Chapter 333

"President Su, your seat is here, please follow me." Fan Wenqi was not around, so Zhou Xiaoyu acted as the introducer.

She took Su Wei to get to know all the leaders of the garment factory and Huxing.

Seeing that his boss hadn't come back, he could only bring Su Wei back to his seat.

"Why did you President Fan go? Why didn't you see her?" Of course Su Wei knew that Fan Wenqi went to see Jin Yi.

After all, when Jin Yi was down there, she reported that she was invited by the host of the banquet.

The banquet on the second floor was only held by Fan Wenqi.

"Mr. Fan, she is going to meet someone, and she will be back soon. Mr. Su, your seat is here." Zhou Xiaoyu is Fan Wenqi's secretary, of course she knows that her boss has troubles recently.

She wanted to help her a little bit, but her boss wouldn't tell her anything.

Zhou Xiaoyu didn't dare to ask, because she knew that if she asked, she would definitely be scolded.

"Hello, Mr. Su." Zhou Xiaoyu arranged for Su Wei to be in the first row at the front.

There are already five girls sitting in this seat.

When they saw Su Wei coming, they immediately got up to say hello to Su Wei.

"We're not here just to eat today, are we?" Su Wei looked at the seats arranged for him, and found that the five girls were all very good-looking.

This made him completely confused today. He didn't know what Fan Wenqi meant.

"Of course not, Mr. Fan called several singers over this time, and we will have a lottery." Fan Wenqi got rich this time, so she must give out some prizes.

After all, she brought so many employees from Kyoto, she must reward them.

Moreover, she will be in charge of Huxing in the future, and she will also let the people in the garment factory and Huxing see her generosity.

So this time, she specially invited a large number of singers to come to the platform in order to make the party more important.

Although the price they came to sing this time was not high, and they were basically discounted, they still spent several million to go out.

"President Su, President Fan is here."

. . . . . .

"Miss Fan, can you take a look at me like this?" Jin Yi's makeup skills, although not super professional.

But just to cover up the fingerprints, there are still many ways.

She just used one casually to cover up all the fingerprints.

"Wow, this is too amazing, I really can't see the finger prints on the face at all." Fan Wenqi took a closer look and found that the finger prints really couldn't be seen.

Although Fan Wenqi is a woman, her make-up skills are in a mess.

And she herself doesn't like makeup very much, she thinks it's too girly.

When going to an event or a banquet, she always asks a makeup artist or Zhou Xiaoyu to help her make up.

"Then I'm like this now, so I shouldn't have to leave." If Jin Yi hadn't wanted to avenge Su Wei, she wouldn't have worked so hard.

After so long, her face is still burning with pain.

One can imagine how hard those bodyguards beat him just now.

"You've turned into this now, of course you don't have to leave. After I get to know you and Su Wei, your task today is to get me drunk." Wei help.

She might feel sorry for him, but she really had no choice.

Of course, he is so rich, which is also the reason why she came to him.

"But will he drink with me? After all, I offended him in the parking lot." Jin Yi could hide the fingerprints on her face, but she couldn't hide her own face.

She was in the underground parking lot just now, but she met Su Wei face to face.

She was afraid that she would be chased away by Su Wei after she went in.

At that time, the makeup on her face will be whitened.

And it's not only the whitening of the makeup, but also the embarrassment of the face.

"Don't worry, I'll be there when the time comes." Fan Wenqi came to Jin Yi today because she was looking for her to have a drink with Su Wei.

There are many powerful people in the entertainment circle, but it's rare to see this kind of good-looking people who can drink well.

So when Fan Wenqi knew that there was such a person, she immediately contacted her company.

"Then after I get him drunk, what will you do next, Mr. Fan?" Jin Yi wanted to know how this Mr. Fan planned to retaliate against Su Wei.

According to her idea, of course it would be best if Su Wei was also beaten up.

But her idea is obviously a bit too unrealistic.

"This is the room card for the presidential suite on the 87th floor of the Grand Hyatt. You can just help him into the room." Fan Wenqi took out the room card and handed it to Jin Yi.

It was impossible for her to tell Jin Yi about her plan.

After all, who is she, just an actress.

As long as she says a word, she can be blocked immediately.

"Mr. Fan, am I taking revenge on him by sleeping with him? You are too contemptuous of him." Seeing Fan Wenqi handing her the room card, Jin Yi thought she was asking her to sleep with Su Wei.

This made her a little brain congested. Although she has been slept by many people, this is not a reason to humiliate her.

"Don't get me wrong, I didn't ask you to sleep with him, I just asked you to take him to the room.

