Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 342 Then You Wait

Chapter 342 Then You Wait

The next day.

"Who is it?" Su Wei was soundly asleep in the morning, but was woken up by a phone call when he passed by.

I checked the time on my phone and found it was only 07:30 in the morning.

I also saw that the caller was from an unfamiliar number, so when he answered the phone, his tone was very bad.

"It's me." When Fang Yuan drove with his two children in the morning, he found that his car was blocked.

She looked around, but couldn't find a phone in the car.

At this time, she remembered that she had a quarrel with Xiao Shen's boyfriend last night.

The Audi that is blocking her car now is likely to be parked by him.

Fang Yuan thought of this, quickly found out his phone number, and called him.

"Who are you?" Su Wei was a little confused when he heard a female voice on the phone.

After all, he has too many romantic debts outside.

After he finished sex with many women, he didn't leave a call for them.

So Su Wei thought that the person who called him now was a romantic debt he had incurred.

"I'm Xiao Shen's neighbor, the person who accidentally occupied your parking space yesterday." Fang Yuan's tone now is completely different from yesterday.

After all, it was the other party who begged her yesterday, but today she came to beg the other party.

Although she is arrogant and unreasonable, it is also to see people.

Of course, she doesn't pay much attention to a little girl like Xiao Shen.

But Xiao Shen's boyfriend is different. After all, he probably drives an Audi Q7.

Although this car is not as expensive as her BMW X5, the gap is not that big.

"You're crazy, call me at this hour, I don't want to sleep." Su Wei breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that it was Shen Manyin's neighbor.

If she didn't say who she was just now, then Su Wei would have to run to the toilet to make a phone call.

Because of this call, Wang Xiaoyuan has already been woken up.

He was so angry mainly because he was afraid of affecting Wang Xiaoyuan, a pregnant woman.

"It's like this. An Audi Q7 is parked in front of my car. I want to ask if this is your car." Although Fang Yuan has already decided in his heart, this car is parked by him.

But Fang Yuan didn't dare to be too tough, after all, if he didn't come to drive, she wouldn't be able to knock the car away.

Because in that case, it doesn't matter if the insurance pays or not.

Even she herself might end up in jail for a while.

"What's wrong with my car, what's the problem?" After Su Wei got angry with this woman yesterday, he made a promise with Shen Manyin.

This woman must kneel down and apologize.

Then he contacted the owners of 115 and 117 through the license plate number.

Then spent 1 yuan to rent their parking space for a month.

When they knew it at the time, they immediately agreed.

After all, the parking spaces in this community only cost 1200 a month.

After Su Wei rented a parking space next to him, he parked three Audi Q7s to the left, right and in front of the 116 parking space.

If it wasn't for the wall at the back, he would have planned to rent the back as well.

"What's the problem? You're blocking my car. Hurry down and move the car for me." Fang Yuan, who was planning to talk, suddenly became angry when he heard Su Wei's words.

After all, it was because of his traffic jam that she couldn't send her child to school.

It's fine if he doesn't admit his mistakes, and he still feels that it doesn't matter.

This indifferent attitude really angered her completely.

Now Fangyuan doesn't care whether Su Wei comes to move the car, she just wants to let the fire out.

"Move the car for you? Then you have to wait." Su Wei originally planned to sneer a few more words, but seeing Wang Xiaoyuan around, he still endured it.

Don't look at the other party being crazy now, after a while he will see if she can still be so crazy.

After all, this time, he didn't intend to let the BMW come out easily.

"Then hurry up, I still have to drive the child to school." The BMW owner heard Su Wei's voice lowered, and thought he was planning to get down and move the car.

Now that the other party's attitude has softened, she will no longer be aggressive.

After all, is the other party's car still stuck in front of her car? Let's talk about everything after her car gets out.

"Shabi, take your time and go." After Su Wei hung up the phone, he directly blocked her number.

Then start the Do Not Disturb mode for strangers, as long as it is a number that he has not saved, he will not be able to call.

Since Su Wei asked her to kneel down and admit her mistake, how could she forgive her after only one night.

"Whose phone number?" Wang Xiaoyuan began to hear a female voice, thinking that Su Wei was on the phone with his confidante.

After listening to a few words, I realized that she was thinking too much.

Because when Su Wei was on the phone, if it wasn't for her being here, Su Wei would almost have swearing.

"A bad phone call, don't worry about him, let's continue to sleep." Although Su Wei went to bed early yesterday, he still felt that he didn't get enough sleep.

Mainly his biological clock, which doesn't allow him to wake up so early in the morning.

"Go on to sleep, I can't fall asleep now, I'd better wait until noon to catch up on sleep." After Wang Xiaoyuan became pregnant, she got up very early every day.

Mainly because she now, every day goes to bed before 10 o'clock.

Just this living habit, isn't it just getting up very early in the morning.

