Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 346 Model Agent

Chapter 346 Model Agent

"Japanese? Korean? Chinese?" Alexander's colleague brought a group of very young men and women.

One of them was very interested in Su Wei, and saw Su Wei staring at them all the time.

So he left the crowd and walked towards Su Wei alone.

Because of his professional relationship, he is very happy to make friends like Su Wei.

After he came to Su Wei, he used three languages ​​to determine which country Su Wei was from.

"Huaxia people" Su Wei was really interested in the group of people who came later.

Because most of the people who came up behind were women.

And these girls are all of that kind of hanger physique.

Among them was a girl with brown hair, and Su Wei took a fancy to her immediately.

He is so distressed now, because if this was in China, he would have gone straight to strike up a conversation.

But this is in Germany, and he doesn't speak any German.

When they were troubled, one of them, who looked like a drug addict, came over.

Speaking is the language of the three countries in East Asia, to determine which country he is from.

Su Wei saw that he found it very interesting, so he told him that he was from Huaxia.

"Hi, I'm David, I brought the girls here to borrow this boat to take pictures today." David and the others came on the yacht, of course they didn't come to buy a yacht.

After all, this yacht is so expensive that not many people in Europe can afford it.

In fact, this time he found a relationship and came to take pictures on the yacht through the back door.

Foreign countries, like domestic ones, are all about relationships.

He would come to chat with Su Wei because he knew that Su Wei came here through formal channels.

And those who can come through serious channels are basically the big shots he wants to climb.

"You can call me Su Wei, your Chinese is very good." At the beginning, Su Wei thought that this person was some playboy.

After all, he brought six girls out by himself.

And these girls, their bodies and looks are all not bad.

This guy named David can communicate with him directly in Chinese.

At the beginning, Su Wei thought that he also knew a few words of Chinese.

"Thank you, you should have figured it out, I'm a model agent, and I have many Huaxia clients." The first time David saw Su Wei, he knew that he must be rich.

After all, he could come to this yacht through formal channels.

Most importantly, there are two bodyguards behind him.

How could he not know that Su Wei is a big shot before combining with the bodyguards he saw at the gate of the shipyard.

Although he is a serious model agent, he especially likes to be a matchmaker.

After all, the commission is only a few dollars, so how can there be such thanks to Fei Duo from the rich.

"So they are all models, no wonder they look so good-looking." At this time, Su Wei saw another man among them, and he had already taken out his camera and started shooting.

And those beauties also began to look concave.

Su Wei has been rich for so long, and to be honest, he has never been a model again.

The two car models last time had originally made an appointment to go to Qiantang OT for a drink together.

But the car was hit that day, so of course the matter of going to drink was cancelled.

Later, the two of them also approached Su Wei on wechat.

But because Su Wei was too busy, he never paid attention to the two of them.

"Are you planning to take over this yacht when you come to visit it?" David was not familiar with Su Wei, so he was not in a hurry to lead him a red thread.

After all, who knows whether Su Wei is a real rich man or a fake rich man.

To be on the safe side, of course, we will talk about it after a period of time.

"I have this plan. After all, I quite like this yacht." Su Wei chatted with this David for a while, and felt that he had a taste of an intermediary.

But it doesn't matter to Su Wei, he just happens to get to know more European beauties through him.

This is exactly what Su Wei wronged David. He only leads the red line for single men and women.

Of course, if he was willing to spend money, he might try another way to make connections.

"Then let's exchange contact information. Don't worry, my girls won't dirty your yacht." David said this, which was just a joke.

After all, Su Wei is so young, he doesn't believe that Su Wei can afford this yacht.

David would have believed it if he had been fifteen years older.

The main reason is that the current Su Wei is at best a rich second generation in David's eyes.

It is true that rich second-generation families have money, but whether they can take it out is another matter.

"This is not my yacht yet, but it should be tomorrow." Su Wei knew that he wanted such a person enthusiastically.

That must show his strength, so he didn't plan to hide it.

After all, this is a foreign country, and it is not popular to talk about wealth without revealing it.

In this capitalist world, having money is the only truth.

"We have a show in Paris, France in two days, are you interested in watching it?" David saw that Su Wei was so confident, although he still didn't quite believe him.

But he could tell that his family should be quite rich.

It just so happened that he was going to take a group of people to France for a show in a few days.

