Chapter 335

"Oh, old Zhang, there is really a pair of men's shoes at home." As soon as Zhang's mother opened the door, she saw a pair of strange men's leather shoes in the entrance.

She cleaned and tidied up the clothes and shoes in this house, and she was sure that she had never seen these shoes before.

At this time, she had completely believed what Sister Shen said upstairs.

His own daughter should have brought a boy home.

"Really, is it true that Yuyu is really in love?" Zhang Rensheng looked at the shoes and found that they were indeed a pair of men's leather shoes.

And these men's leather shoes are only worn by young people.

Although he couldn't figure out what brand of leather shoes they were, he could tell that they were not cheap.

"It should be, Yuyu's dating is such a big matter, why don't I know to tell my family members?" Zhang's mother is actually quite supportive of Zhang Ruoyu's dating.

After all, Zhang Ruoyu is 24 years old, and it's time to find a boyfriend.

Many of her colleagues' daughters are already married at this age.

"You said she kept it secret, could it have something to do with her boss?" Zhang Rensheng thought of a possibility at this time, could it have something to do with her boss.

Only in this way can I explain why my daughter wants to hide the fact that she has a partner.

"You mean the person she's looking for is her boss?" If the person is Su Wei, then Zhang's mother will set off firecrackers.

After all, her son-in-law is so rich, she doesn't believe that she can treat her mother-in-law badly.

At that time, she will directly apply for an internal retreat, so she won't have to get up early every day to go to work.

Although she doesn't work hard, it's so cool not to go to work.

"No, I guess it's because her boss is chasing her, so she dare not reveal that she has a partner." Because of this piano gift incident, Zhang Rensheng has already tacitly agreed that Su Wei is pursuing his daughter.

After all, if he didn't like Zhang Ruoyu, how could he send millions of pianos over.

"Old Zhang, what you said is really possible.

After all, Su Wei is sending clothes and pianos. If I were Yuyu, I would be under a lot of pressure." Hearing her husband say that her daughter's partner is not Su Wei, Zhang's mother felt rather regretful.

After all, if such a rich son-in-law is missed, it is basically impossible to find a richer one.

But she was only a daughter herself, so she decided to respect her choice.

"Don't talk about it, it would be embarrassing if the boy heard it." Hearing Zhang's mother mentioning piano and other things, Zhang Rensheng hurriedly interrupted her.

After all, if Zhang Ruoyu's current partner knew, she would think her daughter was a gold digger before.

But they can't refute it yet, because the piano is now placed next to the living room.

"Old Zhang, come and see, why are there so many dishes on the table?" Zhang's mother also knew that she had just said something wrong, so she shut up quickly.

But when she came to the living room, she found that there was no one there.

At this time, the dishes on the table attracted her attention.

"I don't know, these dishes haven't been touched by anyone yet, but I haven't seen Yuyu and the others at home." Zhang Rensheng entered the house later, and he didn't see anyone.

But he and Zhang's mother took a few casual glances, he checked carefully.

In the end, not to mention men, but no one saw one in the living room.

At this time, when he heard his wife calling him, he thought he was in the restaurant.

It was only when he arrived that he realized that it was his wife who asked him to look at the dishes on the table.

"I haven't looked at the room now. Could it be that they are already sleeping together?" Zhang's mother thought at this time, and Sister Shen told her at the time.

He said it was his daughter and the boy, but they came early in the morning.

It's already past five o'clock in the evening, and the two of them won't be sleeping together.

"Impossible? Yuyu is not such a casual person, we will find out when we open the door." As a father, Zhang Rensheng did not believe that his daughter slept with a boy before she was married.

And he couldn't accept that his daughter was like this.

But the only places that haven't been checked now are these two secondary bedrooms.

One of the second bedrooms is Zhang Ruoyu's room, and the other is an unoccupied guest room.

"You are standing there, you opened the door." Now as long as you open the door of Zhang Ruoyu's room, all the truth will be revealed.

Zhang's mother now wants to know who this man is.

As a result, she waited for a long time, only to find that her husband was too late to open the door.

"This is Yuyu's room, you should open it, and I'm afraid I'll see something I shouldn't see when I open the door." Of course Zhang Rensheng wanted to go in and see what was going on inside.

But he was afraid, afraid that the two young people would play too much during the day.

So he hesitated for a long time, and chose to let Zhang's mother open the door.


"Dad? Mom? Why are you back?" At this time, the door of the guest room was opened, and it turned out to be the sleepy Zhang Ruoyu.

She didn't sleep well today, so she fell asleep in the afternoon.

But her own room was taken by Su Wei, she could only choose whether to sleep in the guest room or on the sofa.

After sleeping on the sofa for less than half an hour, she fled into the guest room in a panic.

