Chapter 347 Rejection
"President Su, don't look, everyone has already left." After Zhang Ruoyu saw that the group of models had left, she finally breathed a sigh of relief.

On the plane just now, those women seduced Su Wei too nakedly, and they didn't take her seriously.

But as my boss, it seems that he doesn't know that they are trying to get his money.

Flirting with them, fortunately, their English is average, and my boss's English is not very good.

Otherwise, it is very likely that they will live together at night.

"They're gone, let's go too." Su Wei was on the plane just now, and he looked like he was being admired by all the stars.

But he himself is very clear-headed and knows that these models are only here for his money.

But he doesn't care, as long as he is happy.

After all, to them, Su Wei was just greedy for their bodies.

In addition, he has never experienced exotic customs, and he still wants to ride these big ocean horses.

Su Wei would definitely not want to fall in love with or marry them.

It's a pity that Su Wei's favorite Josephine is still too reserved.

When other models surrounded Su Wei, she sat quietly in her seat.

"President Su, the car from Bulgari Hotel is already waiting." Xu Liyang arranged all the accommodation in Europe this time.

After all, she has been in Europe, and Zhang Ruoyu has never even been out of the country.

This time Xu Liyang arranged for Su Wei to live in the Bulgari Hotel in London.

She would choose to live here, mainly because Su Wei often stayed at the Bulgari Hotel in China.

"Why did I find Bulgari this time? You didn't arrange for me to live in an old castle in England." Su Wei was actually a little dissatisfied when he heard that it was Bulgari.

After all, you can stay in a hotel like Bulgari at any time.

And when he was in Kyoto, Bulgari vomited.

And although one of them is in Europe, the other is in China.

But Su Wei thought, the difference between them should not be too big.

But the castles are different, not to mention that the owner of each castle is different.

For the castles in Germany and England, the difference must be even greater.

They have all traveled abroad, so of course they have to live in such unique places.

"Although the castles in Britain can also be rented, because the number is incomparable with that in Germany, it is necessary to find them specially." In such a small place as Germany, there are [-] castles of all sizes.

For Germany, castles are not a rare thing.

But it's different in the UK. There are few castles here.

So most of their old castles have become their protective buildings.

Don't say it is rented out, that is, you have to buy tickets to visit.

Of course, there are old castles that are rented out, but many of them are fakes that have been refurbished.

Even if there is a genuine product, that location is still in a remote mountainous area, and it is not easy to get there.

There are really ancient castles near London, all of which have been taken down by rich people from all over the world.

Many of them use this kind of ancient castle to receive guests, and have no plans to rent it out.

"Forget it, when you get in touch, maybe we will all go back to China." Hearing Xu Liyang's tone, Su Wei knew that this matter was a bit difficult to handle.

Since there is no rent for the castle, forget it.

After all, foreign countries are not his territory, but Su Wei already has a silent plan in his heart at this time.

"Mr. Su, why don't you let the bodyguards stay in the hotel next door. I went there and the environment is not bad. The price is only 200-400 pounds." When the car was approaching the hotel, Xu Liyang suddenly asked Su Wei to ask the bodyguards Go to the hotel next to Bulgari.

After all, the price of Bulgari Hotel is really too expensive.

And the hotel next to her, she lived there before.

Not to mention the cheap price, the environment is also very good.

"Bulgari is full today?" Su Wei thought that the Bulgari hotel was full when he heard that the bodyguards were staying in the hotel next door.

After all, these Bulgari hotels are not very large, and rarely have more than one hundred rooms.

If it was because the hotel was fully booked, then he could only ask Liu Qiang and the others to live in the hotel next door.

"That's not true. That's what I thought. Bulgari's cheapest room type costs more than 1000 a night, so I thought about whether to let them live in a nearby hotel. Anyway, the nearby hotel is also a five-star hotel. "Eight bodyguards, at least four rooms must be opened.

If they live in Bulgari, their room fee alone may cost [-] to [-] pounds a day.

And if you stay in the hotel next door, you can save at least [-] pounds that night.

The hotels next door are also five-star, so it's not a bad treatment for them.

"That's not necessary, I don't need to save so much money"

. . . . . .

"Mr. Su, this is the Bulgari Suite in London. Are you satisfied after looking at it?" The room Xu Liyang arranged for Su Wei must be the Bulgari Suite.

The reason why she booked this room was because she asked Zhang Ruoyu.

Knowing that when Su Wei was in Kyoto, he lived in the Bulgari Suite at 15 a night.

And now the Bulgari suite in London costs only £[-].

If you calculate it, you can spend two nights in London for one night in Kyoto.

