Chapter 344 Boom Boom

"Wu Qian, haven't you arrived yet?" Su Wei originally planned to sleep for ten hours to get to the airport, but because he and Zhang Ruoyu shared the same bed.

After barely sleeping in bed for five hours, he couldn't sleep anymore.

Because the bed is too small, only 1.3 meters wide.

And because the bed was in the aisle, other people would have to pass by here if they were going to the bathroom.

So when he slept with Zhang Ruoyu, he could only hug her and did nothing else.

Looking at the time, it has been almost thirteen hours.

So hurry up and find the stewardess sent by Deer Airlines this time, and ask her how long it will take to arrive in Bremerhaven.

"President Su, we are already in the air above the city of Bremerhaven in Germany, and the place where we are about to land is Cuxhaven-Nordholz Airport." This time Wu Qian can come to Su Wei's plane, Of course it has nothing to do with looks.

After all, Su Wei didn't ask for it, he must be beautiful.

One of the main reasons for sending her here is that she has lived in Germany and can speak a little German.

"This is Bremerhaven? Why does it feel like it's deserted?" Su Wei looked down from the window, the city was pitch black, right?

But it is true that there are very few lights, just like a small town in China.

If Wu Qian hadn't said that this was Bremerhaven, Su Wei wouldn't have thought that he had arrived.

"Basically, in small cities like this abroad, their residents go to bed very early. According to German time, it is already past 11 o'clock in the evening, and most people have already fallen asleep." The time to take off is around two o'clock in the noon.

The flight time is about 13 hours. Normally, it should be five o'clock in the morning on May [-]th.

But because Germany is 6 hours slower than China, it is now 11 o'clock in the evening on May [-]th in Germany.

"Then it seems that the residents of this place don't have much nightlife." Zhang Ruoyu really didn't expect that she would sleep in the same bed with Su Wei today.

When she lay down, she was really terrified.

She was not afraid of what Su Wei would do to her, but she was afraid of being discovered when Su Wei did something to her.

After all, there is only a little bit of space in this kind of private jet.

If there is any movement, it will be easy to be discovered.

As a result, she was worried for a long time, and found that she was completely thinking too much.

Su Wei didn't do anything else except that his hands were a little dishonest when he fell asleep.

But when she woke up, she found that Su Wei had woken up.

And looking at him, it seems that he doesn't remember what he did at all.

"The residents here really don't have much nightlife. After all, it's impossible to buy things here at night." Wu Qian has lived abroad for a long time, and knows what the small city here looks like at night.

Young people in China are hungry at night, so just find a night snack shop or a night snack stand.

Because there are always shops, they will be open very late for evening business.

But this is not the case here in Europe. Many stores are closed in the afternoon.

You said at night that you want to have a late-night snack. Sorry, there are no late-night snacks here.

Don't say it's impossible for you to eat late at night, but it's impossible for you to buy a pack of cigarettes at night.

On the street at night, there are no shops open at all.

Of course, except for one situation, that is, there are Chinese shoppers there.

"Well, I still plan to go to the store to buy something, it seems that I can only wait until tomorrow." Because this is a small city, Zhang Ruoyu thought about buying some toothbrush and toothpaste.

She doesn't believe in the hygiene of the small hotel here, so she plans to prepare it herself.

But after looking at the lights in the airport city, it seems that only the street lights are on.

"The plane is about to land, please fasten your seat belts"

. . . . . .

"It's so cold, isn't it May now? Why is it still so cold?" The plane opened the door, and Su Wei felt a gust of cold wind blowing into his clothes.

At that time, Xu Liyang told him to remember to wear more clothes, and he felt that he was making a big fuss.

So this time he only wore a T-shirt inside and a thin coat outside.

After all, he was in Shanghai, so it was enough to wear a short T-shirt.

"Germany is closer to the North Pole than China, so the temperature here is lower, and the hottest summer does not exceed 20 degrees." Just before opening the hatch, Wu Qian also reminded Su Wei.

Said that his clothes were a little too thin.

She was in Berlin at the time and had lived there for a while.

The place in Berlin is closer to the south than Bremerhaven.

