Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 340 Rolls-Royce was rear-ended

Chapter 340 Rolls-Royce was rear-ended

Chapter 330 Seven

"Shen Manyin? Why are you here?" Su Wei followed the direction of Liu Qiang's finger and saw the owner of the rear-end car.

He never expected that this person turned out to be Shen Manyin who had met once in his hometown.

Su Wei noticed that she was wearing a dark green dress today, and her hair was slightly permed in waves.

She is much prettier than when I saw her in my hometown.

"Su Wei? What a coincidence, I accidentally hit this car, and now I'm waiting for the owner to come over. You, you can't be the owner of this car, are you?" Why did Shen Manyin bump into this Rolls-Royce, That was entirely on her will.

Ever since she knew that Su Wei was rich, she had done a lot of homework in private.

I know about how many cars Su Wei has and the license plates of several cars.

This time, Su Wei's acquisition of the Yang Group has already been reported in the news.

Shen Manyin's company happened to be nearby, so she would stop by when she was free.

Recently, it has been reported in the news that Sunac is going to acquire Yule Real Estate, and Yule Real Estate is the property of the Yang Group.

Shen Manyin knew that Su Wei must be coming here recently.

Before, she only came here occasionally, but recently she drove here every day.

Heaven paid off, she finally saw Su Wei's Rolls Royce appear today.

But she knew that she definitely couldn't go up to talk to her directly.

After all, the last time Su Wei saw her, he didn't say anything to her.

What if Su Wei ignored her like he did that day if he went up rashly.

So she performed such a trick of chasing after her.

But there was an accident, that is, she didn't expect that the car was driven by a bodyguard.

Fortunately, Su Wei was in the car in front, otherwise she would have been bumped into nothing today.

After all, after this incident, it will not be so easy to get closer next time.

"That's right, it's really a coincidence. There are at least several million cars in Shanghai, and you can all hit my car." Su Wei didn't doubt that Shen Manyin hit his car on purpose.

He thought it was such a coincidence that Shen Manyin happened to be chasing after him.

After all, he didn't expect that Shen Manyin would specifically check his license plate number.

"Then your car was hit hard? I think your car should be very expensive, but it doesn't matter. My car is insured, so it must be enough to pay for it." Although Shen Manyin's car is a Volkswagen Golf, the first car she bought The third responsibility is 200 million.

What I am afraid of is that when encountering this kind of luxury car, the insurance will not be enough to pay for it.

If she hadn't bought 200 million insurance, how dare she slap Rolls-Royce's ass.

"Whether you pay or not, it can be a big deal if you get hit, and I can make you pay for it." Not to mention that it was Shen Manyin who chased after her, Su Wei would not pursue it even with her good-looking girl.

After all, cars are insured now, so if you pay so much money to the insurance company every year, don't you let the insurance company make money.

Unless it was a collision on purpose, or the other party was drinking, this kind of Su Wei must be investigated to the end.

"I just checked, it seems that I scratched off the paint on your car." Shen Manyin has bought this car for a while.

She drives it every day, and her skills are not bad.

This time, Shen Manyin was the one who hit the rear end on purpose.

She didn't dare to hit too hard, if Su Wei turned his face ruthlessly.

Then her 200 million insurance may not be enough to pay.

"It doesn't matter if you scrape off a little paint, I'll take a look, hey, it doesn't seem right.

Old Liu, bring me a few pieces of paper, and bring me a bottle of water." Su Wei looked at it first, and felt that the paint was indeed peeled off.

But when I touched it with my hands, I felt that the feel was not right.

Normally the paint is peeled off, it should be sunken.

But the current feel is protruding.

"Okay Mr. Su" Liu Qiang felt that the woman who was chasing after him looked familiar when he started.

It wasn't until Su Wei chatted with her that he remembered that this woman was the one he met at the entrance of Xiapu Hotel.

"It's okay, I touched it lightly just now." Hearing Su Wei's words, Shen Manyin felt a little nervous.

After all, this car is so expensive, so it's not because of some vulnerable parts.

But she wasn't too flustered, it would be a big deal to take the insurance.

"I made a mistake. This paint was scraped off your car, not mine. I didn't expect the paint on this Rolls-Royce car to be quite hard." Su Wei asked Liu Qiang to get a few napkins from the car, and then put the Water poured over the paper.

Wipe the paint off with a damp paper, and with a little effort, the paint is wiped off.

Su Wei looked at the place again and found that there was nothing on the Rolls Royce.

Liu Qiang and the others probably didn't dare to wipe it hard before, so they didn't find out.