He invited Su Wei by the way, and we can have fun together at night.

If this Su Wei is really a rich man, then he must make a fortune from him.

"Do you want to go to the show? Yes, you can contact me when the time comes." Mr. Su's current life, including his previous life.

He has never even been to a show, let alone a catwalk.

He was really interested in this kind of occasion that he had never seen before.

"Then I'm leaving, bye." After David and Su Wei exchanged contact information, they didn't talk much.

After all, there is already contact information, so there is no need to stay here all the time.

And this time he brought the models under his hands to take pictures, and he also wanted to help.

Who wants Leshun Shipyard, otherwise he would bring his assistant on board.

"President Su, who is this person?" Zhang Ruoyu just left for a while, and when he came back, he saw Su Wei chatting happily with a foreigner.

She felt strange, did her boss still have acquaintances in Germany?

And he can only speak a little English, so how does he communicate with the other party.

"I don't know, it seems to be a model agent." Su Wei didn't know whether the other party was a model agent or a model agency.

After all, these two identities, although different.

But in the end, it's all about modeling.

"Model agent? Now that the industry is so profitable, you can even buy this kind of super yacht?" Zhang Ruoyu looked at those women, and they looked a bit like models.

But this kind of model agent can buy such an expensive super yacht?
No wonder the foreign modeling industry is so hot, and the profits are so high.

"People don't buy yachts, they just come up to take pictures." Su Wei knew that Zhang Ruoyu must be the same as him.

I thought this David was also here to buy a yacht.

"President Su, isn't it good?" Zhang Ruoyu saw Su Wei's eyes were looking there, and she saw a foreign girl with brown hair.

She found that this girl was in the group of people, like the center of a whirlpool.

No one else can see, only her alone.

"What?" Su Wei didn't expect to be spotted by Zhang Ruoyu after sneaking a few glances.

If he was before yesterday, he must have looked at it aboveboard.

But now his relationship with Zhang Ruoyu made him feel ashamed as before.

After all, Zhang Ruoyu already knew that he had thoughts about her.

"Don't pretend, it's the brown-haired one." When Zhang Ruoyu saw this brown-haired girl, she knew that Su Wei must like her.

After all, Su Wei's favorite type is like this.

He likes the kind with a small face, big eyes, and a particularly straight nose.

"I don't know what you're talking about. Have you finished reading it? We're going to leave. If we don't leave, we'll stay in Germany for dinner." Seeing that Zhang Ruoyu was here, Su Wei couldn't continue looking at beautiful women.

He stood up and planned to get off the boat and go back.

After all, he is not in a hurry to look at this yacht, anyway, he can look at it slowly after buying it.

"Don't, I don't want to eat sausage"

. . . . . .

"President Su, look to the right." Just after arriving at the airport, Zhang Ruoyu saw a group of familiar people.

These people are the group of models they met on the yacht.

The prettiest brown-haired one is also in it.

"Hi, Sue, I didn't expect to see you again." David came to Germany this time mainly for two purposes.

The first purpose is to pick up these German models.

The second purpose, because he has a relationship with the Leshun shipyard in Bremerhaven.

Just in time for a photoshoot with his girls on that super yacht.

Now that the pictures were taken, of course they were leaving.

He didn't want to stay in Bremerhaven overnight, so many people staying here for a night would be an extra cost.

It's just that he didn't expect to meet Su Wei and the others when he was about to enter the airport.

"It's really a coincidence. Where are you going now?" Su Wei didn't expect such a coincidence to meet David here.

Originally, he thought that he would only see that brown-haired girl again after going to the show in two days.

"We are going to London now, but there is no direct flight here, so we have to fly to Hamburg first, you seem to be going to London too, can't we be so coincidental, are we on the same flight again?" Models like David and the others Brokers, it's all very busy.

They just arrived from Munich this morning.

Now I have to go to Hamburg again in the afternoon, and then fly to London in the evening.

Originally, there was no trip to Bremerhaven, but because of his relationship, I made a special trip.

"I have my own plane, so I don't need to transfer." When Su Wei was in China, he really didn't feel the importance of a private plane.

The main reason is that it is more troublesome to apply for routes in China.

So when in China, private jets are often a tool for him to show off his wealth.

But when you go abroad, it's completely different.