"It's less than 20 degrees in summer? It's really cold, Xiao Zhang, lend me half of your coat." Su Wei really didn't expect that Germany would be so cold.

It is no wonder that after Russia cut off natural gas in Europe in later generations, these European countries plan to start burning coal and firewood to live after autumn.

In such a cold place, if there is no natural gas, it is really unbearable.

But at this time, Su Wei had already seen Xu Liyang below, so he didn't bother to unpack his luggage and get his clothes.

Anyway, Zhang Ruoyu's coat was big enough, so he got into Zhang Ruoyu's coat and took up half of it.

Two people wearing one piece of clothing, although a bit funny, but the effect of keeping warm is great.

"President Su, welcome to Bremerhaven.

Ruoyu, long time no see." Xu Liyang came to Bremerhaven this morning, and when he arrived, he went to a car dealership to rent a few Mercedes.

After all, she knew that she was going to pick up the plane at night.

She had been waiting at the airport since 11 o'clock this evening, and finally saw Su Wei's Blue Whale Gulfstream until [-] o'clock.

After the plane stabilized, the airport authorities let her go.

"Sister Xu, can you go directly to the airport to pick us up?" Zhang Ruoyu lent Su Wei half of her clothes, but she was actually rather embarrassed.

After all, my current image is like hugging Su Wei.

But now she and Su Wei haven't reached that point yet.

So she is worried about her image, which is a negative score for sister Xu.

But Su Wei is so cold, she can't really ignore him.

"Europe is not as strict as in China, and it is very simple to come to the airport to pick up the plane.

Mr. Su, you must be tired after sitting on the plane for so long, I have already prepared a place for you to live in." Xu Liyang came to Bremerhaven today, the first thing is to rent a car, and the second thing is to find a house up.

After all, a big man like Mr. Su must not be able to find that kind of small hotel.

But there is no big hotel here, so she didn't confirm the place to live until six o'clock in the evening.

She is not surprised at all that Mr. Su and Zhang Ruoyu wear the same clothes and speak their minds.

After all, Zhang Ruoyu is a novice in the workplace, and she can get the same salary as her.

And most importantly, Su Wei didn't mean to let her go out.

At that time, she knew what President Su meant by recruiting Zhang Ruoyu.

Although she was very envious, she knew that she was not as beautiful as Zhang Ruoyu.

"They are the bodyguards you are looking for? They look strong." Su Wei came to Europe this time, although he brought four bodyguards with him.

But he was still worried, so he asked Xu Liyang to find a European security company.

After all, they are the local snakes, and they can solve it better if something happens.

"Boss Su, they are not only strong, but also able to legally carry weapons in various European countries." The security company Xu Liyang is looking for this time is the European G4S security company.

Although it is not the largest security company in the world, they have a relatively deep relationship in Europe.

It was because of this that Xu Liyang would look for them.

"Then I bring my own bodyguards for personal protection, and they will be in charge of the periphery." Su Wei looked at their waists, and they were all armed.

This time I will look for them, mainly because I am afraid of unknown dangers.

After all, in these countries, guns are too easy to get.

Don't look at Liu Qiang and the others fighting fiercely. If they actually encountered someone with a gun, they would have nothing to do.

After all, the gun is fast ten meters away, and the gun is fast and accurate within ten meters.

"Alright Mr. Su, let's get in the car first. I have already arranged dinner. You can try a dinner full of German flavors."

. . . . . .

"This is where you arranged to live? This doesn't look like a hotel, does it?" Su Wei saw the car stopped at the entrance of an old castle, and he knew that this should be the place to live.

At first, he thought he would be staying in a hotel.

"This is not a hotel, this is a castle rented out to tour groups.

Because Bremerhaven is a small city, their hotel services are relatively average, so I decided on my own and rented out this castle for tour groups.” Germany should have the most castles among so many countries in Europe country.

In this land of less than 40 square kilometers, there are 25000 castles, large and small.

So in Germany, many castles have a rental business.

Xu Liyang looked at three castles in Bremerhaven and finally chose it.

Although the price is a bit expensive, it costs 1.5 euros.

But it is the best-preserved and the best-environmental castle among the three castles.