"Ah, this is the paint on my own car, so that's good, that's good, I was worried about it for a long time just now." Hearing that it was the paint on my car, Shen Manyin also let go of her hanging heart.

After all, if Su Wei knew that the car had been hit, he would definitely feel a little upset.

Then if she wants to proceed to the next step, it may not go well.

She would use this method before, mainly because she really couldn't do it.

Now this result is really the best result she expected.

"My car is fine now, but I see a few pieces of paint scraped off your car, do you want to report to the insurance for repair?" Su Wei looked at the Volkswagen and found that the front of the car had a few pieces of paint scraped off .

But although there are a few blocks, fortunately the area is not large.

"I can't even see the paint if I don't pay attention to it. I still don't need to report the insurance, otherwise the insurance premium will rise next year, and it may be more expensive than my painting fee." Shen Manyin looked at her car and planned not to report the insurance.

After all, it costs only a few hundred dollars to spray one surface of paint.

If you apply for insurance, the premium increase next year may not exceed this amount.

After all, as long as there is no insurance, the insurance will be discounted every year.

"That's true. With your skills, you'd better wait until you scrape a few more paint surfaces, and then spray them together." Seeing that Shen Manyin didn't report insurance, Su Wei didn't persuade him much.

After all, small scratches and small touches are indeed more cost-effective to repair by yourself.

Especially if the technology is too poor, don't rush to repair it.

It's much more cost-effective to repair it together after dipping a few places.

"Hey, Su Wei, what do you mean, you want my car to be scratched a few more times, right?" Shen Manyin was very happy when she heard Su Wei teasing her.

She was afraid that when Su Wei met her, he would be as cold as he was at the hotel last time.

If that's the case, she might just go home in despair.

"My car didn't move, but you can hit it, which only proves that your skills are really not very good." Shen Manyin can hit this stationary car.

Of course Su Wei felt that Shen Manyin's skills were not good enough.

"I don't believe it. You have never been hit by a car. I'm a novice." In fact, Shen Manyin has obtained a driver's license for more than two years.

When there was no accident at home, she was driving an a4.

Now hearing Su Wei say that she is a road killer, of course she is upset.

But she couldn't tell Su Wei that she bumped into him on purpose just now.

In this case, Su Wei would know her purpose.

"Okay, okay, you are the best novice, okay?" Su Wei and Shen Manyin chatted, making him feel like he was dreaming back to high school.

At that time, Su Wei was actually quite timid.

After all, Shen Manyin is so beautiful, she is very famous in the whole school.

But Su Wei's grades in class are average, his looks are average, and his family background is average.

Even if he likes Shen Manyin, he doesn't dare to flirt with her in reality.

But because he and Shen Manyin are game friends, and they can't see Shen Manyin's face while playing games, so Su Wei can let it go.

"Su Wei, I was planning to lose money just now, but now your car is fine, why don't I use this money to treat you to dinner?" Shen Manyin invited Su Wei to dinner, it was already planned.

After all, if she wants to get closer to Su Wei, the fastest way is to have dinner together.

If Su Wei was just let go like this, then Su Wei might just forget about her in two days.

"Bring me to dinner? Yes, but I have to explain things to them"

. . . . . .

"Boss Su, is the car okay?" When Su Wei returned to the Maybach, Zhang Ruoyu was already in the car.

She had just bought something and came out of the store when she saw her boss chatting with a girl.

After asking the bodyguards, I found out that the Rolls Royce I was driving was hit by someone.

And the person who hit the car was that girl.

"Your car is fine, it's just that the paint on her car is off, why didn't you come over just now?" Su Wei was surprised, the Rolls-Royce Phantom was driven by Zhang Ruoyu.

The car was hit, she didn't care at all.

Could it be that she doesn't like this car, or does she prefer that kind of sports car?
"It's not easy for me to go there. If I go by, I won't be bothering Mr. Su, you're picking up girls." Zhang Ruoyu originally wanted to see if the car was okay, but who knew that his boss was chatting there.

In a fit of anger, she returned to the car.

After all, you can have such a happy chat with a girl who is chasing after you.

When Zhang Ruoyu speaks now, it smells sour.

"What are you thinking? The person who chased you just now is my former high school classmate." Hearing Zhang Ruoyu's words, Su Wei didn't know what she meant.

But compared to Shen Manyin, of course Zhang Ruoyu is more important.

After all, Zhang Ruoyu will be his woman sooner or later, while Shen Manyin is just an alumnus.

"Your old classmate is so beautiful, and you can still meet in the vast magic city. You are so destined to have a meal together." Zhang Ruoyu calmed down a little when he heard that this person was Su Wei's classmate.

But she was still very upset, after all, who told that girl to be good-looking.

