Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 345 Super Yacht

Chapter 345 Super Yacht
The next day.

"dong dong dong"

"Who is it?" Su Wei got up early today because no one was sleeping with him yesterday.

Several women who gave him a phone call to report that they are safe.

After all, when he arrived at the airport yesterday, it was already past five in the morning in China.

At that time, he definitely wouldn't, and even called to disturb their rest.

So after he woke up this morning, it was already afternoon in China before he called them.

Finally, after calling Liu Jing, I heard a knock on the door outside.

"President Su, it's me." After Zhang Ruoyu washed and dressed, she went downstairs and found that the cook in the castle had already made breakfast.

She looked in the living room and the yard, and found that Su Wei was not there.

Knowing that his boss must have not come out of the room yet.

She was afraid that Su Wei would get up too late, and he would delay going to Leshun Shipyard to see the yachts later.

So he hurried to the door of Su Wei's room, summoned up the courage to knock on Su Wei's door.

"Xiao Zhang? You came just in time, we just finished what we didn't finish yesterday." Su Wei heard that it was Zhang Ruoyu, and immediately pulled her into the room.

Yesterday, he planned to execute Zhang Ruoyu on the spot, but Xu Liyang knocked on the door and came in.

It turned out that she also saw that Zhang Ruoyu didn't come down, so she also came to Zhang Ruoyu with food.

In that situation, Su Wei definitely couldn't drive Xu Liyang away.

Only the three of them had a silent dinner together in embarrassment.

"President Su, don't be like this, everyone is having breakfast downstairs." Zhang Ruoyu saw Su Wei coming to her with red wine yesterday, although she was shy, she already agreed in her heart.

But before she agreed to Su Wei, Xu Liyang knocked on the door and came in.

At that time, Zhang Ruoyu was really embarrassed and regretful in her heart.

The embarrassment was seen by Xu Liyang, and Su Wei came to her room with food and wine.

The relationship between her and Su Wei is really yellow mud falling on the pants, it's not Xiang, it's Xiang.

Regrettably, she did not close the door at that time.

If the door had been closed at that time, she would have pretended not to hear Xu Liyang knocking on the door.

It's a pity that the opportunity last night was wasted, and her timing is now wrong.

"Then I don't care, I was disturbed last night, I want to make it up now." Su Wei slept alone last night, feeling so lonely.

The main reason is that when he sleeps at night, he has nowhere to put his hands.

In addition, he had been holding back for a few nights, and he could no longer bear it.

Now that Zhang Ruoyu came to him on his own initiative, how could he let her go.

As for the other people downstairs, he can't control that much anymore.

"But, but my aunt came this morning." Zhang Ruoyu saw Su Wei began to undress, so she could only confess to Su Wei.

Thinking of this, she hated Xu Liyang so much.

If it wasn't for her, she would have cooked rice with Su Weisheng last night.

The timing is not right now, and I don't know how long it will be until the next time.

"No, when did it come?" Su Wei didn't think that Zhang Ruoyu would lie, after all, she had promised last night.

It's just that he wants to know when Zhang Ruoyu's aunt came.

If he had come last night, then he would have thought better.

"It came this morning. I found it when I went to the toilet." When Zhang Ruoyu woke up this morning, she thought she had wet the bed.

I went to the toilet to check, only to find that my aunt had come.

"It's really not the right time to come, let's go, let's go down to eat breakfast." Su Wei knew that after Zhang Ruoyu came to the aunt, he felt that his desire was poured cold water.

His current state was as if he had spent the whole night with Fan Wenqi.

"Ah?" Zhang Ruoyu didn't expect that Su Wei would just let her go after knowing that she was coming to be his aunt.

She just thought that Su Wei would definitely take advantage of it.

"Oh, what, I'm not the type to fight bloody battles"

. . . . . .

"When I came here last night, I thought there weren't many people in this city." Zhang Ruoyu sat in the car, looking at the shops and pedestrians on the side street.

Only then did she feel that she had come to Germany.

After getting off the plane yesterday, because this is a small airport.

Except for the street lights that were on outside, I couldn't even see a car on the street.

"Bremerhaven is a port city in Germany. If German cars are to be transported to other places, they will be shipped on ships here, and then transported to all parts of the world.

