Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 338 Threatened

Chapter 338 Threatened

"Why are there so few people in the parking lot today?" Su Wei waited for Liu Jing and the others to leave, but he didn't leave immediately.

Instead, Tianxi waited for Zhang Ruoyu to bring him breakfast. After he had breakfast, he came to Yule Building in Maybach.

The fact that he would be so moaning today is actually all on purpose.

Because he just wanted Fan Wenqi to wait for him in the office.

Who told Fan Wenqi to make him unhappy, then he must also make her even more unhappy.

It's just that when he came to Yule Building, he felt a little strange.

Because when he came here before, it was in the ground parking lot of Yule Building.

But the densely parked cars are in stark contrast to the few cars parked in Nuoda's parking lot now.

"I don't know, maybe it's May Day holiday and they haven't come back yet?" Zhang Ruoyu really felt so embarrassed when he saw Su Wei just now.

Because of the look on her parents' face after Su Wei came out of her room yesterday.

She never knew that her parents could be so enthusiastic.

At the dinner table, they acted like they already regarded Su Wei as their son-in-law.

It really made her feel what public execution is like in front of Su Wei.

"Impossible, Yule Real Estate is doing handover recently. It stands to reason that there should be people coming and going here. How could it be possible that there are only a few cars parked here?" Yule Real Estate has just been sold recently, so how could it be so idle.

Even if they had nothing to do, he didn't believe that Fan Wenqi would let those employees rest at home.

Although Su Wei was not familiar with Fan Wenqi, he knew a little bit about her character, and knew that she was a very aggressive and strong woman.

Since she is a strong woman, she will definitely not let her subordinates live comfortably.

"Boss Su, why don't I ask the security guards, they should be clearer." Liu Qiang, as Su Wei's bodyguard, is of course the one to ask about the situation at this time.

Although he didn't know why Su Wei felt strange, he didn't need to know the reason for the boss's affairs.

"Old Liu, go and ask what's going on first, Xiaozhang and I will wait for you in the car." The reason why Su Wei felt strange was that he was afraid that what happened today was arranged by Fan Wenqi.

When he was on the phone with her today, he felt something was wrong.

Because when Fan Wenqi spoke, his voice seemed to be a little bit stuck.

"Good boss" Liu Qiang went to understand the situation this time, of course he went straight to the security room.

After all, there are the most people there, and it is the easiest to find out what you want to know.

"Xiao Zhang, after I left yesterday, your parents didn't say anything, right?" When Su Wei was there yesterday, he saw that Zhang Ruoyu's parents were very enthusiastic.

But he was afraid that her parents were the kind who had two different faces.

After all, Su Xiaoming and Zhang Guihua are such people.

"My parents didn't say anything, they just said that Mr. Su can go there often if he has time. My father also wants to show you his cooking skills." After Su Wei left yesterday, Zhang Ruoyu made an excuse, saying The two are not together.

But her parents didn't believe it. After all, Su Wei came out of her room.

Zhang Ruoyu had no choice but to pretend that the two were indeed together.

Father Zhang was delighted to hear Zhang Ruoyu say that.

Let Zhang Ruoyu call Su Wei over again next time, and he will show his hand.

After all, although today's food is delicious, it was made by the chef of the restaurant.

"That's right, I can't see that uncle's cooking skills are better than auntie's." Su Wei really didn't expect that Zhang's father's cooking skills were better than Zhang's mother.

At that time, when he saw Zhang's father wearing a pair of glasses, he thought he should be the kind of person who didn't touch his fingers.

"My father is very good at cooking, but he doesn't show it easily." Zhang Rensheng used to learn cooking when he was young.

But the family later felt that chefs were not as popular as civil servants.

So later he gave up the chef and embarked on the road of civil servants.

Although Zhang Rensheng gave up being a chef, he occasionally cooks for Zhang Ruoyu by himself.

