Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 343 Let's Sleep Together

Chapter 343 Let's Sleep Together

"Mr. Su, let's go to London this time, why don't we book the Bulgari Hotel?" Zhang Ruoyu didn't remember until after the plane took off for a while.

In the past few days, she seems to have forgotten a very important thing, that is, the issue of accommodation after going to London.

But she has never been abroad, so she thought about booking the Bulgari Hotel.

After all, I often live in Bulgari hotels in China, and I can’t miss the Bulgari in Europe if I want to.

"There's no need to book a hotel. We're not going to London today. I didn't inform you yesterday because it was too late. I've already changed my route." Su Wei's change of route was a temporary decision last night.

Because it suddenly occurred to him that the auction in London would not start until the eighth.

Even if he went now, he would wait there for a day.

But before that, he actually had one more important thing to do.

"Changing the route and not going to London? Then where are we going?" Zhang Ruoyu was completely dazed when she heard Su Wei say that she couldn't go to London.

Because during this time, all the information she read was about London.

If she went to other cities, she would be completely blind.

"The place we are going to now is Bremerhaven in Germany. The yacht we are going to sell this time has its shipyard there." Su Wei took out the yacht to be auctioned this time because he returned home early yesterday. Look at the information.

While looking at yacht information, I suddenly thought of one thing.

That is, what is the use of looking at the materials? He can definitely go to see such things on the spot.

Then I checked with Deer Airlines and found that his private jet can be parked in Bremerhaven.

Since he could fly here at once, Su Wei would definitely not hesitate any longer.

Immediately told Golden Deer Airlines that he would change the flight to the small airport of Cuxhaven-Nordholz.

"Bremerhaven? I feel like I've never heard of this city." Zhang Ruoyu really had a question mark when she heard the name Bremerhaven.

Mainly because of the name, she really didn't recognize it at all.

The cities she knows in Germany are Berlin, Hannover, and Hamburg.

She had never heard of the name Bremerhaven.

"If I didn't have Xu Liyang's information, I wouldn't know that there is such a city in Germany." If Su Wei didn't read the yacht information, he wouldn't know that such a city exists.

After all, this kind of country [-] kilometers away is indeed too far away from him.

If his plane hadn't been a Gulfstream G650 this time, he wouldn't have even thought about flying directly here.

The price of a private jet that can easily fly more than 7000 kilometers is basically $5000 million.

"President Su, shall we book a hotel?" If the destination this time is London, then Zhang Ruoyu can still think of the names of several big hotels.

But this time the place is in Bremerhaven, so she really can't do anything.

Because this city can be known as soon as it is heard, it is definitely not a big city.

And this time, apart from her and Su Wei, they also brought Liu Qiang and his four bodyguards with them.

"No, you forgot who else was there." Su Wei was recruiting assistants at the time, and there were a total of two people recruited at that time.

In addition to Zhang Ruoyu, a newcomer in the workplace, there is also Xu Liyang.

This is the second time for Xu Liyang to go to Bremerhaven, she must be relatively familiar with the road.

"Oh yes, I almost forgot. Sister Xu is there, so she should have already made arrangements." Zhang Ruoyu also reacted after being reminded by Su Wei.

She is indeed not familiar with it, but Xu Liyang must be a little familiar with her.

To be honest, she admired Xu Liyang very much.

After all, she has been flying all over the world since she joined the company.

I have seen more big scenes than her.

Unlike her, who can only run errands by President Su's side.

"Ding Ding Ding"

"I'll answer the phone, you can talk to Xiao Xu about our past.

hello who? "The settings in Su Wei's phone were turned off after he woke up.

At the time he was setting it up for sleep, other times he certainly wouldn't have been like this.

After all, there are quite a lot of calls looking for him, but there are not many people who have saved their calls.

"Hello, I'm from the Kangjian New Village Police Station. I want to ask, here is an Audi off-road vehicle with a photo of A06134. Is it your car?" Of course, the person who called was not a policeman.

After all, which policeman is so boring that he will take care of the car being blocked in the parking lot.

The person who is pretending to be on the phone now is Fang Yuan's husband.

"It's mine, what's the matter?" Su Wei had already reacted the first time he heard the call.

After all, he only donated money to the police station in Shanghai this time, so it is impossible that there is no information about him in their bureau.

Su Wei would not believe that a small policeman dared to call him directly.

