Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 334 Your Son-in-Law Came

Chapter 334 Your Son-in-Law Came
The next day.

"President Su, where are we going so early?" Zhang Ruoyu was woken up by Su Wei's knock on the door after six o'clock today.

At that time, she didn't know who was knocking on the door, and she was taken aback.

After all, she was a girl living in a hotel, so how could she not be afraid when encountering such a thing.

Fortunately, she remembered that she had locked the door and put a chain on it when she went to sleep at night.

She mustered up the courage to ask who was knocking on the door, and she was relieved when she heard Su Wei's voice.

After opening the door, he realized that Su Wei had already put on his clothes.

She hurriedly welcomed Su Wei in, but Su Wei refused to go in, but told her to pack up her things quickly and they wanted to go back.

It wasn't until she changed her clothes and got into the Rolls-Royce Phantom that she remembered that she hadn't asked Su Wei where he was going.

"Find me any hotel, I'm going to sleep." Su Wei was too tired last night, because he didn't rest all night.

Although it was the first time for this woman, Fan Wenqi, she still forced Su Wei to give her seven times in one night.

Later, Fan Wenqi couldn't bear it anymore, so Su Wei finally ran out.

When Zhang Ruoyu asked him where he was going, he didn't know where he was going.

Anyway, he doesn't plan to stay in this hotel anymore, who knows if Fan Wenqi will come after him.

He just wanted to sleep now, so he told Zhang Ruoyu to just find a hotel.

"Boss Su, why do I think you are unhappy?" Zhang Ruoyu didn't know what was going on with Su Wei, why was his mouth so high.

Could it be that female celebrity offended her boss yesterday?
But it's not right, because she slept next to Su Wei yesterday.

She heard the singing next door, and she kept singing until she fell asleep.

"I'm very happy, who said I'm not happy.

You are not allowed to tell others what happened yesterday, and no one is allowed to tell it, did you hear?" Su Wei really didn't want to sleep with Fan Wenqi yesterday, after all, she is gay.

He wanted to run away, but Fan Wenqi blocked the door.

Then he must not be used to him, after all, he didn't want Fan Wenqi to give birth to him a child.

But who knew that Fan Wenqi had practiced before, and Su Wei was no match for her at all.

He sees that resistance is useless, he can only strive for the initiative.

Fortunately, Fan Wenqi is not ugly, it can be said that she is quite beautiful.

But Su Wei was the one who was raped after all, so of course he couldn't be happy.

"Boss Su, if you don't know where to sleep, why don't you sleep at my house, my parents are going on a trip." Zhang Ruoyu knew the reason why Su Wei didn't go back to Gubei No. [-], but went to stay in a hotel.

It should be because she doesn't want to disturb Wang Xiaoyuan's rest, after all, she is pregnant now.

At this time, she suddenly thought, then she can go to her house.

Anyway, her parents have gone on a trip, and Su Wei himself said that he would go to her house.

When her parents asked, she could just say that the boss had already been here, and she didn't have to worry about it in the future.

"Going to your house? That's okay, call me when you get to the place, I'll sleep for a while"

. . . . . .

"What are you doing?" Su Wei felt heat blowing on his face, and opened his eyes to take a look.

He found that Zhang Ruoyu was very close to him, and the hot air just now was her exhalation.

"Boss Su, you're awake. My things fell over here, so I'll come and pick them up." Zhang Ruoyu looked at Su Wei's sleeping state, and found that he was quite harmless to humans and animals.

But when he lost his temper, it was really fierce.

She was planning to get closer and take a closer look at Su Wei's appearance.

Who knew that Su Wei suddenly woke up at this time, she could only pretend that she was picking up things.

"It's already there, right? Why didn't you wake me up?" Su Wei looked outside and found that it was a parking lot.

If I didn't guess wrong, this should be Zhang Ruoyu's community.

However, Su Wei looked at the environment of this community and felt that it could only be regarded as average.

The most important thing is the underground parking lot here, and the ground is still bare concrete pavement.