"This is the Bulgari Suite in London? It doesn't look good, where is the park outside?" The Bulgari Suite in Kyoto, and the Bulgari Suite in London.

There is really no comparison, because the rooms in the Kyoto store are too luxurious.

The first is the area, the largest Bulgari Suite in London.

The area is 221 square meters, while the area in Kyoto is more than 400 square meters.

Not to mention that the Bulgari suite here is a flat floor, there are actually two bedrooms and a study room in the 221 square meter.

As for the Bulgari suite in Kyoto, its living room is empty.

And in a suite of more than 400 square meters, there is only one bedroom, the master bedroom, so its sense of space will be much better.

"This park is Hyde Park in London. It used to be the exclusive park of the British royal family. To the east of it is Buckingham Palace, where the Queen lives." The view from the Bulgari suite is the famous Hyde Park.

Hyde Park used to be a royal garden, but now it is open to the public for free.

It is the most famous park in the UK and a lot of great things happen in it.

Bulgari Hotel is so expensive, a large reason is that it is close to Hyde Park.

It's not just the hotels close to it that are expensive, the house prices nearby are even sky-high.

"The Queen's Buckingham Palace is on the right? It's a pity, we can't see it from this room." If it wasn't for Xu Liyang's introduction, Zhang Ruoyu didn't know that she lived so close to Buckingham Palace.

Her feelings about Buckingham Palace are the same as foreigners going to the Forbidden City.

They all wanted to see what their respective rulers lived in.

"Xiao Zhang, if you want to see it, it's not easy. Let's go to see it tomorrow." Su Wei is also very interested in seeing Buckingham Palace.

After all, I saw it on TV and news before, so it would be a pity not to watch it now.

"Really? Then I'm going to see the Boulevard tomorrow, then I'll go to Buckingham Palace, and I'll go to Bond Street." To see the Boulevard, that's because you can see the royal guards on horseback.

Needless to say, Buckingham Palace, visit the place where the Queen of England lives.

As for Bond Street, that is where the luxury goods in Europe are concentrated.

No girl can resist this temptation without going for a walk.

"Ruoyu, you have done your homework on the city of London." Xu Liyang knew immediately that the places Zhang Ruoyu mentioned were all the places with the most tourists.

She also went to these places when Xu Liyang first came to London.

Especially Bond Street, where she didn't want to leave.

It was really because she didn't have enough rice in her pocket, otherwise she would have to buy a lot.

"That's right, I know I'm going to London this time, but I read a lot of guides." Zhang Ruoyu has never been abroad, so of course she can only look for guides.

She not only looked for information on the Internet, but also called relatives who went abroad to ask about the situation.

"As long as you can get up tomorrow morning, I will take you to these places.

Xiao Zhang, come to my room and help me pack the clothes I will wear tomorrow." Tomorrow's auction will be after two o'clock in the afternoon.

Su Wei didn't plan to go to the auction in the morning, because it was all auctions of artworks in the morning.

Su Wei has always kept a respectful distance from artworks.

After all, Su Wei is not interested in taking over this kind of game of drumming and passing flowers.

All his money is clean and there is no need to wash it.

"Sister Xu, help me put the things in the room, I'll come over and tidy up later." Seeing Su Wei's eyes, Zhang Ruoyu knew that he must have malicious intentions.

So she asked Xu Liyang to take all her luggage back to the second bedroom of the Bulgari suite.

"What's the matter with you? Why did you ask Xiao Xu to bring your luggage into the room?" Su Wei called Zhang Ruoyu into the room, of course he wanted her to sleep with him.

Unexpectedly, this little girl moved her luggage to the second bedroom.

Now that Xu Liyang is here, it's not easy for him to bring the luggage over.

"I saw the room where sister Xu lived, and it happened to be a double room. I don't sleep there, where do I sleep?" The Bulgari Suite in London, its master bedroom is a double room.

But its second bedroom is two 1.3-meter beds.

In today's situation, Zhang Ruoyu definitely cannot sleep with Su Wei.

One is that Su Wei is afraid that Su Wei's beast will become violent, and it will be over if he collapses.

The second one is that Xu Liyang also lives here, so she must avoid it.

After all, before the relationship between her and Su Wei was revealed, she didn't want Xu Liyang to see anything.

"You sleep with Xiao Xu, what should I do?" Su Wei is very dishonest when he sleeps at night.

If he sleeps alone at night, how lonely and lonely his hand will be.

"Boss Su, of course you live by yourself. Okay, I'll pack up my things and I'll go back to my room." Zhang Ruoyu hung up all the clothes Su Wei was going to wear tomorrow.

