Chapter 339
"Xiao Zhang? What's the matter with you two?" Su Wei tidied up his clothes and opened the door of the office after confirming that there was nothing wrong.

It was just the scene after opening the door that made him a little confused.

Because his assistant Zhang Ruoyu and Fan Wenqi's secretary were confronting each other at the door.

"Mr. Su, didn't you say that I must follow you today? That's why I just followed after I saw you leave the conference room. Who knew that at the door of the office, Secretary Zhou would not let me in anyway." When Zhang Ruoyu saw Su Wei coming out just now, she followed immediately.

After all, it was Su Wei himself who said that she must be by my side today.

Who knew that at the door of this office, she was stopped by Zhou Xiaoyu.

And Zhou Xiaoyu was very strange, he just didn't let her in, but he didn't object to her yelling outside.

What's even more strange is that even though it was so noisy outside, the noise outside was still not heard inside.

"Boss Su and Fan are always talking about serious business. Of course I can't let you in to disturb them. After all, the amount involved this time involves billions, tens of billions.

Mr. Su, have you talked with Mr. Fan?Why didn't you see President Fan coming out? "Zhou Xiaoyu's task today is to prevent Zhang Ruoyu from approaching Su Wei.

When she saw Zhang Ruoyu coming out, she quickly followed.

Then before Zhang Ruoyu opened the door of the office, he blocked her whole body at the door.

"We've already finished talking, but we had disagreements at the beginning, so we had a fight. You, Mr. Fan, are a little fragile. You may have to dress up before you can come out." After Su Wei was suppressed by Fan Wenqi's force last time, when he went to bed with her, he kept talking. A little reluctantly.

Seeing that she survived seven rounds, I thought she was very strong.

Unexpectedly, it was him who launched the offensive this time, and Fan Wenqi was beaten and surrendered in two or three hits.

But how could Su Wei let her go, he beat her so hard that she burst into tears.

Only then did Su Wei know that Fan Wenqi was a paper tiger.

"I'm fine now, Mr. Su, the deal between us should be done as I said." When Su Wei was talking, Fan Wenqi walked out from behind.

Although she was fine, her voice was hoarse when she spoke.

Her voice changed like this, it was all because she underestimated the enemy.

In the office before, when she saw Su Wei's appearance, she knew that he was going to come for real.

Fortunately, there is a small room of more than ten square meters in this office.

Although I don't know why Yang Jiayu repaired this room, it happened to be cheaper for her, Fan Wenqi.

For some reason, she felt that Su Wei punched extraordinarily bravely today.

In less than 10 minutes, she was beaten and surrendered.

But Su Wei refused to let her go, and punched her hard for more than half an hour before letting her go.

For half an hour, she never stopped singing loudly like she was on a roller coaster.

Fortunately, the sound insulation inside is super good. She sang for more than half an hour and didn't hear any sound outside.

"Just do as you said. For the rest, you can talk to my lawyers yourself, and I will go first." Since Su Wei has promised to take down the garment factory and Rainbow Mansion, there is nothing to talk about later thing.

Since there is nothing to do later, of course Su Wei plans to go back.

He had already enjoyed winning today, so he didn't intend to stay here to continue stimulating Fan Wenqi.

Otherwise, if she recovers, Su Wei doesn't want to go to that small room again.

"Boss Su, go slowly. I have to talk about things later, so I won't send him off." Fan Wenqi hated Su Wei now, so how could she still send him off.

He had already surrendered just now, but he still refused to let her go.

Now that it made her walk softly and speak hoarsely, it would be fine if she didn't take revenge on him.

"You don't need to send it away. You should take care of your body. Your voice is almost speechless."

. . . . . .

"President Su, how did your talk with President Fan go?" Seeing Su Wei's expression, Zhang Ruoyu guessed that the result should be very good.

After all, when his boss came to Yule Building today, he was still frowning.

Who knew that after talking with Fan Wenqi, the smile on that face could not be hidden no matter what.

If this is not a good result, then what is a good result.

"What do you think of what we talked about?" Su Wei came out of the office today, feeling extremely refreshed.

After all, this time he turned over and pushed Zhang Ruoyu down.

Sure enough, after changing positions this time, his performance was much better than last time.

"It should be very successful. Mr. Fan should have chosen at least one of the garment factory and Rainbow Mansion." It is unrealistic for Fan Wenqi to choose two properties.

After all, the value of these two properties is as high as 80 billion.