Wherever you want to go, just make a phone call when you take off.

Just let the airport control tower know your information.

"Do you have your own private jet? I buy it, I believe now that you really want to buy that super yacht." Before that, David really didn't think that Su Wei would buy this yacht.

The main reason is that this yacht is too expensive.

In addition, he didn't know that Su Wei was endorsed by ICBC, so it's normal not to believe it.

"So you didn't believe me before?" Su Wei found out at this time that David thought he was bragging about buying a super yacht.

But he thought about it differently, if a person he just met said that he was going to buy this yacht, he would not believe it.

"It can't be helped, because as far as I know, several groups of people have already taken photos on the yacht, but don't worry, if you really buy this yacht, we will get your consent when we post photos." Just listen to what David said.

Because these photos taken by his models are basically not made public.

Most of them are used when submitting resumes.

How could Su Wei be notified of the photos that were not released publicly.

The other models are similar to David's.

"By the way, there are still a few empty seats on my plane. I can take you for a ride. Do you want to?" Su Wei's Gulfstream can take up to 18 people.

But because there were eight bodyguards, plus three of them, and one flight attendant, twelve positions were taken.

There are still 6 seats on Su Wei's plane.

And under David's hands, there are exactly six models.

If David doesn't mind, Su Wei can help him take them all to London.

As for David, he can turn around by himself.

"Really? Su, you're such a good person, but who will go, I have to discuss with them, and I'll answer you later." David didn't expect that Su Wei would invite him to take his plane.

It seems that Su Wei's plane is quite big.

Originally, he thought that Su Wei's was that kind of small plane.

"Xiao Zhang, what kind of eyes do you have?" Seeing Zhang Ruoyu's eyes, Su Wei knew that she must be thinking of something.

But he can't take care of so much anymore, he just wants to vent now.

Who told Zhang Ruoyu to come to be my aunt, so I can't touch her now.

And these models under David's hands are all top-notch.

It would be a pity if you missed it.

"I just think that your purpose of inviting them, Mr. Su, is not pure." Seeing Su Wei's kindness, Zhang Ruoyu knew that he must have other purposes.

Because she has been with Su Wei for so long, she knows that he is not a warm-hearted person.

It must be because of those female models that we have to give up the vacant seats now.

"It's not simple, I just want to help if I can. After all, we are so destined." Su Wei is not familiar with these models. Could it be that he conquers them with his personality charm?

Don't talk about it, this possibility basically does not exist.

After all, the culture is different, and the skin color is also different.

The most important thing is this guy Su Wei, he doesn't plan to have a serious relationship.

The easiest way, of course, is to show your strength.

"It's weird to believe you"

. . . . . .

"Su, the five of us will trouble you later." After discussing with the others, David and the others picked four models to go to London with him.

As for the remaining two models, they must have transferred planes with the staff.

The four models that David took with him were the ones he was more optimistic about and believed to be famous.

"It's okay, we are friends." Su Wei saw that the girl he was looking for was also there, so he thought it was okay.

If the girl he was looking for didn't come up, then David wouldn't even think about taking this plane.

"I know what you want to do, don't worry, I will help you, go, I will take you to meet her." David is not a fool, how could he not know Su Wei's thoughts.

After all, his eyes were almost attached to the girl.

He didn't introduce Su Wei before, because he didn't know Su Wei's strength.

Now that he knows that Su Wei has a private jet, of course he will start to match them up.

After all, if they succeed, then his thank you fee will definitely not be less.

"This is not good, should we wait any longer?" Su Wei was dragged away by David, and everyone else was dumbfounded.

This David is too anxious, he is not ready yet.

Originally, according to Su Wei's idea, of course, a few people should get in touch first.

After everyone gets acquainted, David will introduce him and Ghost Girl to each other.

"Su, you're not very good at this, girls don't like boys who are too shy, come with me.

Hey, Josephine, let me introduce a friend to you, this is Sue who will invite us to take a plane later, this time he is going to buy the super yacht we saw today." David could not help but pull Sue Wei walked towards the brown-haired model.

This Josephine actually worked as a model a few years ago.

But she may think that reading is more important, so in 2015, she quit the circle and went to study.

David will go to Munich this time because Josephine is studying there.

"Hi, my name is Josephine van derden"

(End of this chapter)

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