Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 341 I'll Help You Out

Chapter 341 I'll Help You Out
"I'm so full from this meal, Su Wei, do you dislike the bad wine here?" Shen Manyin drank a bottle of beer while eating today.

Originally, she meant to let Su Wei drink a little too.

At that time, after the two of them have finished eating, they can go to the bar or the cinema to sit.

As a result, when the wine was served, Su Wei didn't even take a sip.

She had no choice but to drink a bottle of beer by herself.

"Why, I just have something to do tomorrow, so I don't want to drink." The reason why Su Wei doesn't drink is very simple, because he doesn't like this wine.

When the beer was first served, he glanced at the ingredient list.

It turned out that the beer was industrial beer.

How could someone like Su Wei drink this wine.

So he just made an excuse and refused directly.

If it was really craft brew, then he would drink some with Shen Manyin.

After all, it's easy to do things when you're drunk.

"I thought you looked down on me as an old classmate, so you wouldn't drink with me." Although Shen Manyin's alcohol tolerance is not very good, but it is not enough to get drunk with a bottle of beer.

But she has a big tongue now, that's because she pretended it on purpose.

If she didn't pretend, she was afraid that Su Wei would just part ways with her.

"If you've been drinking, you must be unable to drive. Where do you live, I'll take you there." Su Wei saw that Shen Manyin was drinking a little too much, so he must be worried about letting her go home by herself.

If she was allowed to go home like this, Su Wei would definitely regret it to death.

And Su Wei didn't intend to let Shen Manyin go tonight.

"Are you going to take me home? Okay, then I'll give you the key." Shen Manyin originally thought that today would be the end of the day, but she didn't expect it to turn around.

Su Wei actually said that he would take her home, so she must have agreed.

After all, she did so much today, but she just wanted to spend a little longer with Su Wei at night.

As for whether to go home later, and whether to give it after returning home, she has not yet considered it.

"Why did you give me the car keys?" Su Wei didn't understand why Shen Manyin gave him the Volkswagen keys.

After all, he came in a Maybach tonight.

He thought that Shen Manyin had drunk too much at this time, so he planned to return the key to her.

"Isn't that what you said? I'm a novice and you are an old driver. Then I'll give you the keys now. You can drive my car today. I'll be the co-pilot. I want to see how your skills are." Su Wei dared to laugh at her, so she wanted to see how Su Wei's driving skills were.

Although she knew that Su Wei had many cars, she didn't believe that he would drive them often.

After all, if he is so rich, he must be very busy.

And those sports cars, it's impossible for him to drive them to negotiate business with people.

It's like he came to discuss business today, but he didn't sit in this Mercedes-Benz S-Class.

"Are you sure you want to take this car instead of a Mercedes-Benz?" Su Wei looked at the crowd in front of him, really dumbfounded.

I didn't expect that one day, I would drive this kind of A-class car.

Even when he had no money, he never drove such a small car.

"I'm sure, I think my car is pretty good." Although Shen Manyin's golf power is only 1.4T, it really feels good to drive.

Although her previous A4 was 2.0T, she felt that it was not as easy to drive in the city as golf.

And she also wanted to see what it would be like for a big boss like Su Wei to drive golf on the road.

"Okay, since you've said that, I'll show you a show." Su Wei laughed when he heard Shen Manyin questioning his driving skills.

After all, he prefers to ride rather than drive these days.

That's because he was afraid that Yang Ye would jump over the wall before he died, and he didn't have any favorite cars to drive now.

So recently, he basically mainly takes the car.

But this time will not be long, because Yang Ye has already been sentenced to death.

Before long, he was going to die.

It will be executed so quickly because there are too many people who want him to die.

"Then can I take a photo of you, I want to record how you, a super rich man, drive golf." Shen Manyin took pictures, of course not just Su Wei driving.

In many cases, taking pictures can greatly increase the intimacy between two people.

"Shoot if you want"

. . . . . .

"So you live here? Is the place you live in okay?" Su Wei really didn't expect that Shen Manyin lived in Xuhui.

But in his memory, their family was not so rich.

Could it be that he got rich later?Otherwise, how could she afford to buy a car in Shanghai and still live in Xuhui.