There are more than ten bodyguards around him, do you think there is a way to get revenge on him without finding him a place alone? "Although Fan Wenqi looked down on Jin Yi, she really didn't ask her to sleep with Su Wei.

She just called Jin Yi, trying to get Su Wei drunk and dragged to the room.

Who knew that Jin Yi had misunderstood herself, and even got angry for nothing.

"Won't ask me to sleep with him? Then I'm fine."

. . . . . .

"President Su, you know the people from the garment factory and Shanghai Star, right?" Fan Wenqi took Jin Yi into the hall after seeing that Jin Yi was fine.

Many young company employees saw Jinyi and greeted Jinyi.

If it wasn't for the presence of the boss Fan Wenqi, they would all have wanted to take a group photo.

"I already know each other, but why did you go there just now?" When Su Wei spoke, he looked behind her.

He recognized this woman, and she was indeed the female star who was beaten by his bodyguards before.

"I just went to pick up someone outside. Let me introduce you. This is the big star Jin Yi. Mr. Su should know her. The person I just picked up is her." When Fan Wenqi saw Su Wei saw Jin Yi, she It doesn't matter anymore.

In order to make the plan a success tonight, she not only arranged for Jin Yi to drink Su Wei's wine.

Fan Wenqi also put some of the most beautiful girls in the company to sit with Su Wei.

If Jin Yi can't do it, she will let these women go up and drink Su Wei wine.

And she also hinted at many subordinates, asking them to toast Mr. Su with a few more glasses of wine later.

She is going all out today, no matter what, she must drink Su Wei down.

"Who doesn't know the big star Jin Yi, we just met in the basement?" How could Su Wei not know Jin Yi, after all she was slapped by Liu Qiang.

But when he looked at her face, he didn't see any fingerprints.

He frowned, thinking that Liu Qiang was showing mercy.

"Boss Su, I was really sorry just now. I didn't discipline my subordinates well. How about this? I'll toast you three glasses of wine to apologize to Boss Su." On the way here, Jin Yi already knew that Su Wei, a billionaire, identity of.

If she had known earlier, she might have opted out directly.

But now that she has come, there is no way to turn back.

"Drink three glasses of white wine? Yes, then you can drink it, as long as you drink it, then our grievances will be wiped out." Su Wei looked at the small white wine glass in front of him, there was almost one or two glasses.

If she really drinks three drinks, Su Wei can't forgive her.

After all, he was not the one who was beaten, and there was no pressure on him to reconcile.

"President Su, this is the first cup." Jin Yi held a poured white wine, and first signaled to Su Wei.

Then he raised his head and drank it in one gulp.

"Continue" Seeing Jin Yi drink the baijiu in one gulp, Su Wei admired her a little.

After all, he couldn't even drink this white wine.

It's mainly because Su Wei doesn't like the taste of liquor.

"Boss Su, this is the second glass." After Jin Yi finished the first glass, she picked up the second glass directly.

To her, this drink was nothing more than a trifle.

"It's interesting." Su Wei didn't expect that this Jinyi could drink.

It seems that she drank these three glasses of wine for a small reason.

"President Su, this is the third glass. After drinking it, I hope that what happened to us in the underground parking lot will be as if it never happened." After Jin Yi finished speaking, she immediately finished the third glass of wine .

She only hoped that the conflict between Fan Wenqi and Su Wei would be less.

Otherwise, she could only run away and go abroad.

"Since it's what I said, it must mean something. Is there any red wine here? I'm going to drink a few more glasses with Miss Jin today." Su Wei doesn't drink white wine, he is more used to drinking red wine.

It's mainly liquor, which is too spicy for my throat.

"Boss Su, if you want other things, there may not be any here, but you can have as much red wine as you want." Zhou Xiaoyu had already rushed to get the red wine immediately when Su Wei was speaking.

Although she didn't know what Jin Yi wanted to do, she knew it must be arranged by her boss.

"Boss Su, why did you just drink red wine when I drank three glasses of white wine just now?" Jin Yi also accepted it, this Su Wei is too a thief.

Let me drink white wine as a woman, but he drinks red wine as a man.

"I can't drink white wine, so I can only drink red wine. Do you want to drink red wine too?" Su Wei poured a third of the red wine into his red wine glass while speaking.

He already realized that something was wrong, but he didn't realize what was wrong.

"Then I'll drink wine with you, Mr. Su, but I want to have a drink with you, Mr. Su." If she hadn't been beaten, she might really seduce Su Wei.

After all, Su Wei's worth is more than 1000 billion.

