Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 336 Tearing the Tissue

Chapter 336 Tearing the Tissue

"Jingjing, why are you alone at home?" Su Wei rushed to Tianxi at night and opened the door only to find that Liu Jing was alone in the living room.

I looked in the kitchen, but I didn't see anyone else.

On the dining table in the back, there was a table full of dishes.

"The two of them are too tired, and they are still sleeping in the room." Because Wu Fei and the others will go back tomorrow, Qian Xinyi took them to many places today.

At noon I took them to the Oriental Pearl Tower for dinner, and in the afternoon I took them to the Wildlife Park to play.

It's fun, but it's really tiring.

"I'm too busy today, so I came a little late, are you hungry?" Su Wei came so late because he just had a meal at Zhang Ruoyu's house.

After he came out of Zhang Ruoyu's room, Zhang Ruoyu's family was really shocked.

Zhang Ruoyu was frightened because she didn't expect Su Wei to come out like this.

Zhang Ruoyu's parents were frightened, but they didn't expect that there was really someone in Zhang Ruoyu's room.

But after they knew that this person was Su Wei, their attitude became very enthusiastic.

Su Wei had no choice but to eat a bowl of rice there before he came out.

"I'm fine, I just fell asleep.

Ah Wei, come to my room, I have something I want you to help me with." Liu Jing called before to confirm that Su Wei was coming for dinner, and immediately ordered a table full of dishes.

It's just that the dishes have already arrived, but she still hasn't seen Su Wei coming.

Wu Fei and the others couldn't bear it when they came back from the supermarket, and they still haven't woken up after sleeping.

Liu Jing didn't go to sleep in the room, but squinted on the sofa in the living room for a while.

Not long after waking up, I saw Su Wei finally coming.

"What can you do for me? It's so mysterious, why do you insist on dragging me into the room to tell you?" Su Wei is now curious as to what kind of help Liu Jing will ask him for later.

In fact, when he called before, he felt that Liu Jing was a little mysterious today.

"I'm pretty sure now that Feifei is dating this Zhang Xuewei." Liu Jing is now sure that Wu Fei should be the same person.

This time she asked Su Wei to come here, just to ask Su Wei for help.

"Then what are you going to do? Convince them with emotion and reason, and let the two of them break up by themselves? It's completely impossible." Of course it's impossible, after all, the two of them are not gay.

Wu Fei and Zhang Xuewei are two straight girls who couldn't be more straight.

Fortunately, they didn't know about Liu Jing's conjecture, otherwise they might prove their innocence by blew themselves up.

"I saw information on the Internet that many homosexuals are actually attracted to outstanding homosexuals because they have never had a relationship with the opposite sex." There are many contents about homosexuality on the Internet, but most of the information is not reliable.

It wasn't until seeing this information that Liu Jing felt that she had found reliable information.

Because after reading it, she found that it was too similar to Wu Fei's situation.

"So? You want me to introduce someone to Wu Fei? But those men around me are unreliable." Hearing this, Su Wei really felt like a fucking dog.

After all, Wu Fei is his girlfriend, how could he introduce her to his friends.

Even if it's acting, he doesn't want to play like this.

If Liu Jing insisted on doing this, then he would have a showdown with her directly.

"Of course not. It's impossible for ordinary men to be attracted by Feifei." After hearing Su Wei's words, Liu Jing quickly retorted.

After all, she wanted to find a man, but not Su Wei's friends.

"Then you mean, it can't be me?" Since he didn't want to introduce a friend around him, the only explanation is that this person is Su Wei.

When he came to this conclusion, Su Wei was really taken aback.

She thought her relationship with Zhang Xuewei had already been discovered by Liu Jing.

Now that Liu Jing said that, she was just teasing him.

"Yes, I just want you to help me with this, to catch Wu Fei." The best person around Liu Jing must be Su Wei.

Although he is her boyfriend, in order to reverse Wu Fei's sexual orientation.

She can tolerate that her boyfriend pursues Wu Fei.

"Jingjing, you don't have a fever, but why are you talking nonsense?" Su Wei really didn't expect Liu Jing to be so crazy.

He even told himself to pursue her best friend Wu Fei.

Although Su Wei was very happy, he still couldn't believe it was true.

After all, this matter is really too outrageous.