And every year there are a large number of crew members who board the ship and go to sea from here, so compared to other places, the population of this small city is quite large.” Many small cities in Germany are already full of elderly people.

Young people, like those in China, have all gone to big cities.

Instead of the small city of Remerhaven, because it is a port, there are quite a lot of young people here.

After all, there are many shipyards here, and they all need to recruit workers.

Who would want to work in the outside world when they can be workers in their hometown.

"Is that in front of us our destination?" At this moment, Su Wei saw a large shipyard on the shore.

Guessing this, it should be Leshun's shipyard in Bremerhaven.

"Yes, the pier in front is indeed our destination this time.

Mr. Su, we will get off the car when we get here, and we will take the car in their factory later, and then go to the location of the yacht." Le Shun asked them to visit, and it is definitely impossible for them to drive in by themselves.

After all, no one can guarantee whether the people who came brought any dangerous goods.

Therefore, all foreign vehicles must be parked at the gate of the shipyard.

"Okay, then let's all get out of the car." Su Wei can understand this rule, after all, who knows if there will be a bomb in the car.

In such an environment abroad, it is not easy to get thermal weapons.

Just like the bodyguards Xu Liyang found for him, they just had guns on them.

"Xu, hello, we meet again." When Su Wei and the others entered, a bald middle-aged German greeted him at the door.

He will know Xu Liyang, mainly because Xu Liyang was received by him last time.

The voice Xu Liyang came over this time, and he was the one who contacted him directly.

"Hi Alexander, this is my boss Su Wei, who is a favorable competitor for this super yacht.

This is my boss's female companion, you can call her Zhang." Regarding this yacht this time, Xu Liyang knows that many people want to take it.

She actually didn't have much hope that her boss would take over the yacht.

Because when she came to see the ship, she met several groups of rich people.

One of them, after she checked, found out that that person turned out to be a rich man on Forbes.

Although she knew that his boss was rich, she believed that he was definitely not as rich as the rich people on Forbes.

This time she introduced Zhang Ruoyu as Su Wei's female companion, mainly because she knew that Alexander was a bit flirtatious.

For ladies, his favorite thing is hugs.

So she introduced Zhang Ruoyu as Su Wei's female companion, and she believed that he would not dare to be presumptuous.

"Oh yes, hello, Su, my name is Alexander, and your female partner is very beautiful." When Alexander received Xu Liyang last time, he wondered if she would come to see her.

After all, the way she saw the yacht at the time proved that she was indeed a little ignorant.

But when he saw her boss today, he realized that it was only her who hadn't seen him.

After all, although the car is just an ordinary Mercedes-Benz S-class, it is not fake that he has so many bodyguards.

Coupled with the people introduced, it is ICBC, which ranks second in the world.

"Mr. Su, this is Leshun's supervisor at the Bremerhaven shipyard. His name is Alexander. He praised Miss Zhang for being beautiful." Xu Liyang guessed right, the German guy heard that Zhang Ruoyu was Su Wei's girlfriend.

Just reach out for a handshake instead of asking for a hug like she did.

"Yes, thank you." Su Wei shook the German guy's hand, and then let it go quickly.

He didn't like this German guy very much, because he didn't like the way he looked at Zhang Ruoyu at the beginning.

"There are too many of you here now, only five of you can go in." Alexander certainly couldn't bring all 11 people in.

After all, this is to see super yachts, not to go sightseeing.

"Then Lao Liu and one of them will go, and the other six will stay."

. . . . . .

"Xu, we are here. You can tell your boss that this yacht is the super yacht that Simon is planning to sell." Alexander can't speak Chinese, so all the communication between him and Su Wei depends on Xu Liyang.

This made him feel too troublesome, if the yacht was finally bought by the Chinese.

Then he has to make suggestions to the company and let them recruit some employees who can understand Chinese.

Otherwise, it would be too inconvenient to communicate with Huaxia customers.

"Wow, this yacht is too big." Zhang Ruoyu was shocked by the yacht when he saw the yacht for the first time.

If it wasn't a yacht, she would have thought it was a cruise ship.

She often sees yachts on the Huangpu River, but compared to the yacht in front of her, those yachts are completely toys.