"Didn't I see that Su Wei is too tired, so I want you to rest for a while?" Why didn't Zhang Ruoyu wake up Su Wei? It was because Su Wei was snoring just now.

She knew that Su Wei was in a deep sleep, so of course she would not disturb him.

It's just that after Su Wei stopped snoring, he woke up by himself.

At this time, Zhang Ruoyu didn't know that it was actually her breathing that woke up Su Wei.

"Let's go to sleep at your house, it's too uncomfortable to sleep in this car." After getting out of the car, Su Wei stretched himself.

It's really uncomfortable after sleeping in the car for so long just now.

If I had known earlier, I would not have taken this Rolls-Royce Phantom, it would be better to take the Maybach behind.

"Boss Su, my family takes the elevator up from here, but I have a lot of stuff now, Su Wei, can you help me get some?" Su Wei took Zhang Ruoyu to go shopping yesterday, but he didn't just buy that Chanel dress.

At that time, as long as Su Wei saw good-looking dresses, he would buy them all for Zhang Ruoyu.

In addition to the one Zhang Ruoyu wore yesterday, there are three brand new ones in the trunk.

"Give me all these, you just need to lead the way." Seeing Zhang Ruoyu holding the bag, Su Wei found it difficult to get the car keys.

He took all the bags directly, and then sent Zhang Ruoyu to press the elevator.

"Oh, isn't this Ruoyu? This is your boyfriend?" There was an aunt in the elevator waiting for the elevator, when she saw Zhang Ruoyu and Su Wei coming.

Her eyes lit up all of a sudden.

After all, this is big news, Zhang Ruoyu actually brought her boyfriend home.

Seeing him carrying big and small bags, although I don't know what it is, I can feel his full sincerity.

"Hahaha, the weather is so nice today, Aunt Shen, you got up so early." Zhang Ruoyu was speechless, why did he meet this Aunt Shen.

Originally, she thought that she would not meet any neighbors on the morning of the holiday.

In the end, she happened to meet Aunt Shen, who was one of the people she least wanted to meet.

"Old people like us tend to sleep less, so I go to buy some food early in the morning." How could an old Jianghu like Aunt Shen not know that Zhang Ruoyu was changing the subject.

After looking at this boy, I found that he was quite handsome in a suit.

I just don't know how his family is doing.

"Auntie, my house is here, so I won't talk to you anymore." Zhang Ruoyu looked at Aunt Shen and found that she was really carrying vegetables.

Only then did she suddenly realize that she got up early in the morning to go shopping.

At this time the elevator reached the 16th floor, Zhang Ruoyu quickly pulled Su Wei out.

The main reason is that it is difficult for her to introduce Su Wei, if she bites the bullet and says that he is her boyfriend.

If Su Wei said no directly at that time, she would be ashamed.

If he was her boss, then her reputation would basically be ruined.

"That auntie was very enthusiastic just now, why do I feel like you ran away in despair?" Seeing the scene just now, Su Wei almost died laughing.

Especially Zhang Ruoyu's embarrassing look, and the scene where he was dragged away after seeing the elevator door open.

Su Wei feels that he can remember this incident for a lifetime, and then laugh at Zhang Ruoyu for the rest of his life.

"This auntie is the one who spreads the most gossip in our community. Now that she sees the boss, you and I come back, she will definitely spread gossip between us." Zhang Ruoyu can already imagine that her gossip in the community will be repeated. Added one.

She would be so clear, mainly because she drove a sports car back before.

And Su Wei gave her a piano, these things are still spread in the community.

"If they like to pass it on, let's pass it on. Where will I sleep later?" Su Wei didn't care at all about the gossip about him and Zhang Ruoyu.

After all, he will eat Zhang Ruoyu sooner or later, but the time is not today.

The main reason is that he can't eat anymore today, because he has run out of bullets.

"This is the master bedroom of my parents, this room is mine, and this room is the guest room at home. Mr. Su, you can sleep here. I will replace the quilt in the guest room with a new one later. .

Hey, Mr. Su, this is my room, and the guest room is next to it." Zhang Ruoyu's house is a relatively formal three-bedroom house with an area of ​​about 120 square meters.