"Ah Wei, I'm not joking, I have considered it carefully." Liu Jing knew that Su Wei couldn't accept it for a while, but she really had no other choice.

This matter was something she thought of yesterday, and she had been thinking about it for a whole day.

Now as long as Su Wei is persuaded, the plan will be half successful.

"If you're not joking, you know what you're talking about. I'm your boyfriend. Who do you think I am?" Su Wei was really curious about how Liu Jing came up with this idea.

She actually chose to let him pursue Wu Fei.

Isn't she afraid that the meat bun will beat the dog, and there will be no return.

"But, but I really can't find anyone else, and I can tell that Feifei has a crush on you." Liu Jing would choose Su Wei, not only because he is excellent.

It was also because she could feel that Wu Fei had a crush on Su Wei.

On May [-]st, when Wu Fei came, she was too gentle in front of Su Wei.

That's why she felt that this plan was feasible.

"Do you have a crush on me? No way, I just played games with you a few times during the Chinese New Year." Hearing Liu Jing say this, Su Wei felt extremely happy.

But he didn't want to agree too readily, which made it look like he couldn't wait.

"It's true, maybe it's because I often tell her about you, so I can see that she treats you differently from other men, so I want to find you and let you pursue her." Liu After Jing saw that Wu Fei liked Su Wei, she always thought it was because she often mentioned him in front of Wu Fei.

If it was before, she must have been a little unhappy.

After all, my best friend actually has thoughts about her boyfriend.

But now she is lucky, fortunately she often mentions Su Wei's name in front of Wu Fei.

Otherwise, her homosexuality will definitely be more difficult to treat.

"You know what you're talking about, let your boyfriend chase after your girlfriend, then let me ask you, what if I really catch Wu Fei? Break up with her? Wouldn't she be right? Men will not be interested at all." Su Wei is a little confused now about Liu Jing's plan, which is what to do after he catches her. .

Could it be that Liu Jing is here, she is really willing to accept the three of them together?
"No need to break up, we, we can be together as three of us, she is my best girlfriend, I don't mind sharing you with her" Since Liu Jing asked Su Wei to chase Wu Fei, the three of them proved that she had considered it of.

No way, Wu Fei is her best girlfriend.

In order to straighten Wu Fei, she can only share Su Wei with Wu Fei.

"It still doesn't work, I'm a very traditional person, and I can't accept such a thing." Although Su Wei said no, he almost died of laughter in his heart.

He doesn't agree now, he just wants Liu Jing to beg him.

In this way, when he chased Wu Fei later, he could explain that he was forced to do nothing.

"Awei, please, please do me this favor, or I'm afraid she will never return on the same-sex road." Liu Jing knew that asking her boyfriend to do this was really a bit ruined. view.

But besides Su Wei, she couldn't find a better person.

So she could only beg Su Wei in a low voice and let him go after Wu Fei.

"Since you have said so, then I can only try it."

. . . . . .

"Brother Su, you're here, Jingjing, why don't you wake me up?" When Wu Fei woke up, it was already past eight o'clock in the evening.

When going out, I was pleasantly surprised to see Su Wei coming.

This time she came to Shanghai to look for Su Wei, and really found that he was very busy.

No wonder his business can grow so big.

He didn't even blink his eyes when he bought her a house and a car. He really deserved so much wealth for being so busy.

"Didn't I see that you are too tired today? Since you woke up, it's just right. You can go and wake up Xuewei. It's already night. If you don't eat, this meal will become a midnight snack." Liu Jing didn't want to go Get Zhang Xuewei up, she is gay after all.

Moreover, Liu Jing hated Zhang Xuewei very much.

She felt that if it wasn't for Zhang Xuewei, Wu Fei would not have become like this.

It was because of her that I actually wanted to share my boyfriend with my good sister.

"Wow, today's dishes are too rich, so I'll wake Weiwei up." When Wu Fei was sleeping, these dishes hadn't been delivered yet.

Seeing so many dishes now, she also has a big appetite.

After all, she ate the previous meal at one o'clock in the noon.

And now it was already past eight o'clock in the evening, and there was an interval of more than seven hours.

"See, Feifei now calls Zhang Xuewei Weiwei, we can't straighten her anymore." Liu Jing saw that Wu Fei called Zhang Xuewei so intimately, Liu Jing felt that they should break Wu Fei up as soon as possible.