After sleeping for two hours and waking up, I heard a sound at the door and thought it was my boss who got up.

When she opened the door, she realized that it was her parents who had gone on a trip and returned.

"Why are you in this room? Where is that man? Where is the man you brought home?" Zhang Rensheng was startled when Zhang Ruoyu opened the door, because he had no idea that there would be anyone in the guest room.

When he came back to his senses, he planned to meet the person who abducted his little white rabbit.

After searching the room for a long time, I found nothing.

"Dad, what are you looking for? What kind of man? I was too sleepy at noon, and I don't know why I fell asleep here in the guest room." When Zhang Ruoyu heard this, she didn't know that it was Aunt Shen's gossip.

After all, when I came back today, I only met her.

And my parents were originally in Qiandao Lake, so they must have been scared back by the news.

Zhang Ruoyu thought that her parents came back today because the news about her and Su Wei had spread.

"Don't lie to us, we all saw the pair of men's leather shoes at the door.

And your Aunt Shen told us that you brought back a man today." Seeing that Zhang Rensheng didn't find anything, Zhang's mother also searched for it.

In the end, she found that she, like Lao Zhang, had gotten nothing.

There is no other way but to let Zhang Ruoyu explain herself.

"What kind of man? That's all Aunt Shen's nonsense.

I bought the shoes at the door for my boss. I will try them on for him today to see if they are comfortable for walking. I put them at the door because I went out in them today.

You can go and have a look, those shoes are clean, and they are still a new pair of shoes." Zhang Ruoyu is really flustered now, because she didn't expect her parents to come back at all.

So when she brought Su Wei back, she just swaggered.

Unexpectedly, when I came back, I was seen by a neighbor with a big loudspeaker, and my parents arrested me at night.

But she can't admit it, because she really isn't with her boss.

The most important thing is with his boss, he may feel that he is playing tricks on him.

After all, the promised parents are not at home, why all the family members came back after waking up.

"Even if the shoes are what you said, how do you explain the food on the table outside? Can you eat so much food by yourself?" Zhang's mother didn't believe a word of Zhang Ruoyu's explanation.

After all, this is her daughter, so she doesn't know her well.

Why don't you help the boss's shoes to try on the foot feel, if she can believe it, she will be damned.

"Isn't this because I knew you would come back today, so I specially ordered the dishes and asked them to deliver them home?" Zhang Ruoyu ordered so many dishes today, of course they were for entertaining Su Wei.

After all, his boss is so rich, it is definitely impossible to feed him poorly.

Besides, she didn't need to pay for this meal anyway, so she just ordered a few of her favorite dishes, some of Su Wei's favorite dishes.

"We didn't tell you when we came back, how did you know?" Compared with Zhang's mother's disbelief, Zhang Rensheng believed in his daughter a little more.

After all, every daughter is her father's caring little padded jacket.

Zhang Rensheng, a daughter slave, even knew that Zhang Ruoyu was telling lies, but he still wanted to believe her.

"Of course I have a news channel. Oh, parents, you must be hungry now, why don't we eat first?" Zhang Ruoyu knew what a fart. If she knew that her parents were back, she would definitely arrange for Su Wei to stay in a hotel.

Now that things have turned out like this, she always regrets it in her heart.

"Speaking of which, I'm really hungry, so let's go eat first."

. . . . . .

"Hey, what's wrong with Jingjing? What's the matter with calling me before?" Su Wei slept well this time, after all, he slept for eight hours.

After waking up, Su Wei took the phone and wanted to see what time it was.

At this time, I found Liu Jing and called him twice at noon.

Before going to bed, Su Wei turned his phone to silent because too many people called him during the day.

There are still a dozen missed calls in Su Wei's mobile phone.

It's just that Su Wei won't return those calls.

"It's like this, Feifei and the others are going back to the capital tomorrow, so they want to treat you to dinner tonight." This meal is not what Wu Fei and the others said.

Instead, Liu Jing wanted to call Su Wei over in their name.

After all, in normal times, she has no excuse to find Su Wei.

And this time she was looking for Su Wei, and there was one more thing she wanted him to help with.

"Bring me to dinner? Yes, then I'll come to Tianxi now. Which restaurant do you want to eat?" Su Wei thought for a while, and he really wanted to go there.

After all, Wu Fei and Zhang Xuewei came to Shanghai this time specifically to find him.

But because he was too busy, he went to Qiantang on May [-]nd.

"I want to have dinner at home tonight. You're not here these few days, and we eat out every day." Liu Jing, Wu Fei and the others really visited the magic city these days.

And because she was unfamiliar with demons, she even called Qian Xinyi.

They followed Qian Xinyi to check in the Internet celebrity spots everywhere, and they even went to some must-eat restaurants in Shanghai these days.