If Fan Wenqi took these two properties, she wouldn't get much cash.

Not to mention Fan Wenqi, even Zhang Ruoyu would not do such a thing.

"No, she didn't want these two properties, she gave them all to me." Although Su Wei lost the negotiation today, he won these two properties.

But today he pushed Fan Wenqi to the ground, that is a big victory.

After all, he is already so rich, billions more cash, billions less cash will not make him happier.

As rich as he is now, he can already say without shame that money is just a string of numbers.

"Ah? But I was going crazy seeing Mr. Fan's expression just now. Could it be that she regretted it, and Su Wei you didn't let her succeed?" Zhang Ruoyu is Su Wei's assistant, she can feel it.

When Su Wei said he didn't want these two properties, he probably really didn't want them.

But why did he change his mind after going to the office?
Could it be because of these two properties, there are hidden secrets.

Zhang Ruoyu knew that Fan Wenqi was crooked, so she didn't suspect that there was something between Su Wei and Fan Wenqi at all.

"This is a secret, a secret that no one can know.

By the way, tell Director Guan to prepare. When I come back from abroad, we will go to Kyoto and we may have to take over several properties." Su Wei didn't plan to tell anyone about his and Fan Wenqi's affairs.

Because if this matter is exposed, he will wait to be arrested by the Fan family and become his son-in-law.

In order to avoid this from happening, he will definitely not tell anyone.

He doesn't intend to get married, so even if the other party is the Princess, it won't work.

"How many properties? Apart from this Rainbow Mansion, are there other properties to take over?" This time there should be only three properties, and there is only Rainbow Mansion in Kyoto.

Zhang Ruoyu has been by Su Wei's side all the time, she really doesn't know which property is waiting to be accepted.

"You'll know when the time comes"

. . . . . .

"Mr. Fan, are you okay? I'll help you to rest on the sofa." Seeing that Su Wei had left, Fan Wenqi's feet went limp and almost fell down.

Fortunately, Zhou Xiaoyu, who had been paying attention all the time, moved quickly and was supported by Fan Wenqi.

"I'm fine, just rest for a while." Fan Wenqi had just come out, and it was all her own strength.

She heard Su Wei and Zhang Ruoyu talking at the door, no matter how tired she was, she could only get up.

After all, she doesn't want people to know about the matter between her and Su Wei.

It's easy to climb up, but difficult to walk.

After finally seeing Su Wei take his assistant away, she couldn't bear it and her feet went limp.

Fortunately, Zhou Xiaoyu had quick eyesight and quick hands, so she didn't fall to the ground.

"Mr. Fan, the cooperation between you and Mr. Su has collapsed." Zhou Xiaoyu helped Fan Wenqi to the sofa in the office.

She really didn't expect the two of them to be so bold.

They started fighting in the office when so many people were waiting for them in the conference room.

"We didn't talk about collapse, the cooperation between us is very smooth" Although there were twists and turns in the cooperation, after she showed her trump card.

Su Wei is still very knowledgeable about current affairs, and he quickly satisfied her requirements.

It's just that she suffered from herself, and now her feet are soft and her voice is hoarse.

"Very well? But I saw Mr. Su's expression" Zhou Xiaoyu thought that Fan Wenqi's negotiations had failed when he first saw Su Wei coming out.

After all, Su Wei at that time was really happy.

"His laugh has nothing to do with the content of this negotiation, he has already agreed to take the two properties.

Well, I'm much better now, you can help me to the meeting room." Regarding Zhou Xiaoyu, the secretary, Fan Wenqi was not so defensive about her.

After all, she has already decided that Zhou Xiaoyu will not leave her side for at least 15 years.

Such a time will be set, mainly after 15 years, and it is impossible for the family to continue to force her to get married.

"Excellent President Fan"

. . . . . .



"dong dong dong"

"Hey, you're the one chasing after me, I'm such a big car, you can also hit it up." Xiao Zhao was speechless, since he hadn't moved the car just now.

And the place where he parked was still in the parking space.

This was the first time he drove Zhang Ruoyu's car, and he was hit unexpectedly.

Originally, he planned to drive President Su in the future, but now it is basically impossible.

"Sorry, sorry, big brother, I'm a novice. I didn't estimate the distance when I parked the car just now, and I didn't stop all of a sudden, so I bumped into your car." The glass rolled down, and a panic-stricken young girl.

She looked young, she should have just graduated from college.

After Xiao Zhao found her, she kept apologizing.