"It's like this, Ms. Fang's car is blocked by your car in the parking lot, can you come over and move it?" Fang Yuan came to the parking lot today and has turned around several times.

I want to see if Shen Manyin's boyfriend really intends to block them for a long time.

As a result, until his husband came home in the afternoon, there was no sign of the car moving.

When there was no other way, his husband planned to lure him over first.

Otherwise, if they had to wait half a month or a month, they wouldn't be able to bear it by themselves.

"I'm sorry, I can't come" Don't say it's such a fake policeman, even if it's a real policeman, he won't move.

Because those real policemen would not move his car.

After all, his car is four-wheel drive, and it is impossible for the trailer to move.

If it is forced to tow, who will bear the responsibility if the car breaks down.

"But if you don't come and move the car away, you will affect Ms. Dong's normal going out." Fang Yuan's husband was furious when he heard Su Wei's tone.

It is so arrogant to block other people's cars in the parking space and cannot get out.

But now he is pretending to be a policeman, so he can only speak nicely.

"I can't help it. Is it because I don't want to move the car? It's because I can't come." When Su Wei was speaking, he walked to the bedroom area.

Because Zhang Ruoyu and Xu Liyang also started chatting.

Before that, Su Wei still felt that the Gulfstream plane was quite big.

Now flying a long distance, he feels that the space of this plane is too small.

There is only one bed, not to mention, it is still in the aisle near the toilet.

If he often flies around the world in the future, he may choose to buy a business jet modified from a large plane.

"Can't come? Why can't you come?" Fang Yuan's husband was a little confused when he heard Su Wei's words.

After all, you only come here to drive a car, and it won't waste you a long time.

And you don't want your own car anymore.

"Because I'm on the plane now, I can't parachute over and drive the car away for you." Although Su Wei was on the plane, the key to the Audi was with the bodyguard.

If you want to move the car away, it's basically easy to do.

"You're on the plane? Then when will you come back?" Fang Yuan's husband became anxious when he heard this. Even if Shen Manyin went to the capital, he would also go to other places.

He now seriously suspects that the two of them didn't go to other places, but just hid in the magic capital.

"Who knows, I'm going abroad this time. If I have fun, I might go there for a year or so. That's not certain." Su Wei almost laughed out loud when he heard that the other side was anxious.

Wasn't it very good yesterday, didn't it refuse to give up the parking space.

Now he's tit for tat, letting them take as much as they can at a time.

With today's lesson, he doesn't believe that they dare to occupy parking spaces indiscriminately in the future.

"Then if you say that, we'll call a tow truck." Fang Yuan's husband became anxious when he heard that he was going abroad.

After all, he didn't drive today and relied on taxis for the whole journey.

It can be overcome in a day or two, but it will not work after a long time.

So he started to threaten Su Wei that if he didn't come back, he would call a tow truck.

"My car is a four-wheel drive. If you tow it and it breaks down, I'll call the police." Su Wei was really speechless when they called it a tow truck.

Because even if he really dared to call a tow truck, there were a few tow trucks that dared to actually tow it.

No one would accept this kind of business that only earns a few hundred yuan and is likely to suffer a lawsuit later.

"I'm the police. I've notified you to come and move the car. If you don't move the car, then of course I can dispose of your car." Fang Yuan's husband panicked when he heard the police.

After all, if he was arrested for impersonating a policeman, he would probably be taken to a detention center.

But at this time, he couldn't be coaxed. Once he coaxed the other party, it would be easier to see that he was a fake policeman.

Although it is not yet midsummer, his head is already sweating.

At that time, I didn't know what I was thinking, but I thought of the bad idea of ​​pretending to be a policeman.

"Stop pretending, why are you from the Kangjian New Village Police Station, you think I don't know you're fake?" Su Wei heard that the other party was going to threaten him, so he didn't want to play anymore.

After all, the game of cat and mouse is not interesting if you play too much.

So Su Wei directly pointed out that he already knew that he was a fake policeman.

"You, don't talk nonsense, how could I be a fake?" Fang Yuan's husband wanted to throw the phone away when he heard Su Wei's words.

He felt that he performed very well, so why was he exposed?

"Just pretend it's okay, do you want me to call the police and show you?" Su Wei saw that the other party was stubborn, and began to counter-threat the other party.

In fact, he could tell from the tone of the other party that the other party was panicked.

"You give me the phone, let me talk.