The master bedroom is a suite, and the two second bedrooms are also about 10 square meters in size.

The space utilization rate of this kind of room paid for by the unit is indeed much better than that of commercial housing.

"This is your room. It's different from ordinary girls. It's quite clean." Su Wei walked to the door of the guest room and didn't go in. Instead, he turned around and went to Zhang Ruoyu's room.

Su Wei went to the rooms of countless girls and found that their rooms were very messy.

Seeing Zhang Ruoyu like this now really made him feel very different.

"Boss Su, have you finished visiting my room? You can go to the guest room to sleep." Zhang Ruoyu was so shy when she saw Su Wei entered her room.

After all, there are many things in her room that she doesn't want to be known.

For example, the photos of celebrities that I liked before, or the kind of rhetoric that I put aside for the sake of better college entrance examination results.

"I won't sleep in the guest room. No one sleeps in that room, so I'll sleep in your room." Su Weicai didn't go to the guest room, so he made up his mind to sleep in Zhang Ruoyu's place.

After all, he doesn't regard himself as a guest at all.

"Ah, Mr. Su, you want to sleep in my room?" Zhang Ruoyu really regretted it now, why did she talk so much and take the boss home to sleep.

Just let him go to sleep in the hotel, where are there so many things now.

"Can't you? You asked me to come to sleep at your house. If I want to sleep in your room, I can't do it?" When Su Wei spoke, he had already started to take off his suit.

He is really not interested now, so he is going to flirt with Zhang Ruoyu again.

"Okay, Mr. Su, you can sleep if you want." Su Wei has already taken off his clothes, what can Zhang Ruoyu do.

And it was indeed she who suggested that Su Wei come to sleep at home.

"Then you go out, I'm going to sleep." Su Wei didn't care whether Zhang Ruoyu left or not, and started to take off his pants.

All that was left was a pair of underwear, and then got under the quilt and went to sleep.


. . . . . .

"Mr. Fan, why don't we go to the company later? I think you are not in good spirits." Zhou Xiaoyu saw the dark circles under Zhang Ruoyu's eyes in the back seat, and knew that she must have not slept well last night.

In addition, there is nothing to do in the company today, so she wants Fan Wenqi to go to the hotel to sleep for a while.

"No need, I'll sleep in the car for a while, and call me again when I get to the Yule Building." Fan Wenqi was pure before, and had never experienced fighting with men.

Being beaten on the ground by Su Wei yesterday gave her a completely different feeling.

"Mr. Fan, can I ask you a question?" Zhou Xiaoyu thought about it for a long time, but decided to ask.

After all, she is Fan Wenqi's secretary, what happened last night was very different from Mr. Fan's usual behavior.

"What are you talking about?" Fan Wenqi touched her stomach, thinking that the little life inside had been conceived successfully.

If you are not sure, do you have to look for Su Wei a few more times?

After all, although she has calculated the ovulation period, what if it fails.

"That's right, Mr. Fan, are you with Mr. Su now?" After she sent Jin Yi away yesterday, no one came out until the early morning.

Later, after two o'clock, she couldn't bear it anymore, so she didn't continue to book.

"I'm with him? Xiaoyu, what's going on in your head? I don't like men." Although Fan Wenqi fought with Su Wei all night, she still prefers women.

She will find Su Wei this time, mainly because she wants to get rid of the family's control over her marriage.

"But, Mr. Fan, didn't you sleep with Mr. Su last night?" Zhou Xiaoyu was not the same, she refused when Fan Wenqi pursued her.

But seeing Fan Wenqi sleeping with Su Wei now, she felt sore in her heart.

It's like something that is my own, being snatched away by someone.

"I slept with you, Zhou Xiaoyu, last night. Have you forgotten?" Fan Wenqi approached Su Wei, but she did not intend to marry him.

Her family recruited a son-in-law because they wanted to leave a bloodline for her family.

After all, she is the only daughter in her father's line.

I don't know if there is anyone outside, anyway, she is the only one on the surface.

Then she will satisfy them and give them a blood belonging to the Fan family.