At a fast speed, he left Su Wei's master bedroom.

Mainly because she was afraid that if it was too late, she would not be able to leave.

"Hey, oh"

. . . . . .

"Ding Ding Ding"

"Hello, guess who I am?" Su Wei was looking at Hyde Park outside when his phone rang.

I looked at the number and found that it was a foreign number.

"Foreigners who speak Chinese have accents. What's the matter with you, David?" Maybe foreigners listen to their own Chinese, and they can't tell that they have an accent.

But when the Chinese people heard it, it was really quite obvious.

In addition, Su Wei's number was given to the model agent abroad.

If this Su Wei doesn't know who it is, then he is too stupid.

"I have a party here in London at nine o'clock tonight. Are you interested in coming? Josephine will also come." David saw Su Wei's plane at the time, which was a Gulfstream G650.

At that time, he had only one idea, that is, this big boss himself must be firmly grasped.

Originally, he introduced Josephine to Su Wei, just to let the two of them get acquainted.

David didn't quite believe that sparks would just spark between them.

After all, Josephine was a little popular when she walked on the runway a few years ago. She is a girl who has seen the world.

But he didn't expect that Su Wei's plane would be a Gulfstream G650.

Although Josephine didn't jump on Su Wei like other models, it was only because she knew how to be reserved.

Knowing this situation, he started contacting people after getting off the plane, and wanted to hold a party at night.

He planned to strike while the iron was hot, and quickly let Josephine take it down for Su Wei.

"Forget about today, I'm a little tired, and I have serious business tomorrow." When Su Wei heard that there was a party, his first reaction was to go.

But after thinking about it, I still didn't go.

Because if he went, it would be easy to lower his status.

After all, David is just a model agent, what kind of words does he call by himself.

"That's really a pity. The next time Miss Josephine wants to see you again, she should only be in France." David could understand the rejection this time.

After all, his invitation was a bit too hasty.

But it doesn't matter if I didn't succeed this time, as long as Su Wei came to the show in France.

He sincerely hoped that all the girls under his command could find a good home.

When they found a good home, their husbands would definitely not be stingy.

"France is a romantic place, I'm looking forward to seeing Miss Josephine walk on the catwalk." Of course Su Wei knew what David meant by saying this, just to remind him not to forget about the French show.

Su Wei has not been to Josephine yet, so he must go to France.

"Since you're not coming, I'll have to go to the party by myself"

. . . . . .

"When did you come out?" After Su Wei made the phone call, he turned around and saw Zhang Ruoyu and the others there.

He was surprised that he didn't even know when these two people came behind him.

"While Mr. Su was answering the phone," Xu Liyang and the others packed their luggage, and when they came out, they heard Su Wei on the phone.

The two of them didn't want to disturb him, so they walked lightly when they came out.

"President Su, David asked you to go to the party, why didn't you go?" Zhang Ruoyu just heard that David invited him to the party, and her heart was in her throat.

After all, this kind of party in foreign countries is for pairings of men and women.

If Su Wei goes, there is a high probability that he will hook up with those models.

After all, so many female models knew that he was rich, how could they let him go.

"The party he invited me to today was probably organized by himself, I don't think it's interesting.

What are you going to do dressed like this? "If it wasn't for Su Weicai and David getting acquainted this afternoon, he would definitely have gone.

Because that's the kind of party that's interesting.

As long as you see the right eye, you can go out and open a room directly.

Really go to that big party, it's just boring.

At this time, he noticed that both Zhang Ruoyu and Zhang Ruoyu had changed their suits into skirts.

"Isn't this what I just heard from Sister Xu that Sloane Street is next to the hotel, so we plan to go shopping after dinner?" Zhang Ruoyu meant by saying that she wanted Su Wei to go with her.

After all, this place is unfamiliar, and she lacks a sense of security.

Changing out of his suit was just to make Su Wei automatically hooked.

"Sloan Street? What is that place? I don't think it's famous." Su Wei didn't know where Sloane Street was, and he didn't feel like he had heard of it.

Looking at Zhang Ruoyu's clothes, he planned to follow suit later.

"Sloane Street is a street next to our hotel. This street is not very famous among tourists, but the locals know that there are many luxury jewelry stores here." When I was in Bremerhaven before, because There are small cities in Europe.

So the two of them didn't go out shopping.

Now that they are in the metropolis of London, how could they not go to these luxury stores.

Although they are going to Bond Street tomorrow, they can't help it now.

So tonight, I plan to take Sloane Street as a knife.

"Well, let me go with you after dinner, after all, it's not safe for you two girls to go out"

(End of this chapter)

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