"Okay, when I come back from London, I'll find an opportunity to pay a special visit." Su Wei went this time, mainly because Zhang Ruoyu said that there was no one in her house.

Next time I go, I don't know when it will be.

Anyway, he promised not to ask for money, so of course Su Wei picked up what Zhang Ruoyu liked to hear.

"Really? Then my parents must be very happy." Of course Zhang Ruoyu's parents were happy, because they both regarded Su Wei as their son-in-law.

How could they be unhappy when such a rich son-in-law came to visit.

"By the way, Xiao Zhang, you waited upstairs, remember not to leave my side, you know?" Seeing Liu Qiang coming, Su Wei knew that he should ask about the situation.

Although he had chosen the meeting place today, he was still worried about Fan Wenqi.

So he asked Zhang Ruoyu not to leave his side later.

As long as there are people around him, Fan Wenqi will definitely not dare to mess around.

He could tell that Fan Wenqi just wanted to borrow a child from him.

"President Su, don't worry, I will definitely not leave your side"

. . . . . .

"Mr. Su, I just asked the security guards. They said that there are dozens of people working in the company now, and most of those people are brought by Mr. Fan." Liu Qiang just went to the office, and the security guards there recognized him. .

Therefore, regarding his question, he knows everything and speaks endlessly.

After all, so many people were expelled last time, including dozens of security guards.

What if they don't answer well and get fired.

"What? There are only a few dozen people? What about the others?" Su Wei was dumbfounded when he heard that there were only a few dozen people.

After all, when he came last time, there were thousands of people in this building.

There are only dozens of people here now, and they can't even compare to the last time.

"The security guard said that the company had laid off a large number of employees before, and those who were not laid off were also transferred to the companies acquired by Sunac. Since yesterday, there have been no people here." Last time, there were more than 1000 people, and Fan Wen Qi fired 500 people.

When Sunac took over this time, I almost died laughing.

After all, they only need to accept so few people, which really saves them a lot of trouble.

"Fuck, no wonder Fan Wenqi agreed so readily." Only at this time did Su Wei know why Fan Wenqi was so forthright at that time.

It turned out that there were not many people in the building.

"Boss Su, what's the matter? Didn't we come to talk to Boss Fan about Yule Real Estate today?" Zhang Ruoyu didn't know why, she felt that her boss panicked when she heard that there was no one in the building.

But today they are here to share the money, and if there is no one in the company, there will be no one. As for being so flustered.

"Yes, we are here to discuss things today, let's go, let's meet Mr. Fan"

. . . . . .

"Mr. Fan, Mr. Su and the others are already downstairs." Su Wei's car had just entered the parking lot, and Zhou Xiaoyu already knew about it.

Then she hurried to Fan Wenqi's place and reported Su Wei's whereabouts to her.

Fan Wenqi also arranged to monitor Su Wei's car this time.

She didn't know why, but she felt that Mr. Fan was in a good mood today.

"I already know. Do you remember what I told you before?" When Zhou Xiaoyu came in to report, Fan Wenqi had already seen Su Wei's car through the binoculars.

Although she said that she was just trying to have a child.

But that feeling of sprinting was something she had never experienced in her life.

So it was only a day later, and she missed that feeling again.

"Don't worry, Mr. Fan, I know what to do." Zhou Xiaoyu already knew what Fan Wenqi was going to do today.

She still doesn't know whether what Fan Wenqi said about her not being broken up is true or not.

After all, she doesn't look like she hates Su Wei now.

And if you want her, you must pester Zhang Ruoyu and keep her away from this office.

"Just remember, then go and call in the company's finance and lawyers." When Fan Wenqi called Su Wei today, she was in the company.

As for finance and lawyers, they were originally working in the company during this time.

"Excellent President Fan"

. . . . . .

"President Su, here is the list of all the assets of the Yang Group, please have a look at it." Now in the Yule Building, except for the people from Zhiyuan Law Firm.