"I remember wrongly, Mr. Fan, you slept with me yesterday" Zhou Xiaoyu heard Fan Wenqi's tone while driving.

Knowing that she was serious now, she quickly stopped the topic just now.

"As long as you don't talk nonsense, I won't treat you badly." Fan Wenqi didn't intend to tell anyone who the father of the child was.

As for the two insiders, Zhou Xiaoyu and Jin Yi, they would never want to leave her grasp.

"President Fan, I know"

. . . . . .

"I'm so tired, Lao Zhang, let's go out to the restaurant tonight. I have a sore back in this car." Zhang's mother got out of the car, feeling pain all over her body.

When I went there, I felt quite relaxed for more than four hours, but it didn’t work when I came back.

She has no strength at all now, so she went to get food to eat.

"Okay, then I'll send a message to my daughter later to see if she will come back for dinner today." Lao Zhang was exhausted after driving for several hours.

I plan to call myself a daughter later, and see if she wants to go home for dinner.

"There's no need to make a phone call. This Rolls-Royce is here. Yuyu came back early enough today." Zhang's mother looked at the other parking space in her home, where the Rolls-Royce Phantom was parked.

Then there is no need to call, her daughter must be at home.

"Really, let's go home. I haven't seen Yuyu for a few days, and I really miss her." In this family, Zhang Ruoyu's mother is not the one who has the best relationship with Zhang Ruoyu.

It is Zhang Rensheng, the father, because he is the kind of real daughter slave.

If it weren't for his support, Zhang Ruoyu wouldn't dare to buy Ducati.

"Old Zhang, why are you coming back now?" Sister Shen was waiting for the elevator when she saw Zhang Rensheng and his wife coming back.

She checked the time, it was past five o'clock in the afternoon.

"Isn't this a trip to Qiandao Lake? We came back early." Zhang's mother thought that Sister Shen didn't know they were going on a trip, so she explained it specially.

Originally they planned to come back tomorrow, but they came back a day earlier because they were afraid of traffic jams tomorrow.

"What I mean is, your son-in-law is here, why did you come back at this hour?" Sister Shen felt that Zhang Rensheng and the others were too playful, and the son-in-law had been waiting at their house for a whole day before they came back.

If her son-in-law had come to visit, she would have arrived in the morning.

"My son-in-law? Where did my son-in-law come from? Sister Shen, don't talk nonsense." Zhang Rensheng was about to explode when he heard what Sister Shen said.

After all, her daughter is still a big girl.

She doesn't even have a boyfriend, so she can't be spread rumors by this sister Shen.

"Where am I talking nonsense, when I came back from grocery shopping this morning, I happened to meet Ruoyu and her boyfriend. At that time, the two of them were still carrying big bags and small bags. Wasn't it the son-in-law's visit?" Although Sister Shen likes to gossip , but she will not create something out of nothing.

At that time, she asked Zhang Ruoyu if that was her boyfriend.

Zhang Ruoyu admitted at the time, but now she is spreading rumors.

"You didn't lie to us, did you?" Zhang's mother had a lot of dealings with Sister Shen, and she really didn't see her making up nonsense.

But her daughter didn't have a boyfriend, she was sure of that.

So she felt that there must be a misunderstanding.

"Although I am a bit of a big talker, I have never lied to anyone. I don't believe you go back and see for yourself. They haven't been out of the house all day." Sister Shen's news network in the community basically belongs to full coverage .

Zhang Ruoyu's Rolls-Royce has never been touched, and the two of them have not been seen coming out of the gate.

If Zhang Rensheng didn't believe it, he would go back and see if she was lying.

"My wife, don't tell sister Shen. The elevator has arrived. Let's go back and take a look." Zhang Rensheng had joked about his daughter and her boss, but that was just urging Zhang Ruoyu to find a boyfriend.

But now that Zhang Ruoyu is really going to fall in love, Zhang Rensheng, as a father, feels like his baby has been kidnapped.

"Oh, old Zhang, there is really a pair of men's shoes at home."

(End of this chapter)

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