"This yacht has a total length of 115.1 meters, a width of 18 meters, a draft of 4.1 meters, a weight of 5000 tons, and a full fuel range of 5000 nautical miles. It is the No.16 yacht manufactured by our company and is now ranked 45th in the world." From the data of this yacht, it can be seen that he is very proud.

After all, as the best private yacht factory in the world, Leshun does have something to be proud of.

That was decades ago, this was the shipyard where Germany manufactured battleships.

Switching from a military industry to a migrant worker is indeed a blow to dimensionality reduction.

"Can we go up and take a look?" Su Wei saw the appearance and found that he liked it.

But he was even more curious about the mechanism inside the ship.

The last time Xu Liyang wanted to go in, he was rejected.

So he was actually mentally prepared for being rejected.

"Of course, the yacht has been completed now, just don't take pictures when you enter it." The last time Xu Liyang was not allowed to enter, it was because the interior was being finished at that time.

Now the yacht, all work is ready.

If you want to go up and have a look, it's just a very simple thing.

As for saying not to take pictures, it is actually not mandatory.

As long as the shooting is not too excessive, it is rare for him to take care of it.

"Wow, there are many floors here, and the space is too big." Zhang Ruoyu entered the yacht and found that there was even more space inside.

Is this really not a cruise ship?Just a yacht.

She felt that if she lived here, she would be fine for a week.

"This yacht has a total of 6 decks, 7 suites, and is equipped with barbecues, swimming pools, pianos, gyms, and beauty massage rooms.

And it can run up to 20 knots at the fastest, and can reach a speed of 14 knots when cruising.” The previous owner originally planned to turn this yacht into a palace on the sea.

So I didn't plan to make too many rooms, and the basic play space took up more than half of it.

But this time there was an economic fluctuation in Italy, and the owner had no choice but to sell the yacht at a low price.

If he hadn't been in a hurry to spend money, he would not have agreed to start the auction with [-] million euros.

"President Su, the plane pad on the front deck is so big, it's much bigger than the one behind it." Zhang Ruoyu was so excited when she came to the ship.

In fact, she didn't agree with Su Wei buying a yacht before.

After all, spending more than one billion RMB to buy a yacht is not the way to spend money.

When she really stood on the yacht, she suddenly felt that it was not incomprehensible to spend so much money on a yacht.

"Are there many people who come to see the boat every day?" Su Wei is already determined to get this yacht.

So it was obvious that he asked Alexander that he wanted to know some news about his competitors.

"There are quite a lot, but most people just want to pick up the cheap." Although many people come to pick up the cheap, it is not so easy to pick up the cheap.

After all, the starting price for this yacht is 1.5 million euros, and there are only a few people in the world who can afford that much money.

"1.5 million euros is still a bargain? Then how much is the cost of this ship?" Su Wei really didn't expect that 1.5 million euros turned out to be a bargain.

Now one euro can be exchanged for almost eight RMB.

1.5 million euros, almost 12 billion yuan.

So much money is still cheap, so how much should this yacht cost?

"Because of the previous owner of this yacht, his requirements were too high, so we equipped the yacht with the most advanced technology and the best materials.

Its cost exceeds 3 million euros, but now the starting price is only 1.5 million euros, which is indeed a bargain." Now this yacht, although not the largest in size.

But his materials, and the new technologies he requires.

The price of this yacht directly came to [-] million euros.

Leshun has built so many yachts, the cost of this yacht can definitely be ranked in the top ten.

"No wonder, but those people have no chance, I want this ship." Su Wei has more than 200 billion RMB in his hands this time.

Converted into euros, that would be 25 billion euros.

Although this yacht is very expensive, since Su Wei likes it, he must take it down.

"Hey, Alexander, haven't you finished watching?" At this time, other people came on the yacht, and the person walking in the front greeted Alexander.

It turned out that this person was a colleague of Alexander, and he also brought people to see the yacht.

After all, who wouldn't want to meet a yacht worth hundreds of millions of euros.

"My client likes this yacht very much and plans to buy it, so he wants to see more on it." The second-ranked bank in the world, the client he introduced must be reliable.

And seeing how confident he was, Alexander also believed that he could really afford it.

"Your client is really young." Alexander's colleague looked at Su Wei standing on the airport.

I really sigh in my heart, this person is too young.

At his age, he can't afford a few hundred euros in his pocket.

"Your customers are young too"

(End of this chapter)

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