After all, the house price in this place is the most expensive besides Old Jing'an and Huangpu.

Whether it is buying a house or renting a house here, the price will not be cheap.

"I can't afford to live here on my own. My dad paid me a year's rent when I found a job." The neighborhood Shen Manyin lives in is not bad in Shanghai.

After she found a job, his father rented her directly for a year.

Now she is so anxious to find Su Wei, on the one hand, she wants to find Su Wei to help her father.

On the other hand, she still has a month until her rent is due.

With her current salary, it is not even enough to pay the rent.

Her current rent for this house is 8 yuan a month, while her own salary is only [-] yuan.

"Where is your parking space? My stomach hurts and I want to go to the toilet." Su Wei was noncommittal to Shen Manyin's words.

Mainly because it's none of his business, after all, he didn't plan to play with her for a long time.

He would talk to Shen Manyin simply because she was his goddess back then.

Now that he has the opportunity to fuck her, how could he let go of this opportunity.

"The 116 in front is the parking space I rented." Shen Manyin, who was still hesitant to let him go up, saw Su Wei and said that he had a stomachache.

Now he didn't hesitate anymore, and quickly told Su Wei her parking space.

After all, if Su Wei is not allowed to go up now, in case he really wants to go to the toilet, she will not let him.

Then next time she wants to find Su Wei, Su Wei will basically ignore her.

"Why is there still a car in this parking space? Whose BMW is this? You have two cars?" Su Wei said that his stomach hurts, it must be fake.

The main reason is that this trick is easy to use, he has gone to many girls' homes with this trick.

As long as a woman is not disgusted with you, she will allow you to go to her house.

Those who disagree with you going to her house are either because there are people at home, or because they don't have feelings for you.

Because she doesn't dare to bet whether you really have a stomachache and need to go to the toilet.

"This car belongs to my neighbor, but she often parks it in my parking space." Shen Manyin looked at the BMW X5 parked in her parking space, feeling really agitated.

Just stop before, why did it stop again today.

She has something important to do today, if it wasn't for Su Wei's presence, she would want to swear.

"He often parks in your parking space? Doesn't he have his own parking space?" When Su Wei saw this BMW, he thought he knew Shen Manyin.

After all, if they don't know each other, who would park the car in someone else's parking space.

"They have their own parking spaces, but they don't like to park there because it's too far away.

Su Wei, don't worry, I'll call them and ask them to come down and move the car." Shen Manyin's parking space was rented from her landlord.

This BMW rented this parking space before, but after Shen Manyin rented this house later.

The landlord took back the parking space and rented it to Shen Manyin.

The BMW owner has her own parking space, but it's too far away, so she rents this space.

Although there is no rent in the back, she still often parks the car in this parking space.

Shen Manyin also looked for them, but they basically didn't like her because they saw Shen Manyin as a foreigner.

"Hello, the number you dialed is currently active"

"They don't answer the phone, why don't we park the car in their parking space and come over here?" Shen Manyin made three phone calls, but the other party hung up on them all.

She knew that the BMW owner didn't plan to move the car this time.

She had no choice but to let Su Wei drive to the BMW owner's parking space.

"They're looking at you as a bully. Give me your phone number, and I'll call them." Su Wei knew what was going on when he saw the situation.

The other party should be looking at her as a woman, so there is no end to taking advantage of her.

Su Wei despised this kind of person the most, and when he met him, he would definitely help Shen Manyin out.

"Hello, who is it?" While the female BMW owner was playing with her mobile phone, she saw a strange call coming in.

I originally planned not to answer, because the person in parking space 116 called her just now.

But she was also afraid that someone would really have something to do with her, so she took it after thinking about it.

"I am the owner of parking space 116, come here and move the car." Seeing that the other party answered the phone, Su Wei asked her to come over and move the car.

The main reason is that there are many things that are not easy to talk about on the phone, and he plans to talk to her about these things when he arrives at the scene.

"You want me to move the car, who are you? Where is Xiao Shen?" The female BMW owner sighed in her heart when she heard that she was asked to move the car.

If I had known earlier, I would not have answered the call just now.