The rest of the people are all Fan Wenqi's subordinates, and most of them were transferred from the capital.

"Why is there no information about Huxing Medicine here?" Su Wei flipped through it and found that there was no Huxing Medicine.

Su Wei cared more about Huxing Pharmaceutical than Yuele Real Estate.

After all, Yule Real Estate has been sold, and what we are doing now is to divide the money.

But Huxing Pharmaceutical is different, its growth potential is difficult to estimate.

If Fan Wenqi is willing to invest capital in it, it is not certain that she will become a super monster.

"Mr. Su, all the materials of Shanghai Star Medicine are here. You and Mr. Fan will continue to cooperate, so I didn't put the materials together with these materials." The materials handed to Su Wei this time, although It was done by Fan Wenqi's staff.

But the authenticity of these materials was also admitted by the people at Zhiyuan Law Firm.

"How does Mr. Su feel about you today? You're a little impetuous." Of course Fan Wenqi knew why Su Wei was like this.

After all, he must have been flustered when he saw that there was no one in the building.

"You are so funny, what am I impetuous about.

No, why is the money in the company's account now only 130 billion?Shouldn't there be 530 billion more?" Su Wei could understand what a fart, he just looked at how much money was in the account.

After all, he was going to London tomorrow, and he was going to participate in the auction on the [-]th.

When he saw the balance at this time, he was shocked.

Because the amount there is only 130 billion.

"Mr. Su, when we bought all the shares of the Yang Group, we borrowed 300 billion from the bank.

And at that time, your 100 billion start-up capital was also obtained from the bank.

The sum of these two sums is exactly 400 billion, and we plan to pay him back the money after the bank goes to work tomorrow." Seeing Su Wei curious, Fan Wenqi hurriedly explained to her.

If she hadn't sold Yule Real Estate, she would definitely not be in a hurry to pay back the money.

But now she doesn't have any projects that need money to invest, so of course she chooses to return the money.

After all, even if she wasn't in a hurry to pay it back, Su Wei would be in a hurry to pay it back.

"Yes, yes, I forgot about it.

Now, apart from Sunac's 200 billion yuan, the company still has 130 billion yuan in its accounts, as well as three buildings and a garment factory, right?

This Yule Building is worth 40 billion yuan, and the newly built building is worth 80 billion yuan. The Caihong Mansion in Kyoto?

Mr. Fan, isn't it a good building? How did it become a mansion? "Su Wei already knew about the replacement of the mansion into a mansion.

Saying this now, I just want to see what Fan Wenqi has to say.

After all, she made a promise last time, her relatives gave her a building worth three billion yuan.

"Originally, my relative wanted to give us the Imperial Building in Kyoto to offset the 30 billion.

But we checked here and found that there would be some problems if the Yupin Building was transferred, so he later moved over to the Rainbow Mansion.

President Su, don't worry, the price of this Rainbow Mansion is not much higher than that of Yupin Mansion." The previous Yupin Mansion was indeed a decent mansion.

Although the location is not particularly good, there are no other competitors nearby.

And it is an office upstairs, and the downstairs floors are all shopping malls.

But the other shareholders of that building were unwilling to change, they thought it was also a gold mine.

The partners of Fan Wenqi's relatives, they are also the second generation.

So Fan Wenqi's relatives had no choice but to change properties.

Later, they stuffed the apartment over.

Although it is from Cyprus, this apartment is indeed a high-quality asset.

Fan Wenqi had inspected the product and agreed to it after confirming that there was no problem.

"Since Mr. Fan said this, I must believe it. Then how do we divide the money now?" Although Su Wei was full of guard against Fan Wenqi, he still believed in her character.

After all, I have worked with her so many times, and I really haven't seen her cheat him.

"This cash is 130 billion, plus 50 billion for the garment factory, plus 40 billion for the Yule Building, and 80 billion for the Xinjian Building, plus 30 billion for the Rainbow Mansion, that is, the value of everything here is now 330 billion.