Liu Jing didn't want to go out to eat tonight, but she actually had a purpose.

"Making it at home? Who made it? You can't do it again?" Su Wei's first reaction was to refuse when he heard that he was making food at home.

After all, he had tasted Liu Jing's dark cooking last time.

If he were to choose the worst food in the world, he would definitely vote for Liu Jing's food.

"Oh, you hate it, let's order food at home later.

Ah Wei, now I really suspect Feifei is gay more and more, because the two of them are always whispering behind my back." Liu Jing didn't plan to cook anymore since the last time her cooking skills were overturned.

After all, without that talent, there is no need to spend time on it.

And compared to cooking, what worries her more is her best friend's sexual orientation.

"If you're gay, you're gay. It doesn't matter. After all, society is very open about this, so don't look at them with colored eyes.

where are you now?Tell me about this, are you not afraid that they will hear? "Of course Su Wei knew that Liu Jing had misunderstood.

But he will definitely not explain to her that Wu Fei must be a straight daughter.

After all, their boyfriends are all him, and if they figure it out, they may be about to crash.

"I'm not stupid, how could I talk about this topic in front of them.

The two of them just asked me to go to the supermarket, but my feet were too sore, so I didn't go.

You don't know, Feifei's family is very strict with her, if she knew she was gay, her family would not break her legs." Liu Jing and Wu Fei are very familiar, after all, they grew up together.

She often goes to Wu Fei's house, and Wu Fei often goes to her house.

Of course Liu Jing knew that Wu Fei's family was a very traditional family.

If she knew that Wu Fei was so deviant, she would really break her leg.

"That person is gay, what can you do, can you still straighten her up?" Su Wei felt that it was good for Liu Jing to misunderstand that Wu Fei was gay, so that she would not suspect him.

When the time is right, he will tell Liu Jing the truth.

"I saw a solution on the Internet, but I don't know if it's reliable." Since Liu Jing suspected that Wu Fei was gay, she searched everywhere for information.

I want to see if there is any way to straighten homosexuality.

Although most of the opinions were unreliable, she still found a way that she thought she could try.

It's just that this method requires the help of a man.

The first person Liu Jing thought of, of course, was Su Wei.

"It's best not to believe things on the Internet, just trust me and let nature take its course." Of course Su Wei wanted to stop Liu Jing, after all Wu Fei is a normal person.

At this moment, he was already thinking whether to tell Liu Jing the truth or not.

If he really waited for Liu Jing to make something happen, it would be too late for him to regret it.

"Then let's talk about it when you come."

. . . . . .

"Yuyu, is there any noise in your room?" Zhang Rensheng, who was eating, vaguely heard a voice coming from Zhang Ruoyu's room.

But he wasn't sure, so he asked Zhang Ruoyu if he heard it.

After all, it was her room, she should know better.

"No, Dad, you must have heard it wrong. It was the voice from upstairs just now." Zhang Ruoyu knew that it must be her boss who woke up.

But she had already said before that she didn't bring anyone back, and now she can only continue to die.

"Really? We have auditory hallucinations at such a young age, so let's go to the hospital for a physical examination next week as a family." Before Zhang's mother, she suspected that the person was in her daughter's room.

But she refused to admit it, and she couldn't force her to admit it.

"Parents, eat first. I forgot to take something from my room." Since Zhang Ruoyu lied, she planned to lie to the end.

Now as long as she can convince her boss not to come out, then this matter can be passed smoothly.


"President Su, why did you come out?" Zhang Ruoyu, who was about to open the door to enter the room, was dumbfounded when he saw the opened door.

She never expected that Su Wei would come out fully dressed now.

"After sleeping for so long, I've had enough sleep.

Xiaozhang, this bed of yours is not good, I have a sore back and a sore back from sleeping on it, I will send you a better mattress in a few days." The mattress at Su Wei's house is a million-dollar Hästens.

Compared with Zhang Ruoyu's mattress worth several thousand yuan, the gap is not 01:30.

It was only after he finished speaking that he realized that Zhang Ruoyu was not the only one at home.

"Baby girl, why don't you introduce me?" Zhang's mother saw the boy coming out of her daughter's room and found that he was good-looking.

There is nothing wrong with dressing up, but it seems to be a bit tall.

"Mom and Dad, this is my boss Su Wei.

Mr. Su, these are my parents, they just arrived home." Zhang Ruoyu saw that it was already like this now, so he could only introduce each other.

After all, no matter what she said now, she could no longer explain the fact that her boss came out of her room.

"Su Wei?" Zhang Ruoyu's parents were shocked. This young man is Su Wei, so he is too young.

And after knowing that this person is Su Wei, it feels like winning a lottery.

"Hello uncle and aunt"

(End of this chapter)

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