Boyfriend Xiaoshen, I was really sorry just now. My husband made such a bad move because he couldn’t get out of the car. He definitely couldn’t call a tow truck.” Hearing Su Wei’s threat, Fang Yuan hurriedly took the phone from her husband come over.

After all, she did not agree to use this method before.

If it is exposed, it will be bad for the opposite side to call the police.

After taking the phone, he began to speak soft words to Su Wei.

Although she had never met Su Wei, she had called twice and knew that he was not a tough guy.

"I know, you don't have the guts." Su Wei discovered a phenomenon, that is, the bigger the city.

The locals there will become more timid.

The couple I met this time are all locals from Shanghai.

When I started to reason with them, they were quite arrogant and tough.

But after not reasoning with them, they began to admit that they were reasonable.

"We really don't have the guts, how about this, I'll add you on WeChat, we can communicate on WeChat if we have something to do." Fang Yuan's desire to add Su Wei on WeChat is very simple, because the negotiation will definitely fail today.

But she was afraid that Su Wei would set up a voicemail service again, in which case she would not be able to contact him even if she wanted to.

So she thought, adding a wechat can provide multiple ways of contacting.

"Want to add my WeChat? Yes, then you can add it directly. My WeChat ID is my phone." Of course, Su Wei couldn't give Fangyuan his own account to add.

After all, what kind of cat and dog is she, how could she be added.

Let her add her own trumpet, mainly to humiliate them better.

"Okay, I've added your WeChat, so I wish you a happy time abroad." Holding the phone, Fang Yuan directly added Su Wei's phone number.

After adding it, the opposite side can pass easily.

She wanted to see the photo of the other party, but found that there was not a single photo in his circle of friends.

Fang Yuan still doesn't understand, the other side is giving her a trumpet.

But she didn't dare to have an opinion, after all, this was one more communication channel.

"I didn't expect that, this shrew looks pretty pretty." After Su Wei hung up the phone, he looked at her circle of friends.

Contrary to his expectation, this square is not bad.

I just don't know if her photo has been PS.

. . . . . .

"How about it, talking to Xiao Xu?" Su Wei came out after calling, and found that Zhang Ruoyu had already finished calling.

Liu Qiang and his four bodyguards were already asleep on their seats.

After all, the journey is so far, it is of course the best thing to be able to sleep through.

"I had a good chat with Sister Xu. She said that she has already arranged our accommodation, and she is already waiting for us at the airport in Bremerhaven." Zhang Ruoyu communicated with Xu Liyang this time and found that she had arranged the accommodation. Arranged with the reception.

They will go over this time, and everything will be done according to her arrangement.

This made Zhang Ruoyu very frustrated and felt that he was too useless.

She thought of accommodation, and forgot about connecting to the machine.

If it weren't for Xu Liyang, they might have to take a taxi after getting off the plane.

"Well, that's good. Did she tell Le Shun that we are going to visit the shipyard?" Su Wei will come to the small city of Bremerhaven this time because one of Le Shun's shipyards is here.

The super yacht this time was built by the shipyard in Bremerhaven.

"Ms. Xu has communicated with the shipyard about this matter. We can go there tomorrow morning. After visiting the yacht, we will fly to London in the afternoon." After this incident, Zhang Ruoyu knew that she still had a lot to learn.

If Su Wei hadn't tolerated her before, she might have been kicked out by a different boss.

"I don't care about this matter, you and Xiao Xu can discuss it.

What’s wrong with you?Dozing off? "Su Wei doesn't care about this, it's their assistants.

If he is such a big boss, if he still needs to worry about these small things, why spend so much money to hire assistants.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Su, I don't know what's wrong, I just came here when I fell asleep in the afternoon." It's just past five in the afternoon in Kyoto time, but Zhang Ruoyu came just because she fell asleep.

Maybe it's because everyone is sleeping, so she is affected by the environment.

"The flight will take thirteen hours. If you want to sleep, then go to bed and sleep." Seeing Zhang Ruoyu's appearance, Su Wei knew that she must really want to sleep.

So he points to the bed in the back and tells her to sleep there.

"I'll just sleep on this sofa, and leave the bed to Mr. Su." Of course Zhang Ruoyu knew that the bed was more comfortable than the sofa, but there was only one bed on the plane.

If she falls asleep, then her boss can only sleep on the sofa.

"Then let's take a step back and sleep together"

 This is Jiagen

(End of this chapter)

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