Otherwise, after Wu Fei bends completely, it will not be so easy to straighten her.

"Don't look at me, this matter must be done step by step." Seeing Liu Jing looking at him, Su Wei knew that he wanted him to act quickly.

But he planned to share the good news of catching Wu Fei with Liu Jing after he went to Kyoto.

"After they come out, I suggest drinking to create opportunities for you and Feifei." Liu Jing thought that Su Wei was a bit reluctant.

After all, Wu Fei is his best friend, so he might be embarrassed to ask Ah Wei to chase her suddenly.

At this time, the stimulation of alcohol is needed.

"Forget drinking, you are still students, it's not good to drink too much." Su Wei didn't want to drink, because he didn't want Wu Fei and the others to drink too much and talk nonsense.

After all, under the stimulation of alcohol, people will be much more courageous than usual.

Now he was one step away from confessing his relationship with Wu Fei in front of Liu Jing.

So now, he doesn't want to have too many surprises.

"No, this wine must be drunk. I read on the Internet that it is easier for men and women to see each other after drinking alcohol." Seeing Su Wei's refusal, Liu Jing thought that he couldn't let go.

Since he couldn't let go, Liu Jing could only push her.

"What's wrong?" At this time, Wu Fei came out of Zhang Xuewei's room and heard their conversation.

But I didn't hear it so clearly, I only heard a little bit.

"Ah Wei and I were talking about whether we should drink some wine later. He told me that he saw someone drinking and became cross-eyed." Liu Jing was really taken aback by Wu Fei's sudden question. .

She was relieved to see that she hadn't heard specific conversations.

"Really? Drinking can make your eyes cross, so we must try it." Wu Fei didn't believe it when she heard that drinking could make her eyes cross.

But she was willing to drink only because she wanted to drink with Su Wei.

"I know there is a winery near here. He has a few bottles of good wine there. I called him and asked him to bring the treasure of the store." Most of the wineries in Shanghai are basically low-end wines. liquor.

There are one or two good wines in a store, which are basically the treasures of the store.

Su Wei will know this store, mainly because he bought goods from it last time.

"No need, let's just drink something ordinary." Wu Fei knew that the price of good wine in Su Wei's eyes must not be cheap.

In addition, this wine is still the treasure of the winery, so the price is likely to be sky-high again.

"It's okay, I'll arrange it"

. . . . . .


"Feifei, when you come this time, Ah Wei has been busy with work and hasn't received you well. You won't be angry, right?" Liu Jing poured half a glass of red wine for everyone when she spoke.

When pouring red wine normally, at most one-third is enough.

But in order to make everyone drunk, Liu Jing couldn't just drink a little.

"No, no, we're here to play this time. Brother Su has something to do. Of course, it's more important to be busy with serious business." Wu Fei was actually a little unhappy when she came here this time.

But the day before returning to the capital, Su Weineng took the initiative to come to them for dinner, she was quite happy.

At that time, Liu Jing called when she was alone, so Wu Fei didn't know that her best friend had arranged the meal.

"Since it's not possible, should we have a drink?" Liu Jing was only thinking about getting everyone drunk.

So after only two sentences, she suggested that everyone drink one.

"Jingjing, you're drinking too fast. This is just the beginning. We've already had three cups. Why don't we take a rest first?" After taking a few mouthfuls of food, everyone has already been respected by Liu Jing for three times. glass of wine.

Wu Fei's capacity for drinking was already very poor, and she dared not continue to drink like this.

"Yeah, we both have a poor capacity for alcohol. After drinking those three glasses just now, I feel a little drunk." Zhang Xuewei has a better capacity for alcohol than Wu Fei, but that can only be said to be very limited.

After these three glasses of red wine went down, she was already on the top.

"Well, why don't we play a little drinking game?" Seeing such persuasion, Liu Jing couldn't persuade her.

It just so happened that she was already on the Internet at this time, and found a few small games to persuade people to drink.

"What game?" Wu Fei was the first to respond when she heard about playing a game.

The main reason is that she is afraid that Liu Jing will persuade her to drink again, and she really can't drink anymore.

"Mouth tearing tissues"

(End of this chapter)

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