"It's an appointment, she's going to invite us to have dinner together later." Shen Manyin definitely didn't invite Zhang Ruoyu, after all, Shen Manyin didn't even know about Zhang Ruoyu's existence.

But at this time, it is definitely impossible for him to let Zhang Ruoyu go back first.

"I won't go, what if I go, and I haven't packed the luggage I'm going to London this time." Zhang Ruoyu is not a fool, how could she go to eat this meal.

She wasn't angry either, mainly because she was a little numb.

If she was angry, she would have turned into an angry bun and died of anger.

"I really only ate with her because I haven't seen my old classmate for a long time. I don't have any thoughts about her, because you are much prettier than her." In terms of appearance, Shen Manyin's score is 88 at most.

But, Shen Manyin has a bonus item.

That is when Su Wei was young, he did like her.

The girls that men don't get are indeed a bit fragrant.

"I really don't want to go. This time I might go abroad for a few days. I plan to spend some time with my parents tonight." Zhang Ruoyu couldn't help but smile when she heard Su Wei praised her for her beauty.

But she still doesn't plan to go to eat, after all, if she goes, she will definitely be a light bulb.

Su Wei's female classmate asked him for dinner, and any fool knew there was something wrong.

"That's it, then you go back and help me bring a good one to my uncle and aunt"

. . . . . .

"Su Wei, the place I chose, is it too cheap?" Shen Manyin brought Su Wei to the restaurant this time, which is a hot pot restaurant with an average per capita of more than 100.

Although this restaurant is delicious, it was actually her intention to come to this restaurant to eat.

After all, she thought that Su Wei must often eat in high-end restaurants, if she also took him to that kind of restaurant.

Then Su Wei's impression of her will not be very deep.

So she went in the opposite direction and chose a relatively cheap restaurant.

However, although the price of this store is average, the taste is still very good.

"It's okay, I think this place is pretty good, and I haven't eaten Thai hot pot yet." Su Wei was not born with a golden key in his mouth, and he didn't have much money before.

Although he is rich now, he is really not the kind of person who must eat high-end restaurants.

When he took his sister to eat at that kind of place, he mainly felt that the dishes there were guaranteed.

There may be some bad taste, but not too bad.

If it's really unpalatable, because the price is high, she doesn't care if the girl can take pictures.

Ordinary restaurants may be delicious, but most of them are bad.

And he didn't have the time to judge which restaurant was delicious.

"What about your bodyguards, do you want to eat together?" Shen Manyin thought Su Wei's bodyguards were amazing, even though they were all nearby.

But if you don't look carefully, you can only find a few bodyguards.

The rest are all hidden among ordinary people.

"Don't worry about them, if they really eat with me, they will feel uncomfortable." It's not that Su Wei has never eaten with them, but the atmosphere at the dinner table will be very depressing.

Since Su Wei met them, he stopped eating with them.

"Okay, this is their menu, see what you like to eat" Hearing what Su Wei said, Wang Wang understood what he meant.

After all, during their company dinner, whoever shared the same table with the boss.

The atmosphere was indeed like this, and no one spoke.

Everyone is dumb unless the boss asks a question.

"You help me order, I just need meat." Su Wei is a carnivore, and every meal must have meat.

After all, it took humans so long to climb to the top of the food chain, not to eat grass.

"Su Wei, do you still play CF now? I played a few games recently and suddenly found myself dizzy. I never felt like this before." Shen Manyin found that she and Su Wei were so awkward when they were alone.

She could only take out the topic she had prepared long ago, trying to awaken Su Wei's previous memories.

"You are 3D dizzy, unless you play it often, you will vomit after watching it for a while.

And I stopped playing CF a long time ago, it’s been 5-6 years now.” Su Wei used to play CF a lot, especially when he was in college.

But after stepping into the society, what I play is lol.

The time he mentioned was actually the timeline before his rebirth.

In the current timeline, it may not be two years.

"Then do you still play any games? We can go to the Internet cafe today and look for the memories of the time when we were studying." Shen Manyin knew her appearance, and she was indeed a beauty among ordinary people.

But the two women I saw at the hotel last time were prettier than her.

The female assistant who drove the Rolls-Royce today has a first-class appearance.
And her only advantage is that Su Wei liked her back then.

"Forget it, I don't have much interest in playing games now. After all, reality is so fun, how can games be as fun as reality?" When you have no money, of course games are fun.

Now that Su Wei is so rich, he hasn't played games for a long time.

And this time he will go out to eat with Shen Manyin, the main purpose is to get her up to make up for the regrets in high school.

"Sure enough, he is a rich man, and his tone of voice is different"


(End of this chapter)

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