"Call me when you have lunch"

. . . . . .

"Why are you coming back now? Hurry up and give me the keys, I have to go to work." Fang Yuan just got home, and her husband hurriedly asked her for the car keys.

Because she usually leaves the house at 07:30 to drop off the child, and basically arrives home at 8.30.

But it was nine o'clock today, and she didn't come back home.

Although he is the leader of the company, being late is not a good thing after all.

Moreover, he is only a small leader in the company, and there are still many people above his head who can control him.

"It's useless for you to take the car keys. Our car was blocked in the parking space. I forgot to call you just now." Fang Yuan had just been waiting in the basement for more than ten minutes when he saw Xiao Shen and his boyfriend Not down yet.

All he could do was take out his cell phone and call him again to remind him to leave.

As a result, after the call was made, the call was immediately hung up.

This made her realize that her mobile number might have been blocked.

Changed the number and called, only to find that it was a voicemail box.

"The car was blocked by someone? What kind of traffic jam?" Fang Yuan's husband immediately became angry when he heard that his car was blocked.

He has such a temper, mainly because he is used to it.

After all, he is a local, and there are two houses in his family.

The parents of both parties do not need them to support them.

Even if you really don't go to work, people in this generation can earn enough money.

So when he has conflicts with others, it is easy to despise the other party from the heart.

If you feel that the other party is inferior to him in all aspects, you should let him go.

"It's an Audi Q7, it happened to block in front of our car." Fang Yuan was really angry today, let's just forget that the car was blocked and couldn't get out.

She ran outside the community to take a taxi, but it turned out that it was rush hour.

It was full of people taking taxis outside, and it took her a long time to get a taxi.

After sending the two children to school, she was about to take a taxi home.

It was raining again, so she could only hide at the school gate to avoid the rain.

Seeing the way the parents who drove here looked at her, she was ashamed to death.

"Didn't he leave a phone in the car? Looking for a property?" Fang Yuan's husband finally realized that his wife's clothes seemed to be wet.

He hurried to the toilet, took her towel and handed it to Fangyuan.

After all, in this family, he is the one who has been bullied all the time.

"I didn't leave a call, but I know who stopped it." Of course Fang Yuan knew who it was, after all, he only called in the morning.

She really gritted her teeth with hatred for Su Wei now.

If there was no traffic jam for him, how could she be in such a mess this morning.

"Who is it?" Fang Yuan's husband was surprised, and when he knew who it was, he quickly asked him to move the car away.

Why did he let his car park there, so that he didn't even have a car to drive.

Originally, Fangyuan's family planned to buy another car.

But they have been for so long, and the license plate has never been photographed.

So I can only rely on this car to satisfy the family's travel.

"It's Xiao Shen's boyfriend." Now Fang Yuan doesn't just hate Su Wei.

She even hated Shen Manyin together.

After all, if they hadn't blocked her car, how could she have become like this.

"Shen Manyin's boyfriend? Why is he blocking our car?" Fang Yuan's husband's first reaction at this time was not that his car was blocked.

But Shen Manyin, a great beauty, actually has a boyfriend.

He has always been thinking about Shen Manyin.

After all, she speaks softly and softly, and has a relatively soft personality.

It's completely different from the tigress in their family.

But because she was a neighbor, he never dared to attack her.

The main reason is that he is worried that if Fang Yuan finds out, he will end up miserable.

"Why else? Isn't it because we took Xiao Shen's parking space?" If Fang Yuan knew that people would be stuck in traffic today, she would definitely have parked in her own parking space yesterday.

Walk a few hundred meters more, then go a few hundred meters more.

It's better than going out and grabbing a taxi by yourself, it's better to come here.

"Oh no, we used to stop here often, why didn't she block us before?" If Fang Yuan stopped here occasionally for convenience, then Fang Yuan's husband stopped here on purpose.

When he came back, he always took a turn in this parking space first, and only parked in his own parking space when he saw Shen Manyin's car.

Because of the parking space, he and Shen Manyin have also dealt with each other several times.

However, although Shen Manyin's personality is relatively soft, the relationship with him is still only at the level of neighbors.

"She didn't find a boyfriend before, and no one gave her a job. Now that she has a guy, she's starting to be tough." Fang Yuan has long disliked Shen Manyin, because she thinks she is a vixen.

Many people in this community have thoughts about her, Shen Manyin.

Even her husband is one of the community members.

Although he concealed it well, she just didn't expose him.

"Then look for a property, they don't care about it?" Fang Yuan's husband may have a violent temper, but the other party is serious.

Then he is basically the first one to counsel.

"Don't mention it, I went to the property management company, but the property management company didn't dare to take care of it, saying that they didn't have the power to enforce the law, and told me to contact the car owner myself.