"You are a novice, so be careful when driving. You dare to hit this car." Xiao Zhao saw a girl opposite, and his tone was not as tough as before.

After all, this girl's appearance is also a department flower or school flower in the school.

"I'm really sorry, I will pay for the rear-end collision." After the girl saw her rear-end collision, she didn't mean to shirk responsibility at all.

After all, the matter of her crashing the car is very clear, and she is also very sensible.

"Now it's not a matter of whether you pay or not, but that this car belongs to my boss. You, you should talk to my boss in person later." If it was Xiao Zhao's car, then Xiao Zhao might have let this girl go .

But it's a pity that Xiao Zhao is just a bodyguard, he has no right to make decisions.

"That's no problem, may I ask where is your boss?" The girl didn't show any other expression when she heard that Xiao Zhao was not the owner of the car.

Just a very sincere question, where is the owner of the car.

"My boss is on the Maybach in front. Don't even think about driving away. If you do, it will be a big deal." Xiao Zhao's words were really a warning to her.

After all, it wasn't a big deal to touch a car, but if the girl ran away.

The nature is different, and his boss will definitely be angry at that time.

And as long as his boss gets angry, the girl in front of him will suffer.

"Brother, don't worry, I bought insurance for my car and I won't run away." The girl really couldn't laugh or cry when she heard Xiao Zhao's words.

She has insurance, so there is no need to run away.

"Xiao Zhao, what's the situation?" After seeing what happened next, Lao Liu talked to Su Wei and came over to understand the situation.

I was already going back to Gubei No. [-], but I didn't expect such a rear-end collision to happen later.

"Brother Liu, my car parked here fine, but this woman accidentally bumped into it while parking." When the Rolls-Royce was hit, Xiao Zhao hadn't even turned on the ignition.

Because Assistant Zhang in front went shopping, everyone's cars were waiting in the parking spaces.

Zhang Ruoyu's Rolls Royce is not a protective car.

So I put it at the end, and something happened unexpectedly.

"How did the Rolls-Royce's butt hit? Did you see it?" Liu Qiang didn't care who hit it, he just wanted to know what happened to the car.

As for the person who crashed, she just waited to lose money.

"Brother Liu, come and see, there is only a little scratch, I think it's almost done after polishing.

And the person who chased after her was a little girl, so let’s forget about Brother Liu.” Xiao Zhao had already checked carefully, and there was indeed only a little scratch.

He saw that the little girl was pretty, so he decided not to pursue it.

After all, such a small injury, you can't see it if you don't pay attention.

"Forget it, you can decide this matter, wait a minute, I'll ask Mr. Su's opinion." Liu Qiang was also speechless to Xiao Zhao, this is Mr. Su's car.

If it's the Q7 that's the problem, forget it.

After all, Su never cared about the car Q7, but that didn't mean he didn't care about the car Rolls Royce.

"Brother, I'm willing to lose money. I bought full insurance." When Liu Qiang was looking at the scratch marks, the girl was also covering her chest and bending over to watch.

After hearing Liu Qiang's words, she immediately said that she bought car insurance and was willing to take responsibility.

"Wait a minute and see what my boss says"

. . . . . .

"Old Liu, what's going on?" Su Wei saw Liu Qiang coming back and asked him what happened.

If nothing happened, he would go back to sleep.

He had just finished his hard work in the Yule Building.

"Boss Su, the Rolls Royce driven by Ms. Zhang was rear-ended." Although that Rolls Royce belongs to Su Wei, isn't Su Wei driving it now?

And how could he not know that Zhang Ruoyu must be one of the mistresses in the future.

So when he spoke, he directly called Zhang Ruoyu's Rolls-Royce.

"That Rolls-Royce was rear-ended? Is it serious?" Su Wei didn't expect that it was a Rolls-Royce that was rear-end.

Their cars are all parked in the parking spaces.

In this case, he would still be hit.

"It's not serious, but the paint is a little off." Liu Qiang didn't know why, but he felt that the girl who hit the car looked familiar.

But he just couldn't remember who this girl was.

"That's right, I'll go and have a look." If it's Audi Q7, then Su Wei must let Liu Qiang solve it by himself.

But it was this Rolls-Royce Phantom that was hit, so of course he wanted to see how the injury was.

"That woman is the owner of the rear-end car. She seems to be a novice. She hit the wrong gear while parking." After Su Wei got out of the car, Liu Qiang pointed to the girl who hit the car.

"is her?"

(End of this chapter)

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