But it can't work now, because she wants to complete Fan Wenqi's task.

If she was disobedient, she might have offended these two big bosses at the same time.

"Okay, then let's have a drink." Jin Yi's appearance is indeed acceptable.

After all, those who can carry the big screen are basically not bad in appearance.

"Boss Su, you drank with the big star, do you want to have a drink with me too?" Fan Wenqi had already made up her mind today to get Su Wei drunk.

For this purpose, she did not hesitate to persuade her to drink herself.

"It's true that this is the first time I've had a drink with Mr. Fan. Come on, I respect you." Su Wei thought for a while, and he had never had a drink with Fan Wenqi.

He picked up the cup and had sex with Fan Wenqi,

"It's the first time you have dinner with President Su, don't you toast to President Su?" Fan Wenqi saw that Su Wei started to drink, and she began to invite other girls at the table to also toast.

After all, Su Wei went to the bar to drink every day, and she was afraid that Jin Yi would not be able to beat Su Wei by drinking alone.

"Mr. Su, I'm Yang Rong from Shanghai Star, and I offer you a glass of wine"

"Mr. Su, I am also a star, my name is Wang Lin"

. . . . . .

"Boss Su, you're already drunk, let me help you to rest." Jin Yi drank white wine, and then drank another bottle of red wine.

Now she walks shaky.

But she was drunk like this, and Su Wei next to her was even more unbearable, already dozing off on the table.

This time she was able to drink Su Wei down, it was really because of the strength of the crowd.

In addition to a few girls on the table who came to toast, the subordinates of those companies also came to toast.

If she relied on herself, she really couldn't beat him.

"I'm not drunk, let's drink again." Su Wei's eyes were blurred, and he refused to let go while holding a wine bottle.

It can be seen from his appearance that he must have drunk too much.

"Miss Jin, our President Su is drunk, so I will send him back." Zhang Ruoyu came to eat today, and she really felt sorry for her.

Because there were at least dozens of people taking turns to toast Su Wei's wine just now.

And her boss never refuses anyone who comes, he drinks whoever makes a toast.

Well now, drink and get down.

"Miss Zhang, Brother Su definitely wants to continue drinking. I have already reserved a room on the 87th floor. Brother Su and I are going to drink together. Don't follow me." Jin Yi saw that Zhang Ruoyu wanted to pick up Su Wei, of course she doesn't want to.

After all, Su Wei is drunk now, as long as she sends Su Wei to the presidential suite on the 87th floor, the task will be considered complete.

After finishing her work this time, she will not dare to come to Shanghai at least this year.

"No, I'm going to take President Su back." The fingerprints on Jin Yi's face could hide Su Wei but not her.

After all, women know much more about makeup than men.

She didn't believe that Jin Yi could still put on a shy face and beg for forgiveness after being beaten.

She talked to her boss about it just now, but Su Wei didn't take it seriously.

"What are you doing? I'm not going back. I'm going to continue drinking." When Zhang Ruoyu picked up Su Wei, Su Wei suddenly broke away from Zhang Ruoyu's embrace.

Moreover, she clamored to continue drinking, and she burrowed into Jin Yi's arms.

"Xiaoyi, since Boss Su wants to drink, then you can take Boss Su to your room and continue drinking." Fan Wenqi will definitely not be able to leave now, because there are a lot of drunk people today.

Although these people don't need her to help them, she wants to finish the matter here.

"Miss Zhang, you heard it too. Brother Su wants to continue drinking with me, so I'll go first." Originally, Jin Yi didn't know how to snatch him back, but Su Wei unexpectedly sent him to the door by himself.

She hurriedly supported Su Wei, and after saying goodbye to Zhang Ruoyu, she staggered to take the elevator.

"Miss Zhang, I have opened a diplomatic suite for you on the 87th floor, next to the presidential suite, you can go there to rest tonight." Fan Wenqi came to Zhang Ruoyu, and handed her a room card.

Today Zhang Ruoyu has covered the 87th and 86th floors.

Waiters who are drunk here will be carried to the room by a waiter.

"But, it's Boss Su. He has conflicts with Miss Jin. I'm afraid that Miss Jin will hurt our Boss Su." This time Zhang Ruoyu wanted to take Su Wei back because he was afraid that Jin Yi would hurt Su Wei.

After all, they only beat Jin Yi and the others down there, so she didn't really believe that she didn't hold grudges anymore.

"Don't worry, Ms. Jin is my friend, I promise that Mr. Su will come back tomorrow without missing a single hair." Of course, Fan Wenqi can guarantee that, after all, she is the main messenger.