"I'm Xiao Shen's boyfriend." When Su Wei said that, he glanced at Shen Manyin and found that she didn't object.

He would say that, of course, because if he had no identity, there would be no reason to ask her to go downstairs and move the car.

"Are you Xiao Shen's boyfriend? Then I won't move the car either.

We have known Xiao Shen for almost a year, and I often park at this location, and Xiao Shen didn’t say anything.” The owner of the BMW has two houses in this community.

Now this house is a three-bedroom set of 110 square meters.

The other house is a two-bedroom house of more than 70 square meters.

But when I bought a parking space, I only bought one parking space.

Who knew that after they had two children, the two rooms would not be enough to live in.

After moving to the three-bedroom house here, the parking space was too far away from them.

"Xiao Shen, she wants to talk to you, but she called you several times just now, and you didn't answer the phone?" The words that came out of the woman's mouth really made him laugh angrily.

How could there be such a shameless person in this world, who didn't answer the phone and hung up and asked why he didn't call her.

Shen Manyin called just now, could it be that they were all for dogs?

"Oh, I don't have time here, how about this, you park your car at 6 in Building 102, that parking space is mine, Xiao Shen also knows, the two of us often park alternately" the BMW owner has parked his car now Yes, she definitely won't go down.

And what a great location, she can see her car when she goes downstairs.

The parking space in Building 6 is separated from her by a building.

"I don't want to change today, I just want to park in the parking space 116" If Su Wei is willing to change, then it is not Su Wei.

This time he came to stand out for Shen Manyin, so he must park in the 116 parking space.

"I'm taking two children with me now, so it's inconvenient to come down and move the car. If I get down, they won't be taken care of." The woman in the BMW car didn't mainly see that the other party was a man, she started scolding a long time ago.

It's not like she didn't scold Shen Manyin when she called her before.

Who wants her husband not to be at home today, otherwise how could she talk for so long.

"How old are her two children?" Su Wei asked Shen Manyin while covering the microphone when he heard the other party say that he had two children.

If there were really two children waiting to be fed, it would be difficult for him to proceed to the next step.

Before "one went to elementary school and the other went to middle school", Shen Manyin was also morally kidnapped by this reason.

I thought she was really going to bring two children, but it turned out that both children were very big.

"It's okay, you can bring your two giant babies down together." Su Wei was also drunk and thought it was two children.

As a result, one went to elementary school and the other went to middle school.

Such a big child needs to be taken care of by others. This is not a giant baby, who is a giant baby.

"Who do you say is a giant baby? Let me tell you that you, a big man, can't understand. Outsiders are outsiders, and their quality is really poor." The BMW owner heard Su Wei mocking her child as a giant baby. They were all pissed off.

After all, her child has always been her pride, and now she is being insulted like this.

"You're taking our parking space, you're justified, right? In a word, can you move the car?" Su Wei is now completely angry, because this person actually beat him up.

Even though he was occupying someone's parking space, he actually said that his quality was poor.

"I won't move the car. I'll see what you can do. I'm afraid you won't succeed as a foreigner." The BMW owner has always had a sense of superiority for her status as a local.

If it weren't for this, she wouldn't often occupy Shen Manyin's parking space.

Now that she has broken up with Su Wei, she won't go down and move the car anymore.

"toot toot"

"Su Wei, let's forget it, their family is all locals, so it's not very reasonable." Although the hostess of this family is not easy to speak.

But compared to her husband, that was much easier to get along with.

Her husband basically spoke insulting words.

"What's wrong with the locals, the locals are awesome, I just want to punish him." For people like Su Wei, there are a hundred ways to teach him.

Doesn't he like to occupy other people's positions, so let him occupy this position forever.

"Then Su Wei, what are you going to do?" Shen Manyin agreed with Su Wei's punishment of the BMW owner's family.

After all, only in this way can the relationship between her and Su Wei be more secure.

And her behavior towards the BMW owner's family is also disgusting.

"I, I want her to kneel down and beg me"

 I have been full of anger these two days. This chapter should have been updated yesterday, but I was really angry. I will make it up in two days. Please understand.

(End of this chapter)

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