is still waiting to fly to the mountain city at noon.

"Don't wait for her, she will stay in Qiantang to discuss business this time." Su Wei wished that Li Jiawen would not be here, so that he and Li Jiawei could be alone together.

During this time, the two of them have been inseparable.

Su Wei wanted to be alone with Li Jiawei for a while, but he didn't have the chance.

"My sister will stay in Qiantang for a while this time. When you go to the airport, ask your brother-in-law to see you off." Of course Li Jiawen knows what is the most important thing now.

Su Wei gave her 3000 million as a shareholder this time, and she must not live up to Su Wei's expectations.

For such a trivial matter as Li Jiawei going to the airport, she would not go there in person.

"If my brother-in-law is not free, I can take a taxi to the airport by myself." Although Li Jiawei said so, if she was really asked to go by herself, she would definitely panic.

After all, she only stayed in the small town before, and had no contact with the outside world.

Coming to Shanghai this time really gave her a feeling of time travel.

"Jiawen, don't be afraid when we discuss the contract later, I'll stand behind you." Su Wei sent Li Jiawen over this time, still thinking about letting her exercise herself.

After all, this kind of start-up company is the most tempered.

"I'm not afraid, call me when you get to Shanghai"

. . . . . .

"Boss Su, then I'll get off first." The reason why Zhang Ruoyu got off first was very simple, because she had to go back and change her clothes.

Tonight, Fan Wenqi invited Su Wei to dinner.

This meal is not a private gathering of the few of them.

And Zhang Ruoyu's coat was still the one she wore yesterday.

"We have dinner with Fan Wenqi at 6 o'clock, so don't be late." Su Wei didn't know how many people Fan Wenqi had called tonight.

Fan Wenqi just told him to dress more formally at night.

So not only Li Jiawen had to go home to change clothes, but Su Wei also had to go back and change later.

"I know, bye Mr. Su, bye Ms. Li." After Zhang Ruoyu finished speaking, she walked towards the basement of Gubei No. [-].

The main reason is that Su Wei and the others are going to the Maoming Mansion of Kaide first, and her Rolls-Royce Phantom is still parked at Gubei No. [-].

"Bye bye sister Zhang"

. . . . . .

"Let's go, Jiawei, let's go up." When Su Wei spoke, he had already taken Li Jiawei's hand to get on the elevator.

It's been a long time since I touched Li Jiawei's hand, and it feels like her hand is still so slippery.

"Brother-in-law, don't be like this, this is in the elevator." When Li Jiawei just got off the car, she was still in a daze.

It wasn't until she got into the elevator that she came back to her senses.

My own hand was held by my brother-in-law.

That wasn't his bodyguard just now, they all saw it.

"What's the matter, I'm just holding your hand, and there's no one in the elevator, you don't like me holding your hand?" Su Wei was actually holding Li Jiawei's hand, and he was also panicked.

After all, Li Jiawen lived here for a month, who knows if she knows any neighbors.

"I like it, but it's not good to be seen by others. After all, my sister lives here." Li Jiawei's feelings for Su Wei are actually very complicated.

After all, he is her brother-in-law and the one who took away her first kiss.

"Okay, I can only listen to you. I can kiss you when I get to the room." Su Wei saw that he was hurrying up, and let go of Li Jiawei's hand.

After all, this is not one household per ladder, but there are neighbors here.

"I'm going to open the door. What are you doing? Wait until the neighbor sees it." Li Jiawei didn't answer Su Wei's words, but hurriedly unlocked the door with her fingerprint.

Just as she opened the door, Su Wei hugged her in from behind.

"I haven't seen you for several days, I miss you so much." Su Wei put his arms around Li Jiawei's waist, and carried her into the house.

He closed the door with his foot, then turned her head and kissed her.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, you miss my sister, you didn#[-];t even call me" during the period when li jiawei came to the magic city, su wei only sent her wechat messages.

Finally, her cell phone rang, and it turned out that it was basically her family who called her.

And the phone call she most wanted to receive, turned out to be none.

"I don't dare to call you, who wants you and your sister to be inseparable all the time?" Calling Li Jiawei in front of Li Jiawen, Su Wei didn't want to challenge such a high difficulty.

After all, his relationship with Li Jiawei has not reached that point yet.

If Li Jiawen was really angry, he would lose three women.

"Okay brother-in-law, it's okay. I don't have enough time if you do this again. I have to pack my things now and catch the plane at 12 o'clock at noon." Seeing Su Wei kissing him again, Li Jiawei quickly surrendered.

Although she likes to kiss Su Wei, she has to catch a plane today.

If she had known this was the case earlier, she would have chosen the trip at 2 o'clock in the afternoon.

"It's not easy. If you go back in my private jet today, you can still sleep on the plane." It is impossible for Su Wei to let Li Jiawei go today, after all, he already let go of his sister-in-law yesterday.

Moreover, the smell on Li Jiawei's body has been stimulating his hormones.

Su Wei couldn't bear it anymore, and he didn't want to bear it anymore.

"Brother-in-law, don't be like this, I'm afraid." Li Jiawei really never thought that it would become like this today.

In fact, before she came up, she also thought about what would happen next.

But at the time, she thought that the most Su Wei would do was kiss her.

And she was actually mentally prepared to kiss Su Wei.

But looking at Su Wei's appearance, it seems that he is a little dissatisfied with just kissing.

"There's nothing to be afraid of, haven't we kissed before?" Every time Su Wei kissed Li Jiawei, he felt like he was playing hide-and-seek.

The main thing is Li Jiawei's snake head, which is too flexible and likes to move around.

Every time Su Wei wants to catch her, it takes a lot of trouble.

"Ah, brother-in-law, why did you take off all your clothes?" Li Jiawei was dazed by Su Wei's kiss, and opened her eyes to see that Su Wei had taken off all his clothes.

For the first time, she knew that the body of an adult male looked like this.

"I've shown it to you, don't you want to show it to me too.

Don't worry, I will be responsible for you, don't you like me?" After Su Wei took off his clothes, he went to take off Li Jiawei's clothes.

Although Li Jiawei was resisting, her strength of resistance was really small.

But when Su Wei was about to take off her pants, her resistance suddenly became stronger.

"It's not that I don't want to, but it's my aunt who came." Li Jiawei's aunt came last night.

That's why when Su Wei took off her pants, she grabbed them tightly.

After all, it would be a shame if this was seen.

"Then what should I do, I feel so uncomfortable now." At this time, Su Wei really felt that he had no love in his life.

Why did Li Jiawei come to be my aunt at this time.

"When my sister came to my aunt, how did she help you?" Li Jiawei seemed really sad when she saw Su Wei's expression.

I can only muster up the courage and want to ask my sister what she would do in this situation.

"Your sister, come and let me tell you." Seeing that things were like this, Su Wei could only settle for the next best thing.

Then he told Li Jiawei another way to get the knife out of its sheath.

"Really? Brother-in-law, you didn't lie to me, did you?" Li Jiawei couldn't believe it when she heard it just now.

The main reason is that she has never seen that kind of movie in all these years.

"How could I lie to you, that's how your sister helped me"

"Brother-in-law, are you really suffering?"

“really uncomfortable”

"Well, that's just this time"

 let me pass

(End of this chapter)

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