I looked for the owner of the car, but he ignored me, and Xiao Shen couldn't get through to the phone." How could the property management care about this matter, after all, if there is something wrong with the car.

Then the other party must be looking for the property to lose money, after all, it is the car that the property moved.

As for Fangyuan, the owner, it will definitely be impossible to pay for it at that time.

The property is here to make money, how could it be possible to get involved in this troublesome matter.

"Then let's go to her house to look for her. Let's go, I'll go with you." Fang Yuan's husband now wants to go to Shen Manyin's place to see what her boyfriend looks like.

If it's the boyish face type, then he has to show what a real man is like.

After all, he dared to block his car, and dare to pick up the woman he liked.

But if the opponent is big, then he intends to reason with him.

"Don't go, it's past ten o'clock now, you can take a taxi to go to the company first, I'll find Xiao Shen by myself later" Fang Yuan's thoughts on her husband were well guessed.

After all, they have been together for so many years, how could she not understand him.

And her strategy towards her husband is to keep him from getting close to Shen Manyin.

Even now that Shen Manyin has a boyfriend, her strategy has not changed.

"Okay, then I'll go to the company first"

. . . . . .

"Hey, Xiao Shen, did you go to work today?" Fang Yuan came to the door of Shen Manyin's house, knocked on the door for a long time but found no one opened.

She had no choice but to try to call Shen Manyin.

Unexpectedly, the call actually got through.

"Today is already the 6th, of course I have to go to work." Shen Manyin really hated Fang Yuan to death.

After all, she almost brought Su Wei to her house yesterday.

As a result, because of her occupying the parking space, Su Wei went home early.

"It's like this, didn't I occupy your parking space yesterday, and then your boyfriend found a car and blocked our car all night, and we have to go to work today to drop off the kids." Fang Yuan didn't want to be weak, but there was nothing he could do.

Because if she wasn't weak, the other party might really not drive away.

Now that she has seen what happened in the morning, she understands that if the other party cheats on her, there is nothing she can do.

"I was not in the underground parking lot at the time. I don't know anything about what happened, and my boyfriend didn't tell me about it." Actually, it wasn't that nothing good happened yesterday, that is, Su Wei admitted that it was her boyfriend.

Now that Su Wei wants to educate Fang Yuan, she must be in favor with both hands and feet.

After all, if Su Wei is so rich, he must be very powerful.

Fangyuan and his wife had bullied her for almost a year.

"Then tell your boyfriend, we are all neighbors, don't make things so rigid, after all, we will have to deal with each other in the future." Fang Yuan didn't believe it at all when Shen Manyin said she didn't know about it.

After all, she called her three times before her boyfriend called.

"Talk to him about this yourself. I'm going to the capital for a business trip later. I don't have time." I just went to work today, and it's definitely impossible for Shen Manyin to go on a business trip.

But she said that just because she didn't want Fang Yuan to find her.

Shen Manyin is not very worried about the lie being exposed, because she is currently staying in a hotel.

Yesterday Su Wei used three cars to block the BMW.

He was afraid that the other party would find Shen Manyin's house, so he arranged for her to live in the Ascott Apartment.

A one-bedroom executive suite of more than 3000 a night was opened here for her, and she was allowed to stay until the trouble was resolved.

"Are you going on a business trip to Kyoto? Then when will you come back?" Fang Yuan was dumbfounded when he heard Shen Manyin say that if he was on a business trip.

After all, if she doesn't help, it will be really hard for her boyfriend to talk.

In the morning, she clearly promised her to move the car, but in the end she let her pigeons go.

"How long it will take, I don't know, after all, it depends on the arrangement of the company.

But I know one thing, that is, if it is fast, it can be done in a week, but if it is slow, it may take half a month." Su Wei is here at Ascott this time, but he has saved 10 yuan.

With a price of more than 3000 per night, Shen Manyin can stay for a month.

Only at this time did Shen Manyin have a little understanding of Su Wei's wealth.

After all, he was not happy because Fang Yuan took the parking space by force.

It cost 2 yuan to rent the parking spaces on both sides for a month.

Then let his bodyguards drive three Audi Q7s to surround the BMW without any gaps.

It took another 10 yuan to deposit it in the hotel for her.

At that time, she thought that Su Wei would fuck her at the hotel at night, but she didn't expect that he would leave after giving her a room.

"Then what about my car, I can't wait for such a long time" I heard that it will take at least a week, where is Fangyuan waiting?

After all, she already felt ashamed when she took a taxi to school today.

If it rains again tomorrow, she really doesn't know what to do.

"I told you, it's more reliable for you to find my boyfriend for this matter." Su Wei was supposed to stand out for her, how could Shen Manyin be so ignorant of the seriousness.

At this time, she knew that she must not hold back Su Wei.

Otherwise, she and Su Wei would basically not need to contact each other in the future.

"Hey Hey hey"

(End of this chapter)

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