"I am very satisfied with this castle. It is indeed much better than staying in a hotel." Regarding the castle today, I knew that Su Wei and the others got off the plane very late.

Although most of the staff have gone to rest, the butler and cook are still left behind.

It was Su Wei's first experience living in an ancient castle, and to be honest, he was still a little excited.

After all, this kind of place has been seen on TV before.

"Hello, Mr. Su, I'm Levi, welcome." When Su Wei entered the castle, the butler George surrounded him with the staff who hadn't rested yet.

Mainly, it was also the first time for them to see so many Asian faces together at the same time.

"What did he say?" Su Wei knew a little English, but he couldn't understand what the butler said at all.

He guessed that what the other party said should be their native language German.

"This is Levi, the butler of the ancient castle. He said he welcomes Mr. Su." Regarding the name of the butler, Xu Liyang was really powerless to complain.

Because the name Levi is really too common.

If it is in China, it will be the same as Zhang Wei.

"Hello, hello" Su Wei can't speak German, so he can only greet in Chinese.

After all, he speaks English, and they may not understand what he is saying.

"This castle has four floors, with a total of 21 rooms. Most of the rooms are on the second, third and fourth floors. The restaurant and living room are on the first floor." Because Xu Liyang can speak German at the scene, the translation work was entrusted to her.

The castle this time is not a very big castle.

It is mainly the place of Bremerhaven, where no more famous monarch has appeared.

"Is there an elevator? No, then tell him to arrange a room on the second floor for me." Su Wei originally wanted to live in a higher place, but after hearing that there was no elevator, he decided to live on the second floor.

After all, he hadn't climbed stairs for a long time.

"I also want to live on the second floor. It's too difficult to climb above the third floor." Zhang Ruoyu also chose the second floor when she heard that she had to climb the stairs.

The main reason is that her stomach has been hurting for two days, and she feels that her relatives are coming to see her soon.

"No problem, let's go to pick a room first."

. . . . . .

"dong dong dong"

"Who is it?" Zhang Ruoyu just took off the makeup on her face when she heard someone knocking on the door.

This time she was arranged on the second floor, and she was very satisfied with this room.

It's not that it's luxurious, it's mainly that she's full of freshness to that exotic style.

"It's me." Su Wei came to knock on Zhang Ruoyu's door, of course he was uneasy and kind.

After all, he was on the plane today, but it took him a long time to suppress his anger.

After waking up and seeing his hands in Zhang Ruoyu's clothes, he really almost ran away.

Now that he got off the plane and came to the hotel, he couldn't bear it anymore.

"Boss Su, what's the matter with you not sleeping so late?" Zhang Ruoyu immediately opened the door when she heard Su Wei's voice.

She is now used to being exposed to Su Wei without makeup.

"I saw that you didn't come down for a long time, so I thought something was wrong with you, so I came to see you." At that time, Su Wei thought that the downstairs was full of bodyguards, and Zhang Ruoyu was a little embarrassed to come.

But this is just right, creating a good opportunity for him.

"I just took off my makeup, then Mr. Su, wait for me, I'll go down with you." Zhang Ruoyu thought that Su Wei came here to find her for dinner.

Thinking that Su Wei had her in his heart, Zhang Ruoyu felt sweet in his heart.

"You don't need to go down, look what I brought." Su Wei came up this time, not empty-handed.

He brought some of the food below.

After all, eating with so many people downstairs, how could it be more delicious than eating with Zhang Ruoyu.

"Bread, sausage, lettuce, steak, red wine?" Zhang Ruoyu saw the bottle of wine and knew what Su Wei was planning to do.

At that time, she thought that Su Wei on the plane had fallen asleep.

Looking at it this way, he knows everything.

"Yes, would you like some? I slept on the plane for so long. If I don't drink some, I'm afraid I won't be able to sleep tonight." Su Wei brought this bottle of red wine, he believed that Zhang Ruoyu must know what he wanted to do.

Originally, Su Wei was not in a hurry to eat Zhang Ruoyu, but after the incident on the plane.

Su Wei didn't intend to bear it anymore, and planned to eat her tonight.

"dong dong dong"

(End of this chapter)

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