I account for 99% of the shares, that is [-] billion.

I agreed with Mr. Su before that I want Yule Building, minus 40 billion, and I can take the rest of 59 billion." This time, with 59 billion in hand, Fan Wenqi can immediately change the gun.

She has never had so much money in her hands before, she just feels that she is too rich now.

"Mr. Fan, you are not interested in the 50 billion garment factory, or the 30 billion Rainbow Mansion?" Su Wei picked the Yule Building when he heard Fan Wenqi, so how could he be willing.

After all, there are four properties in total now, if Fan Wenqi only needs one, then he has to accept three.

"Boss Su, you have also seen that I have a weak family. If these two properties are taken down, then my cash flow will not be enough." Although these two properties are high-quality assets.

But Fan Wenqi definitely wouldn't ask for it, after all, it's more profitable to spend money.

She has no interest in being a rent collector with peace of mind.

After all, she has so many resources, she is not satisfied with tens of billions.

"But I don't want this garment factory and this rainbow apartment either." The reason why Su Wei doesn't want it is simple, that is, he already has enough properties.

Had he taken the two properties, he wouldn't have had much cash.

"President Su, can you have a private chat with me?" Fan Wenqi froze seeing that Su Wei didn't want these two properties.

If she doesn't want to do something, then this scene is likely to collapse.

"Just say what you have to say." After Su Wei came out of the conference room, he followed Fan Wenqi to her office.

This room is the one where Yang Jiayu was the general manager before.

"Su Wei, I have visited this garment factory. The location is very good. If you don't want it, you can sell it after dividing it. Although the speed is slower, it is no problem if the price exceeds 50 billion. .

As for this rainbow apartment, I have checked, and the annual rent here will not be less than 1.5 million. If you take it, Mr. Su, you will definitely not lose money." She will definitely want another one.

After all, these two properties are indeed high-quality industries.

"This place is so good, why don't you take it yourself, you don't need to say it, and I won't bully you, you choose one of these two." Su Wei's bottom line is that Fan Wenqi chooses another one.

It didn't matter to him which one she wanted.

"Su Wei, I'm telling you well, if you must force me, then I will go to my father and tell him that you are my boyfriend and we have slept together. It is very possible that you are already pregnant in your stomach.

You said that when you become my family's door-to-door son-in-law, will you be very happy?" Fan Wenqi saw that Su Wei didn't get in, so she could only use a unique trick.

But if Su Wei still doesn't give in, then she will be the one who wants to give in.

After all, it is impossible for her to get married, her words are just to scare Su Wei.

"Fan Wenqi, you're so boring." Su Wei was dumbfounded when he heard Fan Wenqi's words.

The reason he didn't want to see Fan Wenqi this time was because he was afraid that she would pull him to be her son-in-law.

With the strength of Fan Wenqi's family, Su Wei would never come back unless he went abroad.

And there are only a few countries that can protect him well.

"Isn't it Su Wei that you forced me first? As long as you choose these two properties, I will never tell about this matter." Seeing Su Wei's appearance, Fan Wenqi knew that she had won the bet .

But at the same time as winning, she was also a little upset.

After all, although she is curvy, she also needs to have a good figure and good looks.

Su Wei, a guy who doesn't know what's good and what's wrong, dares to despise her.

"Okay, that's what you said, you won't say anything about it." Seeing Fan Wenqi's move, Su Wei could only surrender.

Although he surrendered, he planned to teach her a lesson.

Otherwise, Fan Wenqi thought she was made of mud.

"Su Wei, what are you doing? What are you doing closing the door?" Fan Wenqi saw Su Wei walking towards the door, and thought he was planning to go back to the conference room.

But unexpectedly, when Su Wei walked to the door, instead of opening it, he locked the door of the office.

"Why am I closing the door? Of course I fucked you here. Isn't that what you are doing today? I will satisfy you."

(End of this chapter)

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