As for this Jinyi, it was just a smoke bomb.

So everyone took photos of Jin Yi and Su Wei drinking, and she didn't stop them at all.

"Really?" Fan Wenqi's assurance still has some credibility with Zhang Ruoyu.

After all, her identity is here, and she wouldn't lie to her even if she thought about it.

Most importantly, her room is right next to the presidential suite.

If something happened to Mr. Su, she would be there immediately.

"Really, don't worry about it"

. . . . . .

"Boss Fan, you are finally here, can I go?" After Jin Yi helped Su Wei to the room, the two of them drank more than half of the bottle of red wine.

When Fan Wenqi came, Jin Yi had already fallen asleep on the bed with her clothes on.

When she woke up, she felt something was wrong.

It turned out that when Su Wei was sleeping, he put his hand under her clothes.

"You did a good job today. After you go back, tell Xiao Zhou that I am very satisfied today, but I don't want today's events to be leaked out." Fan Wenqi took great pains to do this, just to avoid being known.

If this matter was found out, she would not be able to go out.

"President Fan, don't worry, I will definitely keep this a secret.

But can you tell me, what will you do to him after I leave? "Before, Jin Yi thought about the best way to take revenge on Su Wei.

Now that she knew Su Wei's identity, she hoped that the revenge would be less severe.

After all, if something happened to Su Wei, it would be all over for her.

She didn't believe that Fan Wenqi would protect her to death then.

"You can't know about this matter, Xiao Yu, see off the guests." Who does Jin Yi think she is, and she wants to find out her secret.

Fan Wenqi called Zhou Xiaoyu directly and sent her out.

"Okay Mr. Fan, after I deliver Miss Jin, I'll go back to my room." Zhou Xiaoyu was terrified now because she had guessed her boss's thoughts.

If this is the case, then her three views will be ruined.

After all, doesn't her boss like women? How could she find Su Wei?
"Why is this stinky man's clothes so wet? I'm really disgusted." Fan Wenqi took a lot of effort to take off Su Wei's clothes.

It's just that she feels very strange, that is why Su Wei's clothes are wet.

"President Fan, why did you take off my clothes?" Su Wei was not drunk at all when he was just now.

He originally wanted to see what this Jin Yi wanted to do.

But who knew that Jin Yi was just a cover, and the person who really wanted to get him drunk turned out to be Fan Wenqi.

Now seeing that Fan Wenqi was about to take off his pants, he hurriedly stopped pretending, after all, if he put on again, the pants would be gone.

Fan Wenqi was bent, and he was a little scared when he came here.

"Are you not drunk? Then you were just now?" If Fan Wenqi had a hole in the ground right now, she would go into it.

Su Wei, who thought he was drunk, was not drunk at all.

And judging by his appearance, he should have been awake just now.

"It's just pretending, I want to see what this Jin Yi wants to do, who knows that you miss me?" When Su Wei and Jin Yi were drinking, they found that she kept trying to drink him.

So when he drinks, let his clothes drink instead of him.

This is also the reason why he is still sober for so many people looking for him to toast.

"Since it's all like this, then I'll let it go.

Originally, this time, I thought that I would be able to break free from the family's control after earning so much money.

But I was wrong, I know from my uncle that the family plans to find me a door-to-door son-in-law, and they have already found someone." This time, the door-to-door son-in-law was appointed by her grandfather.

Her mother told her this through her uncle, thinking that if she had a partner, she would bring him home as soon as possible.

Otherwise, if it was later, she would have to marry that man.

"Are you getting married? Isn't this a good thing? When you get married, I will definitely give you a big red envelope, at least starting with eight figures. Since there is nothing else, I will go first." Su Wei heard what Fan Wenqi said After that, I was really shocked.

What Fan Wenqi meant was not to ask him to be his son-in-law.

Su Wei was so frightened that he didn't want any clothes, so he planned to run away.

"Su Wei, you should know my sexual orientation, I can't get married, and I don't want to make a physical marriage to wrong myself, so I want to ask you to borrow something to solve this problem once and for all." Fan Wenqi saw Su Wei wanted to run, so he quickly stopped at the door.

This time, she mustered up her courage.

If Su Wei ran away today, she might not be able to muster up the courage next time.

And in the future, Su Wei might not give her this chance again.

"What do you want to borrow?" Su Wei was relieved when he heard that he was borrowing something.

He was afraid of Fan Wenqi and dragged him to be his son-in-law.

"I want to borrow you to have a baby with me